What was the very last scene you wrote? How did it go?

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  • #85430
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      @devastate-lasting So true! And for me, I like picking out what about a story or character didn’t jive so that way I know how to make my stories interesting and my characters lovable. (Keaton needs a lot of work, though. He just doesn’t fit the bill, and I have no idea what’s wrong. I think he hates me. A lot of things/people hate me these days.)

        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 252

        @kathleenramm Well, the last scene I started was one I began one yesterday in class wherein one of my villains shows up with a sawed-off shotgun and starts making snide remarks at one of my protagonists. It’s working well in the conflict arena, but perhaps not so well in the “why do characters in my fantasy novel have guns” arena. *shrug*

        In the last scene I finished (well, half finished), another protagonist got chased out of a train station and ended up falling in the middle of a river. It needs some work still, but overall I think it went pretty well.

        Your scene sounds most interesting–things going up in flames is always an interesting development >:D What genre is your story?

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Elizabeth.

        “Seven seconds till the end. Time enough for you. Perhaps. But what will you do with it?”

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 635


          I don’t think you can go wrong with Treasure Island and Pirates of the Caribbean. There’s just isn’t enough books out there in that style! Well, maybe there are actually a ton of books like that, that I just haven’t heard of.XD (If there are please let me know.)


          Both scenes sound very intriguing! Are both scenes from the some novel? And as Leon Fleming mentioned, there aren’t really any rules when it comes to fantasy. And to be honest, sawed-off shotguns would not be the strangest thing I witnessed in fantasy.

          I guess you could say the genre is superhero, but because of the plot, characters, and general mood and themes, “superhero” isn’t quite an accurate label for it. So maybe sci-fi? Hmm… that doesn’t sound quite right either. Well, I know it’s something along those lines. XD Maybe it’ll be more clear when people beta read it.


          Ah, dear Keaton. I do hope you guys can work through whatever troubles you’ve had together. I feel like he has the potential of being a great character in a great novel one day. XD

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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            @kathleenramm Lord knows he has potential. He’s quite the enigma. He’s so…complex. So wonderful. I really do love him, you know. We’re just…going through a rough patch in our relationship at the moment. I think we need counseling or therapy or something.

            Alien and Sojourner in a Foreign Land
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 634

              @gracie-j Ha ha ha. Yeah, I decided to bring out an old idea that I once had, which lead to a whole lot of other ideas which lead to Into the Deep. And alright; if I’ve any questions, I’ll make sure to pepper you with ’em. 🙂

              (XD) Yeah, I got lost for a second/month there. Coffee generally makes me a little bit jumpy in a strange sort of way, so I’m trying not to drink it too much on a regular basis. But it does make everything stark clear for me, so that’s a plus. That’s too bad, though; maybe you could try smoothes or something (which I’m sure you’ve tried before). I’ve got a weird caffeine story: I used to play little league before they didn’t take my age anymore. Well, one game my dad got be a Red Bull before the game (I was pitching that game). I kinda feel sorry for those guys. I must’ve hit like seven or eight of them. Not to mention that’s the fastest I’ve ever pitched before. And that’s the last time I drank a Red Bull.

              Nice; I thought about getting Gone With the Wind from my library, but decided against it, since there’re obviously many books more worth reading than that. (XD, don’t tell Miss Johnson I said that. She’s likely to snap.)

              XD Thankfully, I was never burdened with the painful afterimage of the My Little Pony show.

              XD Yeah, I wouldn’t know either.

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1789

                @leon-fleming *grabs a bright red Roma tomato from her fridge, then hurtles it at the certain cold, tasteless, uncultured fellow leaning against the back wall with enough force to kill, if her glare hadn’t already done so* Thought you could hide from me, eh, Mr. Fleming? Well, I’ll have you know that *throws another tomato square in his face* Gone with the Wind is a lovely *accidentally picks up a brick and chucks it at the reddened fellow* novel and is quite worth of your *lets the brick fly, grinning when it collides with the victim’s head* time and affection. All right, maybe not your affection, but your time, surely. I mean, it’s a library copy! You pick it up, you read it, you send it back. You don’t have to pay for it or look at it every night. Just read it, will ya?!

                *clears throat, dusting hands upon her matronly apron* Pardon me, all. I’ll cart the slumped over, profusely bleeding, dirty, rotten, mangy, uncouth blighter away for you. I wouldn’t dare dream of leaving y’all with this nasty mess.

                Into the Deep, you say? I’d comment on how interesting that sounds, but you’re currently unconscious. Those tomatoes were mighty powerful. Or maybe that was the brick?

                Alien and Sojourner in a Foreign Land
                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 634

                  @gracie-j (XD) Well, see, I thought about it, but then I’d have to go through all the trouble of actually checking the book out, hauling it home in the car, and having it sit on my shelf, glaring at me while I ignore its presence. I just didn’t see the purpose. By the way, those tomatoes were delicious, but the brick was slightly crunchy. But anyways; I just didn’t want to take the trouble and bother, you know?

