WIP: (A.D. 60. Two friends in Ancient Rome.) Questions

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    Ellette Giselle
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3481



      Sigh, it’s another game of will-he-won’t-he

      I know. I just love those. *sighs happily*


      I have to brush my sister’s hair, and then I should just about have this next chapter ready for you!




      No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 612


        I have to brush my sister’s hair, and then I should just about have this next chapter ready for you!

        Okay, can’t wait!!


        “Our house is full of ducks!!!!”

        Ellette Giselle
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3481

          @theshadow Here you go!


          Chapter 15

          The cheers and stamping of the crowd sounded like thunder above them. Flavia flinched at the sound and clung to Marcus’ hand. Marcus swallowed hard and looked up at the roof above them. He knew the people were waiting up there, feeding their lust for blood and violence on the gladiator fights. From somewhere nearby, a lion roared in his cage. Julius gasped and leaned against the stone wall. Marcus looked over at him and saw his friend’s face was deathly white and he was shaking.

          Marcus looked about the place they were being held. It was a cage-like cell with three walls, built against the stone wall at the back. Torches flickered, casting dark shadows up and down the halls. Marcus had never guessed what a labyrinth was under the Colosseum, but it made sense. Where else could they hold so many men and beasts?

          “Marcus,” whispered Flavia.

          He turned and looked down at her.

          “Marcus, do you think Thad will be here?”

          Marcus hadn’t thought of the boy since they were captured. Now, he suddenly realized what was about to happen. Thaddeus would lose his sister and Marcus, whom he had come to love as a brother.

          Flavia began to cry softly. “I hope he’s not. Oh Marcus, what will he do without us?”

          Marcus put a comforting arm about her. “He’ll be alright, Flavia. Caius and the others will take care of him. And most importantly, God will be with him. He is a Father to the fatherless, Flavia. He’ll be with Thad. Through His power, Thad will grow up to become a strong man. A fearless warrior of God who can face the world without fear, because he knows that Christ is at his side.”

          Flavia wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.
          Above them, the thunder of rhythmic stamping shook small stones and a cloud of dust from the roof. Flavia leaned closer to Marcus, and he tightened his hold on her, staring up at the roof. A sound caught his ear, and he turned. Julius was leaning against the wall, his hands over his face. Marcus glanced down at Flavia. “I need to speak to Julius a moment,” he whispered.

          She nodded, and Marcus walked over to his friend. He touched Julius’ shoulder, and Julius recoiled. “Hey, it’s only me,” soothed Marcus.

          Julius looked up at him, his face white with terror.

          “Julius, you’re afraid, aren’t you,” said Marcus.

          Julius nodded.

          “What would you give to be free of that fear forever?”

          “Anything, Marcus,” whispered Julius, shakily.

          “Come to Christ, Julius. He’s calling you, and He’s ready and waiting. His arms are open to you and once you humble yourself and cry out, He will never let you go. When you fall, he will catch you, and He will carry you safely home. ‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will not fear for You are with me.’ Don’t you want to make those words yours?”

          Julius looked away. “I can’t do it Marcus. I can’t.”

          “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell,” said Marcus. “Fear the Lord, Julius. Fear the one who will punish you, and rightly so, after death. Fear His just wrath, and call out to Him. Humble yourself and He will save you.”

          “If I do that, I will die,” replied Julius, his teeth chattering.

          “Jesus said, ‘You will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.’ You will be hated Julius, but He will save you. He will never let you go. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. We are more then conquerors in all things through Him who loved us, Julius.”

          “Conquerors,” laughed Julius, in a choked voice. “You and Flavia will die out there if you do not listen to them!”

          “No Julius, we will be victorious. We will stand firm and not bend the knee to false gods, and we will go down as true soldiers. We will fight our last battle, and through Christ, we will win it. Then we will be welcomed into his eternal kingdom and we will see our King and Savior face to face. Can anything be more glorious then that?”

          Before Julius could answer, they heard the sound of boots in the passage. A moment later, Ignatius appeared, and with him were several guards. One of the guards unlocked the cell, and Ignatius jerked a thumb toward the hall.

          Taking Flavia’s hand, Marcus followed Ignatius down the hall. He glanced back and saw Julius was trailing them, a sickening look of terror on his face.

