Race VS Culture

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  • #134436
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      Okay we really need a Worldbuilding forum topic XD

      Anyway! I really need yalls help/opinion on something!!

      I’m currently trying to get the program I used prepared for my Worldbuilding, but I’m struggling a bit with something I’ve struggled with before…

      And that is, Race VS Culture…


      So to put it in hopefully simple terms, I’m struggling to know if I should classify something in my worldbuilding as a Race or a Culture.

      I know that every Race of people has their own culture, but not every culture has one specific race.

      I looked it up, and a Race is classified according to physical appearances and hereditary things, and they will/can have a culture obviously, whereas Culture is classified by beliefs, values, spirituality, etc, and they won’t be conformed to a specific race.

      That being said, I’m just struggling on where to put some of my people, because I’m separating them to keep things simpler to locate/control.


      So for an example-


      My Shifters are difficult. I have many kinds of shifters, because they all shift into different animals.

      Grimm’s tribe shifts into wolves, and because of this have formed a Culture resembling those of a Wolf Family style.

      However, he’s still a shifter….


      Would I put his people in Races or Cultures???


      As for the Far Folk (Which there are numerous of, such as the Dryads, Nymphs, Etc) They’re known for their differing physical attributes, but they also have differing cultures obviously, so I figure I’d put those in Races…


      Anyway, I could just use some advice XD.


      Im gonna tag @folith-feolin @thearcaneaxiom @otherworldlyhistorian @freedomwriter76 @gwyndalf-the-wise @elishavet-pidyon @mineralizedwritings and @lightoverdarkness


        • Rank: Chosen One
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        Ok so I don’t know a whole lot about this in terms of worldbuilding…

        but that being said from a birdwatchers perspective you have a new species when they are too genetically different to interbreed. Sometimes there are certain color differences (or perhaps behavior) depending on the region, to the extent most bird guides will have multiple pictures for the different regions color variations, but that’s still called the same race. Idk if race is different from species, that’s just what I know about species. Usually it will be like a different version, not species. Idk exactly where it crosses the line because it’s not like there haven’t been some pretty rare occurrences of interbreeding (I wanna say it was a dark eyed junco and some kind of sparrow mix they found recently, idk for sure)

        With culture idk, I know many birds have different breeding dances that would be different between the species, but idk if a species would develop a dance different enough to become another species. That would probably only happen if one population was separated from the other. I know that’s different than the kind of culture you mean, that’s just the closest thing in birds to humans with culture XD


        Please forgive my long answer, I’ve just been waiting to blab on about birds as you can see XD

        "And so I left this world just as I had entered it. Confused."

        Gwyndalf the Wise
          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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          I think I understand what you’re saying but I’m not exactly sure so bear with me. XD


          Do you know the scientific naming classification (can’t think of the name) we have in real life for creatures? That might help some.
          Other than that I’d say like within the species of shifters there would be sub-groups for what animals they shift into, right?

          Culture is culture, regardless of who takes part in it. Probably cultures would differ slightly between different types of shifters (housing, especially for the animal forms). Probably communication.

          That’s all I can think of right now.

          Hope that helps!

          "...I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain..."
          (Part of) Isaiah 45:19

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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            First, yes! We need more Worldbuilding forums!

            Second, is this a particular issue with the program that you have? Where they are asking about race and culture categorization? Or is it just how you want to organize things? Because what’s good to remember is that these are human definitions of concepts that will often be used interchangeably.

            If you are giving strict definitions, then realize that some of these things will fit into more than one category. Take your Shifters for example. They are clearly physiologically different from humans, and therefore are a different race, and particular shifters such as Grimm’s tribe is also even still physiologically different from the rest. So they are clearly a separate race. However as you say, they are a particular tribe with particular customs, this makes them a distinct culture. Culture is hard, because with tribes for example, every individual tribe is culturally different, but has many core similarities. So this depends on what your defining as culturally distinct.

            If you really need to organize things with these two definitions. I would set things up where you have different races, then within those races you have different cultures (unless a culture consists of diverse races.)

            So take Grimm. His race is wolf shifter, but his culture is also distinguished as the wolf shifter tribe. It’s both.

            I hope this was in someway helpful. Sorry if I’m sounding too objective on this, but what I’m trying to say is that this is a very non-objective topic. These are human definitions, created to simplify, but it would be fallacy to assume that they are polished and distinct. Whatever you do though, your worldbuilding sounds super fun!

            He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @gwyndalf-the-wise @mineralizedwritings thx yall! Yea sorry if I wasn’t super clear lol!


              thank you!! Your idea is great, I think that’ll be the best/easiest idea to go with!!! Thanks!!!


                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1307


                Glad I could help!

                He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3959

                  I’d say, concerning the Shifters, just have ‘Shifter’ be the race, and consider the different animals they shift into as subspecies.

                  Subspecies: “A category in biological classification that ranks just below a species and includes a physically recognizable and geographically separate group of individuals whose members can breed successfully with members of other subspecies of the same species where their ranges overlap”

                  – Merriam Webster

                  And therefore, each subspecies can have their own subculture.

                  Subculture – “An ethnic, regional, economic, or social group exhibiting characteristic patterns of behavior sufficient to distinguish it from others within an embracing culture or society.”

                  – Merriam Webster

                  So basically, if you are having problems with the hierarchy of races and cultures, just slap on a ‘super’ or a ‘sub’ as a prefix and call it a day. ‘Super’ means over, while ‘sub’ means under. ‘Super’ isn’t really used in biology, but if it helps you see the big picture, you could use it.

                  And 100% create a culture for every species, whether big or small. But don’t work yourself into a burn-out by adding too much. Unless you’re going to be writing about a specific species a lot (like that faerie type that Paxton belongs under), you won’t need to know absolutely everything about them.

                  Brandon Sanderson says it like this: ‘Write your world-building like an iceberg. A hollow iceberg.’ As long as you give the illusion of knowing EvErYtHinG, your readers will think you know EvErYtHinG. But you don’t actually NEED to know EvErYtHinG. Just know enough.


                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @godlyfantasy12. I’ll just second @thearcaneaxiom because what he said was great, and also…I don’t worldbuild. 😂😂😂

                    This is one reason why I write historical fiction…because I don’t have patience for worldbuilding. 😬😂❤️

                    But you do an A M A Z I N G job at it!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3635


                      Great question!

                      I definitely agree that race is more outward appearance, but culture is the way of life of a certain group of people.

                      I see your problem concerning classifying Shifters and such. 🤔 I would say to put them in both. The Wolf Shifters would be their own culture and their own race. But they still are in the race of Shifters. Take America for example. America is a diverse country. There is the American race and the American culture, but in America, there are many different races and cultures as well.

                      You may have more than one culture or race, but all under one main culture or race.

                      Does that make sense? I think I’m kind of piggybacking off of what @whalekeeper and @thearcaneaxiom said.


                      I don’t worldbuild. 😂😂😂

                      This is one reason why I write historical fiction…because I don’t have patience for worldbuilding. 😬😂❤️

                      So, you’re not entirely wrong, but I wanted to point something out that I learned from a writing book called Dear Ally. No matter what genre you write in, you still worldbuild nonetheless. It’s just on a much smaller scale. While Riker and Leon live during an era that did exist and already happened, you are still crafting their world. Does that make sense? I’m pretty sure that’s similar to how she put it in the book. (But I’m not entirely sure 😅)

                      I’m not trying to like call you out or anything. Just wanted to share that cuz I thought it was interesting. 😀


                      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

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