The All-Boys Royal Academy AU RP!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      OKIE IMMA INTRODUCE…..The brothers..gah

      First off



      Firstborn to the Fallon family, Edrich stands to inherit his mother’s kingdom; the kingdom of the strong Icari. Known for their fierceness and strength, Edrich is the general of the brothers, and is cunning, a natural born leader, and willing to do whatever necessary to gain control and honor his mother and people.

      Though…honor amongst the Icari looks a bit different then honor to some.

      Point is…Edrich doesn’t mind spilling blood, and will do so in a heartbeat if he thinks anyone has crossed his family, or his kingdom’s values. He holds tight to the prejudices of his kind, and those of his mother, and was extremely unhappy when she chose to marry a disgusting lesser form…

      It was a disgrace to their name.

      Of course…He’s forgiven his mother for it. Mostly. She cannot be blamed for the blinding of her grief, and the beguiling of that…man.

      But that doesn’t mean he has to be happy about the marriage arrangements between his brothers…though he supposes it will give them more power in the end. And…they don’t exactly have to turn out exceedingly happy.

      And he will make sure Sorren follows through with the plans.

      As for the half-breed.


      From Edrich’s point of view, the little flit’s a blot on the Fallon name. A dishonor.

      And any dishonor to his family, must be swiftly abolished.



      (Edrich also has anger issues and his mother and Aramis know how to push the right buttons.)



        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645



        The second born of the Fallon princes, the death of the boys’ father hit him the hardest.

        Because of his status, and the already harsh life Icari children-and people in general-had, Aramis was given no chance, nor way to grieve, and the once innocent, mischievous lad became hard.

        He never wanted another father, but his arguments were ignored with harsh words and even harsher punishments, until he finally stopped trying to break the marriage apart.

        Ignoring the constant beckoning of this new “father” who tried to take the role of his old one, Aramis grew close to the new Icari general, Janus, who began whispering in the boy’s ear, filling his head with lies and deceit, making him even more confused then he already was.

        Growing embittered and hate-filled, Aramis’ innocence burned away, and with no one to turn to, Aramis finally relented, deciding to take this “New father” up on his offer to grow close.

        Until he too, passed.

        Leaving a half-breed son that…represented everything Aramis wasn’t anymore.

        Everything Aramis would never be.

        Innocent and j0yful and…

        He despised him.

        And the longer he had to look at him. To be near him. The more Aramis felt he was losing his mind…

        He had to get rid of him.

        Somehow. Someway.


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645


          Sorren was young when his father passed…

          But from what he can remember, that was when all of the trouble began.

          Before that, he and his brothers were close.

          He remembered sitting on his father’s knees, listening to him tell stories of the great quests he went on, conquering lands during his time as general. Remembered his mother reading him stories at night. Remembered he and his brothers flying about, playing games and laughing.

          But now? Sorren can’t remember a life without anguish.

          His home is miserable.

          Maybe it always was. He was just…too young to see it.

          But after the death of his father…

          After his mother remarried…

          Everything seemed to have changed.

          Sorren didn’t really understand why. He’d liked his new father.

          He’d been kind. Jovial. A wonderful king.

          But Aramis. Edrich. They hadn’t liked him, that much was certain.

          Though…Aramis had seemed to warm up to him a bit…before

          But then everything fell apart once again.

          And now they had a fourth brother. A half-brother. One that…everyone seemed to despise. A prince who…for all intents and purposes, might as well have been a dog, what with the way everyone treated him.

          And why? Sorren wasn’t even sure.

          And frankly? Sorren didn’t have much time to focus on that…

          Because he had his own problems to deal with…

          Like his upcoming marriage to princess Tallulah, of the Mer…


          Her assassination afterwards…

          The assassination his mother and brothers were planning…

          The one that…yes…he knew about.

          But…what could he do about it?

          Truth was…He loved Tallullah…

          But…that in itself would be a scandal. To Edrich, at least. And if he didn’t follow through with the plan…what would his family think? Would they just go through with it anyway? They could take over the Mer kingdom with or without him…It would just be a lot…bloodier.

          Why were things so complicated…?


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3421


            So I don’t know how you think Grimm looks, but I came across a pic that I think he would look like in this RP

            Idk if it’s very accurate or not, it just reminded me of him. 😉

            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4721

              @freedomwriter76 that pic of Riker looks absolutely epic!


              For some reason he reminds me a little of Star Lord…

              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @esther-c ooh it does make me think of Grimm! except Grimm’s more Wolf King vibes but yea!


