Star Wars Story Prompts

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  • #65321
      • Rank: Wise Jester
      • Total Posts: 95

      Hey All,

      I need some help (using the force isn’t working). I’ve been dying to write some star wars themed stories and I just can’t come up with any good ideas.

      Got any?

      , @dekreel, @sam-kowal, @any other force sensitive being

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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        Hello. I come bearing a mind normally full of Star Wars stories…however, I’ve none about me today. I’ll come back if I get some.

        Though, I will say, rewatching the movies (particularly the Force Awakens) seems to jog plenty of memories for me? You might try that.

        Writer. Dreamer. Sometimes blogger. MBTI mess. Lover of Jesus and books.

        Ben Powell
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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          @inkling-for-christ *Grabs list of Star Wars story ideas and laughs evilly*

          I’m glad you asked. Here’s a few of my favorite ideas that I haven’t used yet. (Don’t worry, I have plenty more 😉 )

          • Here’s a prompt: What happened to the clones after the Clone Wars? Most of them were made into stormtroopers, but I would imagine a few would desert when the Empire took over. I would imagine there would be prejudice against clones, and they would probably have a hard time becoming a normal citizen. I can imagine that some of them would become bounty hunters because they would be impossible to track (their face looks like s thousand others.)
          • Or you could write a story about the Gungan society but actually make them interesting and not lame like they were in Phantom Menace.
          • You could be different and write a story from the point of a creature such as Jabba’s rancor.
          • Or a story from the viewpoint of a droid.
          • Or a story about any minor character who’s never had their whole story told. (Biggs, Qui-Gon, whoever)

          There’s a book called “From a Certain Point of View” that I’m reading currently. It’s a compilation of 40 Star Wars short stories telling the stories of minor characters from A New Hope (even stormtroopers and jawas ) or just telling part of the story from a different point of view, and that made me think of all the stories one could write to explore the less-seen parts of the galaxy.

          Or you could just try to be another Timothy Zahn and come up with an entire new trilogy. Either way, go for it! 😀

          A Kapeefer for life!
          Compendium of KP Literature:

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            @inkling-for-christ  Unfortunately I haven’t watched enough of Star Wars to give an answer. XP Sorry!

            (However, if you ever want to write a Dr Who story… 😂 )

            You can pronounce it however you want.

              • Rank: Wise Jester
              • Total Posts: 95

              @supermonkey42, Thanks.

              I do actually have one idea that maybe you can help me iron out…see when I was 8 (this gets wierd) I believed I was Luke Skywalker’s secret sidekick girlfriend. I’ve been trying to write a story based on my “experiences” but I need some kind of exciting plot/story. (you’d think I’d have one but I can’t “remember” any of my adventures)

                • Rank: Wise Jester
                • Total Posts: 95

                @dekreel, I’m always in need of a good Dr. Who idea

                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 153

                  @inkling-for-christ If you want to write a story that takes place after Return of the Jedi, you could explore how Luke goes about finding other force sensitive people to train them.

                  And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

                  Ben Powell
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 273

                    @inkling-for-christ 😀

                    (A note of warning: I happen to be obsessed with Star Wars and, unfortunately, a continuity snob.)

                    So, are you thinking of going the “story in the Star Wars universe that follows the timeline and fits in with the movies and books” route or the “story with Star Wars technology and characters that may not agree with the official timeline” route?

                    The reason I ask is, if you’re going canon and you’re writing a story that includes Luke, it would have to take place a fair bit after Return of the Jedi but before The Force Awakens. If you’re just writing a story for fun, you don’t have those restraints.

                    (And please do tell me if I get overbearing. 😉 )

                    A Kapeefer for life!
                    Compendium of KP Literature:

                      • Rank: Wise Jester
                      • Total Posts: 95

                      @supermonkey42, and @introvert_girl

                      I am planning to put the story after Return of the Jedi and before the force awakens. I’m thinking about doing something about how Luke set up the “first” academy and went on the search for force sensitive beings, with the help of his Apprentice.


                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 270

                        @supermonkey42 Star Wars Rebels kinda uses that prompt, it tells what happened to Rex, Wolf, and Gregor, since they didn’t go through with Order 66. But it would be interesting to see what happens to, say, Commander Cody! (And yes, I watch Rebels. It actually isn’t that bad, despite what a lot of people say)

                        @inkling-for-christ Maybe you could do one about the Mandalorian Society before the Pacifist Movement initiated by the Duchess Satine of House Kryze, Clan Kryze! Or how the Death Watch Revolt was created by Pre Vizsla and Bo-Katan Kryze! (Sorry, I happen to be a really big nerd about Mandos.) *grins* *puts on Mando helmet* *flies away on Mando jetpack*

                        Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
                        ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)

                          • Rank: Wise Jester
                          • Total Posts: 95

                          @warrenluther04, thanks. yeah as crazy as I am about star wars I was never one for the technical stuff I was happier with my own character/me. I mean I have a storyline but I just feel like it may get mundane, so I’m asking for filler ideas really

                          Idea: The story is going to be about Luke’s “mission” of founding the Jedi Academy. The story is told from the POV of his first apprentice Jadith(pronounced ja-di-th) Remereze. I am thinking about having the defect of Ben solo in the story as well.

                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 270

                            @inkling-for-christ No problem! Ah, that makes sense. I did that too…just with Mandos, of course!

                            Ooh! That’s a cool story idea! 😀 Jadith is an awesome name! And it would be cool to have the Ben Solo Defection storyline present in a story, kind of more details on how and why he turned to the Dark Side. Although, wouldn’t he be a bit more towards the Grey Side of the Force? 🙂

                            Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
                            ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)

                              • Rank: Wise Jester
                              • Total Posts: 95

                              @warrenluther04, what do you mean by grey side? I do plan to cover the event of solo’s defect. my only problem is I don’t really have any other ideas to keep the story moving.


                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 270

                                @inkling-for-christ The Grey Side is the middle ground of the Force, where people who use parts of both sides fall. Some notable examples of Grey Side users are Ahsoka Tano and the Father, Son, and Daughter (aka Morai) of Mortis.

                                Awesome! Hmm…maybe you could include how Luke finds Ahch-To or how your mc deals with Solo (now Kylo)?

                                Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
                                ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)

                                  • Rank: Wise Jester
                                  • Total Posts: 95

                                  @warrenluther04, those are some good ideas. OH! what if Luke and Jadith find ahch-to while searching for force sensitive people? I’m thinking of like letting Jadith watch Ben grow up because I want to start the story like right after the return of the Jedi.

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