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February 28, 2023 at 9:32 am #134899
About the auras. I personally don’t know much about dimensionality but I had more conceptualized it as this like mental awareness. It takes training to be able to use it and unenhanced it generally can only be expanded by about a foot from bare skin. Your basic aura (the non-enhanced one) can go through anything. The only thing it can feel is aether but this can be used to determine things (ie if I was stuck in a room I could determine if the other side of a wall is accessible by light and by how much. Once the aura has grabbed Aether or if the peice of it is enhanced it cannot generally pass through stuff (time slowing just adopts stuff into it (but only what is within it). I can explain more if you want.
Ah, ok. Yeah, true mind is supposed to be mental awareness, just with an extra dimensional explanation. It’s just that when you use the terminology of slightly beyond, that would generally suggest something beyond 3d space, because 3d space would be accessible to all 3d entities, which would make sense here I would think, although it doesn’t really need to be thought about (I’m just obsessed with math, and love contemplating extra dimensional spaces). Either way you think about it though, the science behind the auras sounds really cool! (Also, shouldn’t an aura be able to feel physical matter, in order to interact with a physical body, or do you have some other way of tethering the two?)
Also the thing about the true mind is kind of confusing as I don’t know what the everything is. It seems cool though.
I would love if you explained.
Oh, yeah, sorry I didn’t elaborate. The Everything and the Nothing are infinitely dimensional manifolds that permeate all space, except not exactly. This get’s into the nature of higher dimensionality. If you were to be in the Nothing, it would be infinite void, and you could travel infinitely far, but you’ll end up where you started, unless you are of infinite dimension, because anything of a lesser degree of freedom would get the same effect, because you’re effectively living on some degree of freedom on the surface of this manifold. The Everything is similar, but instead of void, think of it as being filled with pure stuff. infinitely dense, infinitely dimensional filled space. Now, you may assume that this is good and evil, but it isn’t. If you existed in the Nothing, and the Nothing is all you ever known, then it is just pure blackness. Empty of anything like time and space. However if you were to be put in the everything, and that’s all you ever known, then you will see just pure whiteness, perceivably empty of anything like time and space. The thing is that these are complete opposites, but independently, they act exactly the same in every perceivable way without the knowledge of the other. It is only when they touch for a brief moment, and they trade a piece of each other, that their differences arise. And so this happens, for a brief moment, they touch. A little bit of Nothing enters the Everything, and a little bit of Everything enters the Nothing. I don’t know if we will ever go back to the Nothing, but it would indeed be a whole other universe to explore. For now though, we start with the story with a slightly more limited view within the Everything. There was only Everything, like most creation stories, but instead of void, it’s the opposite. Then suddenly there was a bit of not Everything, a Nothing. Suddenly, one thing was separate from another thing. Within this small piece of the Nothing that entered the Everything, perhaps out of chance, or out of design, two little bits of Everything entered into this Nothing, and true mind occurred. Looking at one of these pieces of Everything, we see that it was now distinguished from the rest of reality, it had identity. These two entities slowly grew, becoming mentally aware, and began to learn, and began to thirst for understanding. Over an eternity, they do gain understanding. One began to understand the nature of the Everything. Eventually He understood pure law and Justice. The other began to understand the Nothing. Eventually She understood forgiveness and Mercy. though they both are of Everything, they began to polarize. Eventually they become aware of one another. They hated each other at first. And they both thought to undo the other. When they fought, they both experienced suffering and pain, a necessary step to their growth. As they fought, they eventually began to understand one another, and indeed, given time, fell in love (you knew where this was going) another experience they needed. And now another symmetry became apparent, good and evil, also taking after the symmetry of the Everything and Nothing, but were wholly different. While both were still necessary for the growth of a true mind, one was infinitely better than the other, and was an end was to be sought after, while the other equating to nothing, and is to be avoided, unlike the Everything and the Nothing. Thus more understanding came to the two, and after another eternity, they indeed had an understanding of all things, and became perfected through those experiences, both now had infinite love, and infinite wisdom, infinite justice, infinite mercy. They understood the nature of the Everything, the nature of the Nothing, Justice, Mercy, the infinitely large, the infinitely small, and eventually through those things, creation. And with that, they created the what is currently called, though is due to change, the Septraverse.
