Villain Castle!

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  • #139213
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      @keilah-h I also like the score itā€™s but now you have two votes for one and two votes for the other XD so ur back to ur indecisiveness šŸ˜‚


      so they will be from different timelines because uhh unless something changes Kainda actually dies in the seriesā€¦.šŸ˜… but yea.

      As for Ridley, I actually think Iā€™m going to write him from the point of after everything in Cirque has happened and heā€™s been ā€œredeemedā€ but heā€™s got someā€¦residual magic and stuff messing with his head and kinda making him a bit morally ambiguous. But I also think that would be interesting because heā€™d be a kinda different character compared to the other antagonists and villains in the castle.

      Heā€™ll also have just been transported from his Sentence (his cell and stuff XD) in this castle and be very confused.



        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6722


        Ridley has black hair like in the picture above and Heterochromia, meaning two different colored eyes. One blue and one golden. He wears a black under shirt and red vest like the picture above, and black jeans with matchings boots that have golden cuffs. And golden cuffs on the wrists of his sleeves.

        He’s 15.

        He’s actually a lot like November, when he was very young he ran away from home at the behest of his mother, because of an abusive father, and found himself as a stowaway on a ship headed for Cirque. He was discovered and would’ve gotten in serious trouble, but he was “Rescued” by Jocelyn’s Uncle Zoltan.

        Sadly…He only exchanged one abusive relationship for another…

        Upon arriving in Cirque, the boy is introduced to it’s rather…peculiar inhabitants, but amidst the unfamiliarity he meets Jocelyn, a girl his age with bright golden curls and an even brighter personality, and just like with November and Ara, it was like love at first sight. they became fast friends-after he got past Nyx’s protectiveness, though he was only a baby at the time.

        But as I said before, Zoltan was just another toxic relationship, and while I haven’t worked out every detail and I’ll probably get some of u Keepers to help me, lol, Ridley and Lyn basically become “Betrothed” But in the way where it’s “Obvious they’ll get together one day.”

        But, Lyn is being lied to, and Ridley finds out, and just like the other inhabitants he is forced not to tell her. Zoltan is very manipulative so I’m thinking all of it revolves around blackmail, verbal abuse and maybe even a bit of physical abuse when it comes to Ridley, especially because he has the power of Holding not just Threats and power over the boy’s head like he does with others, but also Jocelyn, whom he loves dearly.


        In the end…

        Ridley kills Zoltan in the series (it IS self defense) But due to an artifact he takes from the man, and all of the events he’s gone through, the boy goes insane, and Jocelyn rejects his plea for her to join him in taking over Cirque, furthering his fall into insanity.


        In the end the artifact is taken and he comes back to his senses enough to apologize to Jocelyn, but the bond they did have will not fully return, especially as Jocelyn is leaving now, no longer feeling that Cirque is her home.

        Ridley must pay for his crimes, though the killing was self defense he did commit other crimes, and he’s being held for them and also being rehabilitated.

        That’s where he’s gonna be when he enters this castle.

        He’s not evil and he’s actually a good guy so I hope it’s okay for him to be in this castle, but he’s still struggling with residual affects of the artifact since it had such a hold on him, and other things he’s gone through.

        Also in rehabilitation he’s grown very close to Lyn’s cousin Cecily, who used to be one of his other best friends when he was young and first came to Cirque.


        He has touch aversion/fear but is also touch-starved…

        He also dislikes being around sharp objects due to his having to kill Zoltan, but when the more…insane part of him gets control he doesn’t mind so much, but then that’s what freaks him out.

        He hates being vulnerable and out of control, which is terrible because he often feels that way, and he hates feeling controlled, but sometimes he can’t do much about it because he’s secretly just a scared little boy deep inside.

        That’s where the amulet-fueled side tries to take control, so he never has to feel that way again.


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6722

          For now I’m just gonna be Ridley and I may introduce Kainda later


          Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 718


            I couldn’t decide lol. I had a hard enough time deciding my own villain. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

            Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

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                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                I am, for about 5 minutes!

                But if I disappear suddenly, don’t be alarmed XD


                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1657


                  Also, I LOVE Ridley!! His story is soooo sad and just ughh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6722

                    @lightoverdarkness6 lol! K. I need to go ahead and RP as Ridley I suppose. This will be interesting writing as himā€¦

                    BTW Ridley has the ability to see golden flecks and ā€œStringsā€ on people that they canā€™t see. They represent things that hold them bound, wether to someone else ā€œa favor, blackmail, etcā€ or something else.

