Just another Marvel AU

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  • #149380
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Okay, Okay, I know what you’re thinking, she has yet another one

      I think Marvel should hire me and Freedom (like on the brainstorming part XD)

      I posted the first chapter on the fanfic page but I wrote another chapter (and I have boards to share 😉)

      Ultron left the Avengers shook up, and they’ve all struggled to find their place after the battle. But no one is struggling more than Pietro and Wanda.

      Pietro and Wanda are struggling to adjust to Avengers’ life. They’ve gotten so used to watching each other’s back, but being on a team means having everyone’s back. Which is hard to do when some of the Avengers are still bitter about the side they once fought on. But things take a turn when they stumble upon a few more Hydra bases, scattered across the world. Which leads to the question, should they tell the Avengers? Or handle it on their own, like they used to?

      And the drama going around the team, only makes them more questionable. Plus Wanda has found herself slowly falling in love with Vision, which bothers Pietro, because in his opinion. “He is Stark’s puppet,”


      A scream echoed through the walls, tears streaming down Wanda’s face. She clutched her brother as the bomb just stood in front of them, not going off, just sitting there.

      “Shhhh…” It’s okay, Pietro tried to sound strong, but everything was taken from him in a second.

      “They’re gone,” Wanda said in a low whisper, and now they were under a bed, waiting for their own death. “Mom and Dad,”

      Wanda sobbed, as Rumble came down from the ceiling, and she braced her brother again.

      Pietro closed his eyes tight, this was it for them.

      Him and Wanda both looked to see the bomb still sitting there nothing happening.

      Pietro looked at his scared and frightened sister. Who would dare do this to his sister? His twin sister? Pietro looked at the bomb, at the words written on it.


      Pietro promised himself, right then and there,  he would make Stark pay. For doing this to his sister, he would make him pay.




      Chapter 1

      Pietro did a few more stretches and tightened the velcro on his shoes. It was a perfect morning to be out running. A little part of him was mad, that Steve and Sam had gotten out before him, but it was okay. He would pass them with ease, and then lap them repeatedly. Most likely they wouldn’t like that, but that didn’t bother him. It also didn’t bother him that most of the Avengers didn’t like him. He liked himself and his sister liked him, and that was enough.

      Pietro took off running, his legs moving quicker and quicker as he went. Sam was only a mile ahead of him, but it would only take a matter of seconds to pass him.

      “On your left,” Pietro said as he passed Sam. A blue blaze of smoke followed behind him.

      Sam stopped for a second to catch his breath, watching Pierto run off in the distance.

      “I’m really getting tired of hearing that,” Sam said with a sigh.

      Steve focused on putting one foot in front of the other. Running was getting too easy for him, he needed something that challenged him.

      “On your left,” Pietro said as he passed Steve, Steve was fast, but no one was faster than him.

      Steve stopped in frustration, he couldn’t stand that kid. Steve listened to hear footsteps coming up behind him.

      “Don’t say anything,” Steve ordered.

      Sam just came up beside him, with a giant grin on his face. “Doesn’t feel so good, does it?”

      “On your left,” Pietro said as he passed the two of them once again.

      “No, it doesn’t” Steve stated as Pietro ran off in the distance.

      “What do you think of them?”

      “Who? The wonder twins? Truthfully they make me nervous,” Steve replied crossing his arms.

      “Yeah I’m feeling the same way, I’d probably feel safer, if she couldn’t manipulate people with her mind,” Sam smirked. “Besides I don’t trust anyone who signs up for experiments,”

      Steve looked at Sam and rolled his eyes. “You think you’re hilarious don’t you?”

      “Yeah, I do,”

      “Any news on the missing person’s case?”

      “Not much, I’ve gotten a few leads but they’ve all fallen through.” Sam’s face went serious. “We’ll find him, don’t worry we’ll find him,”

      “And when we do? What happens then?”

      “Someone’s downer, what’s with the mood,”

      “Nothing, I’m just feeling out of place,”

      “I don’t think anyone can blame you for that,”

      “On your left,” Sam and Steve didn’t even look, they already knew it was Pietro, running up beside them. Pietro grinned to himself, he had accomplished his goal.