          They reached one of the many gates that led out into the arena, and Ignatius held up a hand for them to stop. He turned to Marcus and Flavia. “You know the choice you will be given.”

          “And you know our answer,” replied Marcus.

          Ignatius glared at him. Then he turned to Julius. “You will wait here. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt out there when things turn ugly,” he said with a cold smile.

          Marcus turned and laid a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Julius, it’s not to late yet. Do it while you have the chance!”

          Julius looked away.

          Marcus tightened his hold, ignoring the pain in his hand. “I pray that I will see you again and we will stand together before our Savior. Together, Julius.”

          “Enough,” snapped Ignatius.

          One of the guards pulled Marcus away, and he and Flavia were pushed forward into the arena.

          The roar of the crowd was deafening, and Marcus winced, wanting to cover his ears. He looked up and blinked in the sunlight. It felt so strange, standing down here instead of being up there in the crowd. Never in all the years he had watched the games had Marcus realized what it was like to stand down there, surrounded by thousands of people yelling for your blood. He glanced over at Flavia and saw she was slightly pale. Marcus reached out a hand to her, but the guards yanked him back.

          The two were taken across the bloodstained sand to stand before the Emperor. Marcus looked up and saw the highest ranking men of room staring down at him with contempt.

          The crowd was quieting to hear what would pass, though they all knew what would likely follow.

          The man seated at Nero’s right hand rose and looked down at Marcus and Flavia. “Who are you?” he demanded.

          “I am Marcus, and this is my wife, Flavia,” replied Marcus.

          “Do you believe in the one God of the Christians?”

          “Yes I do,” replied Marcus.

          “Yes sir,” answered Flavia.

          “Will you pay homage to Jupiter?” demanded the man.

          “No sir,” they said at once.

          “If you do not, you will die.”

          For a brief moment everything Ignatius had threatened filled Marcus’ mind. cold fear crept up his spine and Marcus could hardly breathe. Lord help me. Raising his head, Marcus spoke. “If that is Nero’s demand, that let it be so, but I will never do as you ask.”

          “Marcus is right, we cannot do what you command,” agreed Flavia.

          The man waved a hand, and the guards left the arena. Marcus watched them go, his heart beginning to race a little. This is it. It’ll all be over in a few moments. He was filled with a strange mixture of excitement and longing for what lay beyond, and dread of what was about to come. The crowd was yelling and cursing, calling for their death. Strangely enough, Marcus couldn’t really hear them anymore. He felt a deep calm and peace wash over him. Despite his situation, Marcus felt more safe then he ever had. He turned to face Flavia.

          Flavia’s dress was torn to the knee from bandaging Marcus’ wounds, she was dirty and tired, but pale face was shining with the light of her faith. Marcus knew she had never looked more beautiful then in this moment.

          Flavia reached up and pulled free the leather band that was wrapped about her hair. It came lose, and she cast it away, letting the brown waves of her long hair fly loose in the breeze. She smiled up at Marcus, tears glistening in her eyes.

          Marcus held out his hand, and she took it. Mark’s bent and gently kissed her hand. Then he put his arm about her shoulders, and she slipped hers about his waist. Together to two walked toward the center of the arena, as if they were beside a peaceful stream in the twilight.

          The crowd slowly fell quiet, but neither Flavia or Marcus noticed.

          Marcus leaned close to Flavia. “Lucius would be proud of you.”

          She smiled. “I knew that this might happen some day. I am glad that you and I will travel this road together.”

          “I told you I would hold you to the very end, didn’t I?”

          “Yes you did,” she replied.

          Marcus glanced toward the gate from where they had entered. “Lord, give Julius the strength to make the right choice.”

          “Yes Father,” murmured Flavia.

          They had reached the center of the Colosseum now, and Marcus stopped. He turned to face Flavia and put a hand against her cheek. “I love you.”

          “I love you to, Marcus,” she whispered.

          Marcus bent and gently kissed her.

          Two gates crashed open, and a lion stepped forth, saluting the crowd with a roar. Marcus glanced over at it, and then he looked back at Flavia. “In just a few moments, I will walk with you hand in hand to meet our Lord.”

