Villain Castle!

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  • #142661
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @euodia-vision sure!!! @godlyfantasy12


      Erich raised an eyebrow at the oddly dressed boy in front of them who sat on the floor. He still held his pistol, as Erebus still held his sword.

      The boy looked surprised.


      No, terrified.


      He’d obviously been running.


      But from what? Who?


      Erich cocked his pistol, fingers turning white around the handle. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @esther-c @keilah-h @kyronthearcanin

        I’m really sorry guys, but I think I need to pull Sam and Madeline. They are really hard to write outside of their own story/world and I just haven’t had very much time or energy for role playing lately. Also, I don’t think that writing a character as dark as Madeleine is a very good idea for me right now. I might return with them some other time, though.

        I’ll do one last rp now so that it’s not too sudden.


        “By the way, you haven’t seen any other dragons here, have you?” Rampart asked. “There’s one I’ve been looking for…”

        “No.” Madeline responded in a carefree voice. “You’re the only-” She froze suddenly, goosebumps appearing all over her pale skin. She glared at Sam, who just seemed confused and a little scared by the sudden attention she was giving him.

        Useless. She thought. So apparently she was the only one who felt it. The pull back to her own prison world.

        “No! Leave me be!” She stamped her foot, and her tiny shadow started to stretch and writhe. She was talking to someone, but it wasn’t anyone in the room with her.

        “I don’t want to-”

        And suddenly she was gone. The air was empty in the places where Sam and Madeline had been standing a moment before.

        Official KP archivist ✨

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3749


          Totally understand, girl! 😊



          With the all the other humans gone, Derek felt out of place with the dragon and the wolf. He placed his hands on his hips and surveyed the room. In all honesty, this castle-like place was weird, and Derek wanted out of it as soon as possible.

          The things that happened in this castle were clearly out of Derek’s control… and he didn’t like it that way. Now was time to regain control.

          “Maybe we can see if there’s a window or something around here,” he finally said. “That would be good place to start.”

          Without waiting for the other two to agree, Derek started down the hall, his boots clicking agains the dark stone floor. From what he could hear, Eclipse and Rampart were close behind.

          Derek knew that even if they did find a window, it’d have to be pretty big for Rampart to go through and low enough to the ground for Eclipse to reach. Yes, Derek it knew it very well…

          And maybe Rampart and Eclipse knew it too…

          But maybe Derek wasn’t the only one who was making selfish alliances…

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

          Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 718


            No problem! I totally get it.



            Eclipse followed Derek, eyeing Rampart’s sweeping tail warily. His own tail flicked uneasily. How could two people just disappear?

            Then again, he had probably disappeared from the forest when he came here.

            Azar had allowed him to take control once Madeline and Sam left, muttering something about how Eclipse wasn’t going to let him out again, but he was getting bored so it didn’t really matter. Eclipse wondered how a fire spirit could ever be bored in a place with torches lining the walls.

            Derek wanted to find a window. It made sense now that he thought about it, but he hadn’t seen a singular window- or any glass at all- so far. Depending on the height of the window, he might be able to make the jump… If not he’d have to let Azar take control again and hope he could make it in smoke form.

            Rampart might not fit through… but honestly, that wouldn’t be a problem. The dragon made Eclipse uneasy anyway.

            Feeling a little better now that he was back to flesh and blood, he glanced at the stone walls around them. “Ahem… So. Where do you two come from?”

            Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 5922

              @esther-c @kyronthearcanin


              They disappeared.

              Just like that.

              It was disturbing, but then again, most of his experiences here had been weird.

              “Maybe we can see if there’s a window or something around here,” Derek said. “That would be good place to start.”

              Was he crazy?

              The windows here would be far too small for Rampart to fit through.

              Was Derek trying to get rid of him?

              He’d had enough of that game.

              The wolf…Eclipse?….looked around at the stone walls. “Ahem… So. Where do you two come from?” he asked.

              “None of your business.” Rampart hissed. “I already told you all you need to know, wolf.”

              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6722

                @freedomwriter76 @euodia-vision


                Ridley was frozen, limbs refusing to work as one of the young men took a step forward, eyes narrowing, like a cat inspecting its prey.

                “Who are you? What are you doing here?” The small, shiny object in his hands made a clicking sound, making Ridley jump slightly. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it was pointed at him, and he didn’t think he wanted to find out.

                “I-I’m Ridley…” He started, “Ah…th-that’s my name…” He winced at a sudden, stinging pain on his arm, and looked over.

                He must’ve cut it rounding the corner, as a piece of his upper sleeve was now torn, revealing a large red scratch.

                “I…I don’t know how I got here…I…” He looked back at the young men.

                Did they own this place? Or guard it?

                “I’m sorry for trespassing…” He pulled his knees up slightly. Slowly. Not wanting to give the two any reason to attack him.


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3749

                  @keilah-h @kyronthearcanin


                  “Ahem… So,” Eclipse said, breaking the awkward silence. Where do you two come from?”

                  “None of your business.” Rampart hissed. “I already told you all you need to know, wolf.”

                  Derek cleared his throat, casting a glance at Rampart. “I come from a country called Aletheia. I am actually its leader.”

                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                  Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 718

                    @keilah-h @esther-c


                    Eclipse put a little more distance between himself and Rampart as Derek cleared his throat. “I come from a country called Aletheia. I am actually its leader.”

                    He nodded slowly, glancing around. These hallways all looked the same to him. “Aletheia. It sounds like a… nice place. I live in the forest, or I suppose forest.” He stared down at the stones as he walked, frowning. “But I’m not actually any kind of leader, really. Not of a pack or anything like that.”

