Tlc & mcu crossover fic

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      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2210

      @anyone who likes either marvel or the lunar chronicles


      Okay, so how do I start this little ramble???

      First I would like to answer two questions that I constantly get asked (or at least that I ask myself)

      1. Smiley do you write anything besides fanfics???
      Well uh, well uh… no.

      Truthfully I do but I’m even more judgmental of my original writing than my fanfic writing, I’ve never really felt the Lord tell me to write something so I mostly just write for fun

      And I find fanfic writing fun

      2. Smiley, do you come out of the basement just to talk about fanfics?
      No… well yeah but little do you know that I’ve been stocking you guys even while I’m not talking *does an evil laugh*

      1. Whaley great job with the working out, but seriously girl!! ake sure you’re drinking water!!! *does an evil glare to everyone who’s posted writing on there*

      2. Freedom!! I’m so happy about all the progress on your series!!

      3. ellette-giselle way to bring back monthly prompts!! (I’ll try to be on there soon)

      Now it’s time to discuss this fic… this one that I’ve been writing in my head for months now and the fanfic that combines my two favorite series.

      The Lunar Chronicles and Marvel

      Duh duh duh

      Listen, if you’re not a Marvel fan but are a TLC fan then you can read this, and if you’re a Marvel fan but not a TLC fan then you can read this

      Now this does take place in the TLC universe, mostly cause I enjoyed imagining the Marvel characters in different positions in Luna and stuff

      Now the only thing you need to know is

      Luna is the moon, it’s been inhabited and the people on it are called lunars
      The lunar gift is a power that most lunars possess that allows them to manipulate other people’s minds in different ways, like glamouring which is when a person makes others think they’re something like they are not, like that they’re prettier than they are or that they look like the president
      Shells are what they call lunars who don’t have the gift
      Levanna was bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Now one last thing  (here comes the real ramble)

      Have you guys ever found yourselves plotting out a story and your mind comes up with some outlandish crazy idea??

      When you do you probably just scrap that idea right? Well before I could scrap this idea I’d already thought of a scene so great that I couldn’t get rid of it

      So that’s how a character that isn’t in the MCU or in tlc became the main character

      Instead, Crystal from the Marvel comics became the main character, and when I say Crystal I mean a very original version of her

      How did this happen??

      Well I’m glad you asked, you guys all know how Pietro is one of my fav Marvel characters and how almost every character in the tlc falls in love so… I thought huh he needs a girl so then I was like “who?” and then I was like well who did he date in the comics

      A princess from another planet named Crystal

      So you know I could’ve been like, “Well she’ll be a princess from England or something!” but instead I was like “What if Winter had a sister?!”

      And that’s how we got here

      A completely random and out-of-pocket crossover that is amazing yet very unconventional

      But don’t worry, all of yall’s favorite characters will get their spotlight

      So yeah that’s all


      P.S. Because all the characters in the TLC series are younger I aged down the Avengers

      So like Steve and Nat are like early twenties and Yelena is like fourteen!! But trust me it makes it even better

      Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2210

        Chapter 1


        “Blackjack, I win once again.” Clint leaned back in his seat, a smirk crossing his lips. I looked at him with an annoyed scowl, setting my three cards down, a jack, a ten, and a three. My luck with card drawing was about my luck with everything else, and Clint had been draining both mine and Sam’s chips.

        “When I figure out how you’re cheating, I’m tossing you off of the ship.” Sam tossed his cards on the table, he had been way under.

        “One, if I did cheat you would never find any evidence, and two stop being such a bad sport.” Clint’s eyes were directed to me next, giving a more flirty grin. “Although maybe we should play a different game since you clearly don’t have the luck of the draw,”

        “Or she could play dealer,” Sam added. “Since the one right now is suspect.” he eyed Clint.

        I was feeling bored of cards, maybe because I was losing so badly, or just because my interest in anything nowadays only lasted an hour tops.

