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  • #164326
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 8156


      Aw, that’s no fun. Except for the fact that you got to watch Captain America. 😂 I think the Captain America movies are my favorites.

      Yeah, but I’m doing better now. Haha, ikr? XD The Captain America movies are amazing🤩

      Awesome!! That’s so exciting!! 😊 A book signing would be so cool! If I were able to, I would totally come. 😁 Is that soon? Or farther down the road?

      Yess, I’m so excited!!! 😄😆 Aww, that means so much <3 Definitely further down the road…they do the reenactment every October, haha. (it’s always my Birthday present😂). I enjoy the reenactment so much tho lol. The first year I just enjoyed seeing it for the first time…the 2nd year I dressed as an American Nurse, and this year I dressed as a WASP, an American Air Force Woman Pilot, lol! I have so much fun every time even if my brother is getting tired of going to see the same battle and no one else in my family dresses up for it XD

      Yeah, self-publishing is probably a little easier than traditional publishing. 😬 I’ve considered both options when it comes to publishing my trilogy and a different project, I just don’t know yet. Which is totally fine, because neither will be ready to be published for a year or so. 😅

      Easier, yes, but it can also be harder in other ways, haha. It’s hard to begin getting an income when you’re self-publishing, but in the end, you have more control over everything to do with your books. Also, publishers will often have you sign a contract where you will have to give them another book to publish within just a few years 😬

      You’ve got this tho, girl…take it one step at a time, and you’ll do amazing💕💕

      It’s going pretty well! We’ve been looking for a church since the beginning of summer, and we’ve finally found the one God wants us at and one that fits our family. 😊

      I’ll be turning fourteen in a little over two weeks! So I’m excited for that! 😁 I’m also really looking forward to Christmas this year. I don’t know why, I just love Christmas, lol, so I can’t wait to put up our Christmas tree and all our decorations! (We always wait until after Thanksgiving. 😉 )

      And I’m doing NaNo this month, which is kinda stressful but also really fun. 😂 I’m loving the book I’m writing and I think it may be my first one to get published. 😬 I might end up with a final draft by the end of next year. 😮 But we’ll see. 🙂

      So yep! That’s pretty much it. 😊

      Girl, I’m so happy for y’all!! So glad y’all have found a great church🥰


      Ahh, happy early birthday!! 💕💕 Haha, I thought you were older than 14😝 Guess that shows how mature you are, lol! Haha, I’m glad you’re excited! <3


      Aww, I love that. I wanted to do NaNo but Freedom’s Fire needs to be more of a priority right now, lol.😂 I’m most of the way through editing again…just need to push myself to get the final bit done lol. Ahh, girl, that’s so exciting!!! I’m so glad you enjoy your new project!💖


      I’m so happy you’re doing so well!! 💕💕

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3423


        Yeah, but I’m doing better now. Haha, ikr? XD The Captain America movies are amazing🤩

        That’s good! 😊

        Yesss! One time when I was babysitting, the little boy I was watching was taking a nap, so his parents had let me use their tv. I was watching the first Captain America movie and the captions were on and I didn’t know how to turn them off, but I actually was able to catch most of the jokes because I saw what they were saying. XD

        Yess, I’m so excited!!! 😄😆 Aww, that means so much <3 Definitely further down the road…they do the reenactment every October, haha. (it’s always my Birthday present😂). I enjoy the reenactment so much tho lol. The first year I just enjoyed seeing it for the first time…the 2nd year I dressed as an American Nurse, and this year I dressed as a WASP, an American Air Force Woman Pilot, lol! I have so much fun every time even if my brother is getting tired of going to see the same battle and no one else in my family dresses up for it XD

        That’s sounds like so much fun!!

        Easier, yes, but it can also be harder in other ways, haha. It’s hard to begin getting an income when you’re self-publishing, but in the end, you have more control over everything to do with your books. Also, publishers will often have you sign a contract where you will have to give them another book to publish within just a few years 😬

        True… I guess they both have their pros and cons. 🙃

        You’ve got this tho, girl…take it one step at a time, and you’ll do amazing💕💕

        Aww, thanks! ❤️

        Girl, I’m so happy for y’all!! So glad y’all have found a great church🥰


        Ahh, happy early birthday!! 💕💕 Haha, I thought you were older than 14😝 Guess that shows how mature you are, lol! Haha, I’m glad you’re excited! <3

        Thanks!! Lol, I get that a lot. XD Well, I got it more when I was younger. 😉 I think I’ve also been a little more mature for my age because when I was younger I had a lot of friends who were older than me. And now I have friends who are my age… which can be disastrous fun. Jk jk. My friends are awesome. 😉

        Aww, I love that. I wanted to do NaNo but Freedom’s Fire needs to be more of a priority right now, lol.😂 I’m most of the way through editing again…just need to push myself to get the final bit done lol. Ahh, girl, that’s so exciting!!! I’m so glad you enjoy your new project!💖

        Oh yeah, definitely understandable. I’m not sure if I’ll do it next year or not. I’ll guess we’ll see what happens by the end of the month. XD

        You’ve got this!!

