Roleplay, Anyone?

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  • #119842
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2973


      Sounds great! Hope you don’t mind if I ask but… I’m a pretty sensitive reader 😅. Could you put some kind of “Trigger warning” If your going to write something fairly dark? I mean like a character remembering something dark that happened to them, flashbacks, that kind of thing. I’ll just skip over it 🙂

      I say this because BOTR is grim-dark fantasy, and I’m not really comfortable with that genre.

      Thanks a lot!!

      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2973

        Oh i’m so embarrassed 😭 @Koshka I totally just mentioned you instead of @Whalekeeper in an above post a couple days ago

        I have partially died inside at this moment.

        "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 311


          don’t worry I can do that but I will also try to not include anything super dark or at least try not to go into detail in such areas.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2973


            He sounds perfect, and what writer isn’t super specific with their character descriptions? XD I mean, some people don’t care, but it’s important. Great drawing, by the way!

            Lol he’s far from perfect XD He’s one of my antagonists. I hope to give him a sweet redemption though 🙂

            And Thanks!

            As for personality, he’s still figuring that out, right? He’s in a stage of constant curiosity – not to the point where he’s running into danger, but just staring in awe at totally normal things, like birds or leaves.

            Okay, this will be interesting 🤣 curious to see what will happen.

            The coolest thing he’s ever done with them is make a porch swing.

            Lol, I love that.

            The Great Spy of Gulley is obviously a pirate – and, cough cough – sewers have great potential for an animal society. Whittaker is typically in a gray, city-like setting without any other of his kind.

            Hmmm ok. I’m not sure, I actually didn’t consider the fact there must be sewers in my world 😆 thanks for bringing that to my attention. I do not know how that would work out… perhaps I could wright him leaving underground through the trapdoor that exists in his world, but I won’t describe the above-ground place he enters? Then setting will just be whatever you guys decide?


            "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1556


              *Slips in through secret hatch*

              You’re fine! I figured out what happened right away, and don’t worry. I’ve done plenty of mildly embarrassing stuff on here, such as tagging myself. Twice.


              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2973


                Thanks for being considerate!

                "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2973


                  Lol thanks for making me feel better about it 😭

                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                  Ava Blue
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 222

                    I know I posted my OCs in the Character Castle but I don’t know that I’ll ever get to that one XD

                    Mind if I join? 🙂

                    Monsters creep
                    In the silent dark-deep
                    In the filling-eye hills
                    In the shriveled hand-keep

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3144

                      @ava-blue Yeah that’s cool with me 😎 As long as we get started, that is 😅

                      I’mma come back this afternoon or evening – school’s about to make me go crazy – and I’ll try starting the roleplay then. Maybe we’ll all just start in different areas of an abandoned city, and meet up with each other while exploring it.

                      And the interpretation of the city itself is up to each character. Like, each section can resemble a different world\time period, depending on what the character’s used to. That way it’s not like we’re depending on each other for description. It’s a nebulous setting.

                      “Everything is a mountain”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2973


                        As long as we get started, that is 😅

                        I’ll try to wright my first post when I’m done with school today. I’ll leave it kinda open ended so we can get them all in the same place eventually. 🙂

                        "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 298

                          Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing. . . Oh, hum doodle. That’s the last time I take a pretty yellow ring as present!

                          Where am I, The Great Spy of Gulley? Waters drip, mud goes plip, and I go. . . SLIP!?!

                          Great. Now I’m soaking.

                          You will love what you spend time with.

                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 298

                            Let there be a light at the end of this tunnel. . . or perhaps its a cavern? Mine shaft? Escape route? Subterranean passage? Well, what ever it is, IT STINKS!



                            Oh joy.

                            • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Power.

                            You will love what you spend time with.

                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 298

                              Long I pace through the mire and muck. Trying not to think on the ooze and yuck. How could my fate come to such an end. Forever to wind. Forever to. . . WIND!

                              (Just realizes that wind (zigzag) and wind (air flow) are spelled the same.)

                              You will love what you spend time with.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2973

                                @power @whalekeeper @ava-blue @folith-feolin (Really sorry if I forgot somebody)



                                Keiryn rounds the corner of passage nine, lightly jogging to the maintenance room behind the shops. His leather backpack jostles with his pace; his school shoes clacking on the polished concrete floor loudly. His excited demeanor illuminates the air around him.

                                Who isn’t doing their job?

                                He glances up at the broken light on the ceiling, scoffing at the thought that somebody probably slacked off today.

                                Maria turns from her work at the coffee stand, shooting him a suspicious glance. His smug grin meets her eyes, and she turns away in disgust.

                                I know everyone says that kid is so perfect, but he’s totally up too something.

                                Keiryn removes his dad’s keys from his pocket, swinging them on one finger by the ring, then catching them repeatedly.

                                One of four keys to the outside in the entire West Bunkers, and it’s in my hand. Life of a key bearer family, eh?

                                Keiryn smiles with glee as he walks towards his destination.

                                Entering the maintenance room, Keiryn glances around at the large sinks, the door to the well and…

                                There it is.

                                The small square vault like door stares back at him.

                                I think it’s about time I prove them wrong.

                                Keiryn smirks at the thought of it.


                                Two weeks earlier:

                                “wouldn’t it be cool to go outside someday? My grandmom has a journal about what it was like. I read the whole thing with my mom’s permission.” Gerard’s voice beams with pride in his family’s history.

                                “Dude, you’d have to be sooo brave. My dad said it’s totally war ravaged up there.” Collette pipes up.

                                “Your’re right, that would be so cool! I kinda want to do that someday too…” Keiryn’s voice trails off in thought.

                                “What, you?” Colette says sarcastically.

                                “She literally just mentioned being brave, all you do is look cute for adults and beg to get your way.” Colette adds.

