Roleplay, Anyone?

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  • #119418
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      I float over the Character Castle roleplay every once in a while, and thought it might be nice to try out another set of characters in a different roleplay. 😊

      No, I’m not thinking of a big project; just some fun banter and the occasional sword fight, if necessary (or even if not 😉). One on one is how I usually play, because it’s less confusing – but if multiple people want to play, that’s cool too.

      Any eager writers out there?

      “Everything is a mountain”

        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 298

        Arrghh, shiver me timbers! There ain’t non like the Great Spy of Gulley when it comes to sword play and witty witticisms! Art ye afeared of me? Nay? We’ll then, mayhaps we’ll have a little bout, but I warn ye, if ye turn lily-livered I’ll run cold steel through your brisket, then make ye walk the plank, after which I’ll strand ye on Rambeth Island, understand wat I say? Good. On guard!

        You will love what you spend time with.

          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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          Be forewarned that I can be a very unsteady correspondent, and if I deem typing to be a bore on a particular day, it might take me a week or so to get back in touch.

          Severely yours,

          The Fickle Pickle 🥒

          You will love what you spend time with.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2973


            This sounds like fun! I see you already have somebody, let me know if three is more than you wanted 🙂

            I’ve actually never done this before 😳 and the character castle looked kinda daunting XD

            I tried to follow a couple of posts but wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep up, hence why I havn’t joined.  I’d like to try my OC keiryn, tell me is you think this will work. Hint: he can’t sword fight 🤣


            He’s pretty much an annoying teenager who comes from a rich family. He acts all sweet around adults and is a total goody-two-shoes, is the teachers pet and gets whatever he wants. He’s a total facade though. He lacks real friends (ok, he’s mean. Of course he lacks friends.) but is really popular. Most of his friends are shallow like him. And he’s way to confident.

            Tell me what you think! He’s kinda undeveloped and I don’t know what he’ll choose to do…

            "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @power First come, first serve to the gold, ye lousy piece o’ sea foam… Have at me, and I’ll see what a whiskery old swordfish can do!

              The same is true for me. The other roleplay’s going at the speed of lighting. I said to myself, ‘girl, unless you’ve got both pistols loaded in your belt, you aren’t going to survive over there.’ What can I say, I’m a temperamental person.

              Three is a perfect number, actually! Multiple people sounds fun, I just don’t want to jump into a dozen-player game, you know? XD

              I’m all for Keiryn! As long as he can survive in any environment, he’s perfect. I’ve got a character sorta like him, actually, only terribly UN-goody-two-shoes. What genre is he from?

              I’ve got two choices, so you guys can tell me which you’d rather play with.

              First is Sebastian. He’s my go-to for roleplays – works in almost any setting, offers plenty of snarky banter, all-around fun character. He is a child prodigy, sorta (has played as an ambassador because of his rich family) but has terrible emotional intelligence.

              Second is Lucy, determined mother of three, probably with her toddler son Alfonso in the background. Sensible, but always prepared for miraculous circumstances.

              “Everything is a mountain”

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2973

                @Koshka @power

                Sebastian sounds really similar to Keiryn… this will be interesting 😳 use any character you like though.

                Ok so Keiryn is 16 years old, 5′ 9″ I’m not going to describe too much what he looks like, but I’ll include a picture of him. He’s so oddly specific 🤣. If you don’t mind, I think it would be interesting if when your character has to describe him (if ever) you use the picture as reference (if you want) instead of whatever details I have provided because I honestly don’t know how to describe him that much. I know what he looks like, but I have a hard time wording it. I’d be curious to see what you come up with 😂

                Keiryn is from my dystopian WIP, so he’s lived underground his whole life. I’ll probably make up some random reason for him to leave his bunker. Keep in mind, he’s extremely pale from living underground his whole life. I’m only going to describe it up to the point of him leaving, so you guys make up whatever setting you want. If you want him to exit and end up in your WIP, go for it. You guys take it wherever 🙂

                I know the picture says 15, he’s 16. I changed my mind 🤣


                "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 298

                  The Great Spy of Gulley is a Black Footed Ferret, yes the animal. He dresses in knight/pirate/spy/dandy clothes (Basically think of a pirate in all black and gray, with a breastplate, gauntlets, and a Persian helmet. Oh, and don’t forget the lace collar and silk hanky. 😋)

                  He is approximately ___ years old, and has a thing for collect broken vases and pots.

