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  • #131992
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      I can totally relate to the bibliography. I just finished one for my own paper which was also coincidentally on a dictators rise (specifically Hitler’s).

      Wow that’s so similar to what I’m doing! Mine is about the shared tactics used, so for me it’s Hitler, Franco (spain), Moa Zadong (might have butchered his name) and maybe Mussolini. A bit like a similarities and differences thing.

      Also the floaty thing happens to me a whole lot. I feel that is a good way to describe it. I usually just think of it as going to Kharvia but I agree that a tiny part of me imagines my mind floating away and then materializing in my fantasy world. This happens especially when I am bored. Like in math class. I really need to pay more attention and stop just daydreaming through notes and then asking my brother to explain them to me later.

      Yeah! I have my day separated where I try to do no writing or world building in the start of the day, because once I get going, I don’t get much schoolwork done at all. Lol your poor brother 😂 my sister and I are in different grades so we never had that experience.

      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @freedomwriter76 😭 oh Leon!!!


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          Thanks!! 💛

          You are sooo welcome!!! 💜💜💜

          And yes, the heat and bugs is what gets me in the Summer! 😂😅

          Yeah I know how that goes. Glad your feeling a bit better though! <3

          Thank you so much! 💜

          (I used to be really loneley and tried waaaay to hard to make friends, recently I felt like I was just becoming aware this wasn’t the time, and I just needed to wait it out for whatever God had planned, It was really nice to have a break from my high-effort-trying-to-make-friends conversations) I’m hopefully taking an in person art class this next quarter, and it’s kinda a stressful thought 😂

          Yeah, I get that. 😅💜 I can understand how that’d be stressful, but you got this, Min!!! May God give you his peace and his strength! 🙏🏻💕

           Idk if you get how this works because you weren’t in public school, but you kinda learn how to function and shake stuff off in a secular environment… I think that shell might have worn off :/

          Yeah…I’ve been homeschooled since kindergarten. 😂

          However, I have many family members who aren’t Christians, so I have learned (in some ways) how to shake off things that they do and say. 😅😊💜

          I’ll pray for God to give you his peace, comfort, strength, and that you will shine as a beacon of Light of Christ when you go! 🙏🏻💜

          Anyways That was long XD

          You’re good! I understand! We all need someone to listen to us, and I’m glad that I can be someone you trust enough to tell all of this to. 😊💕

          That’s good! Oof… algebra. I have two overdue assignments for alg 2 actually 😖😮

          Algebra is just horrid. 😱😂

          yep i agree. I find that rotating between my two wips keeps me sane XD

          Amen to that, sister. 😂

          Have you ever had a day where you were just kinda in your story in your head for most of the day, and you just feel like weird and… floaty? I’m sorry that’s the best description I have 😂🤣 like less human? It happens to me every once in awhile, I escape from reality into my little world then I feel weird after a bit because I go a little too long in a fantasy realm of my brain 😂🤣 (In other words, should take a break before I become a crazy author XD)

          Yep, sure have!!! Totally forget and block out everything around me…lol, and think about my characters and story!? Totally done that! 😅😂 I stare off into space a lot, more often than not daydreaming about my characters or plotting out characters and character deaths.

          But to be fair…what writer hasn’t!? 😂😂😂

          Gwyndalf the Wise
            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 404


            AGH LEON NO!!!

            WHOO, GO ABELARD!

            I love this scene. Although, I have one question…why would Leon take the ring off?

            "...I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain..."
            (Part of) Isaiah 45:19

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @gwyndalf-the-wise. AGHHH, I KNOW!!!! LEON!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭

              YESSSSS!!! Abelard is A M A Z I N G!!! 💜💜💜💜

              Aww, thank you!!! 😊💕

              Ah, well, you see…at the camp, they took away all valuables from any one coming in, so the SS took Leon’s ring…he never took it off himself. 😅💜😭

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4732

                @mineralizedwritings You were the one that asked this, right?

