This Summer! Collaborative Group Anyone?

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  • #142421
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 153

      So…. I have an idea to create a collaborative group of artists who make YouTube videos (Lord willing, 10 by the end of the summer.) It’s called White Stone Surrender.

      Back Story: One day I was on a walk, wanting to go seek God for what He would have for my future, whether that’s moving, college in video production, or staying in managership. I looked down and saw a little white pebble on the ground and what came to my mind was the phrase, “This is my white stone. It means surrender.” Like a white flag means surrender. I prayed. Cried. And God strengthened. And that phrase about surrender became more dear to me. As I was walking home, I wondered, what does a white stone actually mean? I don’t want to use it as my tagline if it means something really bad. So I looked it up and it means  a new identity, election, innocence, safe passage, security, victory, honour, privilege, and hospitality. Sometimes it can also mean standing right before God because of Christ. If you’ve known me a little, you may’ve caught on to how sweet to me the word victory is through Jesus. And a white stone to me means surrender. I never have had victory until I surrendered.

      God is wanting to do something new in my life and I’m excited to follow. If none go with me, still I will. If video production is a major to aim for, I’d better start using what I know now to see if I’d really want a career out of it.

      The reason I posted about this here is because it’s a collaborative group. If you’ve ever had a short film idea or song or poem that would make a good song and want it to become a reality, please let me know!

      (Also, in my family my parents have rules for our protection about YouTube usage and connecting with people online, so definitely honor your father and mother in whatever you decide.)


      Tags: (and definitely feel free to add more!)  @acancello @kyronthearcanin @freedomwriter76 @esther-c @starshiness @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6 @felicity @elanor

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3754


        This sounds like such a cool idea!!

        I’m not sure if I’ll be able to participate, but we’ll see! 🙂

        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3075


          This sounds really cool! I’m into video production too, but currently limited to short reels on instagram. I probably won’t join just because it isn’t something I feel called to do, but I will be praying about it. Just curious, what kind of videos are you planning on making? I do have a interest in short films, but that’s kinda hard to do with somebody else long distance. And you mentioned music?


            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 812


            I’m so happy that you want to obey God’s calling!

            I second @mineralizedwritings : what kind of videos? Would we each make them ourselves and send them to you?

            I enjoy video editing and making short “films”, but my spring/summer is pretty full right now, so I’m not sure how much I could participate, but it sounds like a neat idea!

            He must increase, but I must decrease.

              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 153


              Okay! We’ll see!

              and @felicity

              I haven’t figured out all the details and if you have any suggestions, they’re welcome.

              I’m picturing either

              1.) Something like Kingdom Pen where you can submit finished videos to be published. (But no matter what I want to keep you all safe as far as email addresses getting in dangerous hands.)

              Or 2.) having unfinished ideas that need polishing that can be strung together to create a video. (Example: I wrote a rap, but neither have the voice for rap nor a concept of rhythm, but I got the lyrics and the concept of what the video will look like. Another Example: I have a poem I think would make a great song, but I have no musical skills. Or I have a story idea I would love to see come alive as a stop motion Lego short.)

              Music videos are what came to mind because I’ve written a few songs and now have opportunities to make them realities. I also have dreams for stop motion Lego stories that share the Gospel.

              Basically, if anyone just wants a platform for their beginner’s work to reach people for God’s glory.


              What does that sound like?….

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3075


                Ok, I kinda get where you’re going with this! Music videos is something that sounds like fun to me. I’m not committing to anything as of right now because I would need a more solid view of the direction it was going to go.

                I gotta say I think this idea seems much better suited for instagram. I am a bit biased because it’s kinda my home social media, but I think youtube channels reach more people better when they have a solid and niche target audience (For instance, a baking channel, a camera review channel, or a channel for silly skits), whereas instagram is a bit of a catchall. For instance, there are people on instagram who post short skits, I’m sure music videos too, short animations, even oc animations that are super sloppy but fun, I mean kinda everything. And it’s considered that one account will post many different things, although maybe with one general theme (For instance, clean fun content like what you were suggesting above) There’s also a fairly large christian writing community (You’ll find almost all of them are connected to yww or author conservatory in some way) which is always fun to connect with.

                Reels on instagram are great for short skits (up to a minute and a half) (Could be done with legos for sure!)


                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 153


                  Huh, I’ve never used Instagram. I’m a bit old-fashioned and not in with what the “kids” are on now. Interesting, I will give it some thought.


                  I have a chorus to a song, but am not satisfied with the verses. Are there any Bible verses or stories that make you excited to be more and more wholly Christ’s? I was going to use my Unoccupied House poem for the verses, but that song would need to be more metal than I want to go for my first published song. 😁🙃

                  (And you’re all fine to bow out. Thanks for chiming in, though; it helped me think through this idea more. We’ll see what God has for it!)

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