          Flavia smiled up at him. She dropped down to her knees, and Marcus followed suit. Moving between Flavia and the lion, Marcus wrapped his arms about her, pulling her to his chest. Flavia’s long hair blow out in the breeze, and she wrapped her arms over top of his, resting her head back against his chest. Marcus began to pray softly as he held her and the lion moved about the arena. For a moment he saw it from the corner of his eye, but then it moved behind him again.

          There was the whisper of scattered sand, and Marcus braced, hearing the creature moving closer. Then, a moment of breathless silence. Marcus knew if he turned he could probably lean out and touch the creature. Again Ignatius words filled his mind, but he chased them away with the knowledge of the truth. “No one can separate us from the love of Christ.” he whispered. He bent forward, completely shielding Flavia with his body. He heard her catch her breath. Marcus closed his eyes. “Flavia, He’s with us,” he breathed.

          The lion leapt.



          No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 612


            Man… that hit hard. Really hard. I may or may not have almost started crying at the end there. Great job, I noticed you put in more descriptions of the colosseum, and that really helped to imagine the inside of the colosseum. The atmosphere was good as well, and everything was great!!

            “Our house is full of ducks!!!!”

            Ellette Giselle
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3481


              Thank you! I’m glad it was good. I’m also glad it hit hard, because I wanted it to, ya know. Chapter 16 is almost done.

              No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 612


                You’re welcome! I’m excited for the next chapter.

                “Our house is full of ducks!!!!”

                Ellette Giselle
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3481


                  Chapter 16


                  Julius closed his eyes tightly. How did they do that? How could they face death so unafraid?

                  Ignatius voice broke in through his thoughts. “They walked out there was taking a twilight stroll. I must admit, the courage of these Christians is impressive.”

                  Julius felt sick. He could still hear the lion roaring out there, and he tightened his hands into fists. “Let it be over quickly. Please let it be quick.” He whispered.

                  “That’s a man for you,” continued Ignatius, as though he were discussing merchandise. “He shielded his wife with his own body. That lion is still trying to tare him off of her. I don’t she’s even been touched, but that beast is furious.”

                  Julius couldn’t breathe.

                  “Fates, there’s too much dust, I can’t see,” grumbled Ignatius. “Ah, it’s settled a little. Apollo, your friend Marcus still hasn’t let go of her. I think they might be dead, but I can’t tell–––”

                  “Shut up!” Julius screamed at him. “

                  Ignatius laughed, but Julius ignored him. Covering his face with his hands, he wept brokenly. Marcus’ words kept sounding in his mind. hi faith, his courage, his trust. It wouldn’t leave Julius alone. He died for you. He loves you. Come to Him. He’ll never let you go, you can stand when all the world falls back, you can go forward, knowing if you fall you will be caught. Death is just a doorway. A kingdom, Julius. Everlasting life, a God who loves you. Nothing can ever separate you from Him.

                  Julius couldn’t stand it. Everything in him longed to come to the this God. To throw himself at His feet, to beg for mercy. He longed for the faith and strength that Marcus had. For the peace that filled him. Yet, Julius was afraid.

                  The lion roared again and all the strength drained from Julius. He fell to hands and knees, gasping for breath. I can’t do it! I can’t! I can’t face that!

                  Rough hands dragged Julius to his feet. Ignatius stepped away from the gate and smiled at Julius, but it was a smile that never reached his eyes. “Well, go ahead. Now that the people have seen Nero’s justice, it’s time for them to see his mercy.”

                  Julius was shaking so hard he couldn’t stand. The guards shoved him forward and he stumbled, catching himself against the wall. The gate was open, and Ignatius held a hand out toward it. Julius clung to the stone wall, tears running down his face. He couldn’t move.

                  Ignatius motioned to the guards and they grabbed Julius, dragging him forward. Ignatius stepped to meet them in the gateway. The guards stopped, and Julius looked up at him. Ignatius chuckled softly. “You certainly are not one of them. They walk like princes and die like heroes. You are nothing but a coward.”

                  The guards yanked Julius forward into the arena, and gates slammed closed behind them. Julius stood frozen in terror, staring about him at the thousands of people screaming for his death. He began shaking and his teeth chattered.

                  The guards shoved him forward again, and Julius stumbled across the sand. He glanced around and froze. There, lying not thirty paces away, were Marcus and Flavia. Marcus was awash in blood, and he lay overtop of Flavia. Two guards were stooping over them, and one pushed Marcus off of Flavia with his boot. He was clearly dead, and Julius shuddered. Flavia looked unharmed, and the blood on her seemed to be mostly Marcus’. One of the guards bent over her, and the crowd waited. A moment later the guard rose and made the sign of death.