      “He says it too many times,” Sam mumbled.

      “Amateur,” Steve whispered under his breath. Making Sam chuckle. “Don’t laugh you haven’t ever gotten to say it,”

      “Shut up,” Sam said starting to run, looking over at Steve who was running right beside him, but was getting faster.

      Sam quickened his pace to a sprint. They both ran, faster and faster. Sam sighed as the gap between him and Steve got bigger, and when he reached the Avengers’ building, Steve through his hands up in triumph.

      Sam just rolled his eyes as he reached the building. “I kept up with you this time,”

      “I was like a mile ahead of you,”

      “Well, it used to be two,”

      “I don’t see Mr. Arrogant anywhere around,” Steve said looking around his surroundings.

      “Did you guys finally finish? I was about to call out a search party,” Pietro said walking through the doors of the building.

      “Yeah, well we have other talents than running, unlike you,” Sam stated with a smirk.

      “I have talents, cooking, piano, and of course boxing, all done with lighting speed unlike you two,” Pietro said with a smile.

      “Well, while you’re cooking, we’re going to go do our jobs,” Steve said gesturing for Sam to come in with him.

      “You guys are poor losers,”

      “And you aren’t?”

      “I don’t know, I’ve never lost,” Pietro said crossing his arms.

      Sam and Steve walked off, clearly upset by their loss. Which only made Pietro smirk, he loved to win. And he especially loved to watch the losers’ reactions. And Sam and Steve had exceeded his expectations.

      Chapter 2

      Wanda watched from the window, as Pietro ran laps around Steve and Sam. She let out a soft sigh, Pietro clearly wasn’t trying to make friends. Nobody liked him, nobody liked her, they were scared of her. Scared of what she could do, the things that she could make happen. They thought she was a monster. And there was a part of her that believed it. Her powers could break the strongest of people, and manipulate the strongest at heart.

      “Hello,” Wanda gasped, as she turned to see Vision floating through the walls of her room.

      “You scared me!” Wanda tried to catch her breath.

      “I’m sorry, I didn’t me to startle you,”

      “No it’s fine, I just forgot you can float through walls,”

      “I wanted to see if you were settling in okay?” Vision gave a faint smile, that in a way penetrated through Wanda.

      Wanda looked around the light gray walls, the modern light fixtures, and the small cozy bed. “It’s nice,”

      Vision looked almost relieved. “We didn’t know what you would want the room to look like, but you’re welcome to change it if you’d like,”

      Wanda gave the nervous robot a polite smile, although Vision had proved himself much more than a robot. “I like it as it is, besides… I’m not sure how permanent this is,” Wanda’s words turned into a whisper.

      “What do you mean?” Vision cared for Wanda in a way that was clearly new to him, and her.

      “Nothing… just I don’t think many people like me here.”

      “I don’t see how,”

      “They think I’m a monster,”

      Vision hesitated, inching closer to Wanda, looking her deep in the eyes. “The way I see it, Monsters aren’t necessarily evil, just strong.”

      Wanda looked Vision in the eyes. “Vision…”

      “Wanda,” Both Vision and Wanda turned to see Pietro walk into the room. Pietro dashed over to his sister as Vision took a few steps back. Leaving the touching moment between him and Wanda.

      “Do you mind if I talk to my sister?” Pietro gave Vision a grin, but it looked much more intimidating than amusing. “Alone?”

      “Of course,” Vision floated out of the room, but gave Wanda a sweet smile before he left.

      Wanda looked at her brother, anger growing in her eyes. A light red ring around the outside of her pupils, they weren’t glowing, yet. “Pietro,”

      “What?! Do you think that guy is trustworthy? He was built by Stark!”

      “So was Ultron and that didn’t stop us from working with him,”

      “What was that you said about Stark? He can’t see the difference between saving the world and destroying it, and Vision is just his puppet,”

      Wanda sighed and looked her brother in the eyes. Most people found him annoying or irritating, and while she could find him a nuisance, in the end, he was all she had. She and her brother had been roughed up by the past, and there was one person to blame. It wasn’t a wonder that Pietro was against some of the Avengers.

