Most Common Character Traits?

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      Ok now for my actual response to this topic. XD

      So ummm…

      For personalities, I don’t think I have many characters who are like, super introverts. I’m an ambivert, so most of my characters end up being either an ambivert, extrovert, or a super extrovert.

      And almost all of my characters end up with a little bit of me in them. 😉 Though I think Ami and Ev are the most like me. Especially Ev. He says the things I either don’t say or the funny things I would think of after a conversation, lol.

      Eyes… oh boy, I love picking characters’ eye colors. I do real eye colors, nothing too fancy, but here’s what I’ve done before—black, light brown, dark brown (chocolate brown to be specific 😉 ), lots of different shades of hazel, green, blue, and teal/turquoise. (Hazel is my favorite to write about though, because of how vast it can be in shades.)

      Most of my characters have brown hair, but almost all of them have different shades. I’ve actually only given like two characters black hair, the others who have dark hair have dark brown hair. I use blonde hair somewhat often, but the three (four? Maybe 5?) characters who have it all have different shades.

      As for the gender of my characters, I think I have a pretty good mix, but I tend towards more men than women. Idk why, that’s just how it ended up. XD

      I’ve also been giving my MCs close friends of the opposite gender, just because I love that dynamic. Even though I’ve only met one person who’s actually been in a situation like that. XD

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        I think I write mostly masculine MC’s cuz I worry if I’m portraying women right, I mean, I want strong characters, but I don’t want my feminines becoming basically masculines in women’s bodies. Ya know?

        Yeah, I feel that. Idk, my female characters seem to fall more flat than my guys…my male characters seem to be more developed/thought out, but my female often feel like they’re all the same if they’re MCs? Like, they are unique as side characters, but as main characters?? ehhhh XD

        Cloaked Mystery
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          @rae @freedomwriter76

          I think I write mostly masculine MC’s cuz I worry if I’m portraying women right, I mean, I want strong characters, but I don’t want my feminines becoming basically masculines in women’s bodies. Ya know?

          I gravitate towards writing male characters for the same reason, except for me, as a guy, it’s even harder XD. Initially I was surprised to find that quite a lot of girls also seem to find it easier to write male characters, but I think I might know why.

          I think it goes back to what Rae was saying. I think that our culture doesn’t know how to do female characters well, (though that isn’t to say all there aren’t any that are good.) Because of this there isn’t much good inspiration around us to draw from.  Probably the best place to get inspiration is in older books, actually.

          I definitely have more male characters than female, because it’s way easier for me.

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          Ruee Hamster Huey
            • Rank: Chosen One
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            Yeah, I feel you. And @jonas is right, our culture doesn’t even know what a good family looks like, let alone a good woman.

            I think the other side of the coin for me is that I don’t really understand myself. Like, I understand Nahim, and Chase, even…even Terry Darr, more than myself. I’ve honestly have kinda lost…me in the past two years, I don’t know who I am. I know who Terry is, I know who Nahim is, I know who Chase is. But I don’t know who Ruee is. The top is still the same, a blue-eyed girl who loves horses, art, and stories, but underneath, she’s lost…lost a part of her, and the rest is falling apart and disappearing, and it may never return.

            Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
            #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

            Ruee Hamster Huey
              • Rank: Chosen One
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              So…I think that’s why I write more masculine than feminine.

              Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
              #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                Hmmm…interesting topic.

                As far as personalities go, I tend to have a lot of extrovert characters. I think being an extrovert myself, I tend to express that in my characters. Though, I do try to have some introverts, but maybe they just don’t talk as much and I have a mixed up idea of what introverts are.

                For looks, I absolutely love dark brown eyes and have brown eyes myself. I wouldn’t want any other color. I have no idea what @jonas is talking about. lol Most of my characters have dark brown hair too. I do like to use blonde or black hair also.

                I have a lot of guy characters too. But I think it’s because I like to create the type of guy characters I’d want to see in the real world. I think just like there’s a lack for good female characters, there’s a lack for good guy characters as well, especially for young boy and teen ones.

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                  I have no idea what @ jonas is talking about.


                  whopper, whopper, whopper, whopper
                  junior, double, triple whopper

                  Ruee Hamster Huey
                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @hanako @jonas

                    Yeah, brown eyes are some of the most interesting. Everyone thinks I have beautiful eyes cuz they can be a very clear blue, but also can be a cloudy grey. Other than that, they have traces of no other color. I find them boring. Meanwhile, brown eyes often have orange in them, even green sometimes. Plus the different shades! I’m a geek about eye colors, so much so I often notice colors no one else sees in each others eyes. Like, my grey-eyed brother has dark green in certain lights!

                    Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                    #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                      Plus the different shades! I’m a geek about eye colors, so much so I often notice colors no one else sees in each others eyes.

                      That’s really cool. I never really thought much into how colors of people’s eyes look in certain lights.

                      "We don't play to win, we win by playing."

                      -Fellowship Bible Chapel

                      Ruee Hamster Huey
                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        Yeah, I think about it too much. The only person I see often and haven’t studied that much is my crush, cuz ever time I try to look into his eyes…it doesn’t go well…

                        Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                        #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                        SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
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                          lol! girl you’re making me feel single XD


                          Idk what character traits I use most. Since in my book, people can have red, green, or blue skin, eyes and hair because of their race, I can basically pick any color I want lol.

                          But for regular humans, i usually pick blonde hair and blue eyes. Maybe because I have dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes? Idk.

                          I don’t usually do brown hair, but I do green eyes, brown eyes, and hazel eyes. I think I only have one or two charries with black hair.

                          @jonas @freedomwriter76

                          I usually don’t write masculine characters…maybe because I’m scared to get something wrong, lol. Girls tend to be super emotional (especially this one lol) so I tend to write what I know…and most boys don’t cry over things as often as I do XD I’m just scared to be inaccurate or write something wrong I guess.

                          I think the other side of the coin for me is that I don’t really understand myself. Like, I understand Nahim, and Chase, even…even Terry Darr, more than myself. I’ve honestly have kinda lost…me in the past two years, I don’t know who I am. I know who Terry is, I know who Nahim is, I know who Chase is. But I don’t know who Ruee is.

                          OH MY GOSH. THIS IS TOTALLY ME. I think I need counseling…because I don’t understand myself and I can’t explain my feelings half the time because I don’t understand them…I think writing has made me insane. i talk to myself, am obsessed with writing…sometimes I think it’s gone too far XD

                          This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

                          SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            Oh. And all my characters are introverted. I’m an extreme introvert…I can’t even imagine what it would be like to enjoy social environments….lol. I kind of have social anxiety sometimes…which doesn’t mix well with public school. lol.

                            This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                              I also have way more female characters than male (MCs that is). I’m sort of in the same boat, I think I’m just afraid of not portraying male characters correctly.

                              I also agree, I think our culture has so skewed the roles of men and women and the family unit that for us, as Gen Z, it’s hard to know how to portray them Biblically when there’s so much distortion around us.

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