Roleplay, Anyone?

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  • #120420
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 311

      @power @mineralizedwritings @ava-blue

      Sathith! The stupid pup was looking at her.

      Well it was time to stop observing and show herself, she supposed. Although she was hoping the strange Ferret would get angry enough to attack the child, it would have been entertaining to watch.

      As Kithi walked forward she started fingering her vyutilar* bow, turning it to begin to unlo— no! There was no need to get that out right now. They would accept her more if she played into stereotypes. She lovingly plucked her vyutilar from her side where she had safely fastened it earlier. She began to strum its eight strings to the familiar notes of a traveling song.  The notes of the song and the hardwood of the vyutilar helped to calm her nerves although she would have felt a bit better if she was holding her sword instead.

      “Mr. Ferret, If you truly are a spy I would advise you don’t go announcing it to everyone so casually.”

      Kithi made her face as compassionate as possible which wasn’t hard considering, like all Anim, she had been lying since she was a small pup and therefore was an expert at it. She looked at the black haired human pup.

      “Pup what is your name, also are you lost?”


      Hope that’s not too bad as I am righting in the quick periods of time that I am not doing anything during drama practice. @whalekeeper its fine that you took a bit to respond. School work can be overwhelming especially if you miss days

      *vyutilar: A vyutilar is one of the primary instruments of the Anim. It is basically an eight stringed guitar that is occasionally played using a bow similar to that used by a violin, viola or cello.


        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 311


        Your drawings were amazing also hopefully I got Keiryn’s hair color right

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2973

          @folith-feolin @power @ava-blue @whalekeeper

          Keiryn watches in curious fear as the wolf creature emerges from the fog. He takes a couple steps back.

          She looks really tough. I don’t know why, her presence just made the air really tense.

          The Anim removes a stringed instrument, and begins playing it softly. Keiryn tenses at the familiar sound. His mind wanders back to when he was younger, and his mom taught him to play violin. Time and time again he had wanted to pick it back up again, but he wouldn’t allow himself to experience the rush of emotions and nostalgia that came with it. Keiryn crosses his arms tight, trying to forget the memory.

          Forget about it.

          He closes his eyes briefly, pushing the memory aside.


          “Mr. Ferret, If you truly are a spy I would advise you don’t go announcing it to everyone so casually.”

          Keiryn looks at the Great Spy of the Gully, expecting him to be offended at being refereed to as ‘Mr. Ferret’.

          “Pup what is your name, also are you lost?”

          “Lost?! No. This creature here wants help finding a ‘Tavern’.” Keiryn relaxes a little, realizing the lack of hostility in her body language.

          ‘Pup?’ She was obviously referring to me, that’s the most confusing thing anyone has ever called me, but what do I expect? This whole world is confusing.

          “Oh and, if you don’t mind, I really need to find some water to rinse of my hand and shoes.” Keiryn says, gesturing at the muck on his left hand from the sewer pipe.

          This looks absolutely pitiful. My nice shoes are covered in this nasty gunk.

          “It’s ruining my  ‘aestetic’.” Keiryn says with a frustrated tone.


          Thanks! 😀 And he does have black hair. It’s got some white-ish streaks in it from the time he and some friends stole a white mineral (i’ve yet to come up with a name, I think it’s unique to my world) from the mining district, and put some in their hair. It’s kinda like the equivalent of if I got pink highlights in my hair despite my parents saying no, and even worse, the dye was stolen 😂

          Your world building is so well developed! I like how everything has a background and you have unique instruments.







          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 298

            @mineralizedwritings @folith-feolin

            It. . . she, appears to be, a wolf? No, maybe a jackal. No, that’s still not right. A wolfy jackal? Whichever or whatever she may be, I deem it necessary to remain on my utmost guard. Apes my be intellectually challenged, but wolve, err, jackals, err, oh bother!


            Canines are very shrewd creatures. Planners. Hunters. Indeed, I must keep a close eye bean on this beasty, or it may have a feasty. 

            “Mr. Ferret, If you truly are a spy I would advise you don’t go announcing it to everyone so casually.”

            Mr. Ferret? Who is Mr. . . oh, hehe, that would me me! . . . My name isn’t MR. FERRET!

            “Water to rinse of my hand and shoes.”

            The nerve of- I think I missed something.

            “Um, Wait? Hold on a moment.”

            An The Great Spy of Gulley starts his proclamation with the word ‘Um’. 😖 How. . . imperial.

            “Canine, First, in the future when you are referring to my person you will call me, ✨The Great Spy of Gulley!✨

            Second, I understand that your advice what well meant, and only based on a mental reflex, but interesting it would actually have the opposite of your attended affect. You see, if a creature was passing by and happened to come across a dark forms slinking, and hiding, and listening to random cracks, they would most likely assume it was a spy and information any near by police. But, if the creature happened to know that there was a crazy ferret running around, wear extravagantly weird garb, and proclaiming proudly to the world that he is The Great Spy of Gulley, they will most likely just think this badly hidden dark for is the same maniac, and just get as far away from him as possible.

            Thirdly! . . . I

            actually forgot what comes thirdly. . . ”

            How embarrassing.

            You will love what you spend time with.

              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 298

              Please disregard any typos. 😳

              How embarrassing.

              You will love what you spend time with.

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