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  • #130578
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      Yeah. I’m trying out chapter goals, if that doesn’t work, then I’ll change to minute and word goals haha.












      So yeah that happened…

      But yeah, girl, I’m the same way. I’ve gotta get better…but it’s hard haha.


        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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        Okay! I may not be able to get back on, but hopefully I can. Goodnight! 🙂


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3428

          @lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12 @sarafini

          I can chat for a few minutes now!! Just finished writing a chapter!

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1643


            Darn it!! I’ve gotta go, but I think @godlyfantasy12 is still on. Maybe we can talk later! G’night! 🙂


              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 692


              Good for you! We’re talking about writing goals. What are some of yours?

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3428


                Oh, ok! It’s all good!

                (Tbh, I probably should get off now as well. XD)

                Good night!! 🙂 😴


                First and foremost, to finish the first draft of the first book of my WIP by the end of the month. About three chapters left!! It may be more, since I’m not entirely sure what is happening next. XD But I’m like power-writing through these last few chapters because when I start, I just get on a roll.

                I think the first draft is going to be between 30,000 and 40,000 words. That’s more novella length, but I’ve still got lots of editing to do! 🙂

                For long term goals, I want to finish the whole second draft of my whole trilogy by the end of the year. We’ll see how that goes. 🙃

                Just saw the time and I think I have to go now. 🙁 Talk to ya later!! 🙂 Good night!!


                Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @esther-c AHHH 3 chapters?! That’s awesome!!!


                  yea so I’ve discovered I apparently have a very strange way of writing. At least right now. It will probably change over time of course.


                  then again we all write differently and Everyone has strange quirks lol, but for me, it seems I’m a cross between an outliner and a discovery writer?


                  but I do discovery drafts in the way that…



                  my drafts don’t get finished.


                  But those are my drafts. Like it doesn’t make sense.


                  And for the longest time I’ve just struggled so much with the feeling of never finishing anything (and that is an issue for me and my personality type lol) but when it comes to writing I found out while talking with my bestie that I think right now, it’s actually just how I work.


                  My unfinished drafts, in reality are my finished drafts, which is like….



                  totally crazy.


                  But every time I “start over” I have grown more and I keep things from the past drafts but add new things (a lot of new things mind you lol) just like you would if you were doing very large edits…

                  So my issue wasn’t so much “Man I need to finish something!”


                  it was my mindset. I kept saying Everytime I restarted that it was my first draft because I thought that, since I was “restarting” it was.


                  but the truth was I wasn’t restarting, I’d just…reached the point where it was time to move on.


                  So in reality…I don’t know what draft I am on rn…




                  ok that was a long spiel but yea XD


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    If y’all ever feel weird about ur writing styles…come talk to meh XD


                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 692

                      @godlyfantasy12 Aw, I feel you. I’m similar in the not finishing drafts but I’m the opposite in planning. Outlining just bogs me down and I use all my energy planning without leaving any for actually writing so I find discovery writing helpful. I still don’t know my series plot and it’s been going for 15 months now. Lol. I plan what I absolutely have too (like my charries fears, goals, desires and my plot ideas) and then just write.

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1643


                        Girl I feel you!! Everyone’s got weird preferences of writing. Like, I don’t outline anything. At all. (So far anyway XD heh.) And I don’t really plan out my book and write it down, I just plan it out…and it’s in my head XD.


                        Wanna talk about WIPs? I’m on for about 5 minutes XD.


                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 692

                          How do y’all come up with fantasy characters? That’s the thing holding me back from writing that genre. I feel like it would turn into Sci-fi with the characters I come up with. Lol. 😜

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1643


                            Um, I don’t. @godlyfantasy12 @loopylin @princesachronical22 @mineralizedwritings all write and create fantasy charries. Ask them! 🙂


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @sarafini pictures!


                              Pictures, pictures, PICTURES!!


