The Assassination of Queen Miranda Kocham Grace Tarcza

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  • #104822
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 357

      Do you ever get an idea and just write done the first chapter or prologue? This is where the story below comes from. Brief warning, it doesn’t end happily.


      The target was directly in the center of her sights. The X hovered on the young Queen’s head. All Jewel had to do now was squeeze the trigger, and her last mission would be over. There’d be enough money to skip the country and disappear into some far off land, perhaps Eramay or the Wilds of Holphna? Whichever it was, at least she would be finally free. Free from the constant travel, pain, and worry. Why was she hesitating then? The shot was perfect, she had no doubts of hitting her target. This would be one of her easiest jobs.

      Jewel took a deep breath and wiped her sweating hand on her green dress. Then rewrapped her hand around the cold metal of her weapon. The target turned her head and said something to the lady in waiting that was sitting beside her. They both shook with laughter. Jewel corrected her aim and breathed out. The two women below had slumped against the wall that ran behind them. Apparently it had been a pretty funny joke. They suddenly froze, then jerked up and seemed to be trying to look stately. The Queen’s lady reached out a hand and quickly removed a leaf from her mistress’ hair. Jewel squirt, what had happened? At that moment the ambassador from Lashña in his elaborate red coat walked into view. As he passed by the two ladies he seemed to be looking at them suspiciously, then he turned his head and continued down the garden pathway. As soon as he went around one of the huge green hedges that ran this way and that, enclosing the many private walks spread throughout the garden, the queen and her lady made eye contact then burst into another fit of laughter.

      The shot rang out, and the laughs suddenly stopped, then a scream echoed through the garden. Jewel grabbed up her tool of death in one hand and stumbled down the stairs, desperately hanging on to the rail with her other hand. She was finding it hard to see through the storm of tears. People were yelling and there was another scream. It hadn’t been worth it. It was never worth it.


      Info for Story

      The death of Queen Miranda Kocham Grace Tarcza of Mangelver in 976 AL ended the reign of the Tarczas. Her oldest brother and father Prince Filip Sterk Tarcza and King Filip IV had died of pneumonia two years before, and her mother Queen Emilia Kocham Hilfe Tarcza had died a month earlier leaving Princess Miranda crowned Queen Miranda the last of her line. Though Mangelver’s police, the MRP (Mangelver Royal Protectors) and GMRK (Guardians of the Many River Kingdom) searched for months they never found her assassin. After the death of the young queen, three people/groups rose to try and claim power, these being Lord Jaques Grande Cumbarlo governor of South Mangelver, King Aremond of Lashña, and a group called the Republic of Mangelver. The country split into thirds, and war broke out.

      Well it wasn’t supposed to end that way, the assassin was supposed to chicken out. But, that’s what happened. Has anyone else written something and it turned out not like you as the writer expected?

      You will love what you spend time with.

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