(I’d love to hear some thoughts on this)
Also I will answer your other questions in a small amount of time.
Can’t wait to hear more, your world sounds fascinating!
Also the oceans thing is very interesting. I like worlds that stray from the norm.
Thanks! Yeah, straying from the norm is what the Septraverse is all about. The ‘planets’ themselves act almost like a worldbuilding hack I came up with using extra dimensional reasoning. Allowing for infinite possibilities for strange places, allowing for strange cultures and creatures.
He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.
February 28, 2023 at 9:42 am #134900I kinda like both. I think some work better for different stories. For example, I have a story based off of Alice in Wonderland that has a very soft magic system. The explanations for why things happen are very vague and often nonsensical, because if it were any other way, it would no longer be Wonderland.
But then there are great fantasy books like Mistborn that have very concrete magic systems that make the story really interesting.
Yeah! Absolutely, they both are very good worldbuilding styles. It depends on the themes you want to convey, and what you just like to do. I don’t think I could ever manage to write soft worldbuilding, because that’s just not how my brain works. When done well though, soft worldbuilding can create very beautiful worlds.
I like this world you got going. Before I give any thoughts for a magic system though, which do you want to lean into more for this world, hard or soft? Because I’m going to immediately default to hard unless told not to. You say you don’t want it to be super complicated, but do you still want it to be a little concrete for the readers to understand fully?
No need to apologies to for your rants, it just shows that this is something you enjoy!
He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.
February 28, 2023 at 10:05 am #134903I think a hard system for this one. That’s why I need help with it
Official KP archivist ✨
February 28, 2023 at 12:45 pm #134917Sweet! Ok, so you seem to be suggesting that the dragons were the ones who originally bore the artform of magic. Then, they taught it to the humans. But the humans need what ‘dragon stone’ to preform magic. So what is dragon stone? Is it something made from dragons? Perhaps dragon scales or something? If it’s an actual piece of a dragon, I think a scale would be the least intrusive, and they would be willing to give. If not part of the dragons, then is it perhaps something they eat? What is the association? It may even only be that it is magical, like dragons are magical, and that’s all.
Let’s say for now the stone is or is made from dragon scales. You mentioned the word ‘spell’ as well. If spells are the main magical artform, how do they work. Are they verbal spells? If so, is this a magical tongue from the dragons. The dragons are themselves magical creatures with scales of magic, so they can simply command a sea by only speaking a word. Humans gifted these stones would need to speak a word to the stone, and it would have some effect, likely less complex however, since they are likely only holding one and perhaps might not fully grasp dragon speech. Then there is impossible magic you’ve mentioned. Things that simply cannot be done. This could go back to the language concept. Because language allows you to say anything (almost). For example, I can say ‘I now have a pet unicorn’, but in our universe, saying that doesn’t do anything, and it’s not true. So in your world, you may be able to say anything, but if you say anything untrue in magical terms, then things go awry. You could take this concept even farther with paradoxes for example, which could make sense in this magical black hole thing you have going on. Like you could work out how reviving the dead could become a self referential system, and turn it into a paradox, though that would probably take a little thinking to work out. Or instead of all that, it could simply have to do with conservation of energy. You could delve into how life is a form of energy, and it can only be given by an external source from the reality (meaning god), if you want to get into that. Once someone dies, that energy leaves that reality, and can only come back by the hand of god. To pull back energy that left that reality already, it could require a godly amount of energy equivocal to all the energy in your world. Thus this is an ongoing spell, still trying to fulfill a god’s task by draining all the energy within the reality. So with this idea, you magic could theoretically do anything that requires a small amount of energy in return. So you could say ‘I have a metal bucket full of water’ and that should be fine, though with subtle consequence of needing to draw energy from elsewhere, drawing metal from the ground, and water from a nearby pond. This could be worked out to be more discrete with the language idea, maybe make some axioms to go with it. Perhaps you could even make a human being, but because you can’t create life energy, it would be just a lump of clay, unless it steals existing life energy from someone else. It would either be that person, or still that person, but with amnesia. This could actually be interesting because you could save a person from death still by essentially making them a new body. It could be rationalized, but it doesn’t fully fit with the conflict you got going though. But again with axioms, you could put some limits on what you can say and stuff.
