The All-Boys Royal Academy AU RP!

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      Yes, another RP, but remember; RPs ARE FOR FUN! Join at your own pace. Be who you want to be at a given time, don’t feel like your being forced!

      Choose what Rp you want to be a part of at any given season you’re available 😊




      This RP is another AU (alternate universe) and this one is an ALL BOYS RP!!


      basically the premise is this-

      Our boys are princes, future princes, soon to be kings, etc, and they’re sent to/going to a royal academy to learn to do this!




      the WAY they become princes/future king is TOTALLY UP TO YOU AND THERE ARE SO MANY WAYS!!



      is it because they were born into it?


      or because of political intrigue?


      Are they just a nephew whose been cast out forever, but now there’s no more royal family line except him?!


      Or is he simply a peasant the princess has fallen in love with, and now he’s thrust into this freaky world of the upper class?!


      Is murder involved?

      Are there plots against him??

      His family?


      Do they hate him or love him?

      Is he spoiled or the opposite?

      Do they live in a small, almost unknown kingdom? Is it frequently attacked by other royals, whose princes will be at this same school?!

      Are they a brand new kingdom?

      Are they part of a rebellion that has just gained freedom (like America) and now they label themselves the self appointed king, but are forced to enroll here to be truly be accepted?

      There can be different clashing cultures and all sorts of stuff, just like in normal fantasy and kingdoms.

      And this can all tie into their original backstories too!! I’ve already got ideas for my charries.




      A FEW RULES!!


      1. This is the same as all the other RPs basically- make a small or long introduction for your character to let us know about him.
      2. this is an All boys school (though there can be female teachers) BUT the girls will be mentioned and the boys can even talk to them and such. We just won’t be RPing as them, ya know? But obviously the boys will have princesses, sisters, lovers (or maybe even forbidden loves)
      3. The RP will take place WITHIN the academy. And the Academy is LARGE (it is a ROYAL academy after all) think of it more like a college campus- it has a place to purchase any needed items, such as groceries, etc (though the boys have people to do this for them). It has custom tailors and an outfitters area, a large exquisite dining hall, ballroom, whatever you would imagine in a castle or the most fantastic campus on earth (including a giant pool and a riding stable), it’s here.
      4. The school is for boys ages 12-19. Classes are not split according to age but each student does have his own tutor to help him should he need “extra” help outside of class (you don’t have to write this in, it’s just there if you want it. You could even use one of ur mentor charries)
      5. And the students are housed in Houses, with rooms connected. (For instance, one “House” might container five boys, and thus Five rooms. Each room has a different crest for a different prince/royal household. If they’re siblings, they still don’t share rooms, unless they specifically ask.)




      Does all of that make sense?? 😅


      I wanted a few ground rules but don’t want things to be too confusing!


      But yea! This is what I’ve got so far!



      now for a few tags!



      @euodia-vision @esther-c @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @smiley @anyone-else


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3141

        Yeeeesss I’m heeeere!

        I’m going to have to figure a lot of the AU stuff though, before I jump straight in. But I already have ideas, so that’s a step in the right direction.

        You wanna start us off, Godly?

        (Or give it a pause beforehand, do whatever you want 😉)

        “Everything is a mountain”

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2972

          Hmm this looks fun.. I might jump in later

          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2210



            I’m excited

            I’ll be adding Edmund, Anakin, and Tristan, and for a bully, I’ll be adding Keith (my latest villain)

            Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2210

              So let me think about this XD

              first up Edmund


              Edmund had always been the younger brother of Steve Rogers, and because of that, he would never be king. and that was totally fine with him. He could get away with mischief and stupidity without everyone on his case, but when his parents pass away of an illness, he’s raised by his brother, and a bunch of servants. But when Steve dies in a battle, Edmun is the new king (or soon-to-be king) and has been sent to school to learn to be proper. But that last of his plans.



              Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2210

                next Anakin


                Anakin’s father is the king, and because of that, he has high expectations of his son. But after several times being caught with Alex, a girl who forbids what the king is doing, Anakin’s father decides to send him off to this school. Anakin wants to make his father proud, but truthfully Anakin doesn’t like the way his father runs their country.


                • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Smiley.

                Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2210

                  and Tristan XD


                  Tristan is Alex’s younger sister, a girl who has fallen in love with Prince Anakin. A man who Tristan truthfully hates. But when Anakin is sent off to school, he offers Tristan an invitation to go with him, telling his father that Tristan is going to be a servant to him. Tristan doesn’t want to except but learning about politics was a chance he couldn’t pass up. Plus with Alex not around he could give Anakin a piece of his mind.

                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Smiley.

                  Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2210

                    And finally Keith


                    Keith is Anakin’s stepbrother, and since he is younger than Anakin he most likely won’t rule. And the worst part is Anakin doesn’t even like the way the kingdom is being run. Keith is arrogant and expects the world to applaud his greatness. He looks down on all females (thinks they’re less than boys) and anybody with empathy, which is something he doesn’t have a lot of. He would do anything to be king including getting rid of Anakin.

                    He hopes to do that without bloodshed, but if it comes down to it then he will. and this school gives him the perfect opportunity for that.

                    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Smiley.

                    Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @smiley @mineralizedwritings @whalekeeper YAY!!!

                      ALRIGHT TIME FOR MY BABIES AHHHH!!!!

                      sooo this AU is a bit different (obviously, as it IS an AU! XD)

                      FIRST BABY!!!




                      NOVEMBER!!!! MY LOOOOVEEEE!!!



                      Age: 15

                      Story: November is a complete fish out of water. He was raised in an abusive household by his warring parents until he was ten, when, after his mother died, his father sold him and his sister into slavery, separating them and forcing them both into a life of labor.

                      November was blessed enough to be bought by a politician and his wife, and though they treated him rather roughly, it opened the door for November to meet the Royal Family.

                      Upon their meeting, the King and Queen took pity on the boy, and offered to buy him from the politician couple, from which he became a stable boy for the royal family, and also came in close proximity with the princess; Arabella.

                      As the two grew older, and closer, becoming the best of friends, their connection became something more than just servant boy and princess…

                      Now, Arabella is 16, and in the kingdom of A’Grend, a magical ceremony takes place for every royal once they reach this specified age. At this time, though they are not yet to be crowned, they pledge their allegiance to their land, and their future bride, or groom, is discovered…

                      The way this is done is simple…The couple merely…knows. When they look into each other’s eyes…something visible is seen. Oftentimes the couple switches eye color for a moment, other times it’s something more profound.

                      To the surprise of the kingdom, but no surprise of the family…November is discovered to be Ara’s true love-which suddenly thrusts him from the life of a stable boy and into the life of a Soon to be royal, as he is now Ara’s betrothed.


                      November has no idea how to be a prince, and has some trauma from his past, but he’s sweet, humble, kind, and overall a DARLING!!! This could make him an easy target for the other princes though…but it’s alright…he can do this. For Arabella, and her family, who took him in so willingly!


                      He hopes that, once he returns home…He can continue his search for his sister…and with his new status…maybe that will help.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        Sooo I can’t really find the “right” pic for this one so im gonna have to give a description. Yall know how all my charries look XD but I have a specific idea for Grimm’s outfit in this AU XD

                        (Grimm doesn’t have freckles like this btw)

                        Age: 16-17

                        Appearance: Wears wolf skins, furs, has colored markings on his face, hands, etc. Colored blues and grays (look up viking face markings) Brown boots with straps, leather, etc. (His kingdom is in the snowy mountains.)

                        St0ry: Grimm is the last heir to his kingdom, as the rest of his family was wiped out in a war that just recently ended.

                        Taken over by an uprising from within, his family was overthrown by a close friend, and Grimm was forced to lead the rebellion against her. During the war they lost countless lives on both sides, including Grimm’s parents, which took a toll on Grimm’s emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing.

