The Shabby Guitar Poem

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  • #164224
    Mallory O’Bier
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 550

      I’d appreciate any and all feedback on this one! It’s an older poem of mine that I really want to polish and improve. Thanks! 😀

      The Shabby Guitar


      Silent is the shabby guitar 

      Locked and put away

      Faded are the songs it made 

      Folded are the hands that played


      Silent is the shabby guitar 

      Slowly losing its tune

      While people come and they go

      With the sun and rain and snow 


      Still silent is the shabby guitar 

      Alone it patiently waits 

      Until strange hands take it from its place 

      And carefully remove it from its case 


      Upon the silent, shabby guitar

      Sunlight reveals each dent and scar

      The glossy finish is worn and rubbed,

      It is an old guitar, which once was loved.


      The hands stroke the shabby guitar 

      Like it’s a long-lost friend,

      And then, slightly quivering 

      Draw their fingertips across the strings 


      A sound comes from the shabby guitar

      A long, sad chord that trembles and aches

      Like a heart that has lost someone dear,

      Someone who was once alive and near.


      The hands then tune the shabby guitar

      Painstakingly taking their time:

      All six strings are plucked and tested

      Each ivory knob carefully twisted.


      The shabby guitar is strummed again

      And this time, a chord clear and sweet

      Springs forth from the instrument

      The joyful sound resonates a moment.


      Tears fall on the shabby guitar

      And the hand that strummed the metal strings

      Pauses and hastily wipes them away

      Before once again resuming to play


      Now the guitar is not put away

      But placed conveniently within reach

      No longer will its case gather dust

      Nor will the strings stretch and rust;


      Now the guitar is not shabby

      But its finish is restored and gleaming;

      No longer silent, it sings

      Whenever hands dance upon its strings,


      As they strum the treasured guitar

      Fondest memories fill the ear

      And as its sweet music rises and fades

      New, beloved memories are made.


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2064


        Ooo, I like this poem.

        I’m not the most amazing of a poet, but I’ll post any polishing I can think of in a bit.

        Thanks for sharing!

        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
        Fork the Gork

        Mallory O’Bier
          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 550

          Thanks, @koshka! That would be great. 🙂

          I wrote this poem after my uncle’s passing. He was self-taught on guitar and left a few of the instruments behind (as well as many people who loved him).

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