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  • #10035
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 4238

      Is there anyone on here who is an S instead of an N? I’m noticing a pattern there. Makes sense actually.


      Rosey Mucklestone
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 467

        *slowly raises hand* I’m an S. That’s my most solid preference, actually. But I only know like one other S type writer, so your pattern is a thing, @daeus. 😛

          • Rank: Wise Jester
          • Total Posts: 97

          @daeus I did it like you: I took the test from my MC’s perspective and I completely agreed with everything the description said.

          • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Tatiana.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4238

            Well, maybe the test was right. I looked at it again and I can see it now. Not certain, but I think it could be. He came out as an ENTJ. …Welp…


            Anna Brie
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 312

              I actually find personality tests rather unreliable. I’ve got INTJ, with E-I being almost neutral. Then today I just took one again and got INFP. And supposedly I’ve gotten that result before.
              Currently I really don’t have a clear enough idea if my characters to do the test with them.

              Rosey Mucklestone
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 467

                I’d look into the functions more if the regular test isn’t working out for you. It’s a bit more specific that way.

                Anna Brie
                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 312

                  Okay, I think I lean more toward the INFP. Both do sound a bit like me though.

                  Corissa Maiden of Praise
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 256

                    MBTI is fun… and confusing. 😉

                    I’ve taken the test a couple of times. I’m kind of both an ENTP and an ENTJ. I’m not sure which one is stronger. I’m barely extrovert thought; some days I’m quite certain I would be introvert. 😛 😉

                    @hope @anne-of-lothlorien

                    "Courage is action in spite of fear."

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                      I’m the same way, except leaning more toward an introvert! Some days I really want to socialize and have fun socializing and other days I just want to sit in my room and read. 😛 So I guess I’m an extroverted introvert. 🙂

                      Corissa Maiden of Praise
                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 256

                        @gretald Extoverted introvert… I like that. 😀

                        "Courage is action in spite of fear."

                        Anna Brie
                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 312

                          I recently stated leaning more about how MBTI works. It’s actually not four scales you sit somewhere on. The letters are not as useful as they appear. It’s actually about the way you thought processes work.
                          Reading the descriptions for the types is probably more useful than doing the tests. Those things are inaccurate.

                          This website was very useful to me. https://mbtifiction.com/the-book-addicts-guide-to-mbti/
                          And this one: http://typelogic.com/faq.html
                          Also this blogpost by a friend of mine who’s very into MBTI explains the problems of using it in writing. https://knittedbygodsplan.blogspot.com.au/2016/09/the-problem-with-mbti-in-fiction.html

                          Since learning more, I’ve determined I’m probably an ENFP, my main character might be ENFP, I’ve also got: ESTP, ISFJ, and ISTJ characters.

                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 160

                            Ahh! I realize I’m late to the party, and you all have my apologies, but the MBTI is one of my pet writing tools. ?
                            I am an INFJ-T almost 90% introverted although I am often confused for an extrovert by my friends. ?. My current WIP MC’s are INFP’a, INTJ’s, an ENFP, and an ENTJ. I like to use the MBTI as a study for how my characters will react, just to have something to check back with for consistencies sake. However, as I act “out of type” sometimes, I don’t believe the MBTI should be the sole reasoning behind cutting any reactions out. What makes us human is the fact that we’re not just a cookie cutter mold, we don’t have just sixteen people, and although I have found the MBTI fun, it isn’t what ultimately defines us. One fun thing to do, is take the test every few years, and see how your results change. I know several people whose have changed majorly over the course of a few years. 🙂

                            Levi Pierpont
                              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                              • Total Posts: 19

                              I LOVE THE MTBI! Whenever I create a main character, I always take the test and answer everything how I feel they would.

                              In my current novel, the main characters are twins named Elisa and Clairen. Elisa is an ENFP, I just discovered (which is what I am) and Clairen is an ISTP (which is almost a complete opposite). It’s sort of a hero/rebel relationship.

                                • Rank: Wise Jester
                                • Total Posts: 63

                                Oooh, I really enjoy using MBTI for characters and typing family and friends (though, I’ve found the tests to be generally inaccurate so I usually just study up on whichever one I think someone is for myself).

                                My first MC was an INTP like me, and my current one is an ENTP like my dad. XP I’ve discovered that I have a hard time writing Feelers accurately…

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 889

                                  @Rachelle I have a similar problem with writing extroverts for some reason. It actually exhausts me. XD I’m an INFP myself. When I took the test for my three protagonists the first got INFP and I thought, ‘Oh, no! What if I accidentally made them all INFPs?!?’ I was quite relieved when the next one came back ISTJ, and then the next ISFJ. It didn’t really surprise me that they all can back as introverts though. I’m SUPER introverted. XD One funny thing I’ve noticed about my characters is that I often have the odd ones out when it comes to gender. The INFP I mentioned is a boy and I think INFP is one of, if not the rarest personality type for men. And then my main protagonist, a female, is ISTJ which isn’t a noticeably feminine-ish type it seems. So, I dunno what happened with that. XD

                                  *is probably geeking out about something*

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