What Villains Would I Use for This Story?

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      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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      So, I’m thinking of writing a story about a cat that’s chosen by the Secret Service to become the test subject for Operation: Acoustic Kitty. What do you think the villains for this story should be? I’m going for animal villains, which the humans are oblivious to but the cat fights. Acoustic Kitty is actually based off of an actual cat, but her tech didn’t work. It’s kind of a wacky story, but very interesting! I was thinking of using rats that know Kung Fu and work alongside ninjas might work, but that might be too silly…. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!

      Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
      ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)

      Kate Flournoy
        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @WarrenLuther04 I think I can safely say that’s the oddest story idea I’ve ever come into contact with. πŸ˜› Sounds like fun.
        Aaaand this may be cliche, but the instant I saw ‘cat’ and ‘villains’ all I could visualize is dogs, dogs, and more dogs. :”D Poor creatures.
        I actually really like the rats idea though. XD
        You could also make it a mouse…? I’m thinking a very sly, sophisticated mouse who considers himself a dandy or something and who is always causing mischief but the cat can’t catch him.

          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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          @kate-flournoy Thanks! Yeah, it is a very unusual idea. πŸ™‚ And I agree, dogs are definitely a common “enemy” to cats. Although, back when I had a cat, my dog and he were best friends… ish. I thought the rats would be funny! And thanks for the mouse idea… I really like it! I could do a spin-off for the mouse agent, maybe!

          Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
          ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)

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            @WarrenLuther04, maybe the mice and rats are tired of being food for cats so they rebel and take out their anger on this poor kitty. It sounds like a very unique idea!

            • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by SeekJustice.

            INFP Queen of the Kingdom commander of an army of origami cranes and a sabre from Babylon.

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                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                @seekjustice Yes, that’s what I was thinking. Thanks, I thought of it when I was reading a book about spies. There was an actual Acoustic Kitty once!

                What do you think I could use monkeys for? Should they be master thieves and the spy has to catch them? It’s a very good idea, thank you so much!

                Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
                ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)

                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                  @WarrenLuther04 What do the villains want?

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                    @warrenluther04 I’m not sure. The idea just came to me that monkeys have a lot of skills that would make them good villains.


                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      Leave it to Daeus to think up of monkeys.

                      β˜€ β˜€ β˜€ ENFP β˜€ β˜€ β˜€

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                        @bethanysinkyroses I’m not sure, I’m currently working on another story/book/novella. Acoustic Kitty is just an idea right know.

                        That is true. Thanks!

                        Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
                        ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                          Sounds like a cool story. Interesting, but cool.

                          I really like the idea of a mouse villain. Since cats are always trying to catch mice, it would be interesting if it was the other way around.

                          INFJ ~ 4w5

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                            @warrenluther04 I like @daeus’s idea of monkeys and @kate-flournoy’s idea of a dandy mouse. They both sound neat. Sounds like an interesting story idea.

                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                              @epicaddie2 Thanks! I’m glad it sounds interesting. Yes, it would definitely turn the tables if a mouse tried to catch a cat.

                              @shannon Thanks! I thought that this story idea would be funny.

                              Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
                              ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)

                              Hannah R.
                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                                @warrenluther04 I know this is going to sound bizarre, but I’ve always thought sock monkeys would make great villains. Maybe that wouldn’t work for this story, if you’re going with personifying animate objects rather than inanimate ones. Just a suggestion. Otherwise, I like the rats or mice ideas. Maybe even pigeons. Since cats chase birds, it would be fun to see birds turn around and chase cats, and pigeons are such wonderful, ridiculous birds that they’d be fun an unexpected villains.

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                                  @warrenluther04 I being a Catwing, the cousin of cats must give my feline input. The bugs and rats are taking over the world as we speak! They are evil *and delicous*! They must be stopped! They all want to spread diseases and kill us. They are terrible monsters lurking in the shadows! So we cat must unite now to defeat them! 😾😾😾😾😾 VS πŸ¦‚πŸ•·πŸœπŸ€πŸ¦€ -(We’re evil!)

                                  monkeys are creepy. πŸ™€ {I actually am fine with them}

                                  IMMA KAPEEFER! Til we're old and gray!

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