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  • #184646
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      I understand that. At the moment, I do have an arc idea which explores the strange peace and yet burden of Christians, but I don’t talk about it much because, while it fits both the AU and real timeline (with only slight changes) I’m not completely happy with it yet.

      Also, sorry to burst your bubble, but at the moment, I don’t have plans to publish either one of these stories. I have written scenes, but haven’t decided whether or not I want to dedicate myself to a book. Besides, I should focus on Guardian Angels rn.

      “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

      Ellette Giselle
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1097


        Well I don’t just mean that for publishing. I mean for anything you write that others may read! Whoever they are!

        Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3144


          Dude needs help lol. He’s pretty much cursed from the get go. Emmie is good though. I like the idea of a person who remains power-hungry throughout their life, but doesn’t go fully villain because of their partner. It’s like the opposite of Macbeth.


          I think Rae is imagining an AU of her story where Alpha goes down the villain path, but is still softened by those things that are important to him in canon. He never becomes fully ‘good’ but the signs are there.

          I personally think it’s intriguing without God. Storytelling is a form of communication, and to include God in every story is like trying to slip the Gospel into every conversation with an unbeliever. It’s weird. If I was telling a story to someone about trauma or pizza, I would not insert God, because that’s not what the conversation is about. Thinking about the Gospel will not heal trauma. And it certainly has nothing to do with pizza.

          Except here, we’re talking about hypothetical human experiences. If that makes sense 😛

          “Everything is a mountain”

          Ellette Giselle
            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1097


            I completely disagree. But, that is just my conviction, and we don’t have to get into an argument. lol.

            If you take God out, there isn’t any truth. Just saying. (and ESPECIALLY when it comes to finding peace and happiness.)

            Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3144


              Just letting you know I read your thoughts, and some of them touched nerves, so I appreciate the time you took to write them out ❤️


              My book update is that I’m now in the formatting process of my next book!!!!! I’m hoping to have the proof copy by no later then next week!!!!! I’m pretty excited! (In case you didn’t notice.) lol.

              Ooh! Hope it goes well!! Is formatting tedious or do you enjoy it? It sounds kind of fun lol. Like rearranging your room.


              Yeah, I get that…in a weird sort of way. Sharing my new ideas and charries keeps me writing so I guess it’s the same just switched. *shrugs*

              I guess so. XD I used to misunderstand why people shared so much information, but now I get it. It motivates you.

              I will only say it is the project with Sebastian, Hugo, and ensemble. And if I was to choose a song to fit the ending, it would be Merry Go Round of Life from Howl’s Moving Castle.

              Though, on that same note, can you imagine what the boy version of Ruth would be? Root? Rut? Ruthenio?!!!!

              Aw, Root is cute.

              Also, have I ever told you how much I like the name Marcel? I haven’t used it before, though, mainly cuz I just can’t imagine a Marcel without bubblegum curls XDXD

              Aw, thanks 😛 I’m glad he leaves an after-image in the imagination. I chose the name Marcel because it means “warrior” and “belonging to Mars,” and I like that from an astronomical perspective because he often feels like he belongs on another planet. And the greek/roman god reference is perfect because many of the characters are inspired by classical epic mythology.

              Name finding is sooo fun. I love it.

              My usual approach to this situation is change the spelling slightly. Like, one of Nahim’s older brothers was named Nihan. Originally I thought it was unique, but then I discovered there was a girl’s name spelled and pronounced the same way! So I added a silent k to the front. But I don’t think I can do that with Tomoko. Tomoco just looks wrong, ya know?

              You could shorten it to Moko? I think that’s a surname. That’s probably too different.

              IF YOU DON’T TAG ME IF AND WHEN YOU POST IT I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              OKAY!!!!!!!!!! 😂


              Whatt??? I always thought they just flooded the city. 🤔

              That’s what I thought too. But then I realized lots of people probably died, and around two books later, there’s a new description of Ravagog with destroyed homes and gravestones. I kinda wish they addressed that.

              “Everything is a mountain”

              Ellette Giselle
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1097


                Is formatting tedious or do you enjoy it? It sounds kind of fun lol. Like rearranging your room.

                I really enjoy it! It’s the editing that can get a little tedious. The formatting is the fun part.



                Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3144


                  Okay, I don’t want to enter fight mode, I just like asking questions 😅 Am I false if I say something like, idk, “be careful what you wish for?” A movie like Aladdin is about how humans can go too far with their wishes. I’ve read plenty of stories like that, and I don’t think they’re wrong.

