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  • #172288
    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 5703

      @mineralizedwritings I hate how toxic many of my fandoms are, too.

      Can you believe a lot of the Minecraft players?? Especially concerning the mob votes (which I think are really fun).

      Also, I read a saying, “Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans,” and I hate how true it is.

      And as for Marvel, the less-than-stellar writing and supposed “sociopolitical issues” that have shown up in a few of the movies/shows post-Endgame has ripped the fandom all to shreds.


      It’s like, if this toxicity is what being a Minecraft or Star Wars or Marvel fan is, I don’t want to be called a fan, I’m just a person who genuinely likes and enjoys those things, accepting the good and *nicely if not annoyedly* criticizing the bad.

      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @keilah-h i knowww, I love it so much🩷🩷


        i’m really tempted, tbh 😂

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 5703

          @freedomwriter76 ehhh he’ll be interesting!

          and when he inevitably dies, people will be like “awww but I was hoping for a good ending!”

          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @keilah-h He’s interesting for sure…and the younger him is so lovable, like, you have no idea😭🩷

            Now I’m so sad he dies unredeemed😭

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3056


              I hate how toxic many of my fandoms are, too.

              Ikr? It’s awful

              Can you believe a lot of the Minecraft players?? Especially concerning the mob votes (which I think are really fun).

              Yeah I feel really bad for the people trying tbh, nothing can be perfect and letting players choose a mob is far more freedom than most companies would give.

              Also, I read a saying, “Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans,” and I hate how true it is.

              And as for Marvel, the less-than-stellar writing and supposed “sociopolitical issues” that have shown up in a few of the movies/shows post-Endgame has ripped the fandom all to shreds.

              Yeah… it’s too bad. I figure unfortunately that every franchise has it’s downturn and golden age. Endgame was such a ‘ending’ I’m not sure they’ll be able to build it up again. The writers had a tough job :/


              It’s like, if this toxicity is what being a Minecraft or Star Wars or Marvel fan is, I don’t want to be called a fan, I’m just a person who genuinely likes and enjoys those things, accepting the good and *nicely if not annoyedly* criticizing the bad.


              I don’t like that kind of toxicity, but when I was referring to anime toxicity I meant something real different lol. The fanfics, fanart, and other fan productions that make relationships go way off the deep end, to the point where a lot of the fandom supports the fan created ideas, most of which are absolutely disgusting.


              Ruee Hamster Huey
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4107


                I was seriously hoping that you had finally decided to redeem Hans…oh, well…*sigh* I’ll just keep crying and begging until you do…

                So…I especially like the idea of his father remarrying. Why? Because I have a step-grandmother, and it does create friction in the family. If you want me to go into details about HOW it creates a lot of friction, we’ll have to chat on an update where I can delete it later.

                With adoption, I feel like there’s either exceptance or complete rejection, with remarriage, there’s either exceptance or forced exceptance. Then again, if Hans doesn’t know he’s adopted…

                I have like no experience with adoption, so this might just be me leaning more into what I know. Just a full discloser.

                If you don’t mind me doing this, I’m gonna tell you what I would probably do:

                Hans’s mother was murdered by a Jew (giving him more drive to hate the Jews) when Hans was…3-5, maybe 7? Idk your complete timeline for his life, but I would personally do a young age but not so young that he doesn’t remember. His father remarries before even a year has passed since his first wife’s death. Hans feels forced to like her, even though he secretly hates her. He prefers to call her my her first name, but his father insists on him calling her his mother.

                That’s as far as my thoughts are going, and then they split of into a mumble of many roads.



                Yeah…my thoughts.




                I beam with pride that I am a Hans fan XD

                Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                Ruee Hamster Huey
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4107


                  Also, remember that grief never dies. Especially for an unbeliever. I still cried over the death of my little brother (many years ago, he died when I was 2-3) until I was 7-8. He lived a total of three days, yet I still loved him. In fact, I still sometimes wonder what he could have been. My mom still remembers him well. And my Grandma made me promise that I would care for the rose bush we have in his honor. She went as far to say that if I ever moved away, I was to take it with me if I could.

                  Grief never, ever truly dies.

                  Some form always lives on.

                  Personal expierance.


                  If Hans still remembers his mother, then he will still be grieving. And if she was murdered, he will still be bitter.

                  Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                  #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @rae I’m so sorry. I want him to be redeemed too, but I can’t have everyone redeemed, and Hans is one who sadly has to die unredeemed. I’M SO SORRY *SOBS*


                    Hmm…well, adoption can cause friction too for sure, but I do love/appreciate all of your thoughts!!








                    and I also just thought of something else…




                    …what if (if Hans IS adopted), he learns that his mother died when he was young and his father abandoned him…


                    …and what if Hans’ birth father is 1/2 or fully Jewish?



                    and that festers his hatred against the Jews, and he never tells anyone else, and to get into the SS, he merely uses Heinrich(Felix’s father/Hans’ “father”)’s ancestry?


                    idk, more random rambles 😂

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @rae *hugs* 🩷🩷 That is so true <3



                      and adding to what I said above, again, if he’s adopted, Hans also remembers his birth mother vaguely…she was German, and kind, and everything…and what if his birth father was also abusive/alcoholic/etc?


                      I have so many ramblings right now XD

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        I’m on the journey to making Hans my most developed character😂

                        Riker still has him beat for now 😜XD

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          but idk what idea I want to go with😅

                          I like them all, oof

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            Awww Leon!!!!!!! I love that so much!!! It just adds another bitter/sweet detail to his story!!

                            Also for Hans, I like the idea of him being adopted and stuff, I think that would add to his story

                            Also… uhhhh why does Hans have to die??

                            (Honestly though, I sort of like it cause out of everything you’ve written that will be the saddest to your fans, like a character with that much tragedy to die without a happy ending or really anyone to care will make your fans feel for him, not to mention it will show the heartbreak that happens to non believers and why God tells us to be a light to others)

                            Is a way you’re showing both examples through Riker and Hans

                            Just my oberservations



                            I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                            ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                            SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2818



                              I like the idea of Hans being adopted. That way, like you said, he realizes why he was “never wanted” and it would be super interesting if Felix accidentally tells him!!!

                              YOU COULD COMBINE ALL YOUR IDEAS!! that way you won’t just have to go with one…..

                              haha that might be a bit much though…idk!



                              This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

                              Keilah H.
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 5703

                                @mineralizedwritings ooohh yeah that doesn’t sound great either.

                                Fan writers/artists can go some dark places, especially in anime where things are often already pretty exaggerated…..

                                "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @mineralizedwritings It won’t post on your update😭😤




                                  Happy 2024, Min!!! 🎉🎉

                                  Nothing really new that I can think of, but I’m continuing my ASL studies, which I have really enjoyed <3 I’m hoping to use ASL someday, either as a career and/or in ministry🩷 (did you know that only 2% of the millions within the Deaf population know Christ? 😢That classifies the deaf as one of the most unreached people groups in the world simply bc there aren’t enough Churches, missionaries, etc that put in the work to learn Sign Language😔)

                                  But in a brighter note, I’m hoping to get Freedom’s Fire published this year!! We’re actually currently working on that process👀
                                  and I’m just hoping to get lots of writing and things done this year, LOL

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