The All-Boys Royal Academy AU RP!

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  • #148026
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      AAAAGGHH the imposter syndrome 😂😢😂 And the sweet stable boy trope… Classic 👌 And come on, buddy, it’ll be fun, you’ll see!

      “Everything is a mountain”

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1555

        @smiley @whalekeeper @godlyfantasy12

        Do y’all mind if I join? I just ran across this and…um…it looks amazingly awesome! I may not be able to be very active, but I can at least reply biweekly.

        I have two characters I’d like to add, if I can. As side characters from Hearts of Gold, they’re wolves originally I’d have to make human. They were only recently developed, so I haven’t written much as them.

        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2972


          AHHH SO SWEET

          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2972


            I’m adding in Kaine because why not, here’s a backstory, I didn’t put a whole lot of thought into this but it works lol

            Kaine and his sister Everly have lived a fairly normal life, besides the fact they were both orphaned at a young age. They have recently learned this disconnection with the royal family (Which is also their family) was to protect themselves. In order to be accepted back into the family, they must attend the academy, however they are unsure whether to trust this new family and their intentions. Being orphans, they could benefit from having a safe place to live, so they are willing to take a chance at a better life. Kaine is very fearful of all the strange people they have been meeting, but does his best not to show it.

            So yeah… I think this might just call for some royal Kaine aesthetics art if I ever get around to it lol

            I think you all know what Kaine looks like by now possibly but here’s a picture in case:


            Thanks for starting this, it looks like it’s going to be fun!

            "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2972

              @godlyfantasy12 (Kaine is in the same room as november here) @anyone — I’m only tagging people who have posted a first rp otherwise this would get long and confusing


              Kaine wiggles his toes, which barely move in the ends of his stiff glossy boots. He frowns, stepping onto the marble steps. His boots click to the cold stone with each step, leaving not a trace behind. Kaine wipes a piece of dirt off the toe before barreling up the rest of the stairs. Some kind of footman had taken his belongings to his room, leaving him to explore the castle grounds. The large castle towers above, sifting clouds through its many turrets. A warm glow emits from the windows, creating a calm kind of atmosphere. Kaine furrows his brow at the large imposing building before him. Its warm windows and curved fixtures beckon him to enter, but his gut says otherwise.

              Be careful. You don’t know what the people are like here!

              Kaine takes in a deep breath, feeling his side for the dagger hidden under his belt.

              This place is too good to be true…

              I just hope I figure out the catch before it’s too late.

              Kaine nods at a servant to the side, who opens the large door for him. He stops just inside the entryway, eyes roving from the large extravagant chandeliers to the red velvet curtains. He stuffs his gloved hands into his pants pockets, realizes his un-princely behavior, and quickly pulls them out again. Kaine shifts slightly, feeling oddly stiff in his new clothes, a far cry from his usual corduroy overalls.

              ‘Shame I couldn’t sneak a bow in here too.

              "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2972

                Also I like the idea of having the headmaster be a communal character all can write, we could take turns for certain classes too, like I could write him doing a class on etiquette or whatever and somebody else could write him doing a class on dancing I have no idea lol

                "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @mineralizedwritings btw just letting I know the boys don’t share rooms (unless they’re brothers or family and specifically ask, or they have a servant or something)

                  but they share Houses, and have their own rooms.


                  each house is connected by a lounge room, and has its own small dining area as well. 😊


                  @whalekeeper @euodia-vision @esther-c @keilah-h @koshka


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @koshka of course u can join!










                    it may not be….



                    but are these characters going to be my favorite twins who I haven’t seen in forever? 🥹


                    (it’s ok if not buuuut I love and miss them)


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2972


                      Oh ok I see, I said I thought they were in the same room because Kaine just entered a lobby XD Idk I just thought the description you wrote could have been a lobby or something of the sort, is he in the lobby or in his own room rn?

                      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @mineralizedwritings November’s at the school entrance 😊 he just entered the school


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2972


                          Ok! I’m going to have Kaine come and meet him if you don’t mind, I apologize for his attitude



                          Kaine turns at the sound of footsteps beside the entryway.

                          Might as well get to know the place’s inhabitants.

                          “Hi.” Kaine says flatly, approaching a boy standing in front of the door. “Who are you?”

                          I have a feeling I’m not very good at conversation… but what should I know, I hardly talk to anyone but my sister.

                          Kaine stares at the floor awkwardly.

                          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2210

                            @godlyfantasy12 @whalekeeper @euodia-vision @esther-c @keilah-h @koshka

                            so uh here are my two RPs XD for my charries


                            I looked at the girl in front of me, her blue eyes searching mine. Alex was my sister, she was actually older than me. Which had always bothered me.

                            “Don’t do anything stupid,” Alex said, giving me a stern look.

                            “Miss you too,” I said with a grin.

