The Ildin Saga

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  • #178587
    Cloaked Mystery
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2874


      As I was saying before my post was rudely deleted…

      I haven’t had worked on this at all in a while, but I’ve been thinking about it in the back of my head. I realized that I have very little attachment to the vague plot ideas I have so far, or most of the characters, which leaves the setting as basically the only thing I do care about.

      So, I’m thinking I might just wipe away most everything I’ve got so far for plot and characters and start over. I would probably use Rina as the/a main character, since she is one of my better characters overall, and the only one from this project with a decent amount of development. The fact that she was a late addition made it so that she wasn’t very important to the plot before, and I eventually just thought, if the only character I care about isn’t even important to the plot I have so far, why even do it?

      It will probably be a while before I can get back to this, but I wanted to get everyone’s opinions on this. Do you think this is a good idea, or should I try something else?

      *gets ready to submit*



      *glares at Wyoh*


      🏰 Fantasy Writer
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      📚 Appreciator of Books

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