                  (@devastate-lasting I told you she’d snap. XD)

                  Yeah, Into the Deep. Considering I caught your torture tools and gobbled them down, I wouldn’t say I’m too out of it. Though, that brick didn’t appreciate the confines of my throat too much.

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1789

                    @leon-fleming When did you get superpowers? Or, wait–have you always been Steel-Stomach-Man? (You really need a new super-name, by the way.) Oh, the mysteries of Captain Belly Cruncher. Yeah. No.

                    You have serious laziness problems, dude. No wonder I never see you flying around, saving people’s lives. And, no, I don’t know. I have a strict moral code of taking every opportunity to read whatever I can (within reason, mind you; I don’t read erotica) and finish it, no matter how terrible the work is, to broaden my horizons. I only ever DNF one book, that I can remember, at least. But you, on the other hand, Sir Eats-a-Lot (much better), have no taste for culture. I’m ashamed.

                    But at least the not-so-super-superhero can write. Maybe he intends to save the world with his pen. Hey, there we have it! Captain McAuthor!

                    Alien and Sojourner in a Foreign Land
                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 634

                      @gracie-j Oh, sometime last September. It was a dark and stormy night, when…yeah.

                      Yeah, it’s getting to be a problem. I guess I could’ve put GWTW in there with the other books I got, but…I don’t know. There were a lot of them.

                      Hey, people gotta eat you know. One time I had twelve eggs on a slab of sour-dough bread toasted well with butter. It was great. Unfortunately, our chickens aren’t producing hardly anything anymore.

                      Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny.

                      Linyang Zhang
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1700

                        @gracie-j @leon-fleming

                        See, there’s this manga I like where all the characters are famous writers, and Margaret Mitchell is really cool. So I thought I might give hers a try. I asked my dad one day during dinner, “How long is Gone With the Wind?”

                        Anyways. I thought i might’ve known if it was over a thousand pages long. But at least its existence explains that one math problem about books and pages.

                        (Fun fact: the book’s name in Chinese means ‘float’. )

                        Lately, it's been on my brain
                        Would you mind letting me know
                        If hours don't turn into days

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1789

                          @leon-fleming Well, I personally thought it was hilarious.

                          Twelve eggs? Geez Louise! Sir Eats-a-Lot it is, then. I definitely think a dozen eggs is probably much better for you than a brick…but, then, I wouldn’t know. I’ve never had a brick before.

                          I’m sorry that your chickens aren’t laying well. Ours actually are at the moment, and I would consider shipping a dozen or two (probably need several more, what with your particular diet) out to you, but, you know, the shipping fees are enormous and the eggs would likely shatter. That, and you’re in the process of moving, so… Maybe once you’re settled, and I’ll bill you for ’em. (What kind of chickens do y’all have?)

                          Cool! Also cool about the name–what an odd translation. (Interesting fact: Margaret Mitchell was not a very good person in real life…as Sir Eats-a-Lot could probably imagine.) Hmm…I definitely suggest reading GwtW, if only for the cultural/historical aspects, especially if you wanted to learn more about the American South during the Civil War and Restoration. It is long, but I managed to read it in less than two weeks (which is actually a rather long time for me, but I read it pretty slowly). Just, you know, suggesting. Since Sir Won’t-Read-Anything-Good isn’t too keen on trying it.

                          Linyang Zhang
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1700

                            @gracie-j (Haha; she was actually one of the antagonists for the short time that she was there, along with Nathaniel Hawthorne.) Gone With the Wind is right next to me now, actually. I might start it today or next week, depending if I want to go with Dostoyevsky or the Chosen first. But I’m definitely going to read it, haha.

                            Lately, it's been on my brain
                            Would you mind letting me know
                            If hours don't turn into days

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1789

                              @devastate-lasting I could see her as an antagonist! 😆 Yay! Once you read it, let me (and Sir-Hates-Gone-with-the-Wind) know what you think about it! 😊

                              Alien and Sojourner in a Foreign Land
                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 634

                                @gracie-j Yeah, well I haven’t made that a habit yet. I usually have either seven or ten or something like that.

                                Right now we’ve got buff-orpingtons, americanas, leg-horns, and one chicken which we don’t know about. We’ve had other types before, though.

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                                  @leon-fleming That’s still a lot–and this is coming from a member of the Johnson family (we eat a ton).

                                  Just thinking out loud here…how are y’all moving the chickens? I mean, moving a whole farm (assuming y’all live on an actual farm, which you probably don’t, ’cause if you did, you probably wouldn’t be moving) has to be difficult. Do you have any other animals? (We’ve had hogs before, but we currently only have about a dozen Rhode Island Red chickens.)

                                  You know, eating habits and chickens are a much safer subject than funerals, aren’t they?

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