                Have you ever had a day where you were just kinda in your story in your head for most of the day, and you just feel like weird and… floaty? I’m sorry that’s the best description I have 😂🤣 like less human? It happens to me every once in awhile, I escape from reality into my little world then I feel weird after a bit because I go a little too long in a fantasy realm of my brain 😂🤣 (In other words, should take a break before I become a crazy author XD)

                That is me much of the time. I once cried over a death scene that didn’t even end up happening.

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4732

                  @freedomwriter76 You’re welcome!

                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @keilah-h. 💕😊

                    . @gwyndalf-the-wise. @lightoverdarkness6. @mineralizedwritings. Sooo…I also have this small scene. Probably not the whole thing yet, but I’m still trying to figure out exactly where it’s going to go from here, but I thought I’d share what I have so far! 😉😊

                    I was listening to the song “Love is Here” by Tenth Avenue North when writing this entire scene. 💕

                    Rain poured down. His stomach grumbled and churned.

                    But Riker ignored it.

                    He didn’t have food, and besides, he deserved to feel the gnaw of hunger.

                    He missed his wife…and his kids…but there were others who would never get to see their family again on this earth.

                    Like Leon, his thoughts reminded.

                    Riker leaned back against the building in the alleyway, closing his eyes.

                    He was a monster. Blood of innocent people stained his hands. They would never be washed clean. They couldn’t be washed clean.

                    Footsteps sounded, and Riker abruptly opened his eyes and turned.

                    “There you are…I thought I might find you here again.”

                    Riker stared at Louisa. “Ma’am…? You-you shouldn’t be out in the rain.”

                    Louisa smiled. “I have a coat. Besides, should you be outside in it? You’ll get a cold or worse, darling.”

                    Riker tried to not flinch at the word ‘darling’. But it was hard…it reminded him of so much. Reminded him of an embrace. A love that knew no bounds.

                    A love that was now so far away.

                    A love he could never again reach for.

                    “I brought you food.”

                    Riker turned his attention back to Louisa. “You-you shouldn’t…I-I shouldn’t have even come to visit…”

                    Louisa slowly shook her head. “Ignore Leon, dear, he was intoxicated. And even though he banned you from coming to the house, he can’t ban me from bringing you food.”

                    “You shouldn’t…you don’t have to…” Riker whispered, gaze falling to his muddied boots.

                    Louisa smiled softly, holding out the container of food. “I don’t have to do anything. I thought you would be hungry…being on the run all the time.”

                    “It’s nothing I can’t handle. People have been through worse.”

                    “That they have. But that doesn’t mean you must go hungry. Take the food, dear. I came out all this way for you.”

                    Riker slowly took the container. “Thank you…but you shouldn’t.”

                    Louisa raised an eyebrow. “And why ever not?”

                    Riker took in and let out a deep breath, telling himself, forcing himself, to not cry. “…Ma’am, you know as well as I do that I’m the one who killed your daughter.”

                    “You didn’t kill Aadelheide, dear…you must stop blaming yourself.”

                    “You don’t understand,” Riker shook his head, “Leon begged me to help him and his wife…but I ignored him…refused to help him. And then…later…Aadelheide died…because of me.”

                    “Dear, you can’t keep blaming yourself.”

                    Riker looked back up at her. “How can I not? Thousands…maybe millions of people are dead because of me…Aadelheide was only one. And she’s dead because I…was a coward.”

                    Louisa’s blue eyes softened even more, and she crouched down to be at Riker’s eye-level. “Dear…you’re not the only one to blame for all of the problems in the world. Far from it. You didn’t kill all of those people…you can’t keep feeling guilty. Guilt keeps you loaded down, ashamed, and chained.”

                    Riker slowly shook his head. How could he not feel guilty? How could he not blame himself for so many people’s deaths?

                    Louisa smiled. “Now, why don’t you eat the food I brought you? I’m sure you’re hungry. And maybe you should get inside somewhere…stay with someone that knows you and someone you know you can trust.”

                    Riker slowly shook his head. He didn’t deserve any of this.

