MBTI is Fake

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    NC Stokes
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      @dragon-snapper TAKE HEART! I don’t really like phycology/philosophy, either. I don’t get anything abstract when it comes to science-y things. If you can discus it all day and never come to a conclusion, count me out. πŸ˜› No offence to the folks out there who are interested in this stuff. But I stand with our resident Dragon Snapper on this. (And not just because I don’t want my chair melted!)

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by NC Stokes.

      Blog: https://weridasusual.home.blog/

      Emma Flournoy
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          @emma-flournoy Yes! Sorry, @Daeus and @kate-flournoy You made me curious, what about me made you think I was INFJ and ESFP? Of course you don’t know me well, but still, those are interesting guesses and I’d like to know the logic behind them. πŸ˜€

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @bethanysinkyroses Heh heh. πŸ˜€ Honestly, it was just the one line where you asked the question. It gave me an ESTP feel (not ESFP, btw). If that’s not right though, I’ll guess either INTP or ENTP.


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              *pokes head in* So many personality types… Yup, this is definitely not my realm. *beats a hasty retreat*

              INTJ ➸Your friendly neighborhood mastermind. ➸https://thesarcasticelf.wordpress.com/

                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                @daeus I see. Hmmm. Well, I’ve tested as an ENTP several times. πŸ™‚ Sorry, I must not have been paying a lot of attention.
                By the way, @ethryndal and @jane-maree I LOVE the profile pictures! Can I steal it? And has anyone shown this to Daniel? πŸ˜‚

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                  This isn’t my area of expertise either, but I have found it interesting that I’ve tested as an INFP as well as an INFJ…

                  Writer. Dreamer. Sometimes blogger. MBTI mess. Lover of Jesus and books.

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                    The real question is not whether or not MBTI is accurate. It’s whether or not the traits you’re dealing with are the basic traits of human personality.

                    Ohhhhhh! If this is what we’re discussing then I am totally indifferent on the matter. XD Seen in this light, I seriously doubt MBTI is the baseline for human personality. I’ve never viewed it that way.
                    My position on the matter pretty much ends with this: I don’t believe MBTI is inaccurate when applied to understanding interpersonal relationships and communication. Which is the only real reason I am infatuated with MBTI to begin with, and I’m afraid anything beyond it is all noise to me. 😜

                    *is probably geeking out about something*

                    Emma Flournoy
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                      @BethanysInkyRoses Now I have a weird question: are you the blogger Bethia Lark from the blog…Reflections on… Something… or something? I hardly know her at all, but…Bethany, and she’s an ENTP, and your speaking style seems similar. Just a hunch. I’m probably wrong.

                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 193

                        @emma-flournoy Nope, I’ve never heard of her. πŸ™‚

                        Emma Flournoy
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1352

                          @BethanysInkyRoses Well that’s that! πŸ˜›

                          Anna Brie
                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 312

                            I use MBTI, but I’m certainly not convinced it’s a real thing. (though sometimes I act as if it is) I see it as a descriptive tool that sometimes helps me understand people.

                            I say sometimes because I just could not figure out one of my brothers for the longest time. I just settled that ISTJ was the best fit, but he certainly doesn’t fit the stereotype. I still don’t understand him, much to his relief. But we get on perfectly these days, since we fully understand that we won’t really understand where the other person is coming from.

                            I’m an ENFP, but often test out as INFP. I’m quite, but like it when I get to be around people and they don’t tire me out.

                            Mark Kamibaya
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 318

                              @jane-maree Better put your kind in a reservation before you go extinct πŸ˜€

                              I’ve been lied to my entire life?!

                              @daughteroftheking It’s totally fine to not like philosophy. I just find it helpful to understand other people’s worldviews (like postmodernism) as well as culture and art. But a lot of it is too abstract to use practically

                              That was a really well done explanation of the true shape of the earth. I’m now a convert!! XD

                              Oh, well normally MBTI is advertised or viewed as the key to understanding the core of human personality. Me, I see it as a way to understand thinking processes which is pretty valuable in story.

                              Totally agree. MBTI is a little spotty, but it can help you understand other people.

                              I blog on story and spiritual things at mkami.weebly.com

                              Anna Brie
                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 312

                                @mark-kamibaya @jane-maree The’s probably more extrovert writers than we realize. I know at least one outside KP. Another ENFP funnily enough. And i know we have a couple of ENFJs here.

                                Mark Kamibaya
                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 318

                                  @kate-flournoy Oh, fun. Breaking down MBTI.

                                  It’s true that most people don’t understand I and E that well. But the way you define it is not what I’ve heard. I tend to gravitate towards the definition that Susan Cain uses in her book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking which describes introverts as people who have a preference for a “more minimally stimulating environment.” The way you describe it means I could be an extrovert. I can spontaneously get together with friends. I love being in a crowd. But I identify as introvert because I’m anchored by alone time which I desperately need.

                                  I think you and I see N and S in the same way. I just refer to it as “taking in information” and you call it “understanding the world.” I do use my experience more than my knowledge of concepts, but I really enjoy concepts (like philosophy) in themselves. So, for me, it’s still 50/50. But I’m tentatively saying that I’m an S.

                                  Personally, I don’t agree with your explanation of F and T. Biblically speaking, we should never follow our hearts because it’s deceitful. And that command implies that we all want to follow our heart. But you do have a point. Some people gravitate towards empathy and emotion when making decisions. Some lean towards facts and details. I still am gonna say I’m a T although I wanna do a toss up.

                                  How you defined P and J really helped me understand it so thanks. Based on that reality, I guess I could say I’m a P.

                                  That was a pretty good deconstruction. Makes me strongly encourage you to write an MBTI article for KP. Just make sure to mention that MBTI is not the endgame when it comes to creating characters and their personalities (which is kind of like this thread’s thesis statement lol). Anyways, I can now identify as an IJTP. Even though I want to say INFP. I’m gonna use two or three MB types from now on πŸ˜€ BTW, what’s your type? And what type do you consider “the best?” There’s probably not a good answer for the second one, but it’s just something that came to mind. Like, for me, I’d say ENFP’s are pretty cool.

                                  I blog on story and spiritual things at mkami.weebly.com

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