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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @whalekeeper @freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6 @loopylin @anyone else

      (ignore if you like)

      I might change this chapter I’m not sure…. but it’s just some of the writing I’ve been doing this November!

      “Alright here we go! Let’s make it a good day!” Aleshia smiles, typing her apron behind her back. She smiles at Lesli, but with slightly less zest than before.

      Lesli rummages through her cubby roughly, pulling out a slightly wrinkled apron.

      “Ready.” Lesli says monotony.

      It’s gotten a little easier around here.

      I still don’t fit in. 

      I’m honestly not sure if I despise the way they behave or if I’m just jealous of the freedom they feel to talk about anything.

      Lesli works through her shift, time slowly ticking away. Eventually, lunch break comes. She sits down with her pack lunch around the table with the other girls. Dim lighting illuminates their faces.

      “You got raspberries? No fair.”

      “My mom is going to try pickling them this year so we can have them past harvest time.”


      “Eww? It’s not eww, it’s smart.”

      Lesli takes a bite of her sandwich.

      Aleshia steps out of the room, walking to the front counter to talk to a customer. Lesli leans back in her chair.

      “Who here was at the meeting?”

      “Me.” Lesli raises her hand.

      “Yeah.” One of the girls scoffs matter of factly.

      “Man can you believe it? My parents were up like all night talking about it.”

      Lesli tenses.

      Y’think? Mine too.

      “Isn’t what the miner said considered breaking the peace?”

      “Of course it is.” Meg pauses. “Divided we fall.”

      Oh.. I wasn’t sitting with them. They don’t even know I’m related. 


      “What’s he trying to do even?” One of the other girls scoffs.

      “I dunno, I guess they’ll have to contact to government to figure out what to do with him.”

      “But they haven’t built the bridge yet, it’ll have to wait.”

      “You’re so quiet Lesli.”

      “Oh me? I dunno, I was just thinking.”

      “What do you think about it?”

      “Oh, about the cedeing idea?”

      “No I mean– I mean yeah I guess.” She raises an eyebrow.

      “I understand the sentiment, but the entire thing was very ill timed… I mean if one were trying to actually be successful… at convincing such a large group of people to cede, it would be near impossible.”

      The rest of the table remains silent.

      “He should have kept quiet.” Lesli fiddles with the end of her braid nervously.

      “Go on, get back there.” Aleshia’s cheerful voice echoes from the front counter.


      “She’s just eating her lunch! It’ll be fine.”

      Aleshia shuts the door behind a very pale Tauren.


      “Hey come get over here!” Lesli scoots her chair aside so Tauren can pull up a empty one.

      “Um–” Tauren looks around at the full table. “Very sorry to bother you all– my mom…” He gestures back to the front.

      “…Insisted I come back here and say hi.”

      Lesli nods, a bright smile on her face. “You wanna eat out there?” She gestures back to the front.

      “Yeah sure… sounds good.” Tauren move snack towards the door, awkwardly waiting with his lunch bag as Lesli gathers her things.

      Tauren shuts the door behind them, sighing with relief. “Oh man that was stressful. I think she wanted me to meet her other workers or something… I’m not entirely sure.”

      “Yeah lookit you, I’ve never seen your skin so pale.” Lesli laughs. “I didn’t know you were scared of girls your own age.”

      “Oh–” Tauren laughs. “In a situation like that anyone would be scared.”

      “Yeah? What d’you say we sit here?” Lesli pulls a chair out from one of the small tables lining the shopping district halls.

      Tauren plops down into his chair, taking off his hard hat and setting it on the table.

      “How’s it going?”

      “Hmm… my parents had some argument last night… I didn’t hear it though.”

      Tauren nods, taking a grape from his lunch box and popping it into his mouth. “Ya glad you didn’t?”

      “Not sure.”

      “I try not to worry too much…” She laughs. “I just can’t help but wonder sometimes…”

      Tauren waits for her to continue.

      “…what if they got divorced?”

      “Oh Les… I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

      “It could.” Lesli looks up at Tauren. “Our family hasn’t gotten along for years, I can’t help but think this is the last we can take.”

      “I think they’ll get it figured out. I really do.”