                  The crowd cheered.

                  Julius couldn’t tare his eyes away. One of Marcus’ arms was still over Flavia, and his face was turned toward her. The expressions on their pale faces were ones of peace, despite what they had gone through. Julius couldn’t understand it. How could they have peace in the face of death, and a death like this?

                  A guard shoved Julius and he stumbled forward, moving in a daze of terror and confusion. Suddenly, a guard yanked him to a stop. Julius looked up at saw he was standing below the Emperor’s box.

                  Several young Prætorian were there, a few whispering, others watching him. The sun flashed off of the silver and gold clasps of their bright clothing. Nero was reclining in his seat, his eyes roaming over the Colosseum in boredom. One of the men beside Nero rose. He said something, and the Emperor turned his attention on Julius. The man said something again, and a smile slowly turned up the corner of Nero’s mouth. He nodded and then looked back at Julius.

                  The man standing beside Nero turned and looked down at Julius. “Who are you.”

                  “Julius,” whispered Julius.

                  “Speak up lad,” encouraged the man.

                  Julius cleared his throat and forced his voice to work. “Julius. I am Julius.”

                  “Do you serve the one God of the Christians?” asked the man. He smiled at Julius and might have even winked. Julius opened his mouth to reply no, but the word choked in his throat. He paused. Against his will, he turned and looked toward the center of the arena where Marcus and Flavia lay. He tried to swallow, but couldn’t.

                  “Julius, what if I told you that you could have the strength to step forward when all the rest shrink back. You could face obstacles knowing that if you fall, you will be caught. You could let go of the fears that race around your mind, and simple rest in the knowledge that you will be taken care of. And Julius, you would never be alone.”

                  Julius tried to shake away Marcus’ words, but they kept playing through his mind, as loud as though Marcus was speaking them right that moment.

                  “He cares about you so much that if you were the only sinner on this earth, He would have died just for you. He will never leave your side, and He will give you the strength to face anything.”

                  The strength to face anything? Wondered Marcus. The strength to face that?

                  “We will be victorious. We will stand firm and not bend the knee to false gods, and we will go down as true soldiers. We will fight our last battle, and through Christ, we will win it. Then we will be welcomed into his eternal kingdom and we will see our King and Savior face to face. Can anything be more glorious then that?”

                  Nothing, Thought Julius, in reply. Nothing could.

                  “Julius, do you believe in the Christian God?” asked the man. Julius looked up and found that he was no longer smiling. He looked confused. Nero was frowning, and he gave Julius a slight shake of the head, as if warning him not to do anything rash.

                  Julius heard a lion roar, and at that instant all the fear was back. He felt like he was drowning. He was going under, he was falling, there was no one to catch him. He dragged in a gasping breath.

                  “We must confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that Christ is Lord,” replied Marcus. “Jesus said, ‘everyone who acknowledges Me before men, I also will acknowledge before My Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies Me before men, I also will deny before My Father who is in heaven.’ We cannot deny our Lord Julius, even if it means death.”

                  Julius wanted to cover up his ears, to drive away the voice. I can’t do this own my own!

                  “You don’t have to face it alone.” The voice that spoke in his mind might have been a memory of Marcus’, or perhaps it was something else. Julius froze. If I call out on the God of the Christians, the only God that I believe is real, then I will die. But… Marcus said I would live.

                  But what if He’s not real? Whispered a voice in his mind.

                  Marcus believed He was. Marcus believed it with all that was in him.

                  What if he was wrong?

                  Then he couldn’t have died like that.

                  There was silence for a moment, and Julius closed his eyes. God, are you there? Can you hear me?

                  It’s all very well for Marcus to pray, hissed the accusing voice. Marcus was a good young man. Much better then you. Let’s say this God is real, why would he ever want someone like you?

                  God I need to know if You’re real! Screamed Julius in his mind.

                  what nerve have you demanding such things of God?

                  Julius lowered his head, but beyond the taunts of the voice, he could feel something. It was like the warmth of the sun’s first rays creeping into the courtyard. It was a tiny, tiny sliver of peace. Julius found himself looking back at Marcus and Flavia. I was there for them. A voice whispered in his heart.