      “We spent days under that bed,” Pietro pressed his point. “Just waiting to die,”

      Wanda closed her eyes, remembering the fear that ten-year-old her had been filled with, not to mention grief for the loss of her parents.

      “Maybe… Vision is different, he said he isn’t Jarvis, didn’t he?”

      “Yet he follows every order Stark gives,”

      Wanda went silent, she closed her eyes, trying to process what Pietro had said.

      Pietro looked his sister in the eyes, grabbing her hand. “We’re only here because they’d rather have us on their side than the other, they think we’re monsters, they’re scared of us.”

      Pietro’s words sounded mean, but Wanda knew he didn’t mean it in that way, he meant to tell his sister the truth, and she was grateful for that.

      “Do you remember what the bomb had written on it?” Pietro asked, a serious look on his face.

      Wanda’s eyes closed, her mind taking her back to that day. “Stark…” Wanda’s voice was weak. “Tony Stark,”

      He’s to blame. 

      Wanda had a single tear fall down her face, which she tried to hide, but her brother was no fool, he could see the distress on his sister’s face. “I just thought maybe this would be different,”

      “Wanda…” Pietro hesitated.

      “No,” Wanda looked seriously at her brother. “I know, it’s just you and me,”

      “I wish it wasn’t like this,”

      “But what are you to do, when the whole world thinks you’re monsters,”

      Wanda looked at her brother’s silver eyes, they had a hint of blue in them, and also a hint of pain. Her lips quivered a little, her thoughts going dark. “Do you ever wonder what life could’ve been like for us, if that bomb didn’t hit our building?”

      Pietro took a second to think about the question. “Only every day,”

      Wanda and Pietro stood in silence, both having so much more to say, but not the strength to say it.

      @freedomwriter76 @esther-c @loopylin @mineralizedwritings @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h @euodia-vision @lightoverdarkness6


      I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3733


        Aww, I love it!!

        (And I’d love to see the boards!! 😁)

        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2243



          Okay well here’s the first one

          I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
          ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2243

            I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
            ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2243

              I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
              ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2243

                I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @smiley love the story and boards!!! 💗💗💗

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3733


                    Aww, I love the boards so much!! ❤️

                    Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3060

                      Love the moodboards!!!


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2243

                        @freedomwriter76 @mineralizedwritings @esther-c

                        Here’s another chapter

                        Did I mention I love Pietro and Wanda? I don’t think I did, they’re honestly so traumatized they seem like my own characters XD

                        Chapter 3

                        Pietro grinned as Sam and Steve walked out onto the concrete. Another beautiful morning for a run, and this time he had gotten there before them.

                        “Look who finally showed up,” Pietro said smirking.

                        Sam scowled. “Why do you even run? Do you need to practice for a race or something?”

                        “Nope, but you can never be too fast,”

                        “Yeah… you can, and you have,” Sam grinned.

                        Pietro scowled, as he turned to get in his running position.

                        “Are you running Wanda?” Steve asked looking over at Wanda, who stood on the side of the track, she had been pretty quiet.

                        “No, Pietro convinced me to time him,” Wanda never ran, that Pietro knew. She wasn’t that fit either, she did just enough to keep her completion, then again if he could lift things with a flick of his wrist he would see the need to exercise either.

                        “It has come to my attention that the only person who can compete with me is me,”

                        Steve just rolled his eyes, at Pietro’s comment.

                        Quick banter started between the group, but it was disrupted by a few chants and screams.

                        “Protesters,” Sam stated crossing his arms.

                        “What are they protesting?” Wanda said tilting her head in a questioning way.

                        “By the looks of the signs I’d say the battle in Sokovia,” Steve said looking at one of the signs that had the slogan.

                        Stark makes a droid, Stark makes a mess, Stark doesn’t clean it up, 

                        Not the catchiest thing Pietro had ever read, but he empathized with the protesters. A part of him wanted to go protest with them, sure they had saved the world together, but Pietro made a promise, and he wasn’t ready to break it just yet. Nothing could make him forget his sister’s face or his own, it was the look of fear. The pure terror of waiting to die.

