Newsletter question?

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  • #152582
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Hallo, I know yall at kp are probably pretty busy, so if you just haven’t gotten around to it/don’t have the time don’t worry about it. I entered into the June picture prompt competition and was wondering if we might see the results sometime? (Y’know like the picture with the boy looking at a fishtank prompt?)




        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4212

        Hey, I know this was a long time ago, but I actually started a short story for the same picture prompt! If you want, and since nothing is posted on the official website so far, we could compare them for fun.

        "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3059



          Wait, actually? That would be so cool! I’m so curious what you wrote for it!

          It was kinda pure luck that I saw this, because it was a old post it didn’t notify me, I happened to look at recent topics though lol




            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3059


            Here was mine! Keep in mind it’s pretty old writing, but at the time this was really good for me. I actually spent a really long time on it, and did at least one full edit. So yeah, I was pretty disappointed when they didn’t post the results, not that I would have won lol.

            it’s actually the only short story I’ve like finished finished too



            I gasp, watching as books tumble down onto the aged red carpet of the orphanage library. The narrow bookshelf, which I bumped into immediately before, teeters on its ornate wooden legs. Reaching down to collect the disheveled stack of books, I glance down the library isle to make sure nobody saw. My hand falls against the topmost books cover, coming off with a layer of dust on my fingertips. I rub the dirty book across my corduroy pants to reveal the bright red cover. Gold vine imprints curl up the spine of the book, collecting on the front in a title inscription. Squinting to see through the dim green light, I read the front cover. “The timekeeper.” I glance between my almost full backpack and the shelf. We’ll keep this one too. I strain the zipper of my backpack overtop the red book, causing it to bulge with a rather odd box shape at the top. Satisfied, I resolve to finish cleaning up my mess, gathering the remaining books in my arms and placing them one by one onto the bookshelf.

            “Josiah, you can’t take them all.”

            I look up, squinting to see through the dusty air. My brother, Oliver, leans over the third level balcony railing. His face is dimly illuminated by the green light radiating from the library’s center.

            “It fits in my backpack.”

            “No, it doesn’t.” he retorts. His voice echoes across the large empty space.

            I look down, noticing the zipper had come open.

            “Almost does.” I strain my backpack’s zipper shut again before tossing it over my shoulder.

            The library grows greener as the sun threatens to abandon us for the night, leaving only a single light source. Even with giant windows cut through the ceiling, the distant starlight fails to contribute much. My leather sandals pad lightly against the old carpet as I skip along the aisle.

            “Oliver! I’m checking out without you!” I grip my backpack straps tightly as I run.

            Furious footsteps sound from one of the higher levels in response. “I’m Coming!”

            I stop short at the sight of Librarian, face buried in a book. He sits firmly in his swivel desk chair, one hand gripping his wavy black hair in stress. Although an older man, he retains a youthful sturdiness about his frame. He removes his hand from his hair and turns to the next page. Gingerly setting my backpack full of books atop his long mahogany desk, I try not to disturb his reading trance. He barely looks up, vaguely aware of my presence.

            “He’s busy.” Oliver says, walking up behind me.

            “I figured.”

            Oliver skips away from Librarian’s desk, dropping his backpack on the musty carpet along the way. I reluctantly follow him. Standing in the center of the library, I squint to see through the brilliant green light. A large metal frame towers towards the ceiling, with a still cube of water suspended inside. Bright green fish dart between the two sides of the glassless fish tank, careful to never breech the invisible edge. Small trails of green flow in the water behind them, illuminating the room.

            Josiah!” Oliver says in a hushed whisper. “Look!”

            “Oliver what are you doing?” I skip over to the bottom of the frame. Standing on the edge, my brother. He merely smirks in reply.

            “Librarian would be disappointed if you messed with his fish!” I say, knowing fair well ‘disappointed’ is an understatement. A cool evening breeze blows in from one of the shattered windows, sloshing the cube of water. It quickly recovers to its initial state.

            “I saw him playing with the fish once, it can’t do any harm.” Oliver says. Water dribbles down the frame as he reaches his hand directly through the side of Librarian’s prized fish tank.

            I huff in annoyance.

            “Here.” Oliver reaches his hand down.

            I hesitate, annoyed by the mischief plain on my brother’s face.

            “Just c’mon.”

            I reach up my hand, letting Oliver pull me over the edge of the frame. Cold water soaks through the back of my shirt as I fall against the side of the glassless tank. I steady myself by grabbing the metal frame.

            “We should go.” I say, trying to pull my eyes from the glowing fish. A stiff nighttime breeze causes the water to billow on the other side of the tank. The fish move with it, not seeming bothered in the slightest.

            “You don’t want to see more?” Oliver says, his eyes transfixed on a small glowing fish in front of him. He reaches his hand into the water, scaring the little fish away. Water leaks down his arm in a steady bead, wetting the sleeve of his shirt. Oliver pulls his hand out with a slosh.

            “Ready to get our books now?” I shoot a nervous glance towards Librarian’s desk.

            “You’re no fun.” Oliver laughs while he rolls up his sleeves, apparently preparing for another go. He kicks his sandals off and lets them fall to the ground, to my utter horror. I wipe my sweaty palms against my corduroy pants. What is he doing now? Oliver thrusts both hands into the tank, letting the waters stumbling current lap up his arms.