                  “Julius!” thundered a voice.

                  Julius jumped and turned. Nero was on his feet, glaring down at him. There was a look of thinly vailed fury on his face. “Julius, give me your answer now. Say no, and you are free to go. Say yes, and I throw you to the lions.”

                  Julius opened his mouth, but no words came.

                  Nero leaned forward. “Give. Me. Your. Answer.”

                  A lion roared loud enough to shake the sand beneath Julius’ feet, and a voice whispered, I am here.

                  Julius closed his eyes. taking in a deep breath, he raised his head.

                  There, surrounded all of Rome, standing face to face with the Emperor, with death waiting at his back, Julius made his choice.

                  No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                  Ellette Giselle
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3481



                    So that is the end. I await your reply……….. and possible outrage. lol. However, I have to kick off to do some stuff, so I’ll prob. get back tomorrow morning.

                    No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 612


                      THATS THE ENDING?! Nononono it can’t be the ending right?! Julius chose to die right?! Okay that got me, that hit really hard oh my goodness. Wow.

                      “He shielded his wife with his own body. That lion is still trying to tare him off of her. I don’t she’s even been touched, but that beast is furious.”

                      Awww 🥺

                      Ignatius stepped away from the gate and smiled at Julius, but it was a smile that never reached his eyes.

                      You used the phrase “that never reached his eyes” twice, which is the only critique I have. Man, that ending… good job. Congratulations, that’s was great!


                      “Our house is full of ducks!!!!”

                      Ellette Giselle
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3481


                        THATS THE ENDING?! Nononono it can’t be the ending right?! Julius chose to die right?!

                        Well……. I had a crazy idea to leave it like that with no one ever knowing. However….. I can add one sentence that will change the entire ending and then you would know the answer to that. However, I also liked the unknown ending as well. what is your opinion?

                        Okay that got me, that hit really hard oh my goodness. Wow.

                        I hope that’s a good thing……..

                        You used the phrase “that never reached his eyes” twice,

                        Ah, thanks for that. I’ll tweak it.

                        Man, that ending… good job. Congratulations, that’s was great!

                        Thank you! And again, is the ending good? I can’t tell from the comments you made if you like it or not. lol.


                        Btw, thanks for sticking it out and getting to the end with me! Knowing that you were reading it really encouraged me to push to the end, even though I was uncomfortable writing historic fiction and wanted to run away and go back to safe old fiction where I don’t have to worry about re-writing history! lol. Thanks so much!

                        No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                        SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2859


                          I read the last two chapters and that hit me hard too!!!

                          I almost cried….😭😭😭💔💔

                          I need to read it all the way through again!

                          You have a beautiful story and I can’t wait to see what God does with it!

                          (And I understand perfectly about why you started before Marcus converted, it makes sense now!)

                          This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

                          Ellette Giselle
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3481


                            I read the last two chapters and that hit me hard too!!!

                            I almost cried….😭😭😭💔💔

                            I’m kinda cheering right now, even though I know that sounds really bad……..

                            I need to read it all the way through again!

                            Wow!! Really? That’s awesome!

                            So, what is your opinion on the end? should I leave it unknown like it is?


                            Thank you so much for the advice you gave. I hope I was able to incorporate it into my writing!






                            No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 612


                              what is your opinion?

                              I do like the ambiguity of the ending, I just wanted to make sure Julius chose right lol.

                              I hope that’s a good thing……..

                              It is good thing, it shows that your book has an impact on the reader.

                              Btw, thanks for sticking it out and getting to the end with me! Knowing that you were reading it really encouraged me to push to the end, even though I was uncomfortable writing historic fiction and wanted to run away and go back to safe old fiction where I don’t have to worry about re-writing history! lol. Thanks so much!

                              Your welcome! I enjoyed your book a lot, it was really good!! It’s good that you challenged yourself on this with historic fiction, you did a nice job with it!!

                              “Our house is full of ducks!!!!”

                              SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2859


                                So, what is your opinion on the end? should I leave it unknown like it is?

                                I think you should show Julius accepting Jesus, and end it at that. Because I really want to know if he chose right or not! But if you like it more the way you have it then keep it!

                                Thank you so much for the advice you gave. I hope I was able to incorporate it into my writing!