That’s one of many many directions you could take this. I think that the language and energy concepts would be cool, though they would need a lot more refinement. You could take all or non of these ideas though, but if your working on a hard magic system, just be thinking about what base concepts you can establish, then delve deep into those concepts, then think about the impact they would have. Whatever you end up doing though, I’m sure your world will turn out looking awesome!
He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.
February 28, 2023 at 6:47 pm #134956Ok so I just lost the post I was going to do. I think it will take me a bit to retype so I am kind of sorry about not getting back about Kharvian culture yet. I was going to make a post for each of the eastern countries (and Animar which is technically not a country. At least not yet). There is also a western Kharvian continent but I haven’t fleshed them out as much yet (beyond some history stuff and the fact that people have colonized parts of it).
Also, shouldn’t an aura be able to feel physical matter, in order to interact with a physical body, or do you have some other way of tethering the two?
This is actually different based on the power (if you are talking about enhanced auras). The first thing I should probably clarify is that only parts of your aura must be enhanced. Also, I may have forgot to mention that your eyes (the whole thing) change color to reflect the aether enhancement running through your system. Anyway, the different powers all use the enhanced aura slightly differently.
Telekinesis is basically just a really large hand that pushes stuff. It can be manipulated to wrap around something. It can be sent out from your normal aura pretty far but if it is intercepted (the stream connecting to the pushing parts is blocked) it will temporarily stop.
Shielding makes an impenetrable object. The biggest difference between shielding and telekinesis is that all of the enhanced aether is hard and impenetrable. The amount of aether used is actually equal to the force trying to break the shield (this doesn’t include gravity) and how long it is being held. It can also be used like a weapon as you determine how fast it forms.
Telepathy connects to another’s normal aura.
Healing also connects to another’s normal aura.
Time manipulation was already explained but I can elaborate if you want more. It is actually able to pass through physical stuff. Also, I should mention that it can only slow down inside the bubble. It cannot however go through shielding. If the two collide they will both shut down.
Through darkness,
light shines brightestFebruary 28, 2023 at 6:51 pm #134958You could not do a language-based magic system and do something with sigils. Basically, symbols carved into the rock would do things.
Through darkness,
light shines brightestFebruary 28, 2023 at 6:53 pm #134960Is the true mind like some sort of creator or diety?
Aside I would love to talk about fantasy religions. That may warrant another thread. Also, I don’t have a bunch of time tonight to do it (I have a big euro test tomorrow.
Through darkness,
light shines brightestFebruary 28, 2023 at 7:12 pm #134965@thearcaneaxiom @otherworldlyhistorian
Thanks for the ideas! I will work on it more later when my brain is less dead.
Official KP archivist ✨
March 1, 2023 at 8:58 pm #135170Ok so I just lost the post I was going to do. I think it will take me a bit to retype so I am kind of sorry about not getting back about Kharvian culture yet. I was going to make a post for each of the eastern countries (and Animar which is technically not a country. At least not yet). There is also a western Kharvian continent but I haven’t fleshed them out as much yet (beyond some history stuff and the fact that people have colonized parts of it).
Ok, so literally the same thing just happened to me. KP signed me out, and I only realized when I hit send, so it deleted it all. Oof. Ok, well anyway, I can’t wait to hear about your cultures, whenever your willing to retype it.
Thanks for the break down on each of the powers, it’s really interesting! It actually reminds me a lot of how itherum interacts with the other elements when layered over itself, creating a spectrum of bazar effects.