                        Wanda and Pietro shared a glance, the Avengers didn’t know their story, or what Stark had done to them. And they planned to keep it that way.

                        Everyone was silent but a loud engine noise, made them all turn. Just in time to see a truck coming for them, and it wasn’t moving out of the way. It looked like it was purposely trying to hit them.

                        Pietro quickly moved Steve and Sam out of the way, knowing his sister didn’t need help.

                        Wanda lowered her hands, red smoke shooting out of them, wrapping around the truck and making it come to a halt. She had started off confident, but her head started to throb in pain like her mind had the pressure of the truck.

                        Sam looked in shock, he had never actually seen Wanda use her powers in person.

                        “Are you alright?” Pietro ran to her side, his eyes only focused on her.

                        “Yeah, I’m… fine,” Wanda hesitated. But then found the strength to walk to the driver’s side of the truck.

                        “Long live Sokovia!” The man shouted, his voice scratchy. He smelled of alcohol, and by the way his eyes looked Wanda could tell he had seen better days.

                        But that didn’t make Wanda any less mad. “You almost killed my brother, leave!”

                        “Why should I?!” The man asked, getting out of the truck, and wobbling to walk.

                        Steve and Sam came up to defend her, but she didn’t need it, and Pietro knew that.

                        Wanda gave the man a stare, that sent a shiver down even Pietro’s spine. Her eyes glowed red, and her mouth formed a threatening scowl.


                        The man looked closer at her and then went frightened, he walked away following her orders. But turned to give them a grin. “You’re all a bunch of murders!”

                        Wanda walked over to Pietro, whispering to him, quietly enough so Steve and Bucky couldn’t hear them.

                        “Stark should go to jail,” Wanda said, tears filling the brim of her eyes.

                        It seemed like a random comment but Pietro knew it wasn’t.

                        Pietro felt relieved, he thought that his feelings about Stark weren’t shared by his sister, but she clearly felt the same way.

                        “I agree,” Pietro whispered, his eyes locked with his sister.

                        Another loud engine roared and this time it was met with even more frustration than the last car. At least for the twins. A bright red sports car gave to a smooth stop as Tony stepped out of the car.

                        Wanda and Pietro shared a sigh.

                        “Tony, glad you could show in style,” Steve said, implying that Tony was a show-off.

                        “Bet I could run faster than that stupid sports car,” Pietro mumbled.

                        “I see there are protesters,” Tony gestured to the crowd around the fences. “It’s funny what people will waste their time doing,”

                        “They lost their home to an unnecessary battle,” Wanda stated her eyes still glowing. “I would protest too,”

                        Pietro smirked, they had protested plenty of times.

                        “Yeah but in the end they would all be dead,”

                        “By your robot,” Wanda’s Sokovian accent came off strong.

                        “I’m sorry what side were you on in the beginning?” Tony asked stepping closer to the twins, he wasn’t mean, just egotistic, and it made Pietro sick.

                        “We’re going, I think it’s a little too crowded out here,” Pietro led his sister inside.




                        I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                        ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2243

                          And here’s another chapter

                          these poor kids (even though they’re not really kids)

                          Chapter 4

                          “I need the sa-” Wanda couldn’t even finish her sentence before Pietro handed her the salt shaker. “Thank y-”

                          “Here’s a spatula to stir,” Pietro gave a sarcastic smirk.

                          Wanda raised an eyebrow. “Do you have to run? Can’t you just walk, like a normal human being?”


                          “Now where’s the fun in that?” Pietro laughed.

                          Wanda rolled her eyes as she lifted the spoon to her lips about to take a bite, but Pietro swooped in and took it for her.

                          “Delicious,” Pietro said, he was only trying to annoy her.

                          Wanda crossed her arms and gave her brother a scowl. “I’m glad you think so,”

                          “You’re back earlier,” Wanda couldn’t help but smile when Vision walked into the room. “I thought your run would be longer,”

                          “Are you upset to see me?” Wanda didn’t care if he like her, but then again she really did.

