The All-Boys Royal Academy AU RP!

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  • #149699
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      also @koshka this really was awesome having Nikolai be the first Charrie they met because it’s so amazing seeing the blood brothers versus chosen brothers and so vastly different and just like…gah…


      ya know what I mean?


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3141


        Oh, just saw your earlier post – Marcel has not met anyone yet. Tirion can meet up with him! Marcel is just inside the entrance doors.

        “Everything is a mountain”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3141

          It may take me a little bit to write a reply tho, I am super sick right now, and my vacation is still in process 😴😘

          “Everything is a mountain”

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1308


            Okay! I’ll try to get it done this morning… I have a big test this afternoon so we’ll see if I can do it. XD

            I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1555


              Yeah…*sniffle* *sob*

              It’s been interesting getting into Nikolai’s head for the first time, but I’m glad he’s a side character and not an MC. He breaks my heart too often to be easy to write.

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4721



                “And I doubt you’d want the wrath of the Icari army upon you!” the second biggest one snapped.

                “Aramis, chill.” said the middle one.

                Aramis–the one who’d yelled–eyed his fellow Icari (apparently that’s what they were), seething.

                Snake didn’t need another war…..

                Although it’d certainly be fun, even he would probably be overwhelmed by both Icari and ImperialWings at once.

                Not to mention he didn’t know these creatures’ fighting tactics like he knew the dragons’.

                He flicked his tail and turned to walk away. “All right, fine. I said already, I’ll leave you alone. I’m sorry for any trouble.” he said.



                Ha, cool! I want to know what you make the characters sound like.

                Snake, I know, has a growly undertone to his voice. I imagine Nyx having a sly tone. Paxton has a soft and timid voice for sure (not sure if he’s spoken yet). I don’t know about the others because I’ve been focusing more on my own RP trail and reading the others’ only occasionally.

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3141


                  No biggie, go at your own pace 🙂


                  Yeeeeesss – so I read your charries (the dragon bois, as me and Bug call them) with high, scratchy voices, kinda like they’ve breathed too much fire and now their throats are sore XDXD Which I know they might not breathe fire at all, but it just felt right. Makes them very identifiable.

                  Yeah, Nyx is sly – although only by a thin layer. Pax is also scratchy, but higher than the bois, and softer. Then the rest of Godly’s charries have very full, warm voices.

                  Sebastian’s voice is sharp and fluctuating, going from high and tremulous to gruff in the space of a moment. Marcel’s is also high and gruff, but barely bounces at all.

                  It’s strange how one difference can make charries sound so unique ;P

                  And I’ve got a lot of practice imitating them, because I read literally all the RPs eventually XD

                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by whaley.

                  “Everything is a mountain”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @whalekeeper love that! And luv how u do Pax’s because that’s how it’s supposed to come across! Since he doesn’t talk all that much (especially in the Modern AU RP) his voice is a little scratchy, but otherwise soft 😊


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3141


                      Yup, I figured



                      Bastian tried to eye Colby’s drawing without looking too unoccupied, by adjusting his sparkly bowtie.

                      It was… Oh, just a pile of sheep.

                      At the thought, Bastian yawned. He had not gotten sleep the night previous.”So you…uh…draw things?”

                      “Everything is a mountain”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3141

                        Heyooooo dudes… Here are the bros, come to rescue their brooooo 😎

                        This was fun


                        Triplets (Rex)

                        Rex tied together his charcoal dreadlocks, and smoothed them back, tilting his head to get a better look at himself in the mirror.

                        A gold band circled his forehead. An electric blue gaze set into a richly bronzed face, accented with an outlined yet childlike jaw.

                        Calm. Composed. Distant. All qualities of a young spy, soon to sneak into manhood.

                        “Rex, Ryan wants to speak with you.”

                        Behind him stood another boy, almost identical to him in appearance, in a black suit, smattered with freckles.