Is the true mind like some sort of creator or deity?
Oh, well no, sorry I didn’t explain that properly in my lore dive. True-mind is the property of sentience, basically soul. The two bits of Everything that became true-minds are the deities of this universe, yes. What I was explaining through their example, is what it takes to first make a true mind, then perfect a true mind, essentially becoming a god. These first two gained identity, setting themselves apart as an unique entity from the rest of reality, then learned and experienced the nature of good and evil, choosing good, then had an eternity to gain understanding of all things, therefore becoming gods. They are the Mother and Father of all things. They created more true minds, their children, and gave them the opportunities to also enter godhood by creating worlds for them to dwell and learn in.
Aside I would love to talk about fantasy religions. That may warrant another thread. Also, I don’t have a bunch of time tonight to do it (I have a big euro test tomorrow.
Yeah! We should totally start another forum for fantasy religions! As well as a whole lot of other particular topics for worldbuilding. I hope your test went well! I’m sure you did great!
This reply was modified 2 years ago by
He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.
March 2, 2023 at 9:18 pm #135307I finished some stuff about one of my countries.
Ok, so the first thing I will probably say about the word of Kharvia is that it is basically on the edge of being a sci-fi and a fantasy. I say that because Kharvia as a world is closer to the late 1800s early 1900s and is in the process of entering a (for lack of better words) new era. It is a world where people are just discovering how to basically make planes and where the old world order established by the almost 100-year-old technological revolution (the discovery of aether tech) is on the brink of changing yet again. Kharvia also is a world of humans (with auras and who live slightly longer) as opposed to one with magical creature races.
The eastern Kharvian continent has 4 main countries and Animar which is more like pre-unified Germany or pre-unified Italy.
Also a note I should make before you read any history of Kharvia related things. I will use Eastern Kharvian Ages to mark time periods. Here is a brief listing of all of them from Antiquity onwards (which is the ones I will cover):
Antiquity: The time before the age of empires when the East was beginning to make largely defined countries.
The age of Empires: When the two great ancient empires dominated all of Kharvia: These are the Golden Empire in the west and the Naijin empire in the east.
The Post-Empirical age: This is the age most comparable to the middle ages. It is after the empires have fallen. Much progress and knowledge were lost/stagnated in the east yet some things did develop. Some call this “The dark age”.
The age of Rebirth: An age when the east looked back to its ‘great’ empirical past and ‘rebirthed’ itself. Significant advances in almost all fields came about and many things from the past were revived. Also, some began to reexplore the west but not much.
The age of Progress: this is the age in which the east believed it surpassed its past and moved into a new age. Sciences began to truly take off. Philosophy did as well. New ideas flourished. Colonialism began but not on a grand scale. The end of this age is marred by the Rossian revolution at its end
The Industrial Age: This is the current age of Kharvia (kind of). Its exact beginning is somewhat debatable but it is when Aethrine technology was fully realised for the first time and when a new order of ‘Super States’ and eastern dominance began. It saw a heavily renewed interest in colonialism. Industrialization began.
Post-industrial Age: Also debatable the age of the series. Later historians would debate when the Great War truly began. The Great War is the beginning of the Post-industrial age.The first country I will discuss is called The Rossian Technocracy (or The Rossland).
The Rossland is mostly a group of Islands which is situated in the Rossian Gulf. It is usually cold. Fog is common as well as snow.