      “Yeah?” Lesli smiles faintly at Tauren’s optimism.

      “That’s what relationships are—we pull through for each other, right? Even when we don’t agree.”

      “And besides… a promise is forever. I don’t think they’ll break that easily.” Tauren smiles.

      “Yeah… I guess I’m just overthinking it.” Lesli forces a smile.

      Tauren reaches across the table to squeeze Lesli’s shoulder. “You know you can talk to me anytime, right?”

      Lesli takes Tauren’s hand off her shoulder, holding it on the table. “Yep.”

      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2973


        That is such a Tauren joke, oh my goodness 🤣🤣 Sweet child, he definitely needs that line in your final draft!

        XD I’m glad you like it!

        Right 😊 Lots of writing only sounds good if it connects to your inner turmoil (for lack of a better description 😂). I did not cry, but I could relate to that unsteady feeling of life changing, and a couple of your snippets really made me think.

        That’s a great description of it! yeah, I think somebody told me it made them cry XD

        But the amazing thing is, if you can recognize some of your more recent writing’s flaws (like from a few months ago), it means you’re growing at a faster rate!

        Ikr! it’s fun to look back, but goodness I have so far to go to get better lol

        Eeehhh… fine. 😂

        My home is almost always chaos, and I can’t really gauge how stressed I am anymore.

        Oh goodness that doesn’t sound good! 😣

        Fall semester is almost over tho! Im worried I won’t get all my assignments done, but don’t we all? And I have more free time than some of the other kids.

        Ack yeaah I get that! I’m horrible failing chemistry this quarter XD

        Also trying to overcome my flaws and stop overanalyzing life because I do that too much 😉

        Same! I overanalyz all the time! Like, the smallest conversation can occupy my mind for the longest time XD

        And how about you? 🥰

        I’m alright! It;s gettin cold, which I like! My mom got a job driving a van, so I only see her for about 3 hours a day during the week ;( she was a stay at home mom so I’m really not used to it. It’s pretty much almost like being home alone. I study a lot because of that stinking chemistry class too!

        Ummm what else…. I drove to the library then trader joes, that’s the most I’ve done by myself and the first time I’ve gone shopping by myself! It was very stressful XD I’ve been working on my wip, trying to glue everything together ig…

        How is writing going for you?


        "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @mineralizedwritings love the chapter!! 💕💕


          and ahhh, I never got back to you about the thing from days ago!!! 😭

          Yes, I do understand all that…how you can look back and stuff and see how your life affected it haha

          Have you experienced anything like that before?

          Yep!! XD

          Riker, for one, is seriously my struggles in so many ways. His struggle with guilt, low self-esteem, seeing himself as a mistake…yep, that’s been stuff I’ve struggled with for years. He’s me in so many ways haha


          As far as the story, I can look back and see where Leon’s struggle of questioning God became more apparent and better when I went through a time in my own life when I questioned and raged at God, struggling with trying to understand how God could let our family go through so much, how he could let my Dad struggle with his health so much a year or so ago, why he won’t heal my grandparents…all those things. Leon’s struggle became my struggle, even if it was about different things, and I can see where his questioning God scenes have become so real especially on the days when I still question if God is even good.

          Also, all the really emotional scenes…I normally wrote those when I was dealing with emotional rollercoasters haha

          I also look back at fanfic stuff, especially one specific Steve Rogers scene, and see where I was struggling with wondering why I was even alive, loneliness, and struggling with wondering if anyone else even knew or even cared that I was struggling.


          So yes, I do understand 😂

          I think every writer does honestly lol

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            Writing, other than God and family, has been something so special to me because it’s helped me sort through those feelings and struggles, helping me to understand, even if it was through fictional characters, that I’m not alone in those struggles.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3144


              Oh goodness that doesn’t sound good! 😣

              *Shrug* 😅 I have five younger siblings, a sick mum, and late high school anxiety, so… yeah.

              I just feel frustrated with my place in life, where I know I could do more if I was in a different environment. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, but we’re not a naturally academic lot, even though my parents believe I’m clever enough to do anything I want.

              My classmates are extremely academic and efficient workers… and their families have more money, to be blunt. Not like we’re poor or anything, but we save anything we can.