                  You can choose to not reply. I’m just exploring the idea. *Floats around the elusive ether*

                  “Everything is a mountain”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3144


                    I really enjoy it! It’s the editing that can get a little tedious. The formatting is the fun part.

                    Good! I thought so! I bet it takes a lot of research to learn. I wouldn’t know how big the font should be, for example.

                    Do you title your chapters or number them, by the way? Cuz I’m divided on the subject. I never read chapter titles for some reason, and just go in blind, hehe.

                    “Everything is a mountain”

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2973


                      Ok, That’s alright. You know I’ll always give you my honest opinion and we can’t possibly agree on everything.  Thanks for being kind about it.💗

                      Oh, and I hope you can consider that I’ve never met you and your mom so that was more about my experience with illness than hers. Idk what she’s going through and how it relates to what I’m going through.

                      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3560


                        Aw, Root is cute.

                        Mixed feelings. On one hand, it’s not too bad, on the other, who would name their kid after the thing that a carrot or potato is!?

                        You could shorten it to Moko? I think that’s a surname. That’s probably too different.

                        I looked it up. It appears it has both feminine and masculine meanings, but I don’t like the masculine meaning. Thanks for the suggestion though <3

                        @whaley @ellette-giselle

                        I think Rae is imagining an AU of her story where Alpha goes down the villain path, but is still softened by those things that are important to him in canon. He never becomes fully ‘good’ but the signs are there.

                        Bingo! Actually, that’s explained better than i could have XD.

                        It will have mentions of God, of course, mainly because Emmie is a Christian. But it’d be the type of mentions where Emmie is trying to push Alpha in that direction and Alpha is just putting up a wall. Ya know, typical Alpha trying to make people stop talking to him about a subject…like how he trains too much *ahem* Alpha, you listening?


                        I completely disagree. But, that is just my conviction, and we don’t have to get into an argument. lol.

                        If you take God out, there isn’t any truth. Just saying. (and ESPECIALLY when it comes to finding peace and happiness.)


                        I get your viewpoint, and I also understand your conviction…’tis somethin’ more for me to ponder. Should Christians always try to put the Gospel in their work?

                        I can see both sides of the issue, but I feel neutral for lack of data. If anyone be willing, I’d be glad to slip into a character cloak and debate either side.

                        “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                        Ellette Giselle
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1097


                          Do you title your chapters or number them, by the way? Cuz I’m divided on the subject. I never read chapter titles for some reason, and just go in blind, hehe.

                          I actually do both. In the last book I published there was just numbers, and this one has titles. So yeah, it all depends on the story.

                          Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3144


                            Ok, That’s alright. You know I’ll always give you my honest opinion and we can’t possibly agree on everything. Thanks for being kind about it.💗

                            Of course! By the way, I didn’t mean to sound like I disagree with anything you said. When I said you touched nerves, I meant those thoughts felt very applicable to second-hand pain I have… kind have gone through? Through empathy? Your experience is ten times more direct than mine 😅 I’m thankful to hear your perspective.



                            “Everything is a mountain”

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 658

                              @ellette-giselle Just a friendly reminder that a book can glorify God without explicitly stating Him. :3

                              I used to believe the same thing, and it’s totally ok if that’s your personal conviction and I’m not here to argue, but as I’ve grown and met other Christian authors who don’t necessarily mention God but still show aspects of Christianity, because besides what is Sin, God created everything around us. Love…family…hope…all of it comes from Him, and if a Christian author doesn’t feel called to explicitly mention God, then they have no obligation to do so.

                              But again, not trying to start an argument, just tossing some thoughts out there <3

                              What is strength?
                              Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 658

                                I so wish I could share the Marvel edits I made with y’all 😅😭

                                What is strength?
                                Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 658


                                  I think I like writing things that can be dark because it’s relatable. I find that some of the Christian places I’ve known in the past aren’t willing to deal with the idea of intense hardship. I mean most of us live in a developed country, have access to food and water, and don’t have any kind of life threatening persecution. We feel safe. When somebody in the church starts going through something extremely hard, it’s hard to admit these bad things can happen to anybody, and our good God allows it. Even when we do everything right, God lets really really bad things happen to us. I’d like for people to be able to understand that, not just as in ‘oh i had a bad day and my car broke down’ but more of in the sense of life altering and traumatic events. God can help us heal from such things, but it doesn’t mean he’ll spare everyone from experiencing them.

                                  I love this😭😭 so well put and so true.

                                  That’s part of the reason why I write such deeper, even darker stories too. I think it’s something that needs to be addressed more. Cheers to you, girlie💖

                                  What is strength?
                                  Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

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