What’s the weirdest story you’ve ever written?

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      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      What’s the weirdest story you’ve ever written?

      Probably the weirdest story I’ve every wrote was a short story I wrote as an assignment I did for a writing class.

      It was about a boy who was a glassblower, and he had a magical ability to blow molten into anything he wanted, not just glass objects.

      But since he didn’t want the village folk to think he was weird he kept it a secret.

      Then one day a near by volcano happens to explode and it destroys the entire village.

      The glassblower boy is devastated so he decides to reveal his secret and save the day. So with his glass blowpipe and lots of molten and air, he recreates the town.

      the end.


      I can’t tell if this story is absolutely wacky or incredibly boring. Probably both.

      I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote this story and why I got a good grade.

      These are the two biggest unsolved mysteries of my life.

      So anyway, what’s the weirdest story you’ve ever written?

      Daisy Torres
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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        @kathleenramm Okay but that sounds like a Studio Ghibli or something tbh, that’s really not that bad XD It sounds like a short film.

        The moment I read this week’s topic, my mind went to a story that I made a few years ago.

        It’s basically one giant food pun. The girl is an ancient Chinese fruit-stand seller, trying to sell enough fruit to buy medicine for her mom, who has become a vegetable. Literally. She’s now broccoli, and the rest of the town is slowly turning into vegetables as well.

        One day a man asks her if she’d like to become a Fruit Ninja and save her town. She agrees, and she is trained to destroy an evil fruit army that is bent on destroying human kind. To reach the ultimate villain, she must travel over the swiss cheese alps, the alligatorade swamps, the sugarcane forests, and more. The villain is actually her dad, who took super old special tea and poured it over a lemon tree, creating mutant lemons that are his evil soldiers. She ends up destroying, breaking the disease over her town, and saving her mom. The end.


        3am isn’t exactly the best time to plot a novel… XD

        "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

        Linyang Zhang
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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          @kathleenramm Probably a weird one that I never finished where I had some of my characters in some strange situation… My extraterrestrial was doing math homework, my villain was playing baseball (more like hitting the foundation of the house with a baseball bat) and another was getting hyper off of chocolate covered raisins. And then there was driving and a cliff and such. I never finished it because I ran out of paper. And this was written really early on too. I don’t know what I was thinking.

          Lately, it's been on my brain
          Would you mind letting me know
          If hours don't turn into days

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            OOH OOH!! So I made up quite a few stories when I was young that were…so so so unrealistic and such, seeing as how I was a child 🤣

            One of my story ideas was about these 2 kids (like toddlers) who wandered off during a rocket ship taking off, so they got stuck in the rocket ship (can’t remember if there older sibling was stuck too….)

            Anyway I thought it’d be some stories about their adventures on this planet that idk the name of 🤣


            but y’all. Looking back I’m like 🤦🏻‍♀️ Because I’m like “How do two toddlers end up on a ROCKET SHIP about to blast off? And why are they even there?!” Like y’all……


              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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              @kathleenramm yours sounds great! the glassblower is a very cool idea and I’d totally give it a good grade if I was a teacher. Either way it sounds great!! The glassblower idea is amazing (sorry repeated myself lol)

              I admit I laughed out loud but that is a hilarious and great idea XD maybe the older sibling could have bribed them onto it…  heehee

              that sounds interesting… and so fun XD

              yours sounds great! I love good food so it sounds epic! I like the ideas behind it and the food puns!! It’s great XD and honestly late night hours and early morning writing has given me some of my best story moments. Either that or my friends and sister and cousin are liars. I choose the former.

              Ummm I am embarrassed about my weirdest story but hey what’s writing without honesty? XD

              My weirdest story was my first attempted novel. I got to about 130 pages. It was about a girl who was an orphan, but adopted by good people in the far south after they found her floating down a river in a basket. (permission for eyeroll). They allowed her at fifteen to go north because she felt called. (Okay okay, I  was twelve, so fifteen year olds were ancient beings of wisdom and maturity in my eyes) She travelled north down a river, found a magic fire sword that only worked when she held it, went west near a desert and rescued a little dragon. Then she went north and eluded a camp of expert trackers and their camp, that she pranked with waterpails and a rope ( a camp of over 100 expert soldiers… hmmm) and her brother had been secretly tracking her and had a pet bear named Bacon who cornered the captain. She subdued a dragon no one else could approach and it ends up being an alpha so everyone has rides to the city. long story short, she finds out shes a princess, and then plays a song on a glass and gold violin and then she goes flying on her dragon, gets caught by bad guys, they try to poison her, but it gives her superhuman strength, she destroys their fort and—

              yeah it pretty much ended there because I never finished it.