              (I actually learned about some fascinating family history connected to money. My great-grandfather actually worked for Scarface, the gangster from Chicago. He got his own private plane and everything, and my grandfather loved planes so much as a child. But then there was family death and drama, and my grandfather got nothing in the inheritance.)

              (I just thought that was cool. XD)

              But yeah, just frustrated.

              Ack yeaah I get that! I’m horrible failing chemistry this quarter XD

              Oof, I’m also failing at chemistry, so you’re not alone! XD

              Same! I overanalyz all the time! Like, the smallest conversation can occupy my mind for the longest time XD

              Aack yeeesss.

              My mom got a job driving a van, so I only see her for about 3 hours a day during the week ;( she was a stay at home mom so I’m really not used to it. It’s pretty much almost like being home alone.

              I’m sorry! 😕 At least she has a job, and you can still see each other. Does she like driving?

              My mom got a job driving a van, so I only see her for about 3 hours a day during the week ;( she was a stay at home mom so I’m really not used to it. It’s pretty much almost like being home alone.

              Ummm what else…. I drove to the library then trader joes, that’s the most I’ve done by myself and the first time I’ve gone shopping by myself! It was very stressful XD

              CONgRATS though!! 🥳 Seriously, that would stress me out too. I don’t even have my license yet. Would you call it a success?

              I’ve been working on my wip, trying to glue everything together ig…

              Does it feel like it’s coming together?

              How is writing going for you?

              I decided to make a series instead of a stand-alone for my second project (the one about Marcel and his friends). And I wrote basic blurbs for each book! They felt good! The first one will probably be personal for me cuz Marcel’s best friend is based a little off my mum.

              “Everything is a mountain”

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3428


                Hey girl!!

                I was thinking about ya today and wanted to ask how you’re doing? And how’s it going with finalizing Freedom’s Fire? What are you doing for publishing?

                Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @esther-c Awww, you are sooo sweet💕💕

                  Well, I’m doing pretty good. I had a lot of back and shoulder pain yesterday due to yard work and my scoliosis flaring up haha but I’m feeling better. I took a break from writing yesterday bc of it and watched Captain America: The First Avenger instead😂

                  It’s going great! Currently waiting on the Copyright Office to read through the manuscript and send me the proper papers lol. I’m currently working on doing the final, final edit and kinda just taking it slow lol. I’m looking at self-publishing and a specific company, possibly, to print a bunch of copies. We’re kinda hoping I’ll be able to maybe do a book signing at a yearly WW2 reenactment that I’ve gone to continuously for, like, 3 years now, lol, since Mom has become Facebook friends with one of the people that run the reenactment.


                  But how about you, girl? How’s writing and life? 🥰

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    I have a little over 100 more pages to edit once again, lol…I’ve kinda lost track of how many edits this is by this point🤣

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2973


                      *Shrug* 😅 I have five younger siblings, a sick mum, and late high school anxiety, so… yeah.

                      Oh wow XD You’re the oldest? That’s a full house lol

                      I just feel frustrated with my place in life, where I know I could do more if I was in a different environment. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, but we’re not a naturally academic lot, even though my parents believe I’m clever enough to do anything I want.

                      Yeah I totally get that. I’ve felt stuck for maybe 4 years or so, I’m just constantly not getting to try new things. partially because of anxiety but also because of our small town.

                      My classmates are extremely academic and efficient workers… and their families have more money, to be blunt. Not like we’re poor or anything, but we save anything we can.

                      i get that, and I think environment does affect how efficiently you work. My mom is super organized and always has a calendar, and now that I’m older I take after her like that.

                      Idk if this would help with all your siblings (maybe a little noisy?), but I always listen to background music while I’m studying. I listen to synthwave if I’m in a rush, and dark academia playlists if I’m taking my time 😂 it just keeps me focused so I don’t start wondering how long Tauren’s hair should be while I’m trying to study 🤔

                      The money thing can be frustrating. When I was in in person school, I was kinda late to everything other kids had (Y’know phones ect) but just know there are options. I’m going to be going to the cheapest college in my state, and their design program is really good.

                      One thing you might want to consider is getting a certificate instead of a 4 year degree. It has some trade offs, but it’s less school and you can have a career.

