The AT-C (top secret)

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  • #173033
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1318

      Welcome initiate.

      You will now be briefed on your task as an employee of the AT-C (Anomaly Tracking and Cataloguing).

      Your purpose here is to find an anomaly*, track it, and catalogue your findings in this archive you have just received clearance to.

         *Anomaly- Any entity that presents paranormal behavior.

      Any Anomaly you find will likely be dangerous, so remember your training. You can not rely on your wit, nor your gut. Anomalies, depending on their behavior, may influence both. Don’t be stupid, and depending on the Anomaly, only be stupid.

      Good luck. Luck is the only thing left to keep you alive.

      AT-C archive director 37

      Name: **********

      Gender: ********

      Age: *********

      He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1318

        File-476 of Catalogue 221: Anomaly-6097

        Name: [The Painter]

        Origin: unknown

        Direct sightings: none

        Signature sightings: 9

        Description: The Painter has never been seen directly, but signs of its work have been documented. Walls have been found painted unevenly in colors described by witnesses as “…the colors of everything…” and “…an abyss inside of a rainbow…”. Those descriptions were given after 3 weeks of unconsciousness immediately after seeing the wall.

        Witnesses upon recovery seemed to lose the ability to see color. No other ill effects have been found as of this catalogue.

        Pictures taken of the walls, then looked at directly do not show the same impact. The pictures show a deep grey splattered across the wall in what appears to be large brush strokes.

        The Painter is currently theorized to be anthropomorphic in nature. Paint covered footsteps with a generic shoe design are found leading away from the walls, but no further evidence has been found.



        He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4175

          Umm…I don’t quite understand…what is this forum for? Is it an rp type thing?

          "YOU NEED MORE FRIENDS! Ignore me, just talking to LEGOs" -Me
          #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

          Cloaked Mystery
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2876


            Lol. I was wondering about it too.


            This looks interesting. Could you explain what we’re supposed to do? I think I sort if get it, but I’m not sure.

            🏰 Fantasy Writer
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              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1318

              @rae @jonas

              Ah, I see some recent initiates need to be re-briefed. Your task is to find and catalogue any Anomalies you encounter (come up with/dream up). Agent Arcane has recently catalogued The Painter in our Archive. Follow his example. List any paranormal behavior you’ve noticed in the anomaly, we cannot miss anything.

              Good luck.

              –AT-C archive director 37

              He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

              Cloaked Mystery
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2876


                Ok, lol. Got it.

                🏰 Fantasy Writer
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                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4175

                  Okay, I guess I get it…let me try…

                  File-476 of Catalogue 221: Anomaly-6098

                  Name: The Black Shadow

                  Origin: unknown

                  Direct sightings: 273

                  Signature sightings: 0

                  Description: This strange person appears to witnesses for almost never more than two minutes before vaporizing into a “grey mist”, gathering into a “dark cloud like the ones that come before a terrible storm”, or simply turning into a shadow leaving no trace except the witness themselves.

                  When in human form, the Black Shadow seems to be nothing more than a man with dark, unkempt hair and light face. His eyes are dark. Out of all the sightings, only 50 describe as seeing his face, for all other times he has been hooded. His clothes are described as plain, worn, and black. All accounts agree on this. They also agree that he has a sword and dagger.

                  He is known to have who is believed to be either a enemy or friend, for he is often sighted in the vicinity of Igua Dyke Cloak, Mainland hero. Igua Dyke has not revealed anything to us at this moment.





                  Is this what you meant?


                  "YOU NEED MORE FRIENDS! Ignore me, just talking to LEGOs" -Me
                  #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1318

                    File-477 of Catalogue 221: Anomaly-6099

                    Name: Frendid’s Walk

                    Origin: unknown

                    Direct sightings: 27 to ∞

                    Signature sightings: 1

                    Description: Frendid to us was once a senior agent of the AT-C. Supposedly in another world, he was known as Dr. Vrendit, and agent of the ZT-X. In another, He was Mr. Didnerf the barber. Unfortunately, all such Frendids seem to have found themselves in a time loop.

                    The loop physically appears to be a sphere located in ***CLASIFIED***, Which was where Agent Frendid’s last mission was set. The sphere is described to look like a pearl or crystal ball. It is free floating, and all attempts to move it has faultered. When viewed at any particular angle, one will see some variation of Agent Frendid walking on a forest trail unendingly. When human skin makes contact with the sphere, said unique Frendid will manifest. Once contact is removed, the Frendid will vanish. Because each point on the sphere is entirely unique, it’s been hypothesized that there is an uncountably infinite number of Frendids. Great debate has been discussed on whether each Frendid is a unique prospective witness or not.

