What does the future look like?

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    Hannah R.
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 229

      So I’m going to try sci-fi. Never done it before. The setting is 2290, almost 300 years in the future. And that leaves me with a problem, because I have no idea what the future will be like.
      There are two ways I could take this.
      1) I could assume that our hopes and prayers will be answered, the world will return from the brink of the great Abyss of Catastrophe that it now teeters on the edge of, and we will progress as humans in peace, unity, and faith. Who knows? Maybe there will be a worldwide revival, and we’ll live in a golden age for a while.
      2) If the world continues in the direction it now seems to be going, it’s going to topple into the great Abyss of Catastrophe. Will the year 2290 be a dystopia? Will we even make it there? What would the planet look like?
      I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on what the future will hold. Especially, I’d like to hear what you believe of hope or imagine will happen to your own country, whether good or bad. (i.e. will America still even exist in 2290, or will it be destroyed by some other country? Or will it consolidate with another country to form a larger republic that is no longer called America? Will England’s government remain the same? What will London look like? What will Australia look like?)
      This is probably going to be my NaNoWriMo story, so I’ve got a month to figure all of this out, but I’m having trouble figuring it out on my own. Looking forward to everyone’s comments and suggestions.

      YA Fantasy Writer
      Obsessive Character Namer
      Find me at hisinstrumentblog.wordpress.com

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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        @his-instrument, Honestly, I don’t like the way our earth is going now. Ever since Jesus ascended, the world has been growing worse. It’s had its ups and its downs, but order to disorder, right? Therefore I doubt any golden age. For a sci-fi, however, I think it would be interesting. That kind of turns the clique on its head. 🙂 Most sci-fi books are extreme government, alien invasion, or world war –. I never really cared for aliens or moving to Mars in books. I think in 300 years the earth will be a little more damaged. People may have grouped into different cities according to culture, ethnicity, age, etc. Each city may have its own ruler/form of government. I think travel may be a little different too. For sci-fi, no body knows what will happen in the future! As the writer, the world is yours! *confetti* Does this help somewhat? 🙂 Good luck on your writing!

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          Entirely beyond my capacity to predict. Way too many factors, most ones we wouldn’t even think of. If you’re writing for, 2290 though, my best idea would be to have a global collapse, and rising dictators, though not an all out dystopia, and then have things improve from there and then have 2290 be when things are starting to dip back down again.

          As for America, I think it might be good to divide it up. Some portions being totally new countries, some being annexed, and a handful of states still upholding the same old nation.


          Julia R.
            • Rank: Wise Jester
            • Total Posts: 81

            @his-instrument: (Ha, I’m not sure why I’m telling you this over forum because I live in the same house as you) It’s hard to choose between utopian or dystopian for a future world. Almost no one picks utopian because our world keeps getting worse and worse by the day, so the logical choice is to go with a crazy, messed-up world that our protagonist has to fix. And, let’s face it: a dystopian world makes stories so much more interesting! Just a thought: why do you have to choose one or the other? Could you blend them? Another thought: listen to what @jess said. She always has great ideas! I especially like this one! 🙂

            Julia R.
              • Rank: Wise Jester
              • Total Posts: 81

              I like @daeus ‘s idea about dividing up America. In fact, maybe it won’t even be America any more. We could end up as some other country’s territory, or Texas could secede, or something like that!

              Sarah Hoven
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 669

                @his-instrument Hmm, are you asking what I honestly think the world will be like in 2290, or are you asking what would make a cool futuristic story setting? Because I think Jesus will have come back by then, and set up His reign here on earth. I don’t know how that will affect the nations, governments, etc., but I imagine everything will be very different. If you’re going for something very unexpected, that would do it, but if not…I like the high-tech space-agey kind of setting for futuristic stories. The kind where your characters are in space stations all over the universe, and Earth is more of an afterthought.

                • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Sarah Hoven.
                Hannah R.
                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 229

                  Yeah, @sarah-h, when I asked my dad what he thought 2290 would be like, he said he didn’t think the world would still be around then. But hey, the disciples thought Jesus would return before they died, too. For years, Christians have expected the end of the world.

                  , things will definitely be starting to dip back down in my story. Otherwise there wouldn’t be a plot. 🙂 Actually the book is about someone who is sort of trying to end the world…
                  I’d love to hear from non-Americans, too. *clears throat and looks intently at @bluejay*

                  , I love your idea about people dividing into age, race, and culture. That is actually a really interesting thought. Like, if the world said, “What if we just separated into groups of people who think like us, and never have any contact with others?” I’ll probably use it.
                  I’m still open to more fantastic ideas… keep ’em coming!

                  YA Fantasy Writer
                  Obsessive Character Namer
                  Find me at hisinstrumentblog.wordpress.com

                  Hannah R.
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 229

                    @Julia-r, I’ll reply to you in person. 😉

                    YA Fantasy Writer
                    Obsessive Character Namer
                    Find me at hisinstrumentblog.wordpress.com

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1622

                      @his-instrument Well I um…*cough cough* I don’t really pay much attention to the world. Partly because it is well, you know, terrible, and the other part is because, you know, it’s terrible. By 2290 I don’t know what this world will be like. Probably worse. But I do know and believe that God is in control.
                      Have you read Revelation? That give a pretty good indication of what will happen as the world ends. That doesn’t mean that it will end by 2290, but we never know.
                      I actually try not to think of the end too much. It’s scary. Have you ever sat down and tried to picture eternity? It’s…interesting, to say the least.
                      Did I help? If you have any specific questions that you wanted to ask me, feel free to.

                      Julia R.
                        • Rank: Wise Jester
                        • Total Posts: 81

                        @bluejay: I have read Revelation! I hope the Rapture as mentioned in Matt. 24: 41 and Luke 17: 35 happens kind of as Left Behind says it will :). I sure don’t want to be around for the rest of Revelation! Earthquakes and plagues and all manner of awful stuff. Eternity is so confusing! Our feeble human minds don’t have the capacity to understand stuff like “forever” and “infinity” and “eternal” and “God has no beginning and no end…”
                        I can’t wait ’til we can finally understand it in Heaven! Hope to see all of you there. 😉

                        Sarah Hoven
                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 669

                          @julia-r You don’t have to be scared by the bad things happening in the world. The darker it gets out there, the brighter God’s light will shine. I like to think that history is like the ultimate novel, and the end times are the climax. The suspense is rising, the enemy is closing in and it looks like there’s no way out…but I know the Author, and somehow He’s got it all figured out. It’s going to get pretty intense, but if we stick close with God it will be the greatest adventure of our lives.

                          I was thinking about eternity earlier today. Like, when I was at summer camp, I was having the happiest time of my life, and yet I knew that time was ticking by and soon it would all be over and life would move on, you know? And I was thinking, maybe eternity is like being in that happy, wonderful place without time passing by. Without it being over, without having to say goodbye. Or, like having a really good, deep conversation about life with a close friend, knowing in the back of my mind that in twenty minutes it’ll be over and wishing that that moment could last forever. Maybe in eternity that wishing will be answered. Am I making any sense? I’m beyond tired right now. Anyway, eternity is a puzzle to think about. What do you think?

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