                            “I’m serious,”

                            “What?!” I pretended to be offended look. “I’m only with the two princes that I despise, and you think I’m going to do something stupid?”

                            Alex crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow.

                            “Fine,” I gave her a hug as the carriage pulled up.

                            Anakin and Alex avoided eye contact, as I climbed into the carriage.

                            Alex waved as she brushed away a few tears, I knew it hurt her. That this school and the King had taken away her true love, but in my opinion, Anakin wasn’t worthy of her tears.

                            I looked at Keith and Anakin.

                            This was going to be a long journey,


                            We all stood in awe as we looked at the building in front of us.

                            “Wow,” Tristan said breaking the silence.

                            “It’s just like a servant to be surprised by a shed,” Keith grumbled.

                            Tristan scowled as Keith got out of the carriage.

                            I just gave Keith an annoyed look. this building was much bigger than any building we’d ever seen, but it was just like Keith to act better than everyone.

                            “Hey uh…” Tristan avoided eye contact. “My sister wanted me to give you this,”

                            I looked at the envelope that Tristan had handed me.


                            “Please don’t thank me, I would hate to make you happy,” Tristan said getting out of the carriage.

                            Great I’m here with two people who hate me,

                            I opened the envelope to reveal a letter, and a smile crossed my face as I read. I loved her, but I had a job. Why couldn’t they go together?

                            I looked out of the carriage to see Keith and Tristan talking to someone (This can be anyone XD) on the porch. Maybe I should join them, or I could just sit here, and read this note over and over again.




                            Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3141

                              Time for some drama… in the form of this child.



                              “Who am I??” Bastian puffed out his chest, the flecks of rose-gold flashing splendidly, like that of a war general. “WHO AM I?!? Kiss my custom made slippers and call me a bunny. You dare insult the honor of the royal Krataristo bloodline – especially that of self-appointed international ambassador, heir to the largest, most heavily guarded vault of gold in all the worlds – the highly charming and charismatic Sebastian?

                              He stood, tiny body in a dynamic pose, eyebrow raised.

                              A dangerous signal, that eyebrow.

                              “A thousand apologies,” The servant with the thick registration book had to tilt his head to see Bastian’s face under the hat. He was obviously puzzled. “But I -”

                              “Shame upon this academy – a thousand shames,” Bastian sung, inspecting his fingernails.

                              “But sir, I needed to ask your name in order to sign you into our records.”

                              Bastian turned on his heel and looked up at the magnificent painted ceiling. It was the best part of the entrance hall, with a diamond chandelier twisted into a coil of shapes, like a signature. “I have been branded into the records of the universe before I was fortunately born…”

                              “That’s…not what I meant.”

                              Bastian wandered over to a gorgeously adorned mirror, its frame much taller than his own. He twirled around, then took off his hat, licked his hand, and brushed it over his hair.

                              When he removed his tiny hand, and held it up to the light, it was covered in a glittery gold solution. Real gold.

                              The servant’s mouth opened and shut helplessly.

                              With a thoughtful expression, Bastian tapped over, wiping the gold dust on his suit cuff like a napkin. Shook his soft, fluffy head, sympathetic. “Only a Krat… Only a Krat…”

                              This child was rich.

                              This child was loaded.

                              This child was a Krataristo, heart and soul.

                              No one knew what to make of a ten-year-old ambassador. It was just so… strange. More than strange, it was unprecedented. Never in history was a child, even a brilliantly genius child, given so much power, or so much liberty.

                              This had its drawbacks for Bastian. Not taken seriously, he had to scratch his way into kingdoms and palaces. If he wanted to get a word in edgewise, it meant squeezing in between towering men in suits, trying not to be suffocated. He was still a child, with a sliver of a child’s fragility. One slip up, and he would be crying on the ballroom floor.

                              The bright-eyed aristocrat had one thing in his favor – he was chaos and charm incarnate, and therefore a favorite of society.

                              He was also a surprise.

                              Finally, after a storm of whispering servants, and a few more important people had come and gone – watching the child out of the corner of their eyes – he was led to a sparkling, empty sitting room.

                              His faceless servants began to unload his carriage outside, filing in a quiet procession through the entrance hall, and to his House – wherever that was.

                              Bastian slumped in his cushioned seat, and tipped his glittery hat over his eyes.

                              There was no need to worry about whether or not he would be accepted. He was only here because of his father. Why should he be sent to a palace full of meaningless trinkets?


                              (If that did not make too much sense, what with him being a child ambassador, his world is very crazy and cartoonish – like, as in multiple dimensions and genius pet chickens. So.)

                              “Everything is a mountain”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2972


                                Lol I love how you write him XD

                                "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1555


                                  Well…I suppose I could add the twins too, although if they run into one of the other two we could have major problems in the school considering these brothers’ father had blood against the twin’s father.

                                  I’ll let y’all decide wether or not I add Zlati and Vulka, but I do want to add Nikolai and Timur.

                                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

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