                    He held the container of food out to her. “…I’m not hungry.”

                    Louisa raised an eyebrow. “I’ve heard your stomach growling this entire time.”

                    Riker shrugged. “And?”

                    He didn’t deserve any compassion…he didn’t deserve any sympathy.

                    A murderer, a mistake, a monster like him deserved nothing than death and hell itself.

                    Louisa pushed the container closer to him. “Dear…take the food…eat it.”

                    Riker slowly shook his head. He swallowed tears. “No…I-I can’t.”

                    Louisa smiled sadly. “Darling, stop punishing yourself. This guilt is doing enough to you…don’t punish yourself more.”

                    “I-I can’t…I-I don’t deserve this…any of this. I’m a murderer…a mistake…a-a-a…” Riker trailed off, fighting back tears.

                    Louisa’s eyes filled with tears, her hands came and rested on his cheeks, and she whispered, “Child, God doesn’t make mistakes.”


                    The final line, y’all…it got me this morning. 😭💜😭💜😭💜😭💜

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4732

                      @freedomwriter76 AHHH RIKER WHYYYYY……

                      Poor guy.

                      Still have him in the character castle by the way?

                      Feel like he and Crosshair should have a conversation sometime……


                      Louisa’s last line was wayyy sweet! She sounds like an awesome character!

                      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @keilah-h. AGH!!! I KNOW!!!! 😭😭😭😭

                        Yep, poor baby. 😢

                        Yep, I sure do still have him in there! Although…it’s Riker at the time of the sequel, so he’s been forgiven by Leon and God…but to be perfectly honest, he’s still struggling to forgive himself…




                        And yessss!!!! I was hoping everyone would like the line!!! 💜💜💜 Yes, she is AMAZING!!! 💕

                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          Just realized my eyes were watering 😥

                          THAT WAS SO GOOD!!

                          Poor baby 😭😭😭

                          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            AGHHH!!!! I KNOWWWWW!!!! 😭😭😭😭

                            You’re not alone, btw, I cried when I got to the end of writing it! 😅🤣😭💕

                            AWW, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕

                            AGHH!!! IKR!?!?!?!?!?

                            MA BABYYYYYYYY!!!!! WHY DO I DO THIS TO YOUUUUU!?!?!?!?!?!?😭😭😭😭😭

                            (Writer reason: Because it’s for character development. Other semi-writer reason: Because I love him the most so I put him through the most pain. 😅🤣)

                            Gwyndalf the Wise
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 404

                              @FREEDOMWRITER76 XD what’s with the all caps?

                              Ohhhhh. I knew they did that, but the way you wrote about that part made me think that because the ring is gone is why Abelard believes Aaheidlaide (excuse my spelling of her name, I don’t remember how it’s spelled) is dead. So that’s why I was confused.

                              "...I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain..."
                              (Part of) Isaiah 45:19

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @GWYNDALF-THE-WISE. BECAUSE IT HELPS ME GET THE EMOTIONS OUT!!!!!!


                                Anywhooo…yeah, I can see how that’d be confusing. 😅

                                I just figured it was the best and easiest way for Abelard to realize it, that’s all…but I can see how you’d be confused! 👌🏻💜

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  @gwyndalf-the-wise. @godlyfantasy12. @mineralizedwritings. @lightoverdarkness6. SOOOO…uhmmmm…I have another book idea, hehe…and I REALLY, REALLY wanna talk about it. 😅🤣

                                  But anywho…it’d be a Vietnam War book…and, well…I’m gonna post the MC’s and an “introductory” snippet/paragraph for each of them…😁💜😁💜

                                  1st MC

                                  The house was quiet…too quiet. 

                                  She laid a hand over her stomach, trying to ease the queasiness. 

                                  Her brothers were away in Vietnam…her husband was in another state for stateside military duties…and Daddy…was dead.

                                  Isabel closed her eyes against the sudden rush of pain. 

                                  God was good…so good…even in the darkness.

                                  But it didn’t mean that the loss of Daddy didn’t hurt. 

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