                      What I’ve heard about certificates is that you really make the quick money, but later in your career (Say your 27 or 30) you won’t move any further. Like maybe you’ve been working at the company for 6 years, but you’ll never be a lead designer without the 4 year degree. If you don’t care about that though, it’s a option. And you can get certificates in all kinds of things, not just design.

                      I had prayed about feeling stuck probably about a year ago, and honestly writing was the answer. You can in a sense visit other worlds and try new things, just on paper. I know it’s not the same but it helped me 😂

                      yeah my mom loves driving! She does have to deal with some really rowdy disrespectful boys, but she’s gonna be strict XD

                      yeah I’d call the trip a success! I have to work up slowly because it’s so stressful for me, just doing baby steps XD it’s nice having my license, but I can’t just go wherever I want.

                      My wip is coming together a lot better than before, but it just feels like I’m trying to cross this giant mountain.. it’s so complicated and I have so many different plotlines I want to do. It’s also hard because I don’t like using ‘methods’. Like I’ll learn from them and take pieces of them, but my goal is to write something that is both cohesive and different, not a product of a formula.


                      Aww that’s lovely! I would love to read some more about Marcel, I don’t think i know him as well as Seb. Tag me if you ever post a snippet of him! <3

                      (I actually learned about some fascinating family history connected to money. My great-grandfather actually worked for Scarface, the gangster from Chicago. He got his own private plane and everything, and my grandfather loved planes so much as a child. But then there was family death and drama, and my grandfather got nothing in the inheritance.)

                      (I just thought that was cool. XD)

                      XD That’s very interesting! Family history is great. We have this little book in our family that tells of how some of our distant relatives (I’m not sure I’m actually descended from one of them though) got captured by native Americans and ended up in slavery in Canada, then rescued. They had been living on the edge of the settlement, too close to the native territory or something like that.

                      But yeah, just frustrated.

                      😢 I’m sorry to hear that! Do you get enough time to yourself with everything that’s going on?

                      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 648

                        Don’t mind me just hopping in here again lol.


                        yeah I’d call the trip a success! I have to work up slowly because it’s so stressful for me, just doing baby steps XD it’s nice having my license, but I can’t just go wherever I want.

                        I’ve been driving for two-ish years and I still don’t like going shopping by myself… especially if there are a lot of other people out and about. I can’t think when there are other people and then I have trouble remembering everything I wanted to get lol. It’s gotten better but I still don’t like busy stores. I’m fine when I’m with someone else, but for whatever reason, when I have to figure it out myself, my brain gets overstimulated.

                        "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2973


                          Yeah that makes sense! When I’m by myself, I’m a lot more attentive to safety/my surroundings than when I’m with somebody else, and that takes a lot of mental energy, so yeah the busier the store the more overstimulating would make sense.

                          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3144


                            Oh wow XD You’re the oldest? That’s a full house lol

                            Yep XD Although a lot of strangers assume my little brother is older, because 1. He’s in a wheelchair so it’s hard to tell who’s taller, and 2. He constantly acts embarrassed about how immature I am 😂

                            I’ve felt stuck for maybe 4 years or so, I’m just constantly not getting to try new things. partially because of anxiety but also because of our small town.

                            Yeah. I bet it’s nerve-racking because you never know when you’ll be shoved into a new situation, and you don’t know if you’re prepared.

                            Idk if this would help with all your siblings (maybe a little noisy?), but I always listen to background music while I’m studying. I listen to synthwave if I’m in a rush, and dark academia playlists if I’m taking my time 😂 it just keeps me focused so I don’t start wondering how long Tauren’s hair should be while I’m trying to study 🤔

                            Oh, I always do. Although the noise doesn’t typically bother me. I’m the kid who prefers working in the middle of chaos over a quiet desk.

                            Do you listen to Lofi Girl? Because that channel is the best.

                            Tauren’s hair 😂🤣 Such a distraction…

                            The money thing can be frustrating. When I was in in person school, I was kinda late to everything other kids had (Y’know phones ect) but just know there are options. I’m going to be going to the cheapest college in my state, and their design program is really good.