        Actually, speaking of editing…

        So, I don’t know if you’ll be comfortable doing this, (and I haven’t even talked to my friend about it), but I have a friend who’s been considering going into editing as her profession. So I told her I’ll let her edit my books once I’m ready to be published, but obviously that hasn’t happened yet. XD If you need someone to do your line edits, or take care of the grammatical and mechanical edits, I can talk to her about it. If that’s something you’re interested in, of course. I know we only know each other over the internet, so if you’re not comfortable doing that, I totally understand. 😊 (And I’d also have to ask my friend about it. 😉 )

        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3560

          I didn’t want to make a topic for this, but wanted to write it anyways…

          The sound of drums seemed to shake the very foundation of the vacation house. Nae looked innocently up the set of winding stairs that led to Jr’s room with her large, childish eyes.

          “Da, why is Junior trying to bring the house down with his drums?” Nahim gathered up his little girl in his arms, twirling one of her many black ringlets around his finger.

          “He’s hurting, Nae, he lost Emmie and he refuses to cope.”

          “Were did she go, Da? How could he loose her when he was going to give her that pretty ring? Did she run away? Was she…kidnapped?”

          “No, she died. Emmie went to Caelawond.” Nora put a hand on her husband’s shoulder, whispering in his ear above the racket of the drum set upstairs.

          “Nar’s worried he might be somewhat broken mentally over her death.”

          “Are you saying Junior is mad, Ma?”

          “No, my girl.” Nora kissed Nae’s forehead. “He’s just a little broken inside right now, it should go away. Come, my little Laughter, you must test taste some cookie batter with me in the kitchen!” Nae clappedher hands and practically jumped into her mother’s arms. As the two left for the kitchen, Nahim ascended the stairs.

          Turning to the left, he opened his adopted son’s door. The sound of drums was now deafening, as in front of him, with back turned to the door, and drumsticks moving at a hundred miles per hour was Jr. His room was dark, save a reddish hued light.

          “Junior, you down have to make the house fall down, you know?” Nahim cracked a smile.

          Jr stopped, turning and looking into his father’s face, just like his own.

          “Did your Nora ever die before you could propose?”

          “No, but my family did. You know that, I loved my mother dear, and the rest no less. Losing them shattered my life. But through it all, I learned anger and revenge never heals wounds, it only makes them deeper.”

          “How do you know I’m angry?”

          “You don’t usually play like you want to destroy your drums, or our ears. We can hear you clear downstairs.” Jr set aside his drumsticks, and stood, walking over to his wardrobe and gently bringing down a picture of Emmie.

          “What does heal wounds?”

          “Not time, not anger, not forgetting about it. The first two deepen wounds, the latter is either impossible, or just makes wounds stagnant. For over five years I searched for a cure, and it wasn’t friends, it wasn’t falling in love, it was the before mentioned three, it was Ehyeh. He alone can heal wounds.”

          “And He’s the one who took Emmie in the first place! No, He caused those wounds.”

          “Junior, Ehyeh took my family too. Why? To teach me that I can turn to Him, always. And to take them away was nothing cruel, they stand in His presence now, singing in Caelawond, in Paradise.”

          “There.’s a big difference between head knowledge and heart knowledge, Da.”

          “Yes, one you know and one you believe. And that heart knowledge, it’s something I can never give, but Ehyeh can, if you ask.”

          “Maybe I don’t want to talk to Him right now.” Jr’s voice cracked, and he replaced the picture to it’s place. His eyes clouded with water, but he held it back. Crying is a weakness to a warrior. Grief is too. 

          It was here Nahim left his son, knowing he could only guide, but not change him. Oh, he wished he could! How could he let his son go down the same road he did? That road that left Nahim never better, only worse.

          The next morning, the drums didn’t play, and no Jr sat at breakfast. Jr had gone, disappeared to who knew where in the Galaxy.

          Ehyeh, guid him, care for my son.


          My poor Alpha! I’m going to cry. He’s sometimes so like me.

          Sorry, it’s a little really rough, just typed it up on the spot.

          What do you all think?

          “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2452


            😭😭😭😭😭😭 (oh dear, I almost put a barfing emoji in there)

            Home is where your massive, overflowing collection of LEGO bricks is.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2535


              i love that scene!!!!!!!

              LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3560

                It gets worse…

                Jr holds all his grief up inside, thinking to grieve openly is a weakness. Eventually it turns into anger. He follows the road that his adoptive father followed, with his own twist. He vents all his anger towards his real father, Grathmere, and continues the greatest hatred for Grathmere there ever was.


                “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2452



                  Home is where your massive, overflowing collection of LEGO bricks is.

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1404


                    I like those scenes!


                    Nooo! 😭😭😭😭

                    “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It would be terrible if we just skipped

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156


                      Yesss! One time when I was babysitting, the little boy I was watching was taking a nap, so his parents had let me use their tv. I was watching the first Captain America movie and the captions were on and I didn’t know how to turn them off, but I actually was able to catch most of the jokes because I saw what they were saying. XD

                      Haha, I love that 😂 Yes, they are all so funny xD

                      Aww, thanks! ❤️


                      Thanks!! Lol, I get that a lot. XD Well, I got it more when I was younger. 😉 I think I’ve also been a little more mature for my age because when I was younger I had a lot of friends who were older than me. And now I have friends who are my age… which can be disastrous fun. Jk jk. My friends are awesome. 😉

                      Yw!! 💖💖 Haha, sameeeeee XD (people on KP thought I was 17 or 18! 😆) My friends are all either older or younger. It’s funny, because the 2 friends I’m probably closest to…one is 5 years older than me and the other is 1 year younger than me 😂 And one is a girl and the other is a guy, sooo yeah XD

                      Same, my friends are amazing <3

                      Oh yeah, definitely understandable. I’m not sure if I’ll do it next year or not. I’ll guess we’ll see what happens by the end of the month. XD

                      Haha, I understand completely lol

                      You’ve got this!!

                      Tysm girl…I actually finished yesterday🥰✨🥰

                      So, I don’t know if you’ll be comfortable doing this, (and I haven’t even talked to my friend about it), but I have a friend who’s been considering going into editing as her profession. So I told her I’ll let her edit my books once I’m ready to be published, but obviously that hasn’t happened yet. XD If you need someone to do your line edits, or take care of the grammatical and mechanical edits, I can talk to her about it. If that’s something you’re interested in, of course. I know we only know each other over the internet, so if you’re not comfortable doing that, I totally understand. 😊 (And I’d also have to ask my friend about it. 😉 )

                      Tysm for the offer, but I think I’m good :3

                      I’m more comfortable with trusting people that I know more, haha. But thank you so, so much for the offer!!

                      And best of luck to your friend!!✨

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3423


                        Yw!! 💖💖 Haha, sameeeeee XD (people on KP thought I was 17 or 18! 😆) My friends are all either older or younger. It’s funny, because the 2 friends I’m probably closest to…one is 5 years older than me and the other is 1 year younger than me 😂 And one is a girl and the other is a guy, sooo yeah XD

                        Same, my friends are amazing <3

                        Lol, I love that. XD

                        Tysm girl…I actually finished yesterday🥰✨🥰

                        Ahh!! So exciting!! I can’t wait until it’s published. 😊

                        Tysm for the offer, but I think I’m good :3

                        I’m more comfortable with trusting people that I know more, haha. But thank you so, so much for the offer!!

                        And best of luck to your friend!!✨

                        Ok, I totally get it. 😉

                        Thanks! (I actually just let her know that I’ll have an almost final draft for her to edit sometime in February. 😆 But now that means I have a deadline… 😂)

                        Btw, I love your signature. ❤️

                        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1299


                          So another short story has been published. So I don’t know whether or not that means ours has been set aside or if there’s perhaps a line.

                          He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2535


                            Yeah, I’m kind of disappointed they didn’t even tell us what was going on though! I even sent Kathleen an email asking if it got rejected or something but it’s been five days and she hasn’t replied.

                            LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1299


                              Well that’s just the way things are sometimes. When it’s a business, if you tell someone that their rejected, your expelling energy that isn’t really adding to your company in any way, so in most cases, they just never get back to you. It should be a common curtesy to tell them, but that’s just the way it is. I would think it would be different for KP though, but once again, they all run very busy lives.

                              He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                              Cloaked Mystery
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2681

                                @savannah_grace2009 @thearcaneaxiom

                                The short stories seem to be dated monthly (the most recent one was published this month, November), the previous one, October, so I’m guessing that they publish one a month.

                                🏰 Fantasy Writer
                                ✨ Magic System Creator
                                🎭 Character RPer
                                📚 Appreciator of Books

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1299


                                  That would make sense. Although that would also mean that I likely wouldn’t be able to see mine accepted before my mission in a few months, so I wouldn’t be able to agree to it being published. We’ll have to see though.

                                  He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

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