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- This topic has 236 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago by
Keilah H..
December 15, 2022 at 3:16 pm #124602
Tink has blue eyes in the book. I really hope they don’t change that, cuz that becomes really important later on.
book 4 is my favorite!! It’s definitely longer than the other ones and I think I remember some parts being slow (don’t take my word for it, I haven’t read it in a while), but it is my fave!!!
If I remember right… Artham is in it more… I think. I’m starting rereading the series. As you can tell, I need to! 🤣
Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende
December 15, 2022 at 3:54 pm #124612Yes, Tink’s eye color does become very important later on. My mom and I were discussing that at lunch today and I sincerely hope they don’t change that part of the story for character design or whatever. Honestly, that might be the thing to turn me off from the show (only slightly exaggerating).
December 15, 2022 at 4:15 pm #124635Me too. I really hope they don’t change that.
Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende
December 15, 2022 at 8:54 pm #124673Yes, people. I can confirm that Tink’s eyes are blue.
"If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.
December 16, 2022 at 7:43 pm #124749@sarafini @esther-c @whalekeeper @annabethkatherinewingfeather @anyone else I’m forgetting
I agree that On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness isn’t as great as the others. I think Andrew Peterson had some good ideas, but he hadn’t worked much on his writing yet. And I do not like the type of “humor” that occurs in especially the first threeish chapters.
But the other books are so much better! My favorite is either The Monster in the Hollows or The Warden and the Wolf King.
Janner, why did you have to die?!?!?
I see why. But it still breaks my heart.
Yes, Tink’s eyes are blue. That’s how Janner knows he hasn’t completely turned into a Fang yet.
Dark is the Shadow, and yet my heart rejoices.
December 16, 2022 at 8:20 pm #124752Oh No DoN’t SpOiL tHe EnD 😳😂
But yes, I agree with you
"If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.
December 17, 2022 at 2:58 pm #124789I agree.
Janner, why did you have to die?!?!?
I think that is literally one of the best allegories I’ve ever read. (Besides Chronicles of Narnia, of course, though I’m not sure if I’ve read any others. 😂)
Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende
December 18, 2022 at 5:51 pm #124843I just finished book 3! Bonnifer’s being a traiter was sooo unexpected 😆 I was kinda shocked.
That was shocking, wasn’t it? I loved the twist tho.
Artham calling the florids swords thing a “costume” really cracked me up.
Haha, yeah. XD
I kinda liked book 2 better than 3! Just asking, how good is book 4? I’ll read it eventually, but I’m just wondering. Is it the best book? Also how much is Artham in it? He’s my favorite character and I was a bit disapionted I couldn’t see more of him in book 3.
Everyones already answered this bc I haven’t been on here in forever, but yeah, he’s more in the 4th book. I love Artham so much too!! He has a few chapters of him being the pov! Those are some of my favorites.
December 18, 2022 at 6:24 pm #124852Oh, he has pov chapters?!!!!!
And I’m probobly getting book 4 for Christmas, you mean I have to wait A WEEK???!!
I wanna read it now lol. I’ve read the first 100 pages in a preview online, so I’ve had enough to want more really badly lol 😂
December 18, 2022 at 6:31 pm #124855YES HE DOES!!!!! It’s only like 4, but STILL!!! Haha, I got book 3 and 4 last year for Christmas, and i read them in a week XD. Yep, I’m sorry! But it’s just one week…It will go by like that!
Haha! I do that all the time XD.
December 18, 2022 at 6:52 pm #124857December 18, 2022 at 7:42 pm #124863February 17, 2024 at 4:53 pm #176209Agh! Can’t believe this thread hasn’t been posted on in over a year. I remember I first joined in middle school, and I’m currently nearly halfway through high school! But I have a couple comments and I want feedback!!!
Okay so first, just a quick aside about the show-I have all the old covers of the books, because they are my dad’s and he bought the original copies. (We have some of them signed, which is super fun!) So for my sister and I we always kinda just had to imagine the characters’ appearances, which is why in my mind Janner is a male version of me and Kalmar is a male version of my sister. Also, I’m afraid I’m not at all caught up on the show, but my sister is now a huge fan and it’s certainly weirding me out that she wants all the merch for her birthday, since “back in my day” there was no such thing!
Now, the real reason I’m coming back to this thread. Has anybody read the Wingfeather Tales short story compilation? More specifically, the last story, The Places Beyond the Maps? If so, WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS on the ending, and its implication on Janner coming back (?) and Sara’s relationship with him?
February 18, 2024 at 7:41 pm #176226@annabethkatherinewingfeather I have the Wingfeather Tales!
I had a serious problem with The Places Beyond The Maps though. It wasn’t anything against the story or anything. What I didn’t like was how he kept using run-on sentences. Like ten whole lines of text could be one sentence sometimes. The story was very enthralling (and no I don’t have any theories about the end. I think the writer is purposefully trying to avoid even thinking about it as much as possible lol), and the run-on sentences made a weird deal of sense as the Sara’s father’s thought process, but it was for some reason quite annoying to me.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
February 19, 2024 at 12:26 am #176234@keilah-h your comments make a lot of sense. Tbh I haven’t actually read the whole thing in quite a while, I just remembered how I had so many thoughts about the end. I definitely have to agree about the ending-the more I analyze and try to read into it the more I realize it could totally go either way, and while of course I’m a tad disappointed to be no closer to an answer I really have to respect the write for not turning it into a fanfiction and respecting Andrew Peterson’s wish for the story to remain open-ended. I suppose I should actually re-read the story before making more judgements, haha. I just kinda wanted to revisit this topic, since my sister has been obsessing over the TV series and I’m getting back into the books (and Andrew Peterson in general. His entire discography and all his books are just phenomenal.)
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