                        The last straw, however, was the assassination of his younger sister, and princess, Mirella Beowulf. From that point on, he grew hardened and fought tooth and nail to bring down those who had stolen what belonged to him and his people.

                        Finally he defeated the enemy, and restored what was left of his kingdom. He’s now currently trying to rebuild, but has been forced by the stupid higher order to come to this school, as he is now technically “King” of his land.

                        He is not happy about this, as he has more important things to do, such as rebuilding his kingdom, and his people.

                        Luckily, he’s not entirely alone, as the school did allow him to bring along his young “manservant,” Connell, though he considers him more as a brother.

                        Honestly…Grimm doesn’t understand the Higher Order and their titles…His kingdom and family has never gone by them…

                        Perhaps with the lad by his side he won’t go completely rabid.


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          SCREEE YALL IT IS TIME FOR PAXTON!!!! *eyes well with tears*

                          Here comes the boooooy~


                          Appearance: Wears outfits like above. Pretty little prince. More like poor little prince tho….

                          Story: Paxton’s life hasn’t been all that grand, despite what others might think. Locked up for most of his life, Paxton’s had to find ways to entertain himself when things get lonely…

                          Usually that means painting, or singing, or reading books-if he can get his hands on any.

                          Sometimes the nannies and nurses are nice…

                          But his brothers and mother…not so much.

                          That was alright though, Paxton knew that was just the cost of being a prince! He was always a little special…or that’s what his brothers said. And his mamma.

                          Before they….


                          It didn’t matter though! Mamma was letting Paxton go to school now! Because one day, Paxton was going to be a king! Well…maybe…

                          People kept saying there was a chance he wouldn’t be…that his brothers would take his place…like they took everything. But Paxton didn’t mind sharing! Besides…being a king sounded a bit stuffy. Would Hope be able to rule with him?

                          He’d had to sneak her into his suitcase. Mamma hadn’t wanted her to go with him…said his brothers’ would take care of him, so he wouldn’t need a bear.

                          But…he didn’t want to go without Hope.

                          Cause…while he loved his brothers…sometimes they were scary…

                          It’s alright though! He knew that, deep down, they only did what they did because they loved him.





                          So in essence, Paxton’s story is this-

                          Lilith is Queen of the Icari, and married the general of the Icari, who became king. She then had Edrich, Aramis and Sorren. After he died, she married a non-imari man, and had Paxton.

                          This man was king of a small land of his own, and died before Paxton was born, but he promised the land to Paxton before he passed.

                          Lilith, bitter due to her husband’s passing, etc, disliked the young boy, who was born without wings, and just was much different, a bit sickly when he was younger, etc.

                          He was kept locked away in his bedroom mostly, and only brought out during balls, events, etc. Nannies and nurses cared for him, though he did see his mother a little bit.

                          He’s abused verbally and physically, but he doesn’t know it, because in his small mind, Paxton views any attention from his brothers or mother as love and he craves it (kinda like November. this AU is a bit different like I said.) So even if they beat him, while it scares him and makes him sad, he also thinks of it, sadly, as just attention from his family.


                          His brothers are all older then him (not entirely sure on ages)

                          And they will all inherit kingdoms of their own.

                          Edrich will inherit the Icari kingdom.

                          Aramis the Dryad kingdom thru marriage to the Icari Queen (and he doesn’t care as much about ruling with an iron fist as taking in the wealth and power that comes from being king) and Sorren, who will take over the Mers through a forced marriage.

                          (Neither Sorren or the princess of the Mers is happy about this. SURPRISINGLY, they actually ARE in love with each other, but Sorren doesn’t want to rule her kingdom the way his mother wants. He also is still rather passive and mostly just ignores how they treat Paxton)



                          There are rumors (more than rumors) that the brothers and Lilith are planning to take Paxton’s future kingdom as well. (They’re greedy, what can I say.)


                          Wether they do this through murder, or however….well…. who knows.