                    Interviews with these Frendids confirm entirely unique backgrounds, but all are found to be similar to Agent Frendid’s known history. Every Frendid, though able to be coaxed into answering questions, seems to be in some kind of trance, saying in one way or another that they need to continue their walk.

                    He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1318


                      Is this what you meant?

                      Well done initiate. You have successfully catalogued a new Anomaly.

                      (It would be cool if we could do both new ideas and ideas from our own WIPs. I also wonder if it would be cool to turn into an RP where our different charries find the AT-C, and have to encounter the different Anomalies.)

                      He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4296

                        Reporting as Agent Whaley, no longer on permanent leave. Requesting repurposing as initiate after brain wipe.

                        File-476 of Catalogue 221: Anomaly-6070

                        Name: [Glass Frog]

                        Origin: An abandoned hospital in a jungle biome, Earth 590.2.

                        Direct sightings: 12

                        Signature sightings: 31

                        Description: The Glass Frog is a humanoid being, in fact quite human in appearance, but has entirely transparent skin. Organs are quite visible from indirect light, but the anomaly disappears in direct light.

                        Witnesses of direct sightings have either been actively in the army, or are over the age of eighty and about to die of natural causes. 7 match both criteria.

                        Signature sightings are made by any person from any community – manifesting as sticky clear slime, spread across random locations in as far as a half-mile radius. Notable locations are an outdoor train station, an old woman’s house, and aforementioned hospital.

                        The locals describe an experimental surgery made years ago in the hospital which went horribly wrong.


                        [Departing for area at Agent Arcane’s approval]

                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by whaley.

                        "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1318


                          Request for initiation granted. Please look at this photograph. *Forgets everything upon seeing the image

                          Welcome aboard Agent Whaley, you may be briefed on your future tasks above. After which, permission to depart on mission is granted.

                          He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                          Cloaked Mystery
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2876

                            Agent Mystery Reporting.

                            File-529 of Catalogue 324: Anomaly-2318

                            Name: Temporal Disturbance Field

                            Origin: Unknown

                            Direct sightings: none

                            Signature sightings: 13

                            Description: Temporal Disturbance Fields (or TDFs) are theorized to be the cause of several paranormal occurrences that have been reported, though no direct confirmation of their existence has been found.

                            Several witnesses have reported apparent time-skipping, where they were seemingly transported forward in time a short way. Upon investigation, all witnesses’ watches were discovered to be behind the current time by exactly 23 minutes and 18 seconds.

                            TDFs seem to appear and disappear quickly, as subsequent investigation of the areas they have been reported in have yielded no evidence.

                            🏰 Fantasy Writer
                            ✨ Magic System Creator
                            🎭 Character RPer
                            📚 Appreciator of Books

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2687

                              Agent Scribe reporting Anomaly.

                              File-333 of Catalogue 190: Anomaly-3280

                              Name: [The Phoenix]

                              Origin: Unknown

                              Direct sightings: Unknown, currently appears to be residing in -CLASSIFIED-

                              Signature sightings: 41

                              Description: No direct sightings have been made of the Phoenix. Little evidence attained as to what the creature is. Scratches and scorch marks appear all over the town. Several residence of -CLASSIFIED- have disappeared, only to reappear exactly eight days, two hours, twenty-one minutes and seventeen-and-a-half seconds after reported missing. Human footprints appear scorched on the ground around victim, as well as feathers, which crumble to ash at the slightest touch. Tally marks often seen scratched into walls near location of reappearance. Victims, seemingly half-conscious, speak in strange languages they seem to have made up on the spot and sprouting the ability to control fire. Victims remain delirious for exactly four days one hour two minutes and fifty-three and twelve-thirteenths seconds before recovering completely, with seemingly no remembrance of the event. More information required.

                              If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4175


                                Anomaly 6098 is from one of my WIP’s though he goes by a different name ofc.

                                "YOU NEED MORE FRIENDS! Ignore me, just talking to LEGOs" -Me
                                #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                                Otherworldly Historian
                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 235

                                  Agent Historian found this in the archive though the file seems to be locked with an old security measure

                                  File-12 of Catalogue 18: Anomaly-2128

                                  Name: 4e6172746869

                                  Origin: 426f6c6c65727320506f696e742c205641

                                  Signature sightings: 5477656c7665

                                  Description: 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

                                  [end of file]


                                  Through darkness,
                                  light shines brightest

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