The Lost Island (An Animal Fantasy RolePlay)

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  • #154615
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2002

      Y’all, I had so much fun writing this. It got a bit over long, but these two are just so…ahhhhh.

      Zlatan & Vulkasin

      Water. Salt. Cold.

      Not bitingly cold, not as cold as the snowmelt pools they’d learned to swim in, but an unceasing battering that tore at sodden fur. Vulkasin dug his claws into the wood vessel, grinning against the salt water air.

      “How do they do this?”

      “Who?” His brother’s low voice was barely audible over the slocking-slopping of water against wood.

      “The Okean. I think I’d rather die than live my-” he cut off, spluttering against a wave that caught him full in the face.

      “Ah.” Zlatan’s voice had the edge of a smile in it.

      Vulkasin pulled himself a little higher out of the water where he could see over the hollowed out log beside him. But instead of a smirking brother his eyes found something so beautiful, so lovely…The scowl on his face changed to a delighted smile.


      “I know.”

      Zlatan watched as his twin disappeared back on the other side, felt more than heard his irritated humph.

      “Well of course you know; you’re on the right side. Just when were you thinking of–GOLDEN MOONLIGHT! I can feel-!”

      “Can you be quiet, please? You’ll have the whole Island up in arms.”

      Another humph vibrated through the log. A second later Zlatan’s own feet brushed the silty sea bed and he whispered a prayer of thanks. Times like these reminded a Vulk just how small he was in the world. His body ached from the constant battle of sea and air and his skin was cold under his fur.

      Little by little the sea waves carried them closer to shore until they could drag themselves free from the waves.

      The two Volks lay for a while on the wave smoothed rocks, too exhausted to go any farther. Eventually, however, the larger of the two stood up to shake the water from his fur and prod at his smaller companion.

      Zlatan groaned.

      “Can you do that to someone else?”

      Vulkasin made a shew of looking around, then raised his hands in a questioning gesture. “Who?”

      Zlatan rolled over and coughed.

      “Come on. You’ll feel better once you start moving around.”

      Zlatan growled.

      His brother shrugged and made his way over to where their hollow log had come to rest, tipped over to one side, and dug his satchel out of the jumbled mess in weapons and cloaks. He rifled through the contents before pulling out a long string of dried meat and a leather flask.

      The smaller Volk joined him a few minutes later, carefully unwrapping his bow case from its protective oil skin. Good, the string was dry.

      In a few minutes more the two were armed and headed up the shoreline as the sun rose to its highest.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Koshka.

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
      Fork the Gork

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1437

        ok… here is mine… 🙃


        Evander likes to be alone. Unfortunately, he was alone quicker than he expected to be. His one brother, two sisters, and his mother were killed by a pack of heartless dholes, who left the bitter tiger half dead. The several large scars on his left shoulder are frequent reminders to him of the creatures he would never forgive.

        Evander is a large tiger with light turquoise eyes, black feet, and a black tail. He walks on all fours…

        ♫ make it look easy getting off the ground ♫

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2002


          Ooo, a tiger. He sounds interesting.

          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
          Fork the Gork

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1437


            Thanks! 😊

            ♫ make it look easy getting off the ground ♫

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6699

              OH!! Two questions

              @elishavet-pidyon @whalekeeper @grcr

              do y’all’s animals ever walk on their hind legs? Like anthropomorphic types? Or sometimes hind legs and then sometimes not?

              Nyx does not. He does use his paws to hold things sometimes, but only when like sitting or just uses them to kinda hold along with his mouth? (Just like your average animal does when trying to get a better grip on a toy, etc)

              And how old are your animals, mentally and/or physically?


              Physically…I’m not sure with Nyx….but age is a bit tricky/different with my animals.

              Sorta like how it is with our animals (how dog years is more then human years) in mine I think it’s a bit reversed actually but I’m not sure yet.)

              Anyway, at this time Nyx is around the age of 14 or so, including his voice and such, so he isnt super mature XD (does he ever become super mature…?) lol


              Elishavet Elroi
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1309

                Okay, here’s the entry. Y’all’s characters sound like such fun!

                Because of my Squiggle Things small size, the normal/slightly choppy conditions write like Euroclydon. XD


                “High side!” The words tore from his throat in two rough syllables. His dark furred friend flung himself up the tipping slope to join Tripkin.

                Their raft evened out. Both sighed in relief and shared a weary glance. Dalton’s hood was flattened down, and Tripkin looked more like a wet frog than a squirrel. He closed his eyes against the spray, vowing to write a good poem about it all if they survived.

                “Hey!” Dalton shouted as a magnificent wave hit them. The surging water dragged at them before releasing its grip in a shimmering crash. Their raft went spinning and bobbing wildly, its two passengers screaming for their lives.

                Tripkin swung on the makeshift steering oar in a vain attempt to gain stability. A pair of black paws joined his and a hoarse voice rasped in his ear.

                “Land! There’s land to the east.”

                The next moment they crested the top of a growing swell. All the sea was spread about them in a wilderness of blue-black and greens, broken by a wide shore of rocks.

                Then they were speeding back down toward the foamy depths in a roar of salt. Both squirrels bared their teeth and clung to the oar. Up they whirled and down again. No time to breathe, no air to think.


                A tangled mass of beams and fur spilled out onto the rocks.

                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1437



                  Yeah… I was kinda confused about the walking situation….

                  Evander walks like an average tiger… so on all fours. He probably could walk on his hind legs… but thats often…

                  He is also two years old in tiger age… so he’s a young adult…. I guess….

                  ♫ make it look easy getting off the ground ♫

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4212


                    They act so much like real bros 😂


                    Mine only goes on two legs too, so… *shrug* Actually, I think Koshka’s characters go on two legs.