        I felt bad knowing how hard everyone tried to include me in things even though my attitude had been nothing short of terrible. Out of everyone here, I was the only one who had shown clear signs of not wanting to be here, especially when I literally ran away.

        In the end, I was here, but only to take down Hydra, making friends was last on my list, they never lasted in my life.

        “I’m good, I think I’m going to go find something else to do.” I had begun to feel like Jacin, and that made me wonder if one of the reasons he acted so cold wasn’t just for me and Winter’s protection but also for his own.

        If you didn’t love anyone, you could never feel the pain of losing them.

        “Are you sure? We can even play goldfish.” there was no flirt in Clint’s tone, only sincerity.

        I smiled at him and shook my head. “Thank you, but I’m not really in the mood for anything.”

        “That doesn’t sound familiar,” I turned to see Tony enter the room, he was carrying a port screen, and said it dryly not even looking at me.

        The words stung a little, but not enough to make me change my mind. I left that compartment of the ship, not bothering to care what Stark was looking at on his holograph screen, and made my way to my cabin, but stopped on the way when I heard the faint essence of music.

        I followed it all the way to the ship’s back room, where full glass walls showed what we were leaving behind.

        An old CD player played second-era music that I couldn’t recognize, and Steve and Natasha stood center-stage, gazing into each others’ eyes as they danced around the room.

        I leaned against the door entrance, out of sight of them, allowing myself to mope in peace.

        I was probably there for a good five minutes, failing to hear whatever the couple was whispering about until finally someone else approached.

        “Are you quite alright?”


        I turned to see Loki, the only person who knew me before joining the Avengers crew, and even then he had been a distant gazer.

        “I’m fine, just watching a sitcom,”

        He gave a small smile to the joke, it wasn’t deserving of anything more. He took a leaning stance on the wall across from me, his green eyes reading me like a magazine.

        “So is it your parents or Winter and Jacin that these two are reminding you of?” He asked, both concerned and abrupt.

        I shook my head. “Neither.” I continued to watch, wishing I was close enough to hear what they were whispering. “They remind me of myself.” my words came out faint, I doubted Loki could even hear them.

        They did truly resurface memories, although they acted a little older than we did even though they were the same age, I couldn’t imagine him ever waltzing like this. No, when we danced it was always crazy and energetic dancing and I would trip or he would and then we would lie on the floor while the music continued to play.

        It was always like that, he taught me to laugh at life’s downs and how to be stubborn when needed, and I had hoped that when he was taken he would continue to be stubborn. That he would continue to fight with that arrogant smile.



        Chapter 2


        “That’s it, all hope is lost,” Pietro stated, banging his head against the shiny white wall of their cell.

        “Well you didn’t last long,” I deadpanned, sitting crist-crossed applesauce on my cot. I couldn’t help but stare at my brother the whole time we had been here, he was so different, so grown up, well mostly. His mischievous smirks and flirty sentences continued and maybe had gotten worse.

        “Oh trust me you would be hopeless too if you knew who we were dealing with.” He looked at me with wide eyes, his hair a wreck. “This could’ve been my future mother-in-law, and she nuts.” At the moment Pietro was the one who looked a little nutty.

        “You really think it would’ve gone that far?” The question caught him off guard and he sighed as he took a seat beside me.

        “I do.” His eyes glowed like they were on far memories. “I loved her.” He said through a wide smile.

        A moment of silence took place and I remembered how much I loved being with my brother, and how I always felt so comfortable with him, even in silence.

        He looked at me, shuffling his hands with a bit of nervousness. “What about you? Did you see marriage in your future with that Vision guy?” Pietro said his name with a hint of disgust and annoyance but I ignored it.

        “I did,” the silence came back and I reached for his hand, squeezing it. “We’ll be alright, not all hope is lost.”



        I placed my steps carefully and quietly, tightening my grip around my bag till my knuckles were white. This had gone even smoother than expected which only made me more nervous.

        Everything had gone according to plan, sneaking into the American base, finding the rampion, and hitching a ride to Luna, the last place I had wanted to be, but also the place I needed to be.

