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  • #16948
    Anne Swiftblade
      • Rank: Wise Jester
      • Total Posts: 84

      I think I’m with @Daeus on this. We need to take over Disney!

      Also I kike the random idea of Rey being the grand daughter of Obi Wan. Not sure it works but I like it ?

      Julia R.
        • Rank: Wise Jester
        • Total Posts: 81

        @dragon-snapper: You mentioned that Rey lived in an abandoned X-wing. However, I’m pretty sure it was an AT-AT (synonymous with an Imperial Walker, I think…). I didn’t catch the thing about the pilot doll, though! That’s cool!
        Oh, and your theory about the little sister? Yes!!!!! I have actually wanted that to happen long before I got on Kingdom Pen! Perhaps she has been training with Luke Skywalker all this time?!? Perhaps, after Ben Solo destroyed all his fellow Padawan, Luke asked Han and Leia if he could train their daughter in secret?!? Perhaps they staged an accident so that everyone would think she was dead and the First Order wouldn’t come for her?!? (George Lucas, you should be reading this…) Perhaps she completes training and Luke sends her to get Ben from the First Order?!?

        Sorry, that’s just my humble theory. There’s so much more to it, but I decided not to bore you. Oh, and I’ve named her in my head. And drawn pictures of her. Incidentally, she looks a lot like me.

        Julia R.
          • Rank: Wise Jester
          • Total Posts: 81

          Hannah and I (she may have mentioned it already) have a theory also about Snoke being the reincarnation of The Emperor/Palpatine, who I loathe. Ugh, when he pushed Mace Windu out of that window and Anikin did nothing…
          I don’t know how that would work, but it’s an idea.

          Hannah R.
            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 229

            Okay, will someone tag George Lucas please? @George-lucas @lucasfilm @luke-skywalker @the-rest-of-star-wars-related-peoples

            YA Fantasy Writer
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              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @Julia-R Ah, yes, an AT-AT, sorry about that…

              ☀ ☀ ☀ ENFP ☀ ☀ ☀

              Anne of Lothlorien
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 440

                Okay, found something about stars wars 7 at last. I have actually never seen any other star wars movie but this, but I know pretty much all of the back story cause of my brothers. I loved this movie! I watched it twice within a few weeks I think. BB-8 is so adorable, he’s one of my favorites. My brother actually got me a little BB-8 miniature for my birthday.
                Ren is such an awesome villain, but I call him Ben because I like that better. I love the depth and complexity of his character. They could go really wrong with him easily. And Daeus, I would also totally dig him and Ray falling in love, but I doubt they would do that. I think they’ve given to much precursor to her and Fin having a relationship.
                And it would be nice for Ray to remain a nobody, but I think they’ll make her related to somebody important, prob Luke or Han. And come on, who else is peeved at the whole thing with her and the force. It took Luke months and months, and with her? A day. Yes I know, “The force is strong with this one” but still… Doesn’t anyone else feel that way?

                ENFP - "One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane."

                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @anne-of-lothlorien Actually, it never even crossed my mind that she learned it way too fast. Maybe it would have peeved me if I had thought of it, but since I didn’t, I guess I’ll just imagine I’m still innocent and remain content.


                  Hannah R.
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 229

                    @anne-of-lothlorien, first of all I love that you’re from Lothlorien (I’m from Rivendell myself). Second of all, I did consider how quickly Rey came to understand the force– I guess I just determined that it was even stronger in her blood than in anyone else’s.
                    I think Rey and Fin shouldn’t have a romantic relationship. Their relationship seemed almost siblingly to me– maybe I perceived it wrongly. I kind of want Rey to fall in love with Ben, but I kind of also don’t want her to fall in love at all.

                    YA Fantasy Writer
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                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      Yes, agreed. It would be a mistake to put Rey and Fin together. Not that it would be bad necessarily, but there’s just no reason to.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3515

                        I personally can’t stand romances…for me, it would not make a very good movie. 🙁

                        • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Snapper.

                        ☀ ☀ ☀ ENFP ☀ ☀ ☀

                        Julia R.
                          • Rank: Wise Jester
                          • Total Posts: 81

                          @dragon-snapper: Yes, that would totally ruin Rey and Finn. I would like to see them have a brother-sister kind of friendship. But whoever said there had to be romance in this movie? We already dealt with Anikin and Padme, and Han and Leia. Do we need Rey to fall in love? Simple answer:

                          Julia R.
                            • Rank: Wise Jester
                            • Total Posts: 81

                            @anne-of-lothlorien: Hmm… I never really noticed how quickly she mastered the Force. Hmm! Do you think that Luke will be jealous of her?
                            A friend at dance thought that Luke ought to turn Sith. No. NO! Please, George Lucas! Colin Trevorrow? Rian Johnson? Disney? Mark Hamill? PLEASE KEEP LUKE SKYWALKER GOOD!!!!

