Villain Castle!

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  • #146632
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @keilah-h @euodia-vision @godlyfantasy12 I guess we’ll have the two groups merge then, if everyone’s alright with it! 😁


      btw Keilah, you wanna RP in the regular Character Castle? It’s your turn 🙂

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1308


        Sounds good to me! Do you want to go first since you have the two charries?

        I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1308


          For sure ❤️😂 She has an account, but she’s not on KP, if you know what I mean. XD I think she’s more active on YWW instead 😉

          Oh nice! Wait, is it Joy Calle?

          It would be!!! 😁🤣 I meannnnn, I already know some of the LOTR characters. (Legolas (honestly would likely be the one I’ll fall in love with, just from what I know XD) & Gandalf mostly) but I don’t, like, know them a WHOLE lot, lol…but honestly, now, if I like The Hobbit, I’m realllly excited to read LOTR too 😂 i’ve heard so much good about it!! And I meannnnn, I only fell in love with the Chronicles of Narnia only, like, months ago, sooooo who knows what’ll happen!

          AHHH YESSSS! Legolas is the bomb, though I feel like you might like Aragorn better (just from what I know about you XD) The books are an AMAZING story but I feel like the movies do a better job with character’s (prolly just cuz you can see them) but idk. WAIT, you just fell in love with Narnia *shakes head* BUT I’M GLAD YOU LIKE NARNIA! That’s a start, that’s a start 😆 I’m gonna make a Lotr fangirl out of you yet! (I have great confidence in this, I turned my best friend into a Lotr nerd XD)

          Lol 😂 wellll, ok, for one, my sis doesn’t even really like Marvel, XD, just tolerates it because I love it. 🤣 Now, I know my dad has watched them, so maybe he wouldn’t mind. Not sure about Mom tho XD And then sis and bro, they’ve heard from a comedian that they are “movies about walking” and thus would likely be against the idea of watching them 😂😂😂😂

          maybe not tho…maybe I could convince them XD

          WHAT, HOW CAN YOU TOLERATE MARVEL?!?!?! Mannnn, you need to convince them girl. 😂 It was easy for me cuz those movies are some of parent’s favorites.


          I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156





            “Did dragons exist in your world? Do your people have any stories of them?”

            “Perhaps. They’re a story of mythology, fantasy…but perhaps, maybe they were real one day. There are many, many stories of them…but I didn’t imagine they were real.”

            Hans clicked his tongue. “But maybe I was mistaken…else this is some part of a crazy dream.”


            He heard footsteps, and suddenly a door opened, letting light stream in.

            Hans turned, bearing a pistol.

            Light reflecting off insignia and bounced off of uncovered blonde hair. A young man, no older than 23. Hans grinned. “Erich…it is a pleasure to see you.”

            The blonde turned on him, and his blue eyes lit with recognition. “Hans?” He blinked a couple times, then seemed to catch himself, “I meant, Sir.”

            Hans grinned and nodded. “Ah, now that is better.”


            And Erich wasn’t alone, it appeared.

            Hmm, intriguing.

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1308

              @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h

              Do either of you want to go, or do you want me to?

              I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 5922

                @euodia-vision You can go first.

                "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1308

                  @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76

                  geez, sorry y’all, that was longer (and messier, didn’t feel in the mood for editing XD) than anticipated. 😂


                  Ridley trodded behind the two men, much to Erich’s chagrin.

                  It was simple to see that the boy did not trust either companion, but despite this Erebus was pleased to see that Ridley was wise enough to not travel alone.

                  Erich leaned in close to Erebus, voice hushed to a whisper. “So, what’s your deal?”

                  “What do you mean?” Erebus inquired, brow furrowed in confusion.

                  Erich cast a glance back at Ridley, whose head hung low as he shuffled his way down the hallway. “Why do you trust him?”

                  Erebus shrugged. “I don’t. I don’t fully trust you either, who knows when you’ll steal food right from under my nose.”

                  Erich chuckled.

                  “But in all seriousness,” Erebus continued, “I may not entirely trust either of you but that doesn’t hold me back from caring for you. Whether I trust you or not I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

                  Erich blinked. “I…I don’t think I get that.”