                              look up Fantasy character Inspo, fantasy character design Inspo, fantasy D&D characters, etc. you will get so much inspiration! (If u can look up pictures of course, be careful obviously 😊)


                              also Music, and names! Baby name website, look up names with meaning such as “Names that mean destiny, names that mean moon or sun, etc” or fantasy names, things like that.


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. @mineralizedwritings. @lightoverdarkness6. @gwyndalf-the-wise. @anyone-else-here-that-wants-to-read-this-lol-😂

                                Okay, soooooo….I have this scene that’s in my current draft of my book with Leon and Riker (which is at 75 pages!!! 🎉🎉🎉) and I wanted to share it. It’s half of one of my chapters…and I may share the Riker half of the chapter maybe later or tomorrow or at some point, lol, since everyone loves him, 😂, but for now, we have this one with Leon. 😁💕

                                One content warning, though, 2 character deaths are mentioned, and it’s told HOW they were killed, but not, like, described at all, just mentioned, but I thought I’d still mention it. 🙂

                                Sooooo…this is where Leon’s struggle/arc really starts…heh…😅😭💕

                                Here we go!!!

                                “This stupid place…I’m getting out of it soon, and none of you will ever see me again.”

                                Leon pushed a shovel into the dirt, taking up a big pile of dirt and setting the dirt aside, facing Aaron. “You’re going to try to escape…?”

                                “Obviously.” Aaron muttered.

                                Isaiah glanced over at Aaron, worry in his dark brown eyes. “You know what will happen if they catch you…remember Filip?”

                                Aaron’s knuckles turned white on the handle of the shovel. “How could I forget!? Filip wasn’t the only one killed…my brother was too.”

                                “Your brother?” Leon asked softly, eyebrows furrowing together.

                                He had already seen horrible suffering in this place, and knowing Isaiah, Yosef, and Aaron had been there much longer than him, he knew they had seen way more than him and knew so much more about this horrid place.

                                Leon’s grip on the shovel tightened.

                                He’d woken early for rollcall and had already seen a man beaten for supposedly stepping out of line. He’d eaten a small breakfast; if the food, only bread, could even be called a breakfast. Since then, his life had been filled with backbreaking labor.

                                What kind of meager existence was this?

                                Aaron nodded; lips set in a tight line. “My brother Obadiah became friends with Filip, a young Jewish man from Poland. They became close…spent a lot of time with each other…and hatched a plan to escape. They escaped one night…and everyone was looking for them…and two days later…” Aaron trailed off and looked away, but not before Leon saw tears fill his eyes.

                                Isaiah turned to face Leon, and their eyes met. “They were caught…and killed. Filip was shot…and Obadiah was hung. That was months ago.”

                                Aaron suddenly faced Leon again. “But more and more attempts have become successful recently…and I’m getting out of this place.”

                                “You could be caught, Aaron…you need to be careful.”

                                Aaron scoffed. “And so what if I am caught, Isaiah? When I’m killed, at least I won’t have to deal with any of this anymore.” Aaron snarled in reply, motioning towards the shoveling and the guards.

                                “There’s still eternity-“

                                “Oh, knock it off. Can’t you not talk about God for one minute!?”

                                “Aaron, this is a very important-“

                                “You think God’s involved in this, Isaiah!? You think God cares!? If God’s in any of this, it’s because he’s causing it.” Aaron growled.

                                Leon glanced between the two men, shoveling still, wary of their fighting. “Get much louder and the guards will hear you…” He whispered softly.

                                Both Aaron and Isaiah faced him.

                                Aaron nodded. “He’s right. Besides, you should know that God’s not here, Isaiah. God has abandoned all of us to these Nazis.”

                                Isaiah let out a deep sigh. “Aaron, that’s not true…”

                                “If you don’t realize that yet, you’re a fool.”

                                “Hey…” Leon whispered, ready to break up a fight if he had to but stopped when his gaze drifted to an officer with dark brown hair…dark blue eyes.