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3421


                  Oh yeah, Grimm’s definitely got some wolf king vibes. 😉 (I mean, he is able to shift into a wolf in  your WIP so… XD)

                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3142


                    We should probably organize the Houses… Although that could probably wait a little, since I’m assuming it’s morning rn

                    “Everything is a mountain”

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @whalekeeper yes we should XD

                      @mineralizedwritings @koshka @euodia-vision @esther-c @freedomwriter76 @anyone-i’m-missing XD

                      So the housing buildings are on campus, but separated from the actual school building

                      im thinking 4-5 bedrooms per House that way we don’t have to have too many buildings and such.

                      Again, rooms can be shared IF  a prince has a brother, or a servant/armor bearer and asks to share with them, otherwise it will be split.

                      The bedrooms will probably be named like The House of Beowulf or The House of Fallon (even though they’re bedrooms XD. Gotta be extra)

                      if there are brothers in separate bedrooms it will be marked by a Roman numeral (The House of Fallon-II) so as not to get confusing lol


                      Who does everyone want to be in the same building with?



                      Koshka, I figured Nikolai and Grimm/Conan could be in the same building?

                      Whaley, maybe Nyxie wherever Bastian is? (Maybe they’re also with Grimm? Cuz Grimm and Nyx crack me up XD)

                      Freedom, Maybe Riker and November too?

                      Sadly…the Fallon boys are all gonna be in the same building…GAH….


                      BUT that leaves one extra room open for someone to stay with them…if they dare XD (the brothers are NOT sharing rooms. Of course XD)

                      AND ARTHUR….he can go wherever XD



                      awww maybe poor Calvin would like to be in the same building as November? (Unless he’s gonna be off somewhere else) so he’ll have a friend?


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2210


                        Arthur can share a room with Tristas, Keith, and Anakin if you want

                        and I have Edmund who can go where ever XD he’s pretty good with people, but he might get a little annoying to some XD

                        Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4721

                          @freedomwriter76 @whalekeeper @koshka @smiley @godlyfantasy12 @mineralizedwritings


                          Since most of you voted for a character you haven’t met before, I’m adding one! He’s, for once, not from a Bad Batch fanfic (except he kinda is because he’s an ancestor of many of the main dragons in my fanfic)

                          I shamelessly ripped the non-dragon part of the design and name for this charrie from the video game Super Smash Bros Ultimate, which in turn got him from somewhere else of course (although his backstory is mostly written by me). He was my brother’s favorite fighter to play as, and I took interest because he sorta resembles my dragon boy Hunter, who you’ve already met. Characters who have similarities tend to be related in my stories, so…..




                          He’s the last heir to the Icewraith throne.

                          Abandoned by his rather cruel father–who was killed in a civil war not long afterward–he learned quickly to fend for himself. He was a wild dragon who made a lot of bad choices. It didn’t help that he was born with magic, which would slowly corrupt him further if he used it unwisely.

                          He had a given name–David–but the dragons who knew him quickly branded him with another one….Suneku, or “Snake,” for his slyness.

                          Over time, however, he slowly becomes less selfish and a bit wiser, but not without a war with a rival tribe that shows him just exactly what he needs to be a leader.



                          Snake can be a bit growly at times, and he’s very independent. He’s really not a fan of being here and will make that clear to the others.

                          He’d much rather be out at war with somebody, although he claims he doesn’t like killing for the sake of killing.

                          He’s a bit flirty. Maybe have the other princes keep an eye on their sisters/other female companions.

                          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4721

                            This picture’s a terrible one, but it’s the best one I have. It was a drawing I made of him a little while ago.

                            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 4721

                              I don’t have time to RP as him right now, but hopefully I’ll get around to it tomorrow or something.

                              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3142


                                Yeah, Sebastian can room near Nyx if you want.

                                As for Cal… I would say sure, but he will be mostly stuck in his room with private tutors and the like. He won’t be able to socialize very much. In fact, I’m thinking that whenever he has to go to a class, he won’t dare talk to anyone he knows, because he doesn’t want his captors to hurt anyone.

                                So… that’ll add a lot to the drama. Once Marcel arrives, and is like, ‘heeeyyy duuude you’re aliiive’

                                And then Cal can’t acknowledge him, because if he does, he puts Marcel in danger

                                Also, Marcel might room with the Fallon boys, if there’s an extra room.

                                Oh, and then I also have Dogchild and the triplets… I’ll have them room together in their own house.

                                “Everything is a mountain”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @whalekeeper YES I WAS ACTUALLY HOPING MARCEL COULD ROOM THERE CUZ PAX WAS THERE XD


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