                    He growled deep in his throat, wishing he could see Azar face to face. But I could have been. Now I’m nothing.

                    Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 5922

                      @kyronthearcanin @esther-c


                      “I come from a country called Aletheia. I am actually its leader.” Derek explained.

                      Interesting. Rampart would never have guessed that just looking at the man.

                      Although he supposed he knew nothing of human society. He hadn’t even realized they were organized into large groups like dragons were until he’d met these ones.

                      He’d have to warn the other ImperialWings about that when he got back home, if anyone would listen.

                      “Aletheia. It sounds like a… nice place. I live in the forest, or I suppose a forest.” Eclipse growled. “But I’m not actually any kind of leader, really. Not of a pack or anything like that.”

                      Rampart decided not to add anything to this conversation.

                      They didn’t need to hear about what’d happened once he’d finally got the CloneWings under control…..

                      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1308

                        @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76


                        “I’m sorry for trespassing…” The boy, Ridley, whispered, timidly hugging his knees to his chest.

                        Erebus assesed the boy.

                        He was frightened. Confused. Lost. Just like him and Erich.

                        Not a threat. At least… not yet.

                        His grip on his sword loosened and made its way back into his sheath. Erich eyed him, eyebrows raised questionably.

                        “You’re not trespassing.” Erebus knelt down in front of the boy. “Well, at least, I don’t think you are. I believe we’re stuck in the same boat.”

                        His eyes fell on a large scrape on Ridley’s arm that was beginning to bleed.

                        “Looks like you cut yourself.”

                        Ridley met his eyes, they were two different colors but they had the same look. They were full of fear, but the fear was slowly retreating and transforming into uncertainty.

                        Erebus ripped a small section off the bottom of his shirt.

                        “Here, let me wrap it up for you.” He smiled, hand outstretched.

                        I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6722

                          @euodia-vision @freedomwriter76


                          Ridkey watched with wide eyes the man with the sword’s every movement. He’d sheathed his weapon, but that didn’t quell the bubbling tension in the boy’s throat.

                          His muscles were taut, like an animal, waiting to run. Ridley watched as he tore a piece of his own clothing, then outstretched it.

                          “Here, let me wrap it up for you.” The man’s hands moved toward Ridley’s wounded upper arm, but the boy cried out, slapping the offending hand away.

                          “No! I’m fine!” He cried, pushing away.

                          He wasn’t about to let this man touch him. His exposed skin burned at the thought.

                          The man’s brows flew up, the piece of cloth dropping from his grasp. Ridley’s hands shuddered for a moment, before he reeled back further.

                          “I’m…I’m fine.”

                          The other man, weapon still drawn, pointed it once more, on edge.

                          “It’s alright, Erich,” the one said, reaching and picking up the fabric he’d dropped.

                          The other, Erich, lowered his weapon, eyes still narrowed. Ridley watched him carefully, and then looked down, gripping his arm as his breath heaved slightly.

                          “That scratch might get infected.” The one with the cloth said. Ridley didn’t answer. He shrugged, putting away the fabric by stuffing it into his pocket. He stood and offered a hand. Ridley didn’t take it, preferring to stand on his own, using the wall to get his bearings.

                          “I’m Erebus. This is Erich.”

                          Ridley merely nodded, still clutching his wounded arm.

                          Erich still glared at him, making the boy avert his gaze.

                          It didn’t matter. They weren’t touching him. Weren’t helping him.

                          Because Ridley knew the prices that came with help.

                          No one ever just gave because they could.

                          There was always a price.

                          And Ridley wasn’t about to become another puppet.

                          Not again.


                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 5922

                            @freedomwriter76 This is kinda random, and I’m not expecting you to do this, but I realized something.

                            If you ever added one of your truly evil German characters, like Hans or something, that would be a perfect opportunity for me to stick my other dragon villain, Hemlock, in.

                            It might make for some weird interactions–the black patterns on his wings resemble the SS symbol, for one, and he has blue eyes (I remember reading that the Nazi scientists were obsessed with blue eyes). Even his voice has a tiny bit of an accent.

                            (There’s one nice thing about writing movie/show fanfics–I know what my characters’ voices sound like!)

                            So your guys might be like “Where do you come from??? You’re literally what we want but three times bigger.”

                            Or they might hate him and want to, like, rip his wings off or something. Which he kinda deserves…….

                            …he’s cruel, manipulative, likes torturing/experimenting on other dragons for no real reason, all around not nice…..

                            "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6722

                              Why were the Germans obsessed with blue eyes? Was there a reason? Idk if I really knew that, I think I may have heard something about it @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h

                              Kinda creepy lol

                              Ridley happens to have one extremely bright blue eye, and one gold. Idk if that means anything


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6722

                                @euodia-vision @freedomwriter76 one of y’all wanna RP? 😊


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @keilah-h I’m down for that! sounds like him and Hans would get along well 😑😬 he’d probably get along well with Frida too….honestly



                                  The Nazis were obsessed with blue eyes because it was one of the things that represented the perfect “Aryan” race they were trying to breed/create. The “Aryans” were considered the superior people, the perfect race.

                                  The biggest qualities for “Aryans” were blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, well-built, strong, and without any mental/physical ailments.

                                  And, of course, complete obedience to the Nazis


                                  (Ridley having two different colored eyes would likely be considered a “blemish” and thus would be unappreciated/hated by Hans, Erich, etc)


                                  you can go again for our group…idk what Erich could do other than continue to glare at Ridley XD

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