Sci-fi Galaxy Map?

Home Page Forums Fiction Writing Genre-Writing Sci-Fi Sci-fi Galaxy Map?

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  • #87832
    Scoutillus Finch
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 413

      Hello, everyone!

      I am wondering if any of you had experience in mapping a sci-fi world? I am going to be delving into this, and I am wondering if you have any tips/advice? I will probably be writing this out with pen and paper. If you have sci-fi worldbuilding tips in general, I’m all ears.

      We crazy people are the normal ones.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6724

        @scoutfinch180, I’m afraid not. I’m more of a fantasy girl myself although I have been recently thinking about a mix of Sci-if and Fantasy idea I have.

        Aa for map making, I’d definitely take a look at a site called Inkarnate. For the full version u can pay 5 bucks a month, but even the free version is great u just don’t get all the stickers or colors.

        Also, check out some YouTube videos, I’m sure there are plenty out there that can help ya!

        TBH, I like maps and kinda wanna make a really good one for my fantasy world, but I’m not the best artist, and I don’t really know the whole layout so not sure how to work it.


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