History (Starting around Antiquity):
The Rossland was originally not unified during the beginning of antiquity. Instead, each of the islands was basically run by a chief. They usually raided the coast or each other. Eventually, as the continental states (specifically the Naijin Empire) grew the Rossian chiefs made a loose alliance to protect themselves from attempts by the continental countries to stop their invasion. They managed to defend themselves for the majority of antiquity and the Age of Empire. They also developed an extremely good navy and slowly form a loose confederation. Near the last portion of the Age of Empire, the Naijin general Laizha Brin (who I have a bunch more lore for if you want to hear it) conquered the Rossland for the Naijin empire. Laizha rules as governor before she turns on the Naijin government and liberates the Rossland with her as the Supreme Consul. She succeeds in beating the Naijin empire and restructures the Rossian government as a united state in which she is a hereditary military dictator called the Supreme Consul. The Rossland continues as a very militant state through the Post-Empirical age. The new government also imposes/joins the Eulycian Syce (a religious group within Syjism) but aside from this Laizha tries to integrate into the Rossian culture or ‘update it’ (to their standards). During the Age of Rebirth, the Rossians were largely excluded from the first and second waves and instead have their own (more limited) variant of the Rebirth. This is somewhat because the government wanted to limit continental influence and maintain its power in dictatorial power in wake of a move towards/return to Merchant Oligarchy. The Rossland is commonly thought of as backward and less civilized by the other continental countries during the Age of Rebirth because of it. During the age of Progress, the Rossians had many difficulties. The government also began to fail. The culture advanced a lot though and many new thinkers emerged. Near the end of the Age of Progress, the Rossian Revolution happened. In it, the old rule was overthrown and multiple new regimes failed in a vicious cycle before Baloar Dizhar, who was a general within this one group of all-male Eunoch warriors that is called the Razhus, took over in a military dictatorship with the help of Rivia Linva and some others. Baloar went on a grand conquest and conquered most of the eastern continent before Rivia got him killed in an arrangement to allow her to take power (it also included some of the other countries and made them give her stuff in return for her giving them back their countries as Rivia didn’t see it as a good idea to conquer eastern Kharvia as an empire (she did, however, use this to get a canal for easier access to the west for colonies) and preferred to focus on domestic stuff). Under her leadership, the Rossland became the lead industrialists, developed bloodstone and became an efficiesist state (more on this later). They also developed colonies in western Kharvia. Now The Rossland is one of the two ‘great powers’ and continues to advance. Yet discontent brews at home and abroad and the Rossian have grown to be resented for their power. They are slowly being eclipsed by the growing power of The Vapokan Republic (another state) and the government’s power is slowly slipping. Some within the government have begun to grow worried, worried that a new order is coming, one in which they may no longer be at the top of the world.
Common ethnic Rossian features (all generalizations) (the Rossland is not homogeneous and this is only for ethnic Rossians. There is actually significant Anim and Naijin minorities):
Medium Height
Red to blue hair that is usually not curly and generally straiter
Fair skin
Red to Blue eye color.
Rounder faceClothing and hair:
A lot of Rossians wear what is called a Delin. This is basically a really warm kind of skin-tight piece of clothing generally worn under the rest of your clothes. Most Rossians wear some sort of garment over it that covers most of the body and is somewhere from skirt to dress length. Belts are usually worn around the waist of these. Most styles of Rossian pants are kind of baggy with cuffs at the bottom. Most Rossians also wear boot-type shoes that go up to their shins or higher.
Rossians generally wear their hair long with mens’ hairstyles generally being longer and womens’ hairstyles being more on the medium-length side. Rossian men are also usually clean-shaven. These are all generalizations.
Government: The government claims to be Efficisist. (Efficisism is an economic and political theory within Kharvia that promotes a state-run economy and also that the state should be run by those most qualified to run the economy. It advocates for maximum profit of the state because it says that this will allow the state to provide the best for its citizens. It also says that wealth should be distributed by the state to people based on their usefulness to society. Efficisism claims that all people have a certain inherent usefulness and that it is the job of the state to structure itself around this and to allow society to be determined by usefulness rather than other things (like wealth or bloodlines).) The Rossian government ‘does’ this through its education system. You basically need degrees of varying levels to pass up society and the only way to get these degrees is to pass certain exams. The only way to continue to get an education is also by passing the exams. The government is also run by the Rossian Technological Corporation which also runs the entire Rossian economy and owns everything (in theory). The government/corporation is run by a board of directors from all of the highest positions. The leader of the board is called the Chairman and anyone who retires from the board is given the title of Senior Board Member for the rest of their life (this gives them a stipend, prestige, and some other benefits). Also, Senior Board Members usually end up working at universities (as most people retire from the board after only like 10 years because they can and also the board has a 20-year service limit before you must retire from it).
