The All-Boys Royal Academy AU RP!

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  • #149528
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2334



      Dante stood outside in the hot sun, hands in pockets, watching his carriage drive off. It rattled down the hill, across a small bridge, and off into the trees. Dante shifted impatiently. As soon as the carriage was out of sight, he yanked his hands out of his pockets and began unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt.

      As he did so he grumbled to himself, “How do people go around wearing this kinda stuff? Are they trying to suffocate me?”

      A nervous-looking servant next to him took a breath in a few times like he was about to protest, but thought better of it each time and stayed silent. Dante shot him a glare.

      “What?” He said, now tugging off his white jacket. “You try wearing outfits like this every day. It’s exhausting.”

      The servant looked down at his nicely tailored suit and his shiny black shoes in silence.

      Dante slung his jacket over his shoulder and nodded at the school’s grand entrance.

      “Alright, let’s go.”

      The grand doors swung open, and Dante stepped into a large lobby crowded with servants and students. Dante spun in a circle and started walking backwards, admiring the intricately carved wooden doors.

      Suddenly he bumped into someone from behind.

      “Hey! Oh. Sorry about that.”

      He turned to look at the boy.

      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645



        Would anyone like to bump into November? I think he’s gonna head on up to search for his house and room.

        (also still need to decide who all is staying in what houses XD)


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2210


          He could bump into Edmund

          I’m not sure how late I can be on but you can start it at least

          Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1308

            @smiley @godlyfantasy12 @loopylin @whalekeeper @keilah-h @mineralizedwritings

            Hey guys! After being gone for a week there was a lot that happened so I briefly skimmed everything…

            buuuut Whaley, did Marcel already meet up with someone or can Tirion still chat with him?

            And did we figure out the Houses yet? I saw Godly mention something about it…

            I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4721



              Nyx snickered.

              “Let’s do it.” he said.

              Snake dropped to four talons and crawled through the bushes, Nyx in tow.

              He kinda wished he’d brought his typical cardboard box with him to hide in…..although that would have been something of an awkward explanation if someone had asked him what he’d do with it. Plus it didn’t camouflage here like it did in the city. Here, his teal scales and gray clothes worked fine.

              The three winged creatures (and one little one without wings) exited the carriage and were met by two fierce but harmless snarls as the pair leaped at them.

              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @keilah-h oh boy…


                Paxton gasped, taking a large step back and gripping Edrich by the arm as his eyes widened in fear, face going ashen as two…creatures jumped from the brush, snarling.

                Immediately, the Icari who had been carrying the carriage leapt into action, taking down the two creatures.

                The older brothers also leapt, yelling out in a mix of shock and outrage, wings flaring.

                “What is this?!” Aramis exclaimed.

                One of the creatures shrieked, limbs flying wildly as two of the Icari held him. The other roared wildly, and was not so easily detained.

                The smaller one, as the chaos began to subdue, was finally seen to be…not an animal per se…but…some sort of hybrid? A person?


                Maybe even a student, considering his apparel.

                “RELEASE ME THIS INSTANT!” The smaller one screeched. “I’LL HAVE YOU ALL ARRESTED!”

                “You attacked us, you little-“ Aramis cried, now flying a few feet in the air, scowling. Paxton whimpered, hunkering down. The expression on Aramis’ face was one he knew well…and one he didn’t want to be on the opposite end of.

                “How dare you attack us!” Edrich cried. He flung Paxton off of him, making the young boy hit the concrete. Hard.

                Paxton gasped, trying to brace himself, but his lip still cracked against the cobblestone, causing it to bleed. He wiped at it, hands and knees now skinned.

                So much for first appearances…

                “Edrich!” Sorren cried. He bent down, hands hovering over the younger boy, as if unsure of what to do.

                Edrich glanced down, face still contorted In rage. He huffed, returning to the eyes of the tallest boy. “Explain yourself.”

                “Hey, it was just a joke, get over yourself,” he growled. He shook off the Icari warriors, the dragon-like tail behind him swinging. “How about we forget this happened huh?”

                “Yea right!” Aramis cried, still fuming.

                “Edrich…” Sorren said softly, frowning. Edrich glanced at him, and then, with clenched fists, and a guttural growl, nodded. The Icari men released the dragon young man, and the fox-looking boy.

                “Humph!” The fox-boy pouted, pulling his arm away. He stuck out his tongue at the soldiers. “Can’t even take a joke!”

                “Get outta here before we change our minds.” Edrich ordered, stepping up to the dragon-like young man.

                Edrich was tall…but he still had to look up to meet this young man’s eyes. That didn’t seem to intimidate him though, as he continued to glare.

                Paxton sat up, touching his lip and wincing. Sorren kneeled down beside him, gently wiping at his outfit.



                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4721

                  @godlyfantasy12 Ha, Snake normally doesn’t back down easily. But I think he’ll let it slide this once.


                  “Get outta here before we change our minds.” snarled the biggest boy, glaring at him.

                  The littlest one had fallen, startled, and the second smallest knelt down to help him.

                  Whoops…..he hadn’t meant for anyone to get hurt.

                  Nyx grumped about how they couldn’t handle the joke.

                  Snake looked straight at the one who’d addressed him. “I don’t think you want to threaten me. I’ll back down–like I said, I don’t mean to harm you. But if it ever comes to actual blows between us……” He looked down at his talons, feeling the strange power tingling within, the ability he had barely mastered. “I’m sure you don’t want to know what I can do.”

                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645



                    Paxton whimpered slightly as Snake continued to talk. What was this…guy thinking?!

                    “And I doubt you’d want the wrath of the Icari army upon you!” Aramis said.

                    “Aramis, chill.” Sorren sighed.