                                Aside from a few grammar things, I really don’t have any critiques on your other chapters, they were really good!

                                You took everything sooo well and it was amazing working with you!!!!!!!! You did incorporate a lot of my advice and it was great to see you grow in just (what was it, a week?!?! Girl I don’t understand I can’t even write a WHOLE CHAPTER in a day!!! I go too slow…and then I get sidetracked editing for funzies XD)

                                And yes, after reading the whole thing I actually did cry….

                                I want a husband like Marcus, one that will hold me to the end!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭

                                I agree with Shadow, you did great with this! Pleassse get this published!!

                                Also your book reminds me a little of A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers, if you haven’t read that you should!!!!

                                This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

                                Ellette Giselle
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3481


                                  I do like the ambiguity of the ending, I just wanted to make sure Julius chose right lol.

                                  well, now that there’s two of you saying it and not just one, I feel more inclined to go to go dig up the alternate ending from it’s hiding spot. lol.

                                  It is good thing, it shows that your book has an impact on the reader.

                                  Yay!!! I’m so glad!!

                                  Your welcome! I enjoyed your book a lot, it was really good!! It’s good that you challenged yourself on this with historic fiction, you did a nice job with it!!

                                  Thank you! Yeah, after the help I got with this, I feel like I could try anything on here and I would have help no matter where I got stuck, because so many of Y’all are on here!



                                  I think you should show Julius accepting Jesus, and end it at that. Because I really want to know if he chose right or not!

                                  Okay, it’ll be in the post right after this.


                                  Aside from a few grammar things, I really don’t have any critiques on your other chapters, they were really good!

                                  Grammar is gonna be the death of me. 🙁 Besides, you got the unedited version because I was putting them on here as fast as I wrote them. lol. Hope it wasn’t too bad… lol.


                                  You took everything sooo well and it was amazing working with you!!!!!!!! You did incorporate a lot of my advice and it was great to see you grow in just (what was it, a week?!?!)

                                  Wow! Thank you so much! I’m glad I wasn’t a pain to work with. I can be sometimes. lol. Thank you so much for helping so much, both you and Shadow. You two did an amazing job and it was because of your feedback that the chapters improved so well.

                                  And yes, after reading the whole thing I actually did cry….

                                  Me *Does a tiny victory dance* I’m sorry that you cried, But I am also glad because that means I did a great job! (Also, I like crying as a reader.)

                                  Girl I don’t understand I can’t even write a WHOLE CHAPTER in a day!!!

                                  Well, I’ve always had the gift of the story just flowing for me! The only reason I stop is because I have other things to do in the day. lol.

                                  I want a husband like Marcus, one that will hold me to the end!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭

                                  YESSSSSS!!!!! Marcus was the BEST!!! I love how he was protecting her up to the very, very end. I mean, he died over top of her. When he was at the last of his strength and resources, he shielded her with his own body. He is amazing!!!

                                  (And by the way, Ignatius is a BEAST! I still can’t believe he could stand there and discus what was happening as if it was some sort of entertainment for him. Ugh, if I could get my hands on him.) Shadow was right to suspect all along. lol.

                                  Btw, Sara, I never got to hear if you suspected Ignatius or if you thought he was really trying to help Marcus and Julius?


                                  I agree with Shadow, you did great with this! Pleassse get this published!!

                                  Aw, thanks! I plan on it! I have some other stuff stacked up, so maybe next year. Btw, I’m going to try and release the first book of a trilogy, (after The Space Between Us, which is about to be out.) I was wondering if either of you would be interested in giving me some feedback on the first book in The Flames of Hope Trilogy. If you don’t have time, that’s fine. However, you helped so much that I completely trust y’all, and that one is my pet, so it’s saying a lot. lol. It’s been through 3? maybe 4 founds of edits, so it’s going to be a lot smoother then this last one. I would love critical feedback, thoughts as a reader, and then any grammar, spelling, etc. that you notice and would be willing to mention. I have a structural editor who’s going to look at it, so I wouldn’t need you to go through trying to find all the edits as much as just anything that you notice as you read. As authors, I would want more of story structure/character/plot edits. Anyone want to do that? 😀


                                  Also your book reminds me a little of A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers, if you haven’t read that you should!!!!

                                  No, I haven’t! I’ll take a look!

                                  No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

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