                            Kate Flournoy
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3976

                              @Julia-R, well since when have movie-makers not done romance simply because it wasn’t necessary? *wrinkles face in wry disgust* Personally, I think there are far too many movies where the romance was inserted ‘just because’. Don’t cheapen romance like that, people. It can be extremely effective in a story done properly. But done improperly? Just… no. *sigh* But why should they listen to me?
                              One day I’ll conquer the universe, then everything will be how it should. 😉

                              Some new thoughts on Ren… going into the movie for the first time and knowing nothing about him except that he looked like a typical dark lord, I was actually really impressed by something very small. That first scene in the village on Jakku, when they captured Poe and threw him on the ground at Ren’s feet, I was very pleasantly surprised when Ren actually crouched down in the dirt on level with him and looked him straight in the eye, instead of towering over him menacingly as a dark lord would have done. Very small, I suppose, but the smallest things are often the most effective.
                              Details matter, people. Remember that. 😀

                              Another thought, and this one’s really scary. I analyzed him and discovered that his MBTI type is… get ready… INFP. Take a minute to let that sink in. 😛 So, dear KeePers, that is what I would look like if I ever went off the deep end. I hope you are all sufficiently warned. *snicker*
                              He is definitely an INFP— introverted, yes, intuitive versus observing, yes, emotional rather than logical, YES, and perceiving versus judging, absolutely. So MBTI junkies, this is what an INFP gone wrong looks like. And it actually makes a lot of sense once you realize what you’re looking at. An INFP’s spiritual and emotional well-being depend solely on inner harmony. For an INFP, the single worst thing that could happen to them is to have their world-view seriously threatened— to be at war inside themselves. INFPs are irresistibly drawn to the truth— they won’t fight it, but if their core worldview is challenged or broken it’s a hard, painful battle to let go of all the former pieces. And an INFP at war with him/herself is a very wretched, miserable creature. For an INFP to thrive, they need a strong vision. And their vision depends solely on their inner state— the truth they believe. If that truth ‘changes’, or they see two supposed truths which oppose each other equally and both seem equally true, their mission grinds to a halt. And INFP without a clear vision or mission is one of the saddest things the world has ever seen. Believe me. 😛

                              An INFP will never go wrong out of sheer hatred or malice or anger— they must feel themselves justified in what they do to truly turn ‘to the dark side’. The whole world of an INFP, as I said, is built on inner harmony. It’s just about physically impossible for an INFP to be insincere or superficial about ANYTHING they do, so if they go to the dark side, they truly believe they were justified. They cannot stand insincerity in others and do not tolerate it in themselves.

                              On a lighter note, for those of you whose heads are spinning after all that convoluted psychological analysis, 😉 we can recognize the messed-up INFP by certain unmistakable outward signs. In Ren’s case, who besides me noticed the way he winced and drew back with a shudder when Rey got inside his head and accused him of being afraid— afraid of never being as strong as Darth Vader? Accustomed to reading others with impunity and stunning precision, INFPs in general are startled and awkward when others pierce their mysterious iron shell and read them. When this happens to an INFP not at perfect harmony with themselves, and someone pierces straight to the heart of their unrest and brings it out into the light, it’s extremely painful. To be known is to be vulnerable, and to be understood is to be defenseless. INFPs have an instinctive horror of both vulnerability and defenselessness, especially if they’re hiding a broken, twisted person beneath their iron shell.
                              Another sure sign you’re dealing with an INFP is their intrinsic, half-hidden fear of belittlement. The one thing most fulfilling for an INFP is to be believed in. When placed in a situation where their ability is doubted or their heart/vision belittled it becomes very obvious by their face and manner that they’re deeply hurt. Take the relationship between Snoke and Ren and Hux— Hux is the stronger rival, belittling Ren to their master, and Snoke is the one doubting Ren’s ability to do as he says/believes— or even believe as he says he does. A situation like that will wound any INFP to the quick, and they become silent, withdrawn, and intensely, sorrowfully moody.
                              And when an INFP is struggling with himself AND everything in the world around him, he can get dangerously depressed with extreme ease.

                              So, basically what Disney did was take one of the most (if not the most) sensitive, intense types and stick them in the most painful situation imaginable. 😛
                              Excellent move. *grin*





                              • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Kate Flournoy.
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4238

                                This is awesome. Love the insight you brought to him. Hmm, I guess that mean’s he’s understood so he’s even more defenceless 😛 It’s even more beautiful now.

                                I think I’m going to have to carry a stick with me to whack INFPs with wherever I see them because I admit this broken INFP type has totally captivated me. I’m even making the villain in my fantasy book after this type, though I didn’t realize it until now.


                                Kate Flournoy
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3976

                                  Ha! Wow, okay, I’ll steer clear of you then @Daeus. This INFP has zero desire to be whacked. 😀

                                  It’s actually fascinating how captivating people are when they’re broken. This is another advantage of studying MBTI— once you figure out all the different types you can discover what hurts them most and stick them all broken and beautiful in your stories and force people to fall in love with them villains or not. *evil grin*

                                  And…I get to read that one, right??? RIGHT???

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