                        He shuffled uncomfortably, and fidgeted with a tiny steel box in one hand. It shifted endlessly, folding in on itself.

                        The boy gave Rex a sad smile.

                        “Do you feel better?” Rex asked, noting his brother did not wear a royal band.

                        “Only when the zeppelin stops buzzing, which it never does, by the way.”

                        “I’m sorry, Riley.”

                        The two boys listened to the huge motor fans rumble, as a breeze whipped in from the cabin window.

                        If one peeked out just so, one could see the voluminous white body of the airship, glaring orange and yellow in the shattered sun, streaming past every cloud wisp as if the very idea of competition was pathetic. As if its artificial cogs and parts superceded the sky’s overwhelming simplicity. Perhaps that seemed apparent only when one was inside its tiny, vibrating belly of metal wires.

                        Riley spaced out, eyelashes fluttering, as if he were about to fall asleep standing up.

                        He was the most vulnerable of the triplets, and even now, after all they had gone through, he occasionally lost his most basic motor skills.

                        It just went to show how different people responded to change differently.

                        “What does Ryan want me for?” Rex continued, swinging his room door shut. “I have to go through the counterfeit papers, verify anything that needs verifying.”

                        “Ah… He wants you to verify his right to captain the ship.”

                        “The ship’s already flying – that’s what we have real captains for,” Rex grunted. He pulled his suitcase off a rack and wrapped his arm around Riley’s shoulder, taking off down the narrow hall.

                        Riley kicked at a piece of frayed carpet, grinned, and scowled again just as quickly. “I doubt he won’t get what he wants. How are the papers coming along?”


                        This royal school would be led to believe the Remus triplets, of a lower Lord status, transferred from another boarding school in order to become more acquainted with the surrounding culture.

                        Considering they were of a foreign vein, with dark skin and strange customs, the excuse had come easily to Rex’s mind.

                        “Do you think they will accept us?” his brother asked.

                        “I don’t think you have to worry about it, Riley. Just remember what we’re here for.”


                        Being an interdimensional spy of sorts, one in a three-man ring, had its strengths and weaknesses. As a legacy, it was short-lived compared to other family achievements… Even their quality compared to another, more valuable little Lordling was questioned in the wake of current events.

                        The current events of the past year.

                        The conveyer line of intimate moments had come to a jarring halt.

                        They came down a sloping floor, and into the control room, where the ringing and clicking rattled in their ears, as if all the motors were dancing a jig around them, about to crash together into a heap.

                        In the seat, positioned further forward to press his feet against the control pedals, sat another young, dark-skinned man, with his jacket sleeves rolled up to his shoulders, and goggles that had slipped uselessly down to his neck.

                        He yelled up at his brothers. “Get out of my line of sight!

                        “We’re not in your line of sight,” Riley said, rolling his eyes.


                        “We’re behind you.


                        Something burst, and steam whistled out into their faces, shrieking on about the woes of the world.

                        “You’re a complete psycho, Ryan,” Rex laughed.

                        Ryan cocked his head, black eyes sparkling under his furrowed brow. He was completely serious. “You might as well write that down on a paper, put it in a bottle, and throw it out the window – be sure I did not hear it.”

                        He twisted the steering stick, and the ship swerved, sending belongings into a crash course for the compartment’s right side.

                        The two other triplets firmly held onto the chair. Riley’s fidget toy went spinning through the air, but Rex grabbed it and tucked it under Riley’s loosened armband, into the sleeve.

                        The ship righted.

                        All they saw out the front screen was blue sky, and droplets of condensation, steaming away through the cracked glass.

                        Ryan kicked a random metal thingamabob, and slipped out of his chair, careening around his brothers and falling headlong out of a window.

                        Riley almost screamed, then thought better of it. He glanced out, and blinked. “We’ve landed.”

                        They had in fact landed.

                        Below the window was a slope of stone, weathered with years of light and night. Before them, a magnificent variety of roofs, all connected in spirals and clusters of towers. Farther than that, a sweet-smelling green forest, and depth of rippling earth, finally level with the horizon once more.