                    And they show if theyā€™re more bound or dangerous by where they are (Wrist, ankle, legs, abdomen, neck) and how many there are.

                    I havenā€™t decided if this is an ability he has from childhood or if itā€™s something the amulet grants him. Iā€™m thinking he was given it from childhood thus it affected some of the things heā€™s gone thru.

                    Ridley (warning for anyone who doesnā€™t care for the kinda crazy scenes of people going insane u might not enjoy this. Itā€™s not too bad just some crazy laughing and hearing a voice)

                    This was not Cirqueā€¦and this was not his cell.

                    Ridley knew that much for certain.

                    How heā€™d arrived hereā€¦he didnā€™t know. And he wasnā€™t sure he wanted to find out. In truthā€¦he wanted to be back. Back in his room, with his bed, where he knew Cecily was nearā€¦

                    Just in caseā€¦in case he had an episode.

                    He didnā€™t like this placeā€¦

                    The way the shadows seemed to stare at him. And the cracks of light that shone through, but only through the small linings in the wallā€¦.seeping in.

                    Ridley shuddered, backing into the wall, rubbing his shoulders. He let out a shaky breath, lowering himself to the floor.

                    He pushed his knees to his chest, gripped his head as his kind swirled, a thick weight settling on his shoulders, making him twitch. He let out a few gasping breaths, feeling as the creeping force still left inside him began to stir.

                    Flecks of gold floated in front of his eyes, likes wisps of magic through the airs, forming thin lines that wrapped around his wrists and moved around his neck, tickling him.

                    His breaths grew more shallow, eyes widening.

                    YoUā€™rE stIlL unDeR hiS COnTroLā€¦

                    Ridley shook his head, clawing at his ears. ā€œNoā€¦no! H-Heā€™s gone! He-Heā€™s gone!ā€

                    The voice, rough and deep, cracklyā€¦like a burning ember.

                    ThEN maYbEā€¦ITā€™s jUSt MeeEā€¦

                    Ridley whimpered, feeling as the air around him grew thicker, and gold flecks brighter. He opened his eyes, feeling as the entity inside shook, sucking him in.

                    He licked his lips, letting out a small, breathy laugh.

                    And then another.


                    And Louder.

                    He wrapped his arms around himself, leaning his head back against the wall, his laughter carrying through the halls, stealing his breaths.

                    Heā€¦he couldnā€™t breatheā€¦he couldnā€™t breathe!

                    He gasped, still laughing.

                    His opened wider as he grasped at his throat, clawing at invisible write that was wrapped around it.

                    He didnā€™t wear the amulet anymoreā€¦but he still felt its weight holding onto himā€¦itā€™s power surging through him.

                    It had affected him in a way different from The Ringmasterā€¦.

                    Or perhaps heā€™d just been able to control it better.

                    But whatever the caseā€¦Ridley couldnā€™t seem to escape its grasp.

                    His golden eye glowed in the darkness, adding to the golden specks only he could see.

                    The laughter shriveled in his throat, finally dying out and letting him breathe, though he was still smiling, all his teeth showing.

                    A small, wet chuckle escaped his lips, a few tears falling down his cheeks.

                    SuPpoSe It wAs mEā€¦.

                    The voice saidā€¦speaking through Ridleyā€¦



                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1657


                      Okay, cool! Oh Poor Ridley šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ That was so sad! He kinda reminds me of Corvina, like the whole hearing voices/seeing people, and not wanting to be controlled by their ‘Masters’.

                      Great RP!! šŸ™‚


                      Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 718


                        Whoa! I feel so bad for him. I don’t know how to describe it but the “seeing gold thing” is cool. šŸ¤£

                        Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3744


                          I love that drawing! šŸ˜‚

                          (btw, Iā€™ll get to the next RP later this afternoon. šŸ™‚ )

                          Write what should not be forgotten. ā€” Isabel Allende

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3744


                            Poor Ridley!! šŸ˜­

                            Write what should not be forgotten. ā€” Isabel Allende

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3744


                              Here it is!

                              (It is really weird for me to get used to using his first name because all my charries call him by his last name. šŸ˜‚)

                              Derek Len

                              Derek eyes the two people in front of him warily. One was a girl who was the height of a child, and the other was a man probably a foot taller than Derek.