                  He is a amazing mercenary spy, but has a bad habit of telling who hired him to the creature he is supposed to be spying on.

                  His favorite word is pyromaniac, and his favorite insult is calling someone a twitterwit.

                  You will love what you spend time with.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2973


                    Lol I love it! About how tall is he? Like the size of a normal ferret?

                    "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 298


                      So, in the land of Miska small animals are larger then they usually would be. The Great Spy of Gulley, standing on his hind legs, is around 2 feet tall.

                      You will love what you spend time with.

                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 298

                        Like this ⬇️

                        You will love what you spend time with.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2973


                          oh ok! I can see that. sounds like an interesting character!!

                          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 311

                            Hey I don’t know if it’s still open to join this but I would be willing to join if you’d have me.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3144

                              Aurgh, I wasn’t on here for three days, then I wrote a really long answer and accidentally deleted it. I ShAlL AvEnGe MySeLf

                              He sounds perfect, and what writer isn’t super specific with their character descriptions? XD I mean, some people don’t care, but it’s important. Great drawing, by the way!

                              Oh my goodness, he reminds me so much of Redwall. Those good old days… And I love The Great Spy of Gulley’s quirks 🙂

                              I can never turn anyone down, so why not? XD Welcome! We’re still figuring things out, so you haven’t missed anything. What character do you want to use?

                              Okay, I have chosen my character – and he isn’t any of those I’ve mentioned. I usually try to balance out personalities, and from the looks of it, we’re going to need a peacemaker…

                              Whittaker is a very, very, very young giant. (He was seriously just born. In his story, giants aren’t born, though, they just appear and disappear, because they come from the magic. Context. *Shrugs*) He’s super tall, but for the sake of the story, he can be seven to eight feet tall. Otherwise we’ll have problems. Um… he’s just a little bit all-over-the-place, with lanky legs, arms, and his inability to use them correctly yet. Wears worn-out overalls, too small for him. Blond hair in neat bangs, brown eyes. Long neck, too. His features are rather exaggerated, just because… that’s how he is. *Glares defensively*

                              As for personality, he’s still figuring that out, right? He’s in a stage of constant curiosity – not to the point where he’s running into danger, but just staring in awe at totally normal things, like birds or leaves. He’s sensible, though. Not bouncy or anything like that. Sitting quietly with people he knows is his way of being sociable.

                              Oh, and he has abilities connected to magic. They aren’t powerful at all, though, and never will be. The coolest thing he’s ever done with them is make a porch swing.

                              “Everything is a mountain”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3144

                                Okay, as soon as @folith-feolin has chosen a character (no pressure ;)) we can choose a setting.

                                This might sound like a morbid suggestion, but what about the sewers? Keiryn is from underground, so he could have gotten lost and ended up near the surface. The Great Spy of Gulley is obviously a pirate – and, cough cough – sewers have great potential for an animal society. Whittaker is typically in a gray, city-like setting without any other of his kind.

                                • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by whaley.

                                “Everything is a mountain”

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 311


                                  Thanks so much!!!!!

                                  My character can be Boden Cerff he is probably around 25-33 years old. In his story he has basically ended up as a slave and helps my MC run a farm. Boden also hides from his dark past which is desperately trying to catch up with him. Boden is usually pessimistic and has a disrespect for authority although he seemingly carries an air of authority about him that has led some to wonder if he was a nobleman in his past.

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