No Motivation…?

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      Idk who specifically to tag for this, so just, whoever sees this…I’m struggling.


      want to write, but when I sit down to do it, I just…don’t feel like it anymore.

      I’ve been through this before, but idk…writing isn’t the only thing I’ve felt unmotivated about lately.


      It probably doesn’t help that I’ve been really emotional for some reason lately, and having occasional bouts of loneliness, but honestly, idk why I feel so unmotivated right now


      some days, i’m more motivated than others, but in general? I feel really unmotivated right now.


      I want to write, but idk what to write, and when I do sit down to write…I just suddenly don’t feel like doing it anymore


      idk, maybe I should keep this to myself, but idk, maybe y’all can help


      love y’all 💖

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        This has been one of my biggest struggles in life XD

        but in the same way, it’s been one of my skills

        I feel like most of the time I can power through unmotivation and feel really accomplished

        and then there’s a time when I’m so tired and I just feel like I can’t

        my number 1 tip is to not push yourself too hard, sure it’s important to force yourself to do things but it can be stressful when you feel like you have to do a ton of things at once

        anyways I would love to talk more but I have a softball game, that I’m trying to find motivation for XD


        I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
        ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

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          @smiley Tysm girl 💖 Yeah, I know I need to not push myself too hard…it’s just hard to not do that, y’know? Thx girl, means a lot to me <3

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            Heya gurl ❤❤💖

            I’d say emotionally distancing yourself from the project would help – at least it does for me. Sometimes if you dive in too deep with the emotions it can be hard to write, but it’s important to remember it’s all imaginary and you can twist and change plot points to your will.

            Like if I’m too attached to my characters, that actually handicaps me when reinventing is necessary.

            Then it’s easier to change the story, using fresh eyes, and become more excited to write!

            Hoping you escape your rut…

            "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

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              @whalekeeper Tysm girl, for the support and advice 💖💖

              Honestly, I think I may need to take a break in general from writing in general for a bit. idk, I feel like I’ve pushed myself SUPER hard, especially to get my WIP to where it is now, and maybe a break is just what my heart, mind, and soul needs right now, even if I don’t want to take a break. So thx, girl, it’s just good knowing how much support I have on here from y’all ❤️❤️❤️

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                I feel that way a lot of the time also. Especially being lonely and unmotivated, When I sit down and dont feel motivated I just dont write and go do something else like baking, going outside, doing crafts, calling someone, just something I like to do. If I really want to write, but feel like nothing I write is good or no one will like it, I always remember that I am the only one who is writing this book this way, no one else will write it like I am writing it. And this book I’m writing will be the most favorite book of somebody, even if you feel like it isn’t or wont be popular, it will be to someone. But also remember to take a break sometimes. That helps me become more motivated. Hope that helps! And remember we are always here for you on KP 💗 Just tag me if you ever want to talk!

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                  @acancello Tysm girl, you’re so sweet 💖💖 Definitely helps. I think the thing that helps most is knowing y’all are around to support me even when I can’t support my own work 🥰 Thx so much girl, I’ll be sure to reach out to you when I need it 💕💕

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                    Hey girl. *Hug* I’m so sorry you’re feeling unmotivated and lonely. I’m here for you, if you ever need to talk 💖💖💖

                    I totally get feeling that way though. This week has been kinda rough on me as well. As for being unmotivated…well I think I might be in the same boat 😅 You’re not alone girl.

                    But, I do have some advice for you. If you’re feeling unmotivated, sometimes it’s really cleansing to just step back for a while, do something else you’re interested in. Maybe even something related to your writing, but not actual writing, if that makes sense. Maybe try drawing a character, making a list of one of your character’s best (and worst) traits about them, and what makes them…well, them! Or make a mood board/aesthetic! (You’re great at them 💖) I know it’s hard, but sometimes just taking a break helps a lot. I love you girl! I’ll be praying for you as you go through this. Always remember that you’re never, ever alone, even though it may feel like it. 💖💖



                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                      @acancello Oh. I didn’t see your post until after I already posted XD You already said most of what I was saying, but you put it better XD Sry!


                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                        Haha! No worries 🙂

                        "Would you kindly...?"

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                          Hey, girl *hugs* ❤️

                          Feeling unmotivated to write is something I’ve experienced before (though it has been mostly due to procrastination…. 😐😅), so I can understand where you’re coming from.

                          Maybe you need to just step back for a bit. And that’s okay. You’re a writer, but that doesn’t mean you have to write all the time. 😉 Like Light said, since you still want to write, you can always just do something related to writing, like the things she mentioned. Stepping back from writing may be really helpful.

                          Girl, I love your writing and your stories, so if you need to take a break to feel motivated again or to come back to writing with more energy and excitement, then go for it. You can’t write well when you really don’t feel like it.

                          If you don’t want to take a break and aren’t sure if you really need it, you could plot a little. I got stuck at my climax because I had a vague idea of what was going to happen, but wasn’t exactly sure of the details. So I just sat down and started typing out what would happen and I had the rest of my book (5-10 chapters) plotted in the matter of five minutes. This has helped me whenever I get stuck at a part.

                          Anyway, I hope some of that helped you. 🙂 I’ll be praying for you as you work through this. ❤️ I’m sure that everyone on KP, including myself, will always be here to help you out and talk if you want to. 😊 Make sure to pray as you go through this and lean on God. He’s a got a plan, even for the seemingly insignificant things. So don’t give up. Do what needs to be done so when you come back to writing, you can write with energy and enthusiasm. And God’s going to be with you every step of the way. 💖

                          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            @lightoverdarkness6 @esther-c Thx y’all. 💖 *hugs* I think I’m starting to feel motivated again…🥰

                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              Aww, glad I could help!! ❤️

                              So glad that you’re starting to feel motivated again!! 😊

                              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1657


                                *Hug* Aww girl, that’s great!!! I’m so glad we could help. 🥰 Love you girl!


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