                              The girl smiled sweetly up at Derek. ā€œHello. Iā€™m Madeline. Whatā€™s your name?ā€

                              Something in the way Madeline talked made Derek even more wary of her. He lowered his gun just slightly. He didnā€™t speak for a moment. If he was stuck in this castle, then maybe allies would be a good idea. And once they helped him, they wouldnā€™t have to stick aroundā€¦

                              He pasted on a fake smile, lowering his gun and holding out his hand. ā€œThe nameā€™s Derek.ā€



                              Write what should not be forgotten. ā€” Isabel Allende

                              Light Warrior Pen
                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 103


                                I’m a fan of the paranoid dragon

                                Everyone else:

                                Your characters are awesome!

                                @awsumfaith @kyronthearcanin @light-warrior-pen @freedomwriter76 @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12 @anyone else on here.

                                Okay, here’s my insane anti-hero

                                Name: Violet Maxwell

                                Occupation: thief/break-in expert

                                Looks: Brunette hair, grey eyes, tall, thin. Generally wears close-fitting clothes so she can get around easily. Dress in black, red, and purple. Has a belt full of tools and other miscellaneous junk. Always armed.

                                Backstory/Situation: Once in the CIA, but they got tired of her unorthodox ways and kicked her out. She now goes around and helps cause and people, regardless if they’re on the ā€œgoodā€ or ā€œbadā€ side. Both of her parents are dead. Her brother Tommy if a good, boring citizen. He never talks to his sister. Her life mission is to track down her nemesis, Karl Wilson, an assassin. His life mission is to kill her. It’s a contest to see who will get who first.

                                Quirks: snarky, doesn’t care what people think of her, makes politically incorrect statements all the time. Loves chocolate and puzzles.

                                Violet glided through the passage, her knife gently clicking against her leg. ā€œWhy are castles always cold and damp?ā€ she wondered, as she almost slipped on a wet spot on the flagstones. She paused as she heard a faint footstep. She didn’t hear anything again, so she continued on, though on the alert, both for unseen dangers and Karl. She gritted her teeth as she thought of her enemy. Her informants had told her he had been spotted in the vicinity of this castle, but so far she hadn’t seen him. Somehow she had been trapped in these passages, where all sorts of weird smells and noises haunted her. ā€œKeep going,ā€ she told herself. ā€œYou’ll find him. You’ve got to, or else he’ll find you.ā€

                                She stopped as she heard another sound. It seemed to come from up ahead. She withdrew her Glock and slowly crept forward. Maybe her chance had finally come.

                                Or maybe she was about to die. One never knew.

                                But what she came across wasn’t Karl Wilson.

                                This girl is armed with books, coffee, and writing accoutrements!

                                Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 718

                                  @esther-c @light-warrior-pen

                                  Bravo! šŸ˜…šŸ¤£

                                  Idk how often we’re supposed to write, but here’s Eclipse again.


                                  Eclipse walked down the hallway, focusing on the flames in the torches. If he was judging them right, he should be going straight to the… Well, in one direction. He wasn’t sure which.

                                  Azar’s excitement was making Eclipse nervous.Ā Stop that! What are you so jumpy for?

                                  Not jumpy,Ā Azar corrected.Ā This is just much more exciting than your silly forest. Much more adventurous.Ā He let out a wistful sigh.Ā But much too little to burn. We’ll have to find another door, or I might just lose my mind.

                                  Like that hasn’t happened already,Ā Eclipse muttered. Crazed laughter echoed down the hall, and he flinched hard, freezing in place. What… Who was that?

                                  How should I know? Azar asked, not at all sarcastic this time. More… curious.Ā Let’s go find out.

                                  Eclipse shook his head hard.Ā No way! I don’t want to run into any trouble we don’t have to. Let’s just get out of this… thisĀ castle and be on our way.

                                  Okay,Ā Azar said in a singsong voice.Ā But when night comes, it’s my turn. He paused.Ā I suppose we won’t be able tell when night comes.

                                  Eclipse kept walking, ignoring Azar. They could worry about details later. With a start he realized he had lost track of the flames. Growling, he took a left turn.

                                  Alright, Azar. You get your wish. Lead the way.



                                  Gonna be honest, I totally avoided an interaction in this one by just holding it off… Not quite sure what I’d write yet, cause I don’t know all your characters very well. šŸ¤£

                                  Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

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