                  “Yeah, I don’t know how else to explain,” Erebus replied with a laugh and a wave of his hand.

                  Erich huffed, seemingly unsatisfied with the answer. Erebus watched as the man widened his strides, leaving him behind.

                  Pausing at the end of the hallway, Erich looked up at the closed door looming over him. He glanced back at Erebus and Ridley who were a few paces behind him, then pushed the door open.

                  Erich paused in the doorway, a voice sounding in front of him.

                  “Hans?… I meant, Sir.” Erich replied, shock evident in his voice.

                  A muffled voice responded.

                  Without hesitation Erebus reached for Ridley who had come to a halt behind him, unsure of who they were about to face.

                  The boy’s face broke out in a grimace. Erebus pulled his hand back, not wanting to make Ridley worry more than necessary.

                  He eased his way into the room, faltering a few strides behind Erich whose eyes were fixed on a man, Hans he assumed, standing in front of them.

                  Another being lingered in the shadows.

                  “Uh, Hans sir, this is my companion Erebus, and erm, Ridley.”

                  Erebus nodded towards the man who proceeded to look him over with a smirk.

                  The man made him… uncomfortable.

                  Movement to his left drew his attention away from Hans.

                  Ridley, deathly pale, inched his way closer to Erebus, eyes fixed on the other being that was inching its way closer to the new arrivals.

                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Euodia.

                  I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6722

                    @freedomwriter76 @euodia-vision @keilah-h ALRIGHT LET’S DO THIS!!!


                    Ridley felt a hand touch his shoulder. He winced, but otherwise didn’t make much movement…

                    His fingers trembled and his eyes refused to look away from the man who’d entered the room…

                    The man Erich seemed to know…

                    Should never have followed them…

                    His breath hitched and he took an uneasy step back, horrified by what he could see…

                    The things no one else could see…

                    So many strings…so…so many…

                    Golden strings wrapped around the man’s neck and wrists. They reached down his spine, wrapping around his legs and ankles.

                    They entwined through his fingers, and reached out, like tentacles, looking for someone…anyone to grab hold of.

                    Ridley couldn’t help the small whimper that escaped his mouth at the sight of Erich’s own strings and chains suddenly tightening, under the control of this new figure.

                    Another Puppet Master…

                    Ridley’s stomach lurched, a lump of nausea rising to his throat.

                    This was no ordinary puppet master…

                    Ridley could see the golden cracks throughout the man’s skin, and the same chain and wound that was slowly forming in his own heart, fully formed.

                    With every movement, the man seemed to crack even further.

                    A broken puppet master…

                    Just like Zoltan…

                    Slowly, another figure emerged from the shadows…this one…so, so tall.

                    Ridley recognized the race as the same kind he’d met earlier…but this one was different…

                    Ridley couldn’t help the small cry that escape his lips as he took another step.



                    Another one…

                    Two puppet masters…

                    He…he had to get out of here…

                    He took another step back, only to trip, falling onto his backside. He lay there for a minute, too frozen in fear to do anything.


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4262

                      Two puppet masters…

                      I just randomly popped in here to see what y’all were doing and OoOoOoO 😶 What’s happening??

                      "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6722



                        MA BOI RIDLEY IS HAPPENING XD!


                        so u can go read some of the earlier posts/his introduction post if u wanna know just a bit more about him


                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 5922

                          @freedomwriter76 @euodia-vision @godlyfantasy12


                          All of them were human. No other dragons, at least not yet.

                          Not that he’d expected to meet another member of his kind; the area was far too…small to fit a group of dragons comfortably.

                          The new humans were a little startled by him.

                          One of them stepped back, only to trip and land hard on his tailless backside. Hemlock gave an amused snort. Pitiful being.

                          One of the other men had the same basic uniform as the one he knew. Interesting…..they must’ve come from the same country or group.

                          He was still curious about how they had come up with a symbol that matched his patterning almost exactly…..but he doubted he’d get answers.

                          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3749

                            Welp… I totally forgot about this… 🤦🏻‍♀️

                            I don’t know if I’ll join in again. So I guess we’ll see. XD

                            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

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