                                Aaron followed Leon’s gaze and raised an eyebrow. “Well, that officer looks new.”

                                Leon’s grip on the shovel tightened even more. His fingers began to ache.

                                That officer…he was the man who had ignored Leon’s pleas…the SS officer who had refused to help Aadelheide and Leon. The man who had refused to save them from this place. Anger bubbled inside of him, threatening to boil over.

                                “Leon…?” Isaiah’s hand landed on his shoulder, gripping it, “What is it?”

                                Leon turned away, returning to his work, knowing he had to. “…That’s the man who ignored my pleas for mercy…the one who said me and my wife would be fine and refused to help us.”

                                Aaron scoffed. “Never expect mercy from those beasts.”

                                Isaiah’s eyebrows furrowed together. “Maybe he didn’t know about this place.” He whispered, shoveling out more dirt. “Maybe he didn’t know that this camp was here, and maybe he didn’t know you were being taken here.”

                                “Are you defending the dirty German, Isaiah?” Aaron growled, low.

                                “Not every German agrees with Hitler, Aaron.” Isaiah replied softly. Shrugged. “Maybe he truly didn’t know.”

                                Leon shoveled another shovelful of dirt. “How could he not know?”

                                “Did either of you?”

                                Isaiah’s words silenced both Aaron and Leon.

                                The guard on duty, dressed in full uniform, a hand on his gun, looked over all the striped-uniformed men that were working shoveling dirt. “Move faster, filthy Juden. Schnell!”

                                Jackboot footsteps sounded. “What’s going on over here…?”

                                The guard snapped to attention with a raise of his right hand and a ‘Heil Hitler!’. “Lieutenant Schind, sir! I am only supervising a group of these filthy prisoners. Making sure they’re working…they like to slack off, sir.”

                                The officer nodded, and Leon’s gaze fell to the ground, his grip on the shovel tightening yet again.

                                “I’ll take over for a little while. Go take a small break.”

                                “Yessir!” The guard replied, snapping another salute, to which the officer returned.

                                The guard marched away. Leon took out another shovelful of dirt and looked up.

                                His brown eyes met the officer’s dark blue. The officer’s eyes widened. “Y-You…?”

                                Leon didn’t move nor respond. He didn’t even work anymore, which earned him a nudge from Aaron.

                                The officer’s eyes softened and brightened. “I-I-I’m sorry…if I had known they were taking you here, I-“

                                “Would have listened to my pleas for help and mercy?” Leon interrupted.

                                Isaiah grabbed his arm, pulling him aside. “What are you doing? Didn’t you see what happened to that man earlier?” He whispered.

                                “Of course I did.” Leon replied, pulling away, eyes still meeting the officer’s. Who cared if he got in trouble? At least he would have a brief taste of victory.

                                The officer’s gaze fell to his jackboots. “I’m sorry…truly, I am…if I had known…I would have done something…I would have…” He looked up but didn’t meet Leon’s eyes. “…I’m sorry…wait, what’s your name?”

                                “Leon. Leon Jedediah Wagner. Unless you’d rather see my numbers.”

                                The officer shook his head. “No…your name is better.”

                                Leon raised an eyebrow. Why wasn’t this officer angry?

                                “I’m…Riker. Riker Franz Schind.”

                                Now the officer who had refused to help Leon and his wife had a name…and a clearer face.

                                Leon began shoveling again, lapsing into silence.

                                This man was responsible for him and Aadelheide being sent to this place.

                                Now Leon had a face and name to be angry at.

                                Something inside of him told him it was wrong.

                                Something inside of him told him that he wasn’t supposed to hate like this.

                                But it felt so good.


                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1643


                                  NOOO!!! Leon don’t hate 😭😭😭😭!!

                                  And RIKER!!! 😭😭😭❤❤

                                  Great job girl!! 75 pages?!? That’s awesome!!! Oh yes please!! I will be waiting for Riker’s chapter anxiously haha. Amazing scene, as always 😊❤




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