                          “No of course not,” Vision hesitated. “I was actually going to make you breakfast, but… well it seems you beat me to it,”

                          Wanda smiled, as she looked at Vision, Pietro just scowled in the corner.

                          “I would offer you a bite, but I don’t see how that’s possible,” Wanda said with a chuckle.

                          Vision smiled, causing Pietro to get red in frustration.

                          “I’m going to go,” Pietro said, he cared for his sister, but she wasn’t taking his warnings about Vision.

                          “Okay bye,” Wanda would have to talk to Pietro later, but for right now she wanted to talk to Vision.

                          “Did I get in the middle of something?”

                          “No just…” Wanda looked for the right word, but there was no word to truly describe the whole thing. “Traumas,”

                          But the word didn’t do their story justice.

                          “May ask what kind of traumas?” Vision clearly wasn’t trying to be pushy, just caring.

                          “Really it’s just two kids, made into monsters,”

                          “I’m sorry,” Vision looked around the room, his eyes darting around. “Wanda, I’m afraid I have to go, Tony wanted to discuss some things with me, while he’s here.”

                          Wanda carefully grabbed Vision’s hand. “Do you always listen to his orders?”

                          “I believe Tony has humanity in their best interest,”

                          Wanda closed her eyes tight, Pietro was right. “You really don’t know him do you?”

                          “What do you mean?”

                          Wanda pulled away from Vision. “You should go,”

                          Vision’s face filled with disappointment. “Okay…” the poor robot’s feelings clearly hurt.

                          Wanda watched as Vision left the room. She went back to her stirring, ignoring the disappointment that filled her.

                          Steve who had listened in on the whole conversation, walked into the kitchen.

                          Wanda looked up at him, her eyes narrowing. “What do you want?”

                          “Just curious about you and Vision?”

                          “There’s nothing to be curious about, there’s nothing there,”

                          “At least not after Stark was mentioned,”

                          Wanda gave a crooked smile, that clearly had a lot behind it. “You think you know Stark so well, best friends basically, but you have no idea what he’s done,”

                          “And you do?” Steve raised an eyebrow. “Is this about Ultron?”

                          “This goes way further than Ultron,” Wanda’s voice sounded cold and sharp. “If you did the math I think you’d find that Tony has hurt just as many people as he had saved.”

                          “I don’t think that’s true,”

                          “Well take me and Pietro as your proof,”

                          “What do you mean?”

                          “Nothing,” Wanda turned away from Steve questioning blue eyes.

                          Steve didn’t buy it, that Wanda knew, but she wouldn’t dare explain it more.

                          “That was impressive, what you did with the truck,” Steve said, trying to change the subject.

                          “Thanks,” Wanda lifted the spoon to her mouth. Trying her recipe, not paying much attention to Steve’s talking.

                          “I guess I sometimes forget what you can do,”

                          Wanda dropped the spoon and gave Steve a stare. “No you don’t, you’re constantly scared of what I can do, I can tell.”

                          “Wanda… that’s not true,” Steve said firmly.

                          “I’m not a naive child,” Wanda began to walk away but said something to herself. “At least not anymore,”

                          The truth was she wasn’t a naive child since ten, she wasn’t even a child since ten. Just a girl who was forced to live without her parents, and only had her brother. And things hadn’t really changed.





                          I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                          ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @smiley Aww, sadddddddd 😭😭😭

                            really good tho ❤️❤️❤️

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @smiley Just curious…is there anymore chapters of this fanfic finished??? 😊

                              it’s okay if not, just curious <3

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2243


                                Sadly there isn’t, I was working on one of my other ones, but I plan to work on it soon

                                I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                                ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2243

                                  @freedomwriter76 I know I said I didn’t have any, but… I had nothing to do today, and I had an idea so… here’s another chapter XD @mineralizedwritings @esther-c @anyone else

                                  Seriously I have way too much time on my hands XD

                                  And now we’re skipping to the action (No need to waste time XD)

                                  Chapter 5

                                  “You were right,” Wanda stated through tear-filled eyes.

                                  Pietro turned to look at his sister, standing by the opening of his room. He got up from the desk and ran to her. His silver eyes looked into hers.