                        The boys stepped out, skin shiny and smeared with oil and dust. Even so, they held themselves with remarkable poise.

                        Ryan threw off the headset and crossed his arms. His face had grown dull and stony, as it usually was. “This is our last try.”

                        “Last how?” Rex countered.

                        “You know how,” Riley muttered. “The system. We’re done, Rex. We’ve run out of batteries. They aren’t going to fund our efforts anymore.”

                        “I don’t care…”

                        But Rex did care. And the others did too, as sure as they breathed.

                        They lapsed into silence. Slowly un-personalizing, like disassembled machines. Three small figures, now identical, with no expression.

                        It felt better that way.

                        Rex turned to Riley. “Have the crew unload our luggage, and check us into our room. I will finish up the papers.”

                        Riley nodded silently, and climbed back into the ship.



                        “You keep our weapons concealed from the servants. Don’t do anything unnecessarily flamboyant.”

                        When Ryan had gone as well, Rex addressed the ship’s captain, who had now been alerted of their arrival and had just stepped out. “Prepare to relaunch the ship and land in front of the school. You will leave immediately, take an uncharted path towards the mountains, and slingshot back to the portal, taking great care to emphasize the change of direction itself. Understood?”

                        “Yes, Lordling,” the captain beamed. He twisted his moustache, thinking of the journey ahead.

                        “Good.” Rex turned away.

                        “And, Lordling? Is this another rescue attempt? I assume that young Vinlin man is still missing.”

                        Rex bowed slightly. He clicked his armbands together, eyes turned to writhing silver. “Let’s just say we have stolen goods to recover.”

                        “Everything is a mountain”

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @whalekeeper I luv them!!! I didn’t quite get everything, but I love them all the same!!!


                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4721

                            @whalekeeper Makes sense! (Although they all breathe ice, not fire, it would have the same effect.) I’ll actually elucidate on their voices. On most of them, “high and scratchy” is pretty close!

                            1. High and scratchy for Crosshair is perfect, at least for young him.
                            2. Wrecker and Snake have lower, growlier voices, but in that scratchy line. Snake’s is lower than Wrecker’s and more hissy.
                            3. Tech has a slight accent–I looked it up and it’s a tiny bit British/German, but not quite either.
                            4. Omega has a bit of an Australian/New Zealander accent, but yeah it’s still pretty high.
                            5. Hunter’s voice is pretty even. Maybe dial back on the scratchiness for him.

                            You don’t have to take these suggestions at all. I’m just saying how they talk in my mind. I’ve only ever heard them as adults in the various places I’ve taken them from (Except Omega, who’s a kid in canon), so……

                            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 4721

                              Oh, and yeah, “Dragon boys” is my nickname for them too!

                              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3141



                                I kinda threw them in without explaining them very much 😂

                                So I’ll just throw some simple bios in too, in case they’re hard to pick apart:

                                Rex – Leading triplet. He is calm and confident, and learns new skills the quickest. Best at being royalty. Connected to mixed blood, he can use a kind of chaos magic – which is just energy, like electricity.

                                Riley – Much less confident, he is the emotional core of the brothers. Feels all the things. Because of this, he could be considered the weakest link – but he can solve puzzles with clarity.

                                Ryan – Dangerous in all circumstances, and most crazy, but is actually the most quiet. Wants revenge for the passive crimes committed against his family. Good with weapons. A bit of a romantic.

                                …That way you know who’s who 😂😋

                                “Everything is a mountain”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3141

                                  Oh, and if it helps to have color symbolism in your head, put in accents of blue for Rex, yellow for Riley, and dark maroon for Ryan.


                                  There ya go 😂 It really does help to figure the voices out. Lol, I can’t imitate an Australian accent at all, I’ve tried a million times.

                                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by whaley.

                                  “Everything is a mountain”

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