                            I still do not have a phone, and everyone else in the homeschool group does 😅

                            But yeah, I keep telling myself there are ways to get what you want, without going to an expensive school. A lot of successful people dropped out of college when they were young, and still found a way to do what they loved, and became famous.

                            One thing you might want to consider is getting a certificate instead of a 4 year degree. It has some trade offs, but it’s less school and you can have a career.

                            What I’ve heard about certificates is that you really make the quick money, but later in your career (Say your 27 or 30) you won’t move any further. Like maybe you’ve been working at the company for 6 years, but you’ll never be a lead designer without the 4 year degree. If you don’t care about that though, it’s a option. And you can get certificates in all kinds of things, not just design.

                            Okay, thanks for the observation!

                            I had prayed about feeling stuck probably about a year ago, and honestly writing was the answer. You can in a sense visit other worlds and try new things, just on paper. I know it’s not the same but it helped me 😂

                            ❤️ I bet that helps a lot.

                            yeah my mom loves driving! She does have to deal with some really rowdy disrespectful boys, but she’s gonna be strict XD

                            Oooh, mom’s tying her hair up 🤣

                            yeah I’d call the trip a success! I have to work up slowly because it’s so stressful for me, just doing baby steps XD it’s nice having my license, but I can’t just go wherever I want.

                            I believe you can do it 🥰 All it takes is practice. After all, if millions of people got their license when they were teens and are still driving safely, I think you’ll be just fine.

                            My wip is coming together a lot better than before, but it just feels like I’m trying to cross this giant mountain.. it’s so complicated and I have so many different plotlines I want to do. It’s also hard because I don’t like using ‘methods’. Like I’ll learn from them and take pieces of them, but my goal is to write something that is both cohesive and different, not a product of a formula.

                            I also get frustrated over methods!! I feel like they all work in some way or another, but there are so many of them, and you can’t just stick with one, because who knows if that’s the right one for your concept? I just follow a bunch of authors who have different methods, and adjust them for myself, keeping in mind how each is useful and limiting. For example, Abbie Emmons. She helped me a lot in the beginning, when I didn’t know pennies about character arcs… but now I realize her videos are just for beginners, because there’s nothing new to glean from them, and you can actually break some of her rules and still write amazing stories. And that’s okay. Now I take tips from Sanderson 😅

                            I’m sorry it feels like such a challenge. But as long as you keep writing, it can only improve. And you are slowly developing a Min formula, all by yourself, with your own opinions and beliefs.

                            So it will inevitably be unique 🥰

                            Aww that’s lovely! I would love to read some more about Marcel, I don’t think i know him as well as Seb. Tag me if you ever post a snippet of him! <3

                            Sure!! His story is a lot more cozy and wholesome – at least, that’s the plan. I love writing him so much, and his world is really coming together ❤️

                            We have this little book in our family that tells of how some of our distant relatives (I’m not sure I’m actually descended from one of them though) got captured by native Americans and ended up in slavery in Canada, then rescued. They had been living on the edge of the settlement, too close to the native territory or something like that.

                            Family stories are so cool, aren’t they!? That’s crazy. How long were they in slavery?

                            😢 I’m sorry to hear that! Do you get enough time to yourself with everything that’s going on?

                            Yeah. Actually I feel like I should be spending more time with my family, because I get very easily overwhelmed by my senses these days, and pretty much hole myself up in a room somewhere. This Halloween, I had to carve a pumpkin with the rest of the kids, and all the music and talking about costumes actually brought me to tears. I had to sit down because I was so shaky.

                            But my mum made me feel better by giving me the best costume ever 😂❤️

                            Maybe it’s because I’m still a sensitive teenager, lol.

                            And other teenagers are making life crazy. School class dynamics are off the rails, and this guy has had this crush on me the entire semester 🤪 Still haven’t gotten the courage to tell him no. He’s so sweet tho.

                            “Everything is a mountain”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2973


                              Lol he’s embarrassed by your immaturity? 😂😂

                              XD yes! I listen to the lofigirl synthwave radio 🤩 I used to listen to the normal one too, but I like the synthwave better. But tbh, I can’t listen to it for more than 2 hours a day because it’s a little too much.