If you have any questions please ask. More posts about countries/cultures/religions (unless we make another forum) are on the way.
Through darkness,
light shines brightestMarch 2, 2023 at 9:27 pm #135311Your thing with the true minds is interesting. So does the religion have an ascension mechanic or a like achieving true mind diety status mechanic in it.
Also, I think I forgot to tag you and forgot a piece to my thing on the Rossians.
The Rossian state is officially atheist. They were previously Syjist but after the Technocracy have become Aeithiest. The government still allows Syjism (under its state-made variant) and also allows Mauronistic Pantheism (albeit somewhat controlled) as well. Mauronistic Pantheists had been persecuted before during the Syjist rule. The Technocratic government doesn’t allow any outside variants or relgions however (especially not this one religion called Dasism).
Through darkness,
light shines brightestMarch 2, 2023 at 11:52 pm #135322Wow! The depth to your world’s history is amazing! I notice a lot of events that could be pinpointed as particular allegories to real world events. Would you consider yourself more of an allegorical writer, or just drawing inspiration from real world history (as you would need to either way)? Do you want to make particular commentary on different real world events, ideologies, social and economic philosophies with your history?
By the way, it sounds like your a big historical and political buff, have you ever heard of Decline of the West? It’s a monstrosity of a book, and I haven’t done a dent, but it’s really interesting historical and political theory. One of it’s many points is how it’s a fallacy to assume that history is an ordered line of events one after the other, and it’s more like many independent systems that grow and evolve, then decline in a continual cycle, based off of the same fallacy of then and now, and the now knows better. I think it might be something that would interest you if you had time for it.
Have you drawn a map? I would love to see it!
Yeah, we’ve kinda strayed from the magic system topic, so it would be cool to start another forum on historical worldbuilding, or something more broad. Either way, I’m excited to see more! I can see you’ve really put a lot into making the history feel like it could actually be turned into a historical textbook that delves into all the subtleties of social, political, theological, economical, ect, parts of your world, and how they’ve changed over the centuries. Love it!
So does the religion have an ascension mechanic or a like achieving true mind diety status mechanic in it.
Your wording throws me off a little. I’m not entirely sure what you mean by achieving true mind deity status if its not the same as ascending. Are you referring to some idea along the lines of a single event of enlightenment vs a gradual growth? Because if so, it is the latter. One must first learn the nature of good and evil, choose good, endure suffering as a form of refinement and so on. It’s a slow painful process in the form of life. Does that answer your question, or am I still misreading it? Also, I aught to mention that though this is the correct nature of this universe, it is not understood by most who are in life. Many religions of similar lines, and completely different lines form over the eons in the different worlds.
He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.
March 3, 2023 at 9:02 am #135326Thanks.
I notice a lot of events that could be pinpointed as particular allegories to real world events. Would you consider yourself more of an allegorical writer, or just drawing inspiration from real world history (as you would need to either way)?
I feel like I am more of a taking inspiration from history person because most of the things I do take end up being changed to fit the story and work differently from their real life versions. Usually I use the real history as a basis and then end up tweaking it a bunch. A good example is Laizha Brin. The original inspiration was William the Conquerer but then she evolved into a very different figure but retained the conquer the Rossland piece. The. there is some stuff that is more based on the concept of a historical thing. One example is Efficisism. Efficisism is not a real ideology but I wanted to make one for Kharvia. The really funny thing about efficisism is that I didn’t originally intend for the Rossland to feel kind of like Soviet Russia when I was making it originally but they actually kind of are.
Do you want to make particular commentary on different real world events, ideologies, social and economic philosophies with your history?
There are some. Usually I choose stuff because I want to make it feel kind of real, I like it, and/or I want to capture something I see within the history. Usually it is less of a commentary on the history I am usingish and more of an attempt to showcase things. Some of me making the history is actually a commentary on history itself though.
