Spiderverse Spiolers!🕸️🕸️

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      Yeah, it’s just a really great movie that happens to have Spiderman in it XD

      "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

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        The sheer amount of video essays and such about the series are a testament to how it’s changing animation. I never really wanted to be a part of the art industry because it looked to bland and all the same, but I’d totally want to be on a spiderverse project if it wasn’t such hard work.


        Yeah Miguels logic isn’t that sound, but the main thing I noticed was the creation of spot I think should have made miles a spot too. I don’t really get it, but spot was in the room when the colider exploded, and so was Miles. Shouldn’t they both have become spots?


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          It’s at this times, I wonder why I even bless my eyes upon a Minions movie

          "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

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            Miles dad and King Pen were also both in there, so it would have happened to them as well. I think it implied something with that canister spot was holding, and it could be related to his unique position, but it doesn’t really go into any real detail. It could be explained pretty easily, but I guess they didn’t really feel the need? Or, they actually didn’t explain because perhaps spot himself didn’t understand all the details, which I think is probably the most fair reasoning.

            He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

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              @mineralizedwritings @whalekeeper

              THE SPOT IS AWESOME. He’d probably be my favorite character but I don’t know much about him. But his voice is sooo cute!

              Happy unbirthday every one!
              "EVERYTHING IS AWESOME..."

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                That would make sense.


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                  @mineralizedwritings @whalekeeper @loopylin @anyone-else-on-here


                  I finally did it!!!!

                  We watched Across the Spiderverse last night!!!!

                  I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    Awesome!! Did you like it?

                    "Don't shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him." ~ C. S.

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                      Idk why I didn’t get notified for this! Good for you!

                      Curious, how long did it take you to figure out miles was going to the wrong dimension? It was when the eerie music kicked in for me 😳


                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        I JUST WATCHED IT ALSO!!!

                        and girl!! My mom was next to me while I was watching it, and I looked like a total nerd

                        1. when Miguel said in the beginning, that he mentioned Doctor Strange, I was a total fan girl and rambling about how they just made the Spiderverse a part of the MCU multiverse

                        2. I had no clue Gwen’s real name was Gwanda, so I might have been making fun of the lack of creativity in the naming process and how we’re just adding a G to the beginning of another name

                        3. when they showed Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire and how live-action appears I was kind of just dreaming about the idea of the movies combined with the MCU (which will probably never happen, but a girl can dream)

                        also, Miguel’s story heavily reminded me of Wanda’s, and how they tried to use the multiverse to get their families back

                        and Gwen’s story was amazing!!!! and so emotional on the confrontation between her and her Dad, I loved it

                        and honestly Homie was no joke kinda of hilarious

                        I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                        ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

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                          Awesome!! Did you like it?

                          I did! It vert unique, I haven’t seen another movie with that kind of animation! My brain di hurt afterwards tho. 😆



                          Curious, how long did it take you to figure out miles was going to the wrong dimension? It was when the eerie music kicked in for me 😳

                          uh, longer than it should’ve 😂. When Uncle Aaron walked in then i was like “OHHHH” but then i was still a little confused and then my dad explained.

                          but dud e, that cliffhanger killed me! I knew it was coming but I was still so annoyed. 😂


                          I JUST WATCHED IT ALSO!!!

                          SERIOUSLY?!?! That’s amazing. XD

                          AND YES TO ALL OF THAT! i loved how they connected the MCU universe with this and seeing live-action Andrew and tobey as SO fun!!!!


                          The beginning wasn’t my favorite, just the direction they seemed like they were going with acceptance and fear of coming out and telling your parents, and in general the plot just seemed kinda slow. But once Miles followed Gwen into the portal thingy it got really good!!  How they were connecting everything, seeing the different spidermen and then the whole thing of how Miles wasn’t actually supposed to be spiderman and then the Miles Prowler! AH, SO good!!!

                          I hope they third one comes out sooner than later due to the strike

                          I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            *coughs* so I’m with @euodia-vision on that, it also took when Uncle Aaron walked in XD

                            At first, I kind of thought we were getting another Tom Hollan plot where his Mom forgot who Spiderman was or something

                            SERIOUSLY?!?! That’s amazing. XD

                            I know right, I watched it for my birthday yesterday and it was as good as everyone told me it would be

                            The beginning wasn’t my favorite, just the direction they seemed like they were going with acceptance and fear of coming out and telling your parents,

                            Yeah.. it kind of made me wonder if I would tell my parents, I mean it would just be such an odd situation, and I could see if you didn’t tell them as soon as you got bit but instead after you had a reputation for being a vigilante, it being a little harder

                            but to be honest, I see why Gwen didn’t want to tell her dad, but Miles really should have (being that his Dad actually likes SpiderMan)


                            I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                            ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              @euodia-vision @smiley

                              Totally agree with everything you guys said, it was great. And yeah, the cliffhanger was brutal.


                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                                At first, I kind of thought we were getting another Tom Hollan plot where his Mom forgot who Spiderman was or something

                                ARGH I’m glad it wasn’t that. XD

                                I know right, I watched it for my birthday yesterday and it was as good as everyone told me it would be

                                OH! Happy birthday!!!!!!!

                                Yeah.. it kind of made me wonder if I would tell my parents, I mean it would just be such an odd situation, and I could see if you didn’t tell them as soon as you got bit but instead after you had a reputation for being a vigilante, it being a little harder

                                but to be honest, I see why Gwen didn’t want to tell her dad, but Miles really should have (being that his Dad actually likes SpiderMan)

                                yeah while we were watching it my dad told us that if we were ever spiderman that he wanted us to tell him no matter what 😂

                                I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  A year later, and I just had a very disconcerting thought about what might happen in Beyond the Spiderverse… I need to brainstorm this. Has anyone watched The Amazing Spider-Man 2?

                                  "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

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