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February 3, 2025 at 12:22 pm #196812
AHHH that’s such a cool idea! I’ve never thought of that before!
This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.
February 3, 2025 at 12:24 pm #196813@anyone
I am in need of some ideas.
I need some lies that my characters could believe about themselves, like “you are worthless” or “you are nothing” that would give the Pythonos power.
I don’t know what to doooooo ahh
This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.
February 3, 2025 at 1:10 pm #196827Can it be any lies or does it have to be something that has to do specifically with Pythonos? I’m not familiar enough with your stories to help if they have to be specific, but I might be able to give a few suggestions otherwise.
"Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley
February 3, 2025 at 1:19 pm #196830“You are just a waste of space, you have no value here, nor anywhere. There is no need or use for you, and everything would be better if you were not here.”
Those are things people have told me 😁 so I have experience with a lot of insults! 🥲…😀…
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
February 3, 2025 at 1:36 pm #196834@the_lost-journal That’s so mean, who said that to you?
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
February 3, 2025 at 2:12 pm #196835It needs to be lies that affect the way you think…but shorter. Like “you are nothing” will have more impact than “you are ugly/not beautiful” will…
I’m not really sure how to explain it, but I’m looking for short lies, not so much longer insults.
This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.
February 3, 2025 at 2:15 pm #196836omc…you’re gonna make me cry…that’s so sad! I’m so sorry that people said that to you…I hope you know it’s not true and that NO ONE should EVER talk that way to another person! That makes me really mad actually, like why do people have to be so mean?!?
so I have experience with a lot of insults!
Unfortunately, though those are sad and really cruel insults, I’m not looking for insults as much as I’m looking for lies that affect how a person thinks. And I’m looking for shorter ones too, like about three or four words, like “you are nothing”. And I’m looking for broader ones too.
Thank you for replying though!!!!!!
This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.
February 3, 2025 at 2:28 pm #196838omc…you’re gonna make me cry…that’s so sad! I’m so sorry that people said that to you…I hope you know it’s not true and that NO ONE should EVER talk that way to another person! That makes me really mad actually, like why do people have to be so mean?!?
Eh, it is fine. I have already forgiven them! Also I agree though.
Unfortunately, though those are sad and really cruel insults, I’m not looking for insults as much as I’m looking for lies that affect how a person thinks. And I’m looking for shorter ones too, like about three or four words, like “you are nothing”. And I’m looking for broader ones too.
Thank you for replying though!!!!!!
?huh? Some of those were lies. what do you mean? You yourself said that they were lies.
That’s so mean, who said that to you?
I would rather not say… but family and people I thought were friends. 😁 🤌🌑🫥🫠😬🔥🔥🔥😭😅😂😥😢💔🥀
"We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)
February 3, 2025 at 2:32 pm #196839Aw I’m glad <3
Some of those were lies. what do you mean? You yourself said that they were lies.
yes, they are lies…
But they’re not the type of lies in my story…
agh I don’t know how to explain it, I’m sorry!!
This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.
February 3, 2025 at 2:35 pm #196841Ooo, lies. XD if I remember right, they want to start with little lies (because they’re more believable) and then work toward bigger lies with more power. So here are some ideas for chains of lies.
“You should be able to be strong enough on your own” (so when you falter, “you must be a failure” can follow)
“If God loved you, he’d make things easy for you” (so when life is not easy, “He must not love you” and “you’re just a mistake of nature” can be told)
“You are insignificant” (tricky, because in a way it’s true. However, it can soon become “nothing you do matters,” “you have no value in the eyes of others,” and “you have no value at all”)
On the flip side, maybe the struggle is pride. Maybe it’s “you are better than so and so” (Which soon follows that “you are good at everything worth doing” “nothing others do is a good as yours,” “You are always right” and “you don’t need anyone.”)
Or maybe it’s bitterness, which could go so, so many ways. “You will never heal from what happened” or “you really deserved it” or even “It would be wrong to forgive something so big/Forgiveness means you condone what happened.”
You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan
February 3, 2025 at 2:44 pm #196842YES those are what I’m looking for!!!!
I will definitely be using those later in my book…But I’m struggling with a specific scene where I need a lie XDXD and none of these seem to fit…
“Well, what are you waiting for?” the Master spat, motioning for Iver to continue. “You may begin whenever you are ready.”
Sef’s knees shook.
Suddenly the air in the room changed…
Sef’s arms prickled with goosebumps as she watched Iver seem to triple in size. She shrank back.
“Aldssskig,” Iver hissed, and flung a dark orb straight for her mother.
Sef wanted to run, to leap in front of her mani.
She would have done it for me.
She would have been stronger.
Her mani would not have cowered.