                                The two of them burst out in laughter.

                                Keiryn remains silent.

                                Little do they know I one of the few who could actually leave if I wanted too.

                                Keiryn ignores her comment. But his plans are already starting.


                                If they think I’m not brave they’ve got another thing comin’.

                                Keiryn turns the key in the lock, heaving to push the heavy door open.

                                Now, for something to keep it open…

                                He reaches out for a large jug of bleach, heavy enough to not be crushed by the door, yet small enough to drag it himself. He jams it in the opening to hold the door cracked.

                                That’s gotta due.

                                Keiryn sits down on the other side of the door, taking in his new surroundings. The cold metal bites through his shirt as he leans against it. A large corridor stretches along, rails running vertically. Not a single person in the vicinity, Keiryn allows himself to relax a little bit. A dark grey metal ladder marks a clear pathway out. How long is the ladder? He doesn’t know. But he’ll climb it anyways. Keiryn checks both direction for minecarts or rail vehicles before crossing the tracks. The gravel crunches beneath the soles of his feet. Keiryn places his hands on the ladder, gripping the cold metal tightly. A tinge of doubt knocks his enthusiasm as the memories of the common sayings come back to him.

                                Hey kid, you don’t even think about it. There’s this fiery orb in the sky out there. Burn you too a crisp if you stay out too long.

                                The voice of his grandad comes back to his mind in complete clarity.

                                This country-side is war torn. Be glad you have a safe place like this. Others didn’t. Expressing any sign of leaving can be taken as ingratitude. Careful what you say.

                                Keiryn opens his eyes, determination and spite growing in his mind.

                                No. I’m doing this. I’m brave.

                                Keiryn climbs up the ladder, looking on ahead at the stretch before him.

                                I’m going to make it to the top and go outside.

                                Keiryn stops, leaning back on the wall behind him, his feet anchoring himself firmly in place.

                                What even counts as ‘going outside’? I suppose I could simply go to the top, reach my hand out, and touch the floor.

                                Keiryn slowly ascends the rungs, thinking about his decision.

                                That’s enough to earn bragging right’s if you ask me.

                                Maybe girls will think I’m cool.

                                Keriyn looks up at the top.

                                Approximately 20 feet to go.

                                He keeps up a steady pace climbing to the top, starting to feel his upper arms burning. The trapdoor on the top looks much more imposing than he could have thought. A large metal latch secures it shut but is easily opened with a good shove. Keiryn listens as a weird bubbling sound comes from the broken seal. A small spray of mud comes from beneath the door. He opens it all the way, too excited to care about his nice shirt getting dirty.

                                ‘It’s so bright out there’

                                ‘It’ll burn your skin’

                                ‘The ceiling is illuminated with terrifying light’

                                Keiryn laughs out loud at the sight of a dark sky.

                                What do they know? Bright they said?

                                Perhaps I’m the first one to be out in many years!

                                Does that make it into history books?

                                A peaceful night breeze blows through Keiryn’s hair as he takes it all in. He grips the top rungs tightly, feeling himself become dizzy from the sight of such a high ceiling.

                                It’s so grand. I’ll have to come back sometime to explore… it sure is tempting to do it now. Dad is in the board meeting right now anyways… no one would know.

                                I guess even coming this far is considered to be brave…

                                Ok, well back to why I came here.

                                Keiryn reaches out with one hand, suddenly taking in the stenchful smell of the place. A sewer drain, exiting into a river. He reaches out blindly, placing his hand firmly on the ground. He waits, trying to figure out what he is touching. Cold standing water surrounds his wrist. He removes his hand, grossly intrigued. Sediment covers his lower arm. He grabs blindly, trying to figure out what lies in the darkness. His hand contacts a piece of wet fur. He can feel the pulsing of a living creature beneath his skin.

                                What is this?!

                                Keiryn reels back in terror, realizing he had grabbed a creature’s leg, nearly causing it to trip. The creature’s black eyes stare back at him, the white fur patches on his face nearly glowing in the cold damp darkness.

                                Keiryn brings his messy hand back onto the ladder, his entire body tensing at the sight of such a large rodent.

                                Oh my…

                                I’ve never… seen anything like that before.

                                The creature turns to face Keiryn, and he begins to question his entire purpose to come here.

                                The words of his grandfather once again came back to him.

                                “Sometimes you are under the impression you are being brave, but in fact, you are being incredibly stupid.”


                                Ok guys, I got seriousely cringed out while writing some of that. Keiryn’s a fun character to wright, but he’s embarrassing sometimes.  @power  I’m curious to see how The Great Spy of Gulley will respond 😆

                                Anyone feel free to bring your character in in whatever way it works!!

                                "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 311

                                  Okay guys do to the way the story has started to go (also I’m beginning to realize that I’m not sure how  Boden would work certain ways or how fun he will be with the group of characters here) also I would much rather use and therefore I’m switching to…

                                  Kithi -the exile

                                  Kithi is an Anim. The Anim are a fictional race I created for BOTR. Some notes they are traditionally peaceful and act as travelling bards. But as is the case with most things in BOTR they have many darker layers than their peaceful exterior. Kithi is an exile from Anim society. Unlike most Anim exiles who choose to leave she was forcibly removed from the Anim stronghold for spoiler reasons. Kithi is now a trained assassin and mercenary as well as a bard and has a loyalty to the Anim rebel group the Second watch for reasons I will not specify now. The Anim are also anthropomorphized animals. Kithi is also not Kithis real name hence why it doesen’t follow the Anim naming conventions I have mentioned in a past thread. (she created it to further distance herself from he previous self).

                                  Image created with DAll E (its not as good as my Boden (one of my best works made with starry ai) image as I am much newer to the platform than Starryai)

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