        I refused to die uselessly.

        Stepping off the ship, I found the loading dock more empty than I ever expected.

        Something had happened, but it was unclear what.

        “Going somewhere?” I almost snapped my neck to see who was talking. And there he was, predictable as ever, Jacin stood with his arms crossed and a scowl painted on his face.

        My sigh was loud and clearly annoyed sounding and came with a raised eyebrow. “I expected you to be dead by now.”

        “The thought was mutual.”

        “I’d love to see someone try,” I smirked, a regular human on earth killing me seemed unlikely and almost impossible, but that could just be my ego talking. “Unless you want to…?”

        “Maybe, since I told you to run.” He narrowed his eyes. “And in case you didn’t know, that meant away from here too.”

        “Must have missed that.” I turned my back to him and started walking away, but with only two stupid strides of his long legs, he was right in front of me.

        Ugh, I hated being short.

        “So Ace what’s your plan from here?”

        “Well, that depends on whether you’re going to turn me into your oh-so-precious queen,” I stated, ignoring the stupid nickname that he said with all the sarcasm in the world.

        Now he had a playful smile. “Maybe I will, but I have a feeling she’d be too lacking in punishment.”

        my eyes narrowed. “You know something…” I was being such an idiot, of course something was different, normal guard Jacin would never talk this much.

        Jacin slowed his walk until he was walking right beside her. “Levanna’s dead.” He said with little expression.

        I almost fell on my face, tripping over my feet. Luckily Jacin grabbed my jacket sleeve and pulled me back up to level position.


        “Linh Cinder or Selena is queen now, there was a whole news story about it.” Still no expression.

        I scoffed. “Yeah well if I happen to have any sort of technology maybe I’d know that.” we walked a few more steps until I stopped and took a position in front of him.

        We locked eyes and Jacin let his facial expression slip to show guilt and irritation. His fists tightened and he mumbled. “We never found him,”

        I hardly heard it, but I did, and the happiness left me. “What-” I swallowed. “And the girls?”

        “I’m sorry,”  Was all he managed, and it was barely a whisper.

        I took a second to process the information, and then with a new yet mostly fake determination I lifted my chin high. “Well, then I’ll have to find them, and stop him.”

        “They’ll kill you.”

        I tilted my head. “Thanks for the encouragement.” I faced the exit and began walking again. “But I’ve never had a true purpose so I might as well die doing this than something else.”

        “That’s some stupid thinking, Ace.” Jacin was now walking beside me, his posture like the guard he was. “Who plans their mission as a suicide mission?”

        “A realist, which I thought you were.”

        “Yeah I’m a realist, but I always go in with the hope I’ll live.”

        “Alright geniues then what’s your plan?”

        “I’ll help.”

        I slowed my steps. “Why?”

        “Because I like to sleep at night,”

        His words hit me hard, cause I hadn’t been able to sleep since forever, and there was a whole group of kids who couldn’t either.

        I stopped in front of him. “Fine,” I put my hand out. “Stop Thaumaturge Dreykov at all costs?”

        “My loyalty is to the princess and to Cress Darnel first, but at all other costs, I will.” He took my hand and shook it, and that’s when I noticed that he never seemed to make a laughing matter of something important, which was comforting when it came to my trust.

        I raised an eyebrow. “Technically she’s not a princess anymore.”

        “And technically I’m not loyal to you, so I’d stop talking if I were you.”

        We went back to walking, and I smirked to myself. “Alright,” irritating Jacin came with its own fun.

        Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 658

          @smiley LOVE IT!!! 😍😍

          (and thank you🥰)

          What is strength?
          Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3141

            This Smiley ramble was completely out of the blue, and I could not stop cackling 🤣<3

            I will have to read The Lunar Chronicles, I keep hearing good things about it.

            Whaley great job with the working out, but seriously girl!! ake sure you’re drinking water!!! *does an evil glare to everyone who’s posted writing on there*

            I have been drinking, I promise… well, tea. *slurps noisily*

            “Everything is a mountain”

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