                              I still do not have a phone, and everyone else in the homeschool group does 😅

                              But yeah, I keep telling myself there are ways to get what you want, without going to an expensive school. A lot of successful people dropped out of college when they were young, and still found a way to do what they loved, and became famous.

                              XD yeah… it’s a little painful. I would say though that I feel like all the things I have missed out on has made it easier just in general as a christain. I know what it’s like to miss out, and that I’ll miss out on all kinds of things in the future. I mean, there’s things our future non christain friends will do that we will miss out on (Maybe going to a concert for a musician who’s a little crass) and I think the little things now just make it a bit easier in the future.

                              I’ve seen that too, and I think it’s so cool! I have noticed though that a lot of those people work really really hard, and I’m not sure I would want to work that hard at something I love.

                              I also get frustrated over methods!! I feel like they all work in some way or another, but there are so many of them, and you can’t just stick with one, because who knows if that’s the right one for your concept? I just follow a bunch of authors who have different methods, and adjust them for myself, keeping in mind how each is useful and limiting. For example, Abbie Emmons. She helped me a lot in the beginning, when I didn’t know pennies about character arcs… but now I realize her videos are just for beginners, because there’s nothing new to glean from them, and you can actually break some of her rules and still write amazing stories. And that’s okay. Now I take tips from Sanderson 😅

                              I’m sorry it feels like such a challenge. But as long as you keep writing, it can only improve. And you are slowly developing a Min formula, all by yourself, with your own opinions and beliefs.

                              So it will inevitably be unique 🥰

                              Aww thanks! Yeah, I’ve watched a bit of Abbie’s stuff, it was helpful but it felt too confining to me.

                              XD the Min formula! I like that lol.

                              Sure!! His story is a lot more cozy and wholesome – at least, that’s the plan. I love writing him so much, and his world is really coming together ❤️

                              Oh yay! That’s great!

                              Family stories are so cool, aren’t they!? That’s crazy. How long were they in slavery?

                              Aha! I have asked my mom for more information XD I don’t know the story very well.

                              There was a brother and a sister that were sold into slavery. The brother got into a good home (They might have bought him to rescue him, who knows. He was treated like a son) The sister ended up with a horrible couple, but later ended up with her brother. The fiance of one of the siblings relatives took 2 years to rescue them (Nobody knew exactly where they were). Idk, I think it’s super sweet. Most people would try to rescue their own immediate family, but he rescued his fiance’s family.

                              Yeah. Actually I feel like I should be spending more time with my family, because I get very easily overwhelmed by my senses these days, and pretty much hole myself up in a room somewhere. This Halloween, I had to carve a pumpkin with the rest of the kids, and all the music and talking about costumes actually brought me to tears. I had to sit down because I was so shaky.

                              I get it, my sister is just like that! The loud music at our old youth group was difficult for her.

                              But my mum made me feel better by giving me the best costume ever 😂❤️

                              Maybe it’s because I’m still a sensitive teenager, lol.

                              Nice! What was your costume?

                              Lol, maybe.

                              And other teenagers are making life crazy. School class dynamics are off the rails, and this guy has had this crush on me the entire semester 🤪 Still haven’t gotten the courage to tell him no. He’s so sweet tho.

                              Oh no! XD that sounds hectic. I haven’t done in person school sense the 6th grade but I remember what that was like.

                              Oh and also, I made a breakthrough in my wip today! I might post about it later because it made a couple other problems lol

                              "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 648

                                @mineralizedwritings @whalekeeper

                                I know I’m butting in on your conversation again… sorry lol…

                                XD yeah… it’s a little painful. I would say though that I feel like all the things I have missed out on has made it easier just in general as a christain.

                                Honestly, there are some days I wish I didn’t have a phone. Enjoy it while you don’t have one, lol. But I understand where you’re coming from; my parents didn’t let me have a phone for a long time while most of my friends did, and I felt like I was missing out on a lot, too. Now that I’ve had one for a little while, it’s not all that exciting anyway. It’s nice to be able to keep up with my friends, but it’s also way too easy for me to waste time.

                                "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2334


                                  Sorry this is late, but I loved that chapter! I love how relational your writing is, and I always love reading about Lesli and Tauren.

                                  “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

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