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  • #141597
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @freedomwriter76 HA if u have too many pics of Riker I have too many of November and Pax…


      OH did u see the GRIMm pics I posted for u liking lol


      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @freedomwriter76 @euodia-vision That’s a nice board!

        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1308


          AHHH I love ittttt! The only thing is for some reason the pink doesn’t feel right but I love, love, love the rest of it! *squeals* thank youuuuu

          I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @euodia-vision Awww, I’m so glad!!!!!! You are sooo welcome, girl!!!!!!! AHHH, I’M SO HAPPY YOU LIKE IT SO MUCHHHHH!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

            btw, I changed the pink pic for ya!

            Otherworldly Historian
              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 234


              Are you ready for next week?

              Through darkness,
              light shines brightest

              Otherworldly Historian
                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 234


                Through darkness,
                light shines brightest

                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @otherworldlyhistorian lol…might be a dumb question, but what are APs??? XD

                  (btw, i know you enjoy History. My mom just found me a WWII podcast called “We Have Ways of Making You Talk”. Currently listening to episode 1. Just thought I’d share 😉)

                  Otherworldly Historian
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 234


                    The AP (Advanced placement program) is basically this part of The College Board. (Side note: The Collage Board is the people who own and make SATs and stuff). There are basically a bunch of AP tests that The College Board offers that correspond to different classes (or I guess curriculums. You technically don’t need a special class or anything and can just take the test but the tests are built for different curriculums that are supposed to take a normal school year class) Basically, the tests always come during May (next week is the begins the AP tests). There are certain days and stuff for different tests. Afterwards, you get a score and if you score high enough then colleges will accept the class as a college credit (which will allow you to graduate faster/have more credits when you enter college). There is slightly more than that but that is the basic gist.

                    Through darkness,
                    light shines brightest

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @otherworldlyhistorian ohhhhh, ok, cool!!! 😁

                      Best of luck to you!!! I’m sure you’ll do great! 👍

                      Otherworldly Historian
                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 234




                        Through darkness,
                        light shines brightest

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6691

                          @otherworldlyhistorian ah yea most ppl on here are or have been homeschooled 😂 but good luck!


                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @loopylin @whalekeeper @esther-c @euodia-vision @sarafini @princessachronicle22 @smiley @mineralizedwritings @thearcaneaxiom @kyronythearcanin

                            Hey yall. So I didn’t feel like making a seperate forum post, but I could use some help/encouragement.

                            I’ve really been struggling to write recently, and I know some of its just pure laziness/procrastination, but I think some of it is also just feeling like my writing has taken a downturn and isn’t as good as it was??

                            Maybe that’s just me thinking that, but I just don’t feel it’s very great…even though I want it to be and it’s hard to find the fun in it sometimes but I really want to!! Like the idea of it is so fun, but it’s actually starting it that’s the problem lol.


                            Also going thru some things personally that probably haven’t helped any.

                            But anyways, I don’t want to quit or give up because…well…I feel like this series is something I’m supposed to do, and it’s something I want to do.

                            I want it to help others, and help me through it too, but I’m struggling with the actual writing. I thought it would be fun, and maybe it will be but I’m struggling right now and idk how to get into the mindset that my writing is good again.

                            it just feels so…lackluster.

                            Anyway I could use some advice or encouragement from some who may understand 😊


                            Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 718


                              I know what you mean! I know that I personally have dealt with this quite a bit, as well as a few other writer friends. We’re in a fallen world. Almost every writer does. And if they don’t… I must know their secret XD

                              Anyway, don’t feel like you’re any worse than anyone else, or than you used to be. Often it’s one of the greatest challenges of a writer… Reading through current writing, comparing it to ‘greats’ in the writing world, picking it apart until it feels like it has no value. But just remember, you have a totally different perspective than your readers do/will. It may seem lackluster because you have seen it so many times over, or simply because you have grown used to your writing in general.

                              My greatest piece of advice may seem too obvious, but prayer is the best thing you can do. Speak with God, and tell him you’re struggling. He may already know, but He loves when his children come to him, and He’s the greatest listener you could ask for. More than that, He’s an all-powerful God, and He can help you in whatever you’re going through. After all, through men he wrote the greatest book of all time.

                              If you feel like it’s something you want to do, something you’re supposed to do, then push on. It’s a difficult season I’ve seen myself, but it always meets its end.

                              (and from the writing of yours that I’ve seen, you’re an AWESOME writer, so don’t let anyone, even yourself, tell you otherwise. I believe God will help you through this, and hey, when he does, your writing might just be better than ever. Keep up the good work, Godly.

                              Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

                              Otherworldly Historian
                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 234


                                @otherworldlyhistorian ah yea most ppl on here are or have been homeschooled 😂 but good luck!

                                Thanks. Yea, I know most of you guys are homeschooled but one of the homeschooled guys at my church is doing some APs so that was one of the reasons I had thought to ask. I don’t really know all too much about how homeschooling works so I couldn’t tell you how he does them but I would assume it is similar to however you guys take SATs (if you do).

                                (divider to address your other post)


                                So for starters, I think that it is helpful to remember that God is really good at helping us with crises like these and I would recommend some prayer (but you probably already know this). Anyway I have had some problems like that before.

                                I haven’t actually gotten anywhere far in writing because I haven’t gotten past my outline yet (should be done really soon because the current outline is hopefully going to be my last one). One thing I have found though in my outlining process was that a lot of times when I got frustrated because the stuff I was working on didn’t make sense or work it usually meant that either I was going down a rabbit hole or things needed to be reevaluated. Reevaluating can be really scary (and is certainly not always the best move) but sometimes you have to change stuff and alter your original plot idea. This can/has been annoying because it has meant that I have had to let go of some stuff I really liked but has also been useful in developing my story and getting it to where it is now.

                                Also, I hope your personal stuff works out (or something. I don’t know enough about it to give you better condolences. I guess James 1:12 maybe)

                                I will say that I feel at least I can relate to your struggle with getting into the mindset. My problem was less of a worth problem and more of a magnitude problem. I was like, “How am I supposed to complete a high fantasy series with a bunch of narrators and stuff? It just seems so difficult.” Then I was like well I mean God will help me and if I just work at it and stuff then hopefully I will complete it. Sometimes it kind of weighs in on me and then I just ask God for help and keep trying because at least for perfectionist me I just tell myself that I can always edit/rewrite anything that isn’t great or doesn’t work.

                                I also think that sometimes there will be some steps that are less fun than others. Now don’t take this the wrong way and like put yourself through misery but you get what I mean (hopefully). Like if you start dreading there is definitely something wrong.

                                Through darkness,
                                light shines brightest

                                Otherworldly Historian
                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 234


                                  Also, some other advice I would give is that you might want to read something (specifically something in the genre). Now this won’t help with comparisons but at least for me it helped me relax a bit and helped me get ideas/rethink some of my stuff.

                                  Through darkness,
                                  light shines brightest

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