            “You’re going to get your shirt wet.”

            “I know that.”

            “Fine then. You know that.” Feeling slightly jealous of the fun, I reach out and touch the wet surface. Cold water trickles up my fingers and gathers in a small stream on my forearm. I quickly flinch my hand out of the water, then wipe it off against my corduroys.

            “I’m going to get my books without you.” I say, lowering myself off the frames edge with caution. Oliver mumbles some sort of response, but nothing that I would find worthy of deciphering.

            “I’m going back to our room without you.” I say. That ought to get him moving.

            I stand next to the wooden bench, waiting for a response. Sighing in annoyance, I walk towards Librarian’s desk. He takes his eyes off his book for a mere second, before furrowing his eyebrows at the yellowed pages.

            “H-Hi?” I awkwardly approach his desk.

            “Hello there—” Librarian stops, pulling the book away from his eyes with much difficulty. He sets it down on the desk, turning his full attention to me.

            “Oh! You want your books. I’m sorry you just had so many good choices—” He chuckles to himself, collecting the books on his desk into a stack. “—That I couldn’t help but flip through them myself.”

            I nod shyly.

            “Oliver here somewhere? I thought I heard yelling down from the balcony.”

            “Yeah.” I start loading the books into my backpack, one by one. “He was—” I pause. “Oh y’know, just admiring your fishies.” I shift my feet nervously.

            Librarian laughs, leaning back in his chair. He tucks a wild strand of black hair behind his ear.

            “Yes yes, the fish.”


            I pause, gripping my backpack straps. That sound could only mean one thing. Librarian raises his eyebrows.

            “Thank you!” I say curtly, slinging my backpack on and running back to the fish tank.

            “Oliver!” I run up to the side of the fish tank. “You up there?”

            I feel a rock hit stomach, the sight of my brother’s shoes laying on the ground looking more unsettling than before. Where did he go? I reach towards the edge of the frame and quickly pull myself over. I edge towards the tank, scared to look down, of what I might find. I squint, my eyes trying to see through the swimming mess that is the fish tank. The current swirls, briefly parting the seaweed blocking my view. At the bottom, my brother, with an identically frightened face to mine. A couple of bubbles escape his mouth. No!

            “Finding everything ok?”

            “Oh!” I nearly jump out of my skin at the sound of Librarian’s voice behind me. “I-I…”

            “Lost somebody?”

            I nod, trying to hold in the tears welling in my eyes. The image of my frightened brother at the bottom of the tank flashes through my mind.

            Librarian climbs up the frame next to me. Reaching into the tank, he pushes the wavering plants apart. A small glowing fish swims up and gently nibbles on the end of his finger.


            “Marco?” I say questioningly, watching as the small fish flits away.

            “Oh! Y-yes.” Librarian stumbles his words slightly. “His name.”

            I smile slightly in spite of my tear-stained face.

            “Is he coming back?” I say, trying very hard to hold my voice steady.

            “Errrrrmm….” Librarian squints to see through the greenish water. His eyebrows furrow together.

            “I think your brother is going to be just fine.” Librarian removes his hand from the tank.

            “It looks scary.” I say, wiping my face against my shirt sleeve.

            Librarian laughs good naturedly. “Josiah, almost everything looks scary when you do it alone. He probably feels just how you do right now.”

            I stare into the tank, watching the little fish flit back and forth, leaving their glowing trails in the water. I can’t see my brother anymore. Rolling up one sleeve, I push my hand into the tank. It feels cold, but in a refreshing way.

            “I’m sure he would be a little less scared if you went with him, don’t you think?”

            “Me?” I look back towards the tank, its giant wall of water looking much more imposing than before.

            “Yes!” Librarian laughs slightly. “You’ll be fine. I’ll be at my desk if you need anything. The fish don’t bite.”

            I nod, swallowing a lump in my throat. It sure looks scary… But if I jump in, I’ll find Oliver, then neither of us will be so scared.

            I take a step closer. My sandals. I quickly kick them off and throw them to the floor. Taking in a deep breath, I plunge my head into the tank. I open my mouth and let out a few bubbles, sputtering slightly as the strange water weighs into my lungs. It feels strange, but not uncomfortable. I breath again, this time with no bubbles. Marco flits past my face, brushing my nose with his fin. The water bulges around me as I step into a swirl of seaweed with one foot. I let go, allowing the current to pull me down into the cavern below the tank.















              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4212


              Okay! XD I’ll have to finish it first. And yeah, it was luck for me too, I clicked on your topics page on accident and saw this.

              "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3059


                lol I didn’t even know we each had a topics page XD also you can totally just post the unfinished one if you don’t feel like finishing it, I’ll enjoy the read either way!


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4212


                  Aw, that’s so cute!! XD

                  I love how you give it a hanger ending, and implied stuff like that in their world is normal XD

                  And I was concerned Oliver was actually drowned, so… *phew* No, he’s fine and everybody’s fine.

                  "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3059


                    Thank you!!

                    XDXD Well I can’t entirely remember the lore, but the librarian (Who works in their orphanage) is from kind of a bygone era, and so is his fish tank. Maybe things like that used to be normal, but it isn’t anymore, and who knows, maybe he has the last one?

                    Oh no! XD i wouldn’t kill off a charrie that quick!


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