Why would you kidnap a little girl?

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    Joy Schmidt
      • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
      • Total Posts: 37

      So I’m planning this story about two sisters, and the younger sister (4-6 years old) is kidnapped, and the older sister (18-19 years old) has to get her back. Neither sisters are rich, and they are alone in the world; no family. The story takes place in a Princess Bride/Grimm Brothers time frame, with fantasy touches but in the real world. My question is this: why should the younger sister be taken? I need a reason and I can’t think of any reason why.

      • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Joy Schmidt.
      Rolena Hatfield
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 405

        Does this book have a villain? Does the villain have anything personal against these two sisters that would make him want revenge? Or is there someone who would take the younger sister to lure the elder sister in and use them both for their evil plans?
        Any chance that there’s a not so friendly neighboring country that despises the two sister’s people and therefore in a rough brawl between a few of the two country’s gents, the little sister gets taken?
        Slave traders, who kidnap her for their trade.
        Maybe the king of that land can’t stand children and so orders all the children to be kidnapped and taken to somewhere far, far away! :p

        Okay, so all of that to say that kidnappings usually happen because someone (typically the villain) has an evil scheme up his sleeve. So maybe figuring out WHO is kidnapping her will help you with the WHY she’s being kidnapped.
        Hope that helps!


        Joy Schmidt
          • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
          • Total Posts: 37

          Thanks; yep, that helped. I like the “two counties who don’t like each other” idea. I know that the bad guy is the one who takes the little sister, but I’m not sure who he is or what he or she wants. I haven’t got that far yet.

          Kate Flournoy
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3976

            Well there are several options here, and some of them may not apply, but a few things that came immediately to mind are:

            (1) To hold her hostage— I am assuming the older sister is in some way important, so they might want to manipulate her into doing something for them by holding her little sister against her.
            (2) Are they a thief organization? Maybe they want someone little that can crawl through drains and windows and eensy teensy spaces they can’t fit.
            (3) Since this is a fantasy kind of thing, maybe they’re planning some political intrigue… this one could go anywhere. Is there some important noble whose daughter went missing a long time ago? The kidnappers might be looking for a little girl about the age that girl would have been so they can lie about who she is and use her to manipulate the noble… or they could be trying to find someone they can pass off as a claimant to the throne… a king’s long lost daughter, or a child of some brother the king might have had at one time who had a claim to the throne.

            Just a few suggestions… hope they were in some sort helpful to get your creative juices flowing. 🙂

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4238

              Everything that came to mind:

              She was confused for someone else (my only good idea)
              A mad scientist wants her for an experiment
              Kidnaped by a rapist (there goes all your readers)
              The kidnapper was insane and just did random things like that for not apparent reason
              She was kidnapped by the super slimy salad monster who ONLY eats little girls
              Goldilocks payed someone to do it … because Goldilocks is Just Pure Evil!


              Joy Schmidt
                • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                • Total Posts: 37

                I’m absolutely loving that second idea…I have a guy character who’s going to help the older sister, and while he’s good he does have a past. Maybe he could have been part of that gang at some time.

                Joy Schmidt
                  • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                  • Total Posts: 37

                  Thanks; I like the first and fourth ideas.

                  I should have asked here sooner for ideas! I’ve been running this over in my mind for awhile and I couldn’t think of anything for some reason. Stupid writers’ block…

                  Kate Flournoy
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3976

                    That would be great about the guy being part of the gang, @Joy-Schmidt! I would totally read that.

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