I haven’t heard of decline of the west but it seems interesting. You are correct in assuming I am a history person. History is definitely my preferred subject.
Have you drawn a map? I would love to see it!
I have an old one of eastern Kharvia but it is missing things. I can show it to you if you want.
Your wording throws me off a little. I’m not entirely sure what you mean by achieving true mind deity status if its not the same as ascending.
Oh sorry. I was meaning if when you achieve becoming a diety what happens.
Through darkness,
light shines brightestMarch 3, 2023 at 10:43 am #135342I feel like I am more of a taking inspiration from history person because most of the things I do take end up being changed to fit the story and work differently from their real life versions. Usually I use the real history as a basis and then end up tweaking it a bunch. A good example is Laizha Brin. The original inspiration was William the Conquerer but then she evolved into a very different figure but retained the conquer the Rossland piece. The. there is some stuff that is more based on the concept of a historical thing. One example is Efficisism. Efficisism is not a real ideology but I wanted to make one for Kharvia. The really funny thing about efficisism is that I didn’t originally intend for the Rossland to feel kind of like Soviet Russia when I was making it originally but they actually kind of are.
There are some. Usually I choose stuff because I want to make it feel kind of real, I like it, and/or I want to capture something I see within the history. Usually it is less of a commentary on the history I am usingish and more of an attempt to showcase things. Some of me making the history is actually a commentary on history itself though.
Yeah, that makes sense. I’m not as much into allegorical writing either. I do like discussing complex themes in writing, but that’s more for themes on the nature of the human mind, and fundamental divine truths, not really commentary on any particular event or ideology. That’s what I was thinking when you first mentioned what Efficisism was. It is a little different, and you could argue there’s a slight capitalist ideology in the concept of usefulness, but it’s still who the government favors instead of individual economic development, ultimately it’s the same form of control over the populace as Soviet Russia (at least that’s what it sounds like to me).
I haven’t heard of decline of the west but it seems interesting. You are correct in assuming I am a history person. History is definitely my preferred subject.
Yeah, I bet you’d like it. You have my respect though, I really struggle with history. Why I like math so much is that it’s fundamental truth, untampered by man (kinda, once you get into deep mathematics, this is called more and more into question, and it starts turning into philosophy, but still philosophy on the fundamental nature of reality, which I still love). History, in my eyes at least, is the tampering of man, which is interesting, but I have to take little bites.
I have an old one of eastern Kharvia but it is missing things. I can show it to you if you want.
Yeah! I would love to see it if your willing to take the time to post it.
Oh sorry. I was meaning if when you achieve becoming a diety what happens.
Ahh, ok, that makes sense, sorry, no worries. Essentially, at least in my mind, I need to discuss this with Princess more, is that the cycle would continue. If and when you become a deity, then you will be able to create true minds of your own, then raise them in your own septrums. Me and Princess haven’t discussed this too much yet, and we’re not sure how much we want to flush out the nature of the afterlife yet. We both recognize it would be there, but we, at least I am, are bad at leaving some things in mystery once we get into a topic. Theoretically though, the cycle would continue, and the older generations would continue making more, while newer generations also continue, basically blowing up at infinitum, but there’s always more room, because even though the little piece of Nothing they’re in is far smaller than the Everything its in, it is still an infinite space by nature. How meaningful size and space would also be called into question at that point.
He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.
March 3, 2023 at 3:11 pm #135384Thank you! Yep! Ah, cool! I’ve never seen The Last Airbender. I should give it a try. 😉 Um, I guess, lol. I’m not sure but it sounds like it. XD Ooh, that’s cool! I bet it was fun!
So, the powers are hereditary. And because there is a lot of prejudice and hate between each country, families have stayed in the same country for generations. They don’t leave their country, and they don’t marry outside of it. Am I making any sense, lol?
"It looks like a fairy world"~Meg from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Fall in love with Jesus -
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