              Did I mention that her name was Rana? anyone who knows spanish would enlighten you it means frog. Not that I knew that at the time. What can I say, I was thirteen and um, yeah. Needless to say it was weird, wacky, preposterous and any other adjective for very lame XD but it was my first attempt which has led to a better book. I have learned the hard way not to make the female MC a superhuman XD

              Ok, Bacon was cool. He’s the only part I still like about my first story.

              I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                Great topic, I love it! 🤣

                Well, my weirdest story was probably my first one.  *epic music plays in the background* The Teres of the Man.  

                Complete with illustrations!!  Oh yeah!  XD  It was about a horse named Wanna (not Wanda, Wanna), an anteater named Carrie, and a frog named Joe.  And the villain was (to quote straight from the book) “a mean man who didn’t like God!  But his heart will change soon!”

                (Btw, a teres is a cave, which you definitely already should’ve known…)

                Long story short, Joe is kidnapped by the Man, Wanna and Carrie go after him, and the convince the Man to become a Christian.  The end. XD


                what we do in life echoes in eternity
                -gladiator, 2000

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 635


                  That story is actually amazing. The creativity is unmatched.

                  Who else write a story where the population is turning into vegetables?


                  Now I’m curious about how all these characters fit together in one story.

                  Also, chocolate covered raisins are underrated.


                  I actually laughed out loud reading what you wrote about your story.

                  But now thinking about it, that story would work really well as a children’s cartoon. Like, two toddlers traveling around space teaching kid’s about the solar system. XD


                  That story sounds oddly familiar. It’s almost like I’m getting Deja vu about a movie I watched as a kid. XD But that story actually sounds like it could be really good, kinda crazy, but good.

                  Also, naming a bear bacon is a brilliant.


                  Haha, for real I’ve probably seen five too many Christian movies with that exact plot. XD Epic music and all.

                  Sami Eastwood
                    • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
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                    The weirdest story I ever wrote was for a fiction writing class in school. It was about a woman who was taken into an archive filled with mythological items. And not just like “Oh look it’s Thor’s hammer” it was also things like Amelia Earhart’s plane and the body of the Headless Horseman. It was so weird, but it was also incredibly fun and I’d love to turn the idea into a full novel one day.

                    “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” - Anne Shirley

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                      the only part I still like about that story is Bacon, he was a good bear that shall live on in my memory for a future story lol

                       that’s so sweet, and the storyline sounds really good.

                      I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 486


                        that sounds so cool!!

                        I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                        Daisy Torres
                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 691

                          @elfwing Haha thank you!!! I mean, technically the food in here is bad? Since they’re villains? Idk XD Thanks though!! And hahahaaa your story idea sounds great!! Especially a bear named Bacon??? That’s a great idea!

                          Bahaha thanks! For that matter, who else writes about magic glassblowing powers?? XD

                          Looollll that has the foundation to be a chaotic masterpiece though XD

                          "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 486


                            Well this is true lol

                            why thank you thank you

                            I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                            Daisy Torres
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 691

                              @elfwibg Haha XD Of course!

                              "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                @daisy-torres honestly ur thing about ppl turning to vegetables reminds me of the rocky and bullwinkle movie



                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  I have plenty of weird stories!

                                  My first long story involved fan fiction characters renting a boat and traveling the world. They played ice hockey (on the land, not on the boat), they went to an animal sanctuary, and they built lightsabers……What, it was my first fanfiction! A Star Wars one, to be exact.

                                  My Tesla anthology was the first story (actually a set of short stories complete with illustrations) I ever wrote, and it was about an electric eel named Tesla who made friends with a talking helicopter named Blade.

                                  Then there was the fanfic where the Marvel characters each had a dinosaur as their sort of pet…..Come on, don’t deny that you think the Avengers riding dinosaurs would be cool.


                                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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