Even now, as the orb struck her, as dark tendrils hissed and bound Neveah’s limbs, crackling with dark energy, Neveah didn’t flinch. She curled her lip, staring Iver in the face, refusing to show emotion.
“Scisto,” Iver growled. Neveah froze as the dark ropes tightened. She levitated in the air, unblinking, as if frozen in time.
Iver lifted Neveah higher in the air, but strained as if it was too much for him.
The darkness was fading, and a vein bulged in Iver’s neck, pulsing wildly under the effort.
The Master watched him like a hawk, stone-faced, expressionless.
As Iver’s knees buckled, and Neveah dipped lower in the air, he quickly whirled towards Sef, stretching out a hand and grasping her arm. She flinched.
“You—” he choked, “are unlovable…”
Sef tensed, catching her breath. Within the churning dark clouds, she thought she saw her mother’s eyes mist over.
She looked into her mani’s eyes…
“I love you, Birdie,” she remembered her mani saying over and over again when she was little. “You are precious…you are my daughter…”
“Sssay it—” Iver gasped, his legs quivering. Sef shriveled beneath the Master’s smug smile.
She looked at her mani one last time…helpless—
“I’m unlovable,” she whispered.
And then a crushing weight settled on her shoulders, shoving her to the ground…she felt her heart slow, her muscles spasmed, and the ground tilt beneath her.
Her eyes drifted closed.
Iver stood taller now, his massive arms doubling in size, and his face grew sharper, darkening by the second.
Just before Sef’s world went dark, just before the scene before her faded into oblivion, she had enough time to see Neveah, her precious mani, crash to the floor with enough force to break every bone in her body.
And then, moments before Sef lost consciousness completely, she saw her mani’s head loll to one side, her vacant eyes gaze at the ceiling, and her chest rise and fall no more.
She saw the life stolen from her mani.
This is the type of scene I need. I need something short, and powerful, like the “you are unlovable”. At this point, Sef is already so decieved that she believes she’s worthless, which gives room for more powerful lies. I just want to be able to expand from “you are worthless” since that’s kinda cliche and I use that too much.
I need something really short, since as Iver loses strength, he can barely speak and he needs to be able to make Sef believe more lies in order to remain conscious, or else the spell will kill him.
Hopefully that makes sense?
This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.
February 3, 2025 at 2:50 pm #196844Here’s a little background on that scene…
yes, I know it is very sloppy and not perfect (I just wrote it literally today)
but here’s the cliffnotes:
- Sef is a slave of Iver, who is a Pythonos.
- Sef and Iver are currently in the throne room of the Master, leader of all Pythonos
- Iver has applied for a military position, and the Master is putting Iver to the test to see how strong he really is.
- The reason Sef is there is because Iver feeds off Sef’s energy for the spells. (which is why after she believes the lie, she passes out)
- Iver’s assignment is to kill Sef’s mother (this was pure coincidence, and unplanned that the prisoner would be Sef’s mani, but it happened)
- Iver has to use dark magic, but the spell is enough to make him exhausted, so he demands that Sef believe the lie, and when she does, he kills Neveah
- That’s not how the chapter ends, but this is all that would be practical to share right now lol
This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.
February 3, 2025 at 3:11 pm #196846@the_lost-journal aww that’s terrible.
"When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers
February 3, 2025 at 3:55 pm #196850Wow. That’s intense. Pretty good story-wise, though. I’ll just go on a rabbit trail of plotting and hope it gives ideas. XD
I liked how you had Neveah try to combat the lie, and it’s obvious it’s for Sef’s sake, not her own. To make this sequence really work, maybe make Sef think her Mani is just trying to save herself – it’s not a lie about Sef, but it would make the former lie hit home. Make her really crumble since the last thing keeping the lie from holding folds.
I’m thinking the initial lie would need to be an escalation of whatever Iver has used to bind Sef. (which you already basically sad, lol.) If it’s doubting her worth as a person, make her doubt her worth as a soul. Maybe she doubts there’s a purpose in everything. That there’s hope that her life will be healed. That her life deserves to be healed.
Lastly, it feels like this is leading to Sef’s lowest point, or her midpoint. If that is the case, you want his lie to directly contradict the theme. Similarly, what does Neveah represent to Sef? I mean, is it Neveah’s love for Sef that gives the most strength? Or maybe Neveah’s faith in God encourages Sef? Whatever that is should probably support the theme, and also contradict this lie he tells.
So, in three words, what would you say Sef’s theme is? That’s pretty much the aim of the lie he will tell.
You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan
February 3, 2025 at 4:08 pm #196852And it feels like I’m going in circles. XD
If “you’re unloveable” is a side of her ‘shard of glass’, then maybe “your hopeless,” “you’re alone,” “your too far gone,” etc.
You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan
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