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3141


                      – “I’LL HAVE YOU ALL ARRESTED!” –

                      Bruh that’s such a low-key Sebastian line 😂

                      Like it makes sense if they were raised similarly in this AU

                      But Seb is just naturally that way, because honestly, this RP is his element. He’s a FisH iN hiS WaTeR

                      Sebastian was basically not raised at all, to the point where he has a radio station for a mother

                      …But I’ll get to that in the next RP lol ❤ I’mma write the next RP in a bit, so yeah…


                      Also, enjoying your RPs!! I read them to @lydibug and my other sister almost every night. Sometimes skipping CWs, but otherwise, they love it!

                      “Everything is a mountain”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2334


                        What does CW stand for?

                        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3141


                          Just Content Warnings 😊 If a scene has obvious abuse in it, I’ll usually skip it for my younger sister, who is almost eight.

                          She doesn’t listen too closely, she messes with toys and stuff instead and only listens for my FuNnY VOicEs, but she shares a room with us – so it’s just to make sure she isn’t being affected.

                          “Everything is a mountain”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2334


                            Aw cute! That’s sweet that you read to her.

                            “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @whalekeeper that’s understandable!! I also luv doing the voices when reading to friends/family


                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1555


                                *Drags myself through window*

                                I’m sorry this took so long. I had it half typed yesterday, but haven’t had the chance to send it in till now.

                                *Drops a folded paper on desk*

                                *Flops on floor*


                                “Your brother didn’t seem all that pleasant.” Beowulf was still here? Yes, although he didn’t wish to be if one could judge by the look he was giving his armor bearer.

                                “Forgive my brother, if you will. He is flint, and I am steel.” Nik inhaled and twisted the silver zihgir ring around his thumb. “He is more pleasant with strangers.”

                                The ring, tool and mark of an archer, had left a white band where neither sunshine nor grime could darken the skin underneath. He slipped it back in place and looked up.

                                Lutfir was staring at him, his head tilted slightly, brow creased, concern glowing in his pearl eyes. Nikolai blinked, at first more baffled by the youth’s expression than his clouded eyes, but then, how could? And yet that gaze, seeing through everything…

                                Beowulf’s armorbearer was blind.

                                Nikolai felt his brows pinch together. The youth must be extraordinarily skilled to maintain such a position, besides the obvious closeness between the two. Better than brothers.

                                Nikolai looked away to admire the nice sized hole in the wall, fingers once again toying with the strand of pearls.

                                “I should go clean up before class.”

                                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @smiley that’s fine with me! Ah…you can start if you like

                                  YALL CAN WE PLZ MAKE A LIST FOR THE HOUSES?? XD XD sorry buuut it’s kinda bothering me XD XD

                                  love him realizing about Conan!


                                  Grimm watched as Nikolai walked off, barely brushing his shoulder. The slightly taller boy watched him as he did, eyes narrowing, a hand held firmly to Conan’s arm.

                                  “Gah!” He hissed, swatting at the hand that had pinched his side, automatically reaching for his hilt.

                                  He had to stop doing that…

                                  Why was he so flighty…?

                                  Conan’s lips were pursed, eyes still staring straight ahead, but his face didn’t look pleased. He sighed, sounding more like an annoyed pup then the warrior his apparel deemed him to be.

                                  He signed, >You’re impossible.<

                                  “What’s wrong now?” Grimm asked, the fur wrapped around his shoulders rustling as he glared ahead, refusing to look at the young lad.

                                  >You don’t have to protect me. I can handle myself.<

                                  “I wasn’t-”

                                  Conan stopped him with a narrowed glare, glassed eyes meeting cobalt blue. Grimm’s mouth went dry. He looked away.

                                  Grimm started back down the hall. Conan followed behind, the fur wrapped around his waist shifting slightly to reveal the neatly tucked daggers in his belt.

                                  “It’s not that I don’t trust you. You know better then that.” Grimm watched him from the corner of his eye.

                                  >I do. But you’re still afraid. It’s only natural.<

                                  Grimm’s fists tightened.


                                  None of this was natural…

                                  How could any of this be…natural?

                                  >You need to focus. There are more important things to think about then-

                                  Grimm grabbed Conan’s hand, stopping him mid sign. The boy’s eyes widened, his free hand reaching into the fur covering his belt. Grimm could feel his pulse quicken. Could hear the boy’s heartbeat thudding in his ears.

                                  “There is nothing more important.”  Grimm knew Conan couldn’t see the expression on his face…

                                  The seriousness in his eyes…



                                  But…he hoped Conan could somehow…hear it. Could hear his desperation. Would understand what he meant.

                                  “I get it, alright? You’re trying to be strong. We…we have to be. Both of us. All of us…” Grimm’s mind flashed back to his people. His kingdom…


                                  The ones he’d been forced to leave, to rebuild all on their own.

                                  He hoped Otsana was doing well. She could handle things while he was gone, he knew that…

                                  “But you’re still just a kid.”

                                  Conan’s eyes drooped; the defiant, strong look in his expression fading. His face cracked, like a stone wall giving in to years of wearing down. He pulled his hand free and rubbed his wrist.

                                  Grimm frowned. “I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

                                  Conan shook his head. Looked up with a small smile. >You didn’t.< He signed. >It’s just…you’re still a kid too you know<

                                  Grimm stared at him for a moment before giving a small, pained smile.

                                  A smile Conan would never get to see…

                                  “I guess you’re right.”

                                  He gently took his friend…his brother, by the back of the head. Bowing slightly, he touched Conan’s forehead with his own, closing his eyes. Conan’s own hand wrapped around his head, fingers intertwining with Grimm’s black locks.

                                  ”How about we go check out our new ‘House?’”


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