The All-Boys Royal Academy AU RP!

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  • #149169
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2334

      Does anyone know who my characters should meet up with? I did really know what to write right now

      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3141

        I’M BACK!!! Anyone wanna RP with me?? My last RP was a… couple pages ago? Something like that. If you wanna meet Marcel at the door of the school, that’s open. And Dogchild is inside the entrance section right now, or around there.

        “Everything is a mountain”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3141

          Oh, and Sebastian/Seb/Bastian is in a room near the entrance, waiting for someone to talk to, essentially.

          “Everything is a mountain”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2334

            @whalekeeper Would it be alright if Jack met Sebastian?


            Eyes. Eyes everywhere.

            People bustled about everywhere in the lobby of the academy with absolutely no kind of covering over their faces. How did they not feel exposed? Unsafe?

            Jack nervously brushed more of his own wooly hair over his eyes. With his other hand, he held a small suitcase by his side. The rest of his things had been unloaded by servants from the carriage.

            Jack wandered about, unsure of what to do. He stopped suddenly, as he saw a boy sitting on a cushioned bench in the corner. For some reason, this boy seemed more approachable than everyone else. As Jack realized right away, it was likely because of the sparkly top hat pulled down over the boy’s eyes. Jack also realized that the hat would probably not stay there as soon as someone started talking to the boy, but he walked over to the bench anyway.

            “Excuse me, do you happen to know how we find out where our rooms are?”

            “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @whalekeeper @loopylin @freedomwriter76 @euodia-vision @esther-c @keilah-h @koshka I AM BACK YALL!!!

              I’ll reply soon!


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3141


                Wait, were you gone? Where to?




                “Excuse me, do you happen to know how we find out where our rooms are?”

                Bastian yawned, pushing his hat to one side, and scrutinized the boy. He wrinkled his nose. “How should I know? I’m waiting here because some person forgot to assign me a House. Me, a Krataristo.”

                At the puzzled look on the soft-spoken boy’s face, Bastian flopped dramatically on a silken gold couch. “Whatever. Listen – if you wait here, and sigh a lot, someone’s bound to do what you want. Word of advice.”

                “Everything is a mountain”

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3141


                  Also… What’s up with Jack’s insecurity – something about eyes? Or faces? I noticed it while reading through again, and wondered if it was intentional.

                  “Everything is a mountain”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2334

                    It’s a cultural belief from where he’s from that people’s eyes are the windows to their soul, so therefore it’s a big invasion of privacy to be constantly making eye contact with people. Because of this everyone wears their hair over their eyes.

                    I have some really old drawings of him if you want to see

                    “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @whalekeeper just haven’t been on much.

                      u wanna RP next?

                      Were any other of my charries talking with anyone?



                      Grimm watched the icy exchange, lips pulled taut, a brow raised in question. The young man, Nikolai, set his head against a nearby wall, letting out a small, relieved sigh. His hand fingered a band of pearls that wrapped around the hilt of his sword.

                      Not exactly practical should he need to use it…

                      Conan’s glazed eyes narrowed, lips pursed. He touched Grimm’s shoulder, glancing past him-not at him.

                      Though he hadn’t been able to witness the scene in front of him, he might as well have. Conan’s blindness didn’t seem to affect him near as much as it had the first few months.

                      Now, his other senses made up for his missing sight, and he could just as easily see as he could before the…incident had occurred.

                      Before the attack.

                      Before yet another failure.

                      And after years of having known the lad, having his parents practically raise him after his parents death, and then he himself raising him after theirs….

                      Grimm knew what Conan was saying without even speaking.

                      His brother through and through. (This is also Series canon as well.)

                      Grimm looked away from the lad, trying to ignore the boy’s look, even though he wasn’t even staring at him. He could still feel his gaze peering deep within him. Could almost hear a voice inside his head-the voice he always imagined Conan would have had if he hadn’t been born mute.

                      Strong, refreshing, with a bit of a thick accent that was hard to describe, like some of the others of his people. Like Conan’s parents. Yet…also subtle, calming, like a laugh that made you want to join in. Or a calming grip on your shoulder.

                      “Air turned frosty. A familiar chill, don’t you think?”

                      He obviously didn’t say this, but he might as well have.