                          But yea…


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            I AM SOOOO EXCITED ABOUT THIS OOOONEEE!!!! Cuz I am changing him up just a bit for this AU


                            Age: 10 (OK I know I said 12-18…but I’m changing it. hope yall don’t mind XD) !!!! (HE IS YOUNGER!!! HE IS A BABY AHHHH!!!!)

                            Appearance: ABOVE!!! Except he has bright deep brown eyes!)

                            Story: Nyx is the second born in the Kingdom of Cirque. While he isn’t in line for any Kingship, Nyx is technically the “second in command” to his older sister, Jocelyn, who will one day become Queen (or as they call it, Ringmaster/Grand Ringmaster) and because of this will basically carry as many, if not the same duties she has. Especially since Cirque’s systems are so…

                            Unique compared to other Kingdoms.

                            Mostly…though…Nyx has been sent to this academy for the same reason his sister was sent to a separate one.


                            While Cirque is a strange one…they’ve got a bit more learning to go when it comes to being royals, according to the Higher Order.

                            Especially little Nyxie, who seems to be more of a seven year old trapped within a ten year olds body.

                            Tantrum throwing and angry outbursts are often a daily occurrence with this young kit, which Is going to make him quite the handful- and his extremely short stature and adorably chubby cheeks doesn’t help with people thinking he’s younger then he is.

                            Nyx is not happy about this situation one bit. He doesn’t think he should be here, and he’s going to let everyone know about it.


                            He misses his sister.

                            A lot…


                            He’s kinda scared to be without her…




                            (Nyx has a phobia of needles, dislikes being petted or touched without consent, is a bit distrustful at first sometimes, and really loooooves/misses his sissy!!! );


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3141


                              KING NYX, KING NYX, KING –


                              I’m here! Okay, so I tried to find good face-claims, but they just weren’t working for me, and some of them refused to be found. XD Besides, I prefer to draw my own charries. So, description only will have to do.

                              Anyway, some of this will be super dramatic and kingly –

                              And stuff.

                              So without further ado…

                              “Everything is a mountain”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3141

                                Lordling Cal

                                Age: 16

                                Description: Black suit, and delicate silver diadem with violet accents. Dark chocolate hair streaked with blue, light brown skin, and extremely exhausted eyes.

                                Story: Cal was content to live with his family – snuggling together by the fire, reading words of light, and meditating on them with his father.

                                Until a secret organization unexpectedly abducted him, and placed him at the head of the royal throne, as the future ruler of Baztet.

                                All of Baztet, until the end of his short life.

                                These nameless scholars tell him what to think, how to feel, and that he will return to his father, step-mother and step-brothers as strangers.

                                Now, it has been almost a year, and Cal is beginning to lose his cool. With shadowy figures teaching him things he doesn’t believe, will he remember his true House?

                                A sweet, philosophical princeling is haunted by demons and dark responsibilities, even while ironically at the elite academy of his dreams.

                                (Wooooaaahhh… *sad song*)

                                (Note: Cal will be kept in mostly solitude throughout the school year, in a hidden corner of the academy. …Will anyone sneak in? O.O)

                                “Everything is a mountain”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3141

                                  Marcel, Guardian of the Heavenly Orbs (Pff he made up that title himself XD)

                                  Age: Not changed by time unless he wants to be, looks 15

                                  Description: Gold robes of thick silk, with charms and floating ribbons of many colors. Rides a cloud. Pink hair – put up a little, but still tufts all over the place – and a smug demeanor.

                                  Story: A distant House in the mountains, marked by the Cherry Blossom, have chosen Marcel as their god king. Even though he tells them – repeatedly – to leave him alone.

                                  But that isn’t all. Now one thing is obvious to him – he must become official mystical Guardian of Baztet.

                                  The planet has already fallen to evil, and Marcel is one of those evil things. But perhaps he can rage against his own nature; go down with a fight.

                                  Even though a figure in his dreams plagues him – the light that used to be his captain.

                                  A godling, burdened with protecting a planet another has already betrayed, Marcel learns that even a losing battle means the world to him.

                                  “Everything is a mountain”

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