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  • #150601
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      The topic for everyone here who wants to discuss spiderverse spoilers, post fanart whatever, to be safe from those who haven’t seen it yet lol…

      Anyways, @whalekeeper what did you like the most? I was going to respond to you in the chat chat, but I didn’t want to give stuff away lol…

      AND YES gwen’s demension was so cool with the watercolors showing emotions! Do you have a favorite part of the movie?


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        "does anyone have any good ideas?"
        "Oh yeah, but none for this"

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          IKR IT’S GREAT!!

          Do you have any predictions for the third one? I think that out of the two characters from earth 42 (alt demension miles and Aaron) one will die and one will be redeemed, but who knows they might both die XD


            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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            I just watched it tuesday, it was really fun. I’ll likely have to wait a couple years before I can watch the third though. I have a lot of problems with Miguel (did I spell that right?), not from a storytelling pov, but from simply a logical one, even though he comes off as the serious and responsible one, I think he’s too emotionally driven for the conclusions he drew from the one sample experience he had to be the only possible conclusion. So I suspect he will be heavily humbled in the next film, possibly being shown what specifically caused his stolen dimension to fall.

            Is anyone going to explain though why it is only the main cannon experiences of spidermen characters that matters, and why it is a spiderverse and not a normal multiverse in the first place? Even given an answer, this is very flawed on Miguel’s part again, as he is heavily straying from his own cannon, and dragging millions of other spidermen with him, unless transcending the multiverse is part of the cannon, but I thought the point of the cannon is that wasn’t supposed to be ok…

            He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

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              totally 100% going to stalk this forum bc i probably won’t watch the movie anyways


              (btw y’all…before y’all get mad, y’all ain’t the only ones that disagree with me on Spider-Man being overrated…my best friend does too, but lol, I don’t care πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                Ok, maybe he is a little overrated, but I still like him!! tbh I haven’t seen any of the live-action movies except for far from home and the avengers, but Into the Spiderverse was so, so good!!! Seriously, even if you don’t like Spiderman, you have to see it!! It’s so funny, and the art is reallyyy good πŸ˜‰

                The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. Beware.

                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                  Happy unbirthday every one!
                  "EVERYTHING IS AWESOME..."

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                    AHHHHHHHH IT WAS SO AMAZING and I’m not even a huge fan of miles morales but bruuuuh (I’m mostly just a fan of Tom holland spider man XD and I like Andrew Garfield.)


                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      Did you see the andrew garfield cameo? It was super short and I’m not sure I would have spotted it if not having it pointed out by someone else.


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                        I liked The Spot 😍

                        "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

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                          You do whatever! But all I can say is, the Avengers are also overrated. πŸ˜‰ The hype around something doesn’t add or take away from quality.

                          "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            Ikr? Doesn’t he have such a cute voice? I mean Ik he’s a super villain and all but his voice is just darling


                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              Holy toothy cow YEEEEESSS XDXDXD

                              "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1318


                                Sure, he could be a bit overrated, but I wouldn’t say I enjoyed the film because it was spiderman (I’ve never been a spiderman fan, more of a superman kid in my childhood), but because it was a genuinely good storytelling on many different levels. The ending not being an ending is a red flag for storytelling, but they will complete it next year, but the material thus far feels like the writers actually care about making a good film instead of being pure agenda and cash grab, which unfortunately almost the whole of Disney has become. You are free to feel as you do though, and we all have our preferences, but I thought I ought to point that out.

                                He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  @freedomwriter76 to add on to what Arcane said, not only is the storytelling really good, the animation is amazing. The first movie actually changed a lot about how people think about 3D animation and has inspired movie creators to be more creative and have unique styles in their movies. (Ex. The Bad Guys, the new Puss in Boots movie, the Mitchells vs the Machines)

                                  Then, in the second movie, they somehow made the animation even better.

                                  Spider man isn’t the reason these movies are so popular. It’s because the movies are just really well made.

                                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Loopy.

                                  Official KP archivist ✨

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