                    "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                    Elishavet Elroi
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1309


                      Mine walk sometimes on their hind legs, but run on all fours. (If a squirrel runs. XD I’m not sure what the right word for ground flying is.) If anyone has read Mistmantle, they’re a lot like that. (very animal like, but also of course, able to do things real squirrels can’t.)

                      Tripkin is around twelve, come to think of it, and Dalton is around the same age. I think. I haven’t done much with them and need to figure pretty much everything out.

                      As a side note, they’re like Mistmantle with clothes too. Robes and cloaks aren’t necessary, and are usually used for special occasions or in the winter. Dalton wears a green cloak because his ultra dark coloring doesn’t blend into the daytime woods. Hats are a thing, but I don’t think either of them own one.

                      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4212

                        Alright, here’s mine! Simple bio:

                        A lamb-like creature, with a gentle spirit. He belongs a new land plagued with civil war, driven to the last line of defense, lead by child generals. He is not opposed to violence entirely, but not opposed to friendship either.



                        “Peace, oh men,” Gus said, teeth chattering, “even as I die.”

                        He curled his body into a ball, and held onto his horns, as if to block out the deafening shouts of gunfire, ghosts, and salt-streaked waves alike.

                        “Peace, oh men… Peace, oh men… Peace, oh-“

                        Water flooded into his nose and lungs, and he coughed, but his whimpers were lost to the wind.

                        A mere child, swept away from his fellow soldiers – a child without any answers since the last raid.

                        All those little ones, wallowing in blood.

                        How he had not drowned yet, he did not know – perhaps his fleece was water-proof. The clothes were not, and he shivered to the bone.

                        Doing as he had been taught, Gus tucked his chin and focused on existing. Focused on the faces of those he had trained, and those he had bunked with since the age of five. He was tossed here and there, sea foam whispering sweet songs of the wild, and stared into the deep, as his hoofs pointed down, down, down into the blackness.

                        Everyone knew, Horns were best at existing, against all odds.

                        And then sand cushioned a fall. He gripped at it, knuckles rubbing at the soft, scratchy minerals, and scrambled upward.

                        He flopped onto dry land, and stared up at the bright sky with wide orange eyes.

                        He was alive. Which wasn’t a surprise, if he was being honest with himself, but a miracle nonetheless.

                        After a prelude of silence and resting, with shell-sprinkled foam still bubbling up to his chest, Gus stumbled to his hoofs.

                        A small, cotton-furred creature, very much like a lamb, but humanoid, with enormous ram horns dipping down to his elbows, and eyes as large and orange as a lemur’s.

                        A hand-sewn soldier’s jacket and overalls, faded to the colors of a winter sky, clung raggedly to his thin, starved body. No tail, but a meaningless symbol was stamped to his back, through the fabric, exposing bare skin to the cold.

                        Strange ribbons and medals still hanging from his chest.

                        Gus hesitated, then let out a soft, husky bleat.

                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by whaley.

                        "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                        Elishavet Elroi
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1309

                          Oh, in actual years, Tripkin and Dalton are more like seven years old… I think? They measure time differently, and can live an unnaturally long time(for real squirrels).

                          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6699

                            @whalekeeper AHHH 😭 ok gotta ask…longshot but…


                            did u take any Inspo from Tubbo from the DreamSMP? XD


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2002


                              Question 1: Well, it depends? My animals typically walk on their hind legs, can sprint/move quickly on two, but lope/run on all four. They use their front paws as hands. But for all this they are (Oh humbug to anyone who says it’s scientifically impossible) completely animal in shape, skeleton, form, ect. Their clothes and armor are obviously shaped for them as they were made by them. =D

                              2: ages…well, my book’s ages are kinda mixed up/not like our world (obviously) so the twins are about 13-15 here. In this RP they’re as they are a bit into Act II of the book. They are, however, full members of the Pack and as such are basically treated as adults (and would be highly annoyed by anyone calling them children. Youth isn’t that great of a term either. They’re Volks: pack members).

                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                              Fork the Gork

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4212


                                Nope, I didn’t even know who that was until I just now googled it XDXD

                                I just combined an old fantasy character and an idea I had recently, and there Gus is, lol.

                                "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6699

                                  OKAY MY TURN!!! *rubs hands together*


                                  Nyx gagged as saltwater lapped into his nostrils, the waves tugging at his tails and hind legs. He slipped beneath the surface, ears filling with bubbles and breath breathing against his chest in an effort to escape.

                                  He kicked and writhed against the waves in an effort to escape it’s chain like grip around him, but this only made him weary.

                                  He wasn’t made for water. Didn’t have the stamina or lungs to fight back against what seemed to be nature’s most vicious force.

                                  It had only been a split second…

                                  A single moment in space and time…one small mistake.

                                  Not his mistake of course! Their mistake.

                                  One minute he was walking beside his girl…watching the waves lap onto the shore…

                                  The next…


                                  That…that guy! He must’ve done it!

                                  Pushed him! Or…or something!

                                  Yea…that was it. Had to be.

                                  As if Nyx would…trip and fall..Psh…absurd.

                                  Not that it really mattered at the moment, considering the kit was only a split second from drowning…

                                  But it was the PRINCIPLE!

                                  At least now Nyx knew…

                                  His death…was NOT his fault…


                                  He’d haunt that wolf boy for eternity…

                                  Though…he really would rather not die at the moment. And especially not like this; spouting water from his nostrils, like some sort of…water pig.

                                  Were water pigs a thing?


                                  He’d have even rather a siren coming along and putting him out of his misery…

                                  But noOooOOo…


                                  Life is misery…





                                  XD XD ok that was kinda hilarious but could someone maybe save ma boy?


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