                      Grimm sighed, looking over at the lad, who now had a look on his face as if to say “Well, are you going to say something?” His arms crossed, foot gently tapping.

                      Grimm pushed his tongue into his cheek, glaring. A small smile lit Conan’s face.

                      “Your brother didn’t seem all that pleasant,” Grimm said, hoping that was enough to appease the lad beside him.

                      Though…he knew the boy had a point.

                      The look on that other young man’s face…the feeling he’d carried with him...

                      He had all the markings of a traitor.


                      Something Grimm was well acquainted with. And knew like no other the loss of…



                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @loopylin I love that!!!


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          YALL IM FINALLY GONNA INTRODUCE PAX! I’ve been kinda pushing it off XD cuz uhhh I wasn’t sure what to do cuz he’s gonna be with his bros….

                          also he’s a bit different in this AU. A bit more outgoing and such. He and November have switched personalities just slightly.



                          Paxton beamed as the school came into view; the exquisite marble exterior shining against the bright sun as their carriage flew across the clouds.

                          Four muscular Icari held the immaculate carriage, decked with gold and tapestries with brilliants colors on four large beams of brass. They flew without breaking even a sweat, eyes focused fast on the academy ahead.

                          Paxton stuck his head out the door’s window, grinning, cloud-like hair blowing backwards.

                          Get back in here,” a sharp voice hissed as a hand grabbed the back of the boy’s tunic, nails digging all the way into his back and the line of downy feathers that ran down his spine.

                          His smile faltered slightly as he winced, but it returned as he faltered into his seat, adjusting himself.

                          One of his brothers, Aramis, who was seated opposite of him on the other velvet couch, let out a loud groan. One leg was crossed over his knee and he gazed out the window, pouting.

                          Sorren sat beside him, looking the figure of princely perfection-every piece of clothing steamed to perfection, his back straight as a board and a small circlet with wings on the sides on his forehead.

                          Edrich still gripped the back of Paxton’s suit jacket, nails biting. He slowly let go, making the boy’s skin relieve.

                          “I still don’t understand why mother is sending us to this…this-“ Aramis started only to be cut off by the eldest.

                          “Watch it. This is an honor. And we should be grateful. Besides, this school is the least of our problems. We have more important things to deal with.”

                          “That’s precisely my point! We don’t have time for this. We should be-“

                          “Hush,” Edrich growled, giving a pointed look to Aramis and then nodding to Paxton, raising a brow. Aramis rolled his eyes.

                          Sorren continued to stare out the window. “I think it will be nice…I hear they have a large library.”

                          “Of course you think it will be nice.” Aramis grumbled.

                          “Do you think we’ll meet a lot of people? I’m so excited! What do you think it’s like? Haven’t you been here before?”

                          “Would you just be quiet?” Aramis glared.

                          “He’s just excited…” Sorren said.

                          “In answer, yes, we have. And yes, there will be many other princes here, which is also why you have to be on your best behavior, Paxton,” Edrich said, his tall frame looming over the boy he sat beside. Paxton nodded solemnly, trying to straighten to look more like his older brothers.

                          He glanced at their large, voluminous wings, frowning a bit. He placed his hands into his lap, fiddling with his fingers. A song entered his brain and he hummed softly.

                          “You’re going to listen to what we say, got it? Mother isn’t here, which means we’re in charge,” Edrich said. “When we get there you stay close. Don’t do anything foolish. Despite…best interest you carry the Fallon name. Don’t disgrace it.”

                          Paxton nodded, smile all but gone now. He looked out the window, no longer feeling quite as excited as before.


                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1555


                            Paxton!! *sniffle*


                            I’ll try to RP soon, but, just for warning, I’m working camps for the next couple weeks and probably won’t have a ton of free time.

                            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3141


                              Oooohh that’s a great idea!!! So it’s easier to be socially awkward in Jack’s kingdom… XD And sure, I love your art ❤


                              That’s okay, write at your own pace ❤ Glad you’re back!!

                              “Everything is a mountain”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2334

                                Here he is! This is the normal farmer boy version of him. The prince version is a bit less confident. Also this drawing is super old

                                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2334


                                  So it’s easier to be socially awkward in Jack’s kingdom… XD

                                  Lol yeah pretty much


                                  “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

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