The-Bad-Guys-With-No-Name Kinda Need A Name (just a little bit)

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  • #124343
      • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
      • Total Posts: 26

      Hey y’alls!

      I have a problem and just thought of posting it here a few minutes ago.

      Like the title says, my bad guys need a name.

      Let me tell you a little about them.

      My WIP book is set in a beautiful medieval land that is yet to be named (guess I’m not good with names).

      My group of bad guys is a highly organized and sophisticated (and brutal) organization. They are far-reaching in my country, with many dominated fortresses and cities. Their manpower is about equal to that of the country itself (yes, there will be an epic battle, so stay tuned šŸ˜). Their most prominent leaders and organizers make up most of the brutality in the organization. The lower leaders and soldiers just joined because they wanted to be a part of something powerful. They have a highly-organized power hierarchy, with one person at the very top who is responsible for their most important decisions.

      They usually spread chaos and take over cities to gain power and want to eventually overthrow the monarch, rule the country, and conquer surrounding countries as well (SPOILER: they’ll get close to accomplishing that goal until some brave soul pays the price to stop them).

      hmm, I think that’s all for the info.

      I’m looking forward to what you all come up with šŸ™‚

      Thanks for the help in advance šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚



      @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12 @joy-caroline @power @mineralizedwritings @elishavet-pidyon @ANYONE ELSE

      Iā€™m a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6689


        *runs in, nearly tripping over my cat made of goo named Squish.*

        Ahem! *bows dramatically* most call me Godly, Ā AT YOUR SERVICE!!! Character names are my specialty! (But not naming anything else šŸ¤£ I meanā€¦I canā€™t try butā€¦ XD) so Iā€™m not entirely sure if I can help with a name for an organizationā€¦



        AHHH VILLAINS!! MEDIEVAL TIMES!! I must ask, is this a fantasy? Or more historical-ish fiction and what not? Either way, sounds splendid!!!


        (and if u ever need help naming a character u know who to call XD)


        and no itā€™s not ghostbustersā€¦


        Elishavet Elroi
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1266


          Ooooo, names! I love names. (Though they can be a pain at times.)

          First, do you need a name for an organization/governing body of bad guys or specific people?

          Second, what name pool/culture does your country have? For instance, are they kinda English-ish like with names like Winston, Audrey, Henry, Elizabeth, Collin, John, and Alice (even more fantastic names)? Or maybe Norse/Viking-ish like Jesper, Eric, Ragnarok, Orla, Viktor, and Ursa? Figuring that out helps narrow down the millions of names possible.

          Lastly, if this is an organization, is there some symbol or emblem that means a lot to them? They could be called that, like “The Order of the Scarlet Serpent” (made up on the spot), or something that means that, like The Rote Schlangen (red serpents in German).

          Anyway, that’s a bunch of thoughts that may or may not be helpful. If you want specific suggestions, I can help with that too, whatever you need.

          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1949


            *Swings in through window*

            Aha! I have arrived.

            I’m supposing you need a name for the organisation, with a medievalish sound. This said band of bad guys not only thinks there powerful but also actually are. People join for that reason. They’re also forming a coup on the crown, so maybe there needs to be some secrecy here, and possibly a reference to who they want on the throne (themselves).

            As they want to take over, they have a reason, whether anger, bitterness, lust for power…yeah, that last one sounds right. But wait- you don’t just want to say “I’m here for power!” That tends to cut down on support. Instead the name needs to say, “Let’s get power in the right hands!” (Because of course, those hands are ours)

            So, this name needs to sound powerful, a little mysterious, with a hungry but justified tone, and a medieval twist. And as this is a book, we need it to be simple enough to not annoy our readers, but fancy enough not to bore them.

            Are there any symbols or animals that hold significance in this kingdom/world? Are colors important, like in the war of the roses?

            *Gears whirring in background*

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
            Fork the Gork

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 311

              Ohhh I know!

              Call them mooks

              It is kind of ironic (see link below for more information)


              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 5589

                @pen_for_christ205 Hmm….My brother’s good with that. I’ll ask him.


                He says what is their theme? What style of fighting do they use? How do they conquer cities? What weapons do they use the most?

                For example, my brother called one villain group he made the Rippers, because to show they had defeated an enemy, they would leave their foe’s flag or emblem at the site of the battle, flying but ripped to shreds.

                "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 358


                  Here are just some names.

                  For the fearful foes

                  1. Blood Ravens
                  2. DEATH
                  3. The Burning
                  4. Black Roses
                  5. Bane
                  6. The Plague
                  7. Menaces
                  8. Devastators
                  9. The Shadow
                  10. Beware

                  Political foes

                  • People of Freedom
                  • Bearers of Liberty
                  • White Stallions
                  • Swords of Justice
                  • Sovereign Forces
                  • Green Irises

                  Titles to add in here or there

                  • Union
                  • Band
                  • Fellowship
                  • Confederation
                  • Federation
                  • Alliance
                  • Pack
                  • Riders
                  • Men
                  • People
                  • Followers
                  • We are the Big Bad Bad Guys of Big Bad Ouchies.
                  • (Colors)

                  You will love what you spend time with.

                    • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                    • Total Posts: 26

                    *walks into room, shocked by the prompt responses* Okay, let’s answer all the questions.



                    I must ask, is this a fantasy? Or more historical-ish fiction and what not?

                    It’s a mix of both. I don’t like research, but history has some great ideas I like to use. But of course, there’s a bit of fantasy too, like the dragomoth and other mythical creatures. Thanks for your help btw šŸ™‚


                    First, do you need a name for an organization/governing body of bad guys or specific people?

                    I need a name for the entire organization. Countries and groups are hard to name, unlike people.

                    Second, what name pool/culture does your country have?

                    The names in my book are mostly English and sometimes French if they sound English enough. Some characters include Colette, Richard, Henri, Kieran, Dominic, Landon, etc.

                    Lastly, if this is an organization, is there some symbol or emblem that means a lot to them?

                    I haven’t thought of anything yet, but that might be a good idea for their name. Thanks so much. šŸ™‚


                    Are there any symbols or animals that hold significance in this kingdom/world? Are colors important, like in the war of the roses?

                    The creatures in my world are mostly like what we have today, but I have a few mythical creatures too (or a twist on a real creature ex: bloodwolves)

                    Their main color is dark blue, so their tunics and cloaks are that color, but I don’t think there is any actual significance in what they stand for (except that dark blue is the color of the night)

                    Your recap is wonderful btw šŸ™‚ Thanks so much


                    He says what is their theme? What style of fighting do they use? How do they conquer cities? What weapons do they use the most?

                    They’re warriors. Since they have much manpower, they usually conquer a city head-on with their forces. They tend to come into the city without resistance and start the attack from within. They tend to fight with swords and daggers and don’t use cannons unless they’re breaking down a tower or castle.


                    Wow, that’s a long list. I think I might settle on a few of these. Thank you so much šŸ™‚

                    Iā€™m a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6689



                      bruh that second to last oneā€¦.yessss XD XD XD thatā€™s the best lol


                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 5589

                        @pen_for_christ205 My brother suggested “Order of the Cobalt Blades” as the name of the group or maybe the name of a rank within the group? We looked up words for dark blue and combined that with their fighting strategy.

                        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                          • Total Posts: 26


                          Thanks, that sounds cool šŸ™‚

                          Iā€™m a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.

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