                                  “You were right about all of them,” Wanda took a seat on his bed. “Vision thinks Stark is a hero, and Steve doesn’t know Stark at all.”

                                  “The Avengers don’t know what it’s like to be weak, not like us,”

                                  Wanda dried her eyes, she hated to cry, and she hated to do it over stupid things. And not having friends, was a stupid thing. She looked around the room, and then at her brother.

                                  “What were you doing?” Wanda knew that nothing good could come out of her brother doing something in the seclusion of his room. And she needed to change the topic.

                                  “Nothing” Pietro shrugged.

                                  Wanda looked at him more closely, her eyes glowing red as she searched his eyes.

                                  “It has to be against the rules to read your brother’s mind,” Pietro said with a grin.

                                  “You lied to me,” Wanda got up and walked over to the desk, and started to open the computer.

                                  “Okay,” Pietro ran in front of her, blocking her hand from his laptop. “I found a Hydra base.”

                                  “I thought we destroyed Hydra,”

                                  You know the old saying if a head is cut off, two more-

                                  Shall take its place,” Wanda finished the motto and then gave her brother a worried look. “We should tell the Avengers,”

                                  Pietro grabbed her arms, stopping her from leaving. “Or we handle this ourselves,”

                                  “Why would we do that?”

                                  “You really want to work with Stark?”

                                  Wanda thought about it for a second and then looked up at her brother. “How do we leave without telling them?”

                                  Pietro gave a clever smile. “I have an idea,”


                                  “Sense we’re not needed here, we thought we would help with the relief of Sokovia,” Wanda looked at Steve, it was wrong to lie, but it was necessary. “After all it used to be our home,”

                                  Wanda looked over at Pietro, who gave her a wink. Wanda gave her saddest look to Steve, trying to make him empathetic.

                                  “If you need any help let me know,” Steve said, showing sincerity.

                                  “Thanks, but we should be okay,” Wanda walked away, her and her brother walking out the door, they had even got permission to take one of Stark’s smaller planes. She had to admit it was a good plan by her brother, and she managed to pull it off.

                                  “It scares me how good you are at lying,” Pietro stated as he started the plane. “And now it’s my turn.”

                                  Wanda watched as her brother pulled off a metal panel in the plane, and yanked out a tracking device.

                                  “Clever,” Wanda gave a sarcastic applause.

                                  “Thank you,” Pietro took a seat and turned on the engines, and with a loud noise they were off.


                                  “We need to destroy the base quietly,” Pietro began to land the plane, currently they were at the base in Germany, they were about half a mile away from the base. “We don’t want us to be on the news or anything.”

                                  “What’s the plan?”

                                  “Get rid of everyone in that building, and then get anything of importance and then we leave.”

                                  “Sounds easy enough,” Wanda slipped on her fingerless gloves, and her red leather jacket. A smile crossed her face.

                                  “For you maybe,”


                                  “Of your powers? Nope, I have speed, the coolest power,”

                                  Wanda opened the ramp off of the plane and looked at her brother before leaving. “Keep telling yourself that,”

                                  Pietro chuckled as he ran out the door. Grabbing his sister, he ran. He came to a stop in front of a tree, only a few feet away from the building.

                                  “You’re welcome,”

                                  “I never said thank you,” Wanda smirked at her brother.


                                  The dark narrow hallways reminded Wanda of a time when she had lived in a place like this. She and her brother were experiments, struggling to survive the testing. The pain fueled Wanda as she made her way to a few guards.

                                  “Hi,” Wanda gave a crooked smile and then flicked her finger sending them flying against the wall.

                                  Wanda continued to do that as she walked around the building. Pietro had been quickly and silently taking out all of the men. And finally, they meant in the middle of the building where hundreds of computers sat on desks.

                                  “Told you, easy,” Wanda said turning on the computer.

                                  They both stood in shock, at what they saw.

                                  “Maybe not,” Pietro looked at the screen, it had a map showing hundreds of bases all across the world, all connected by dots and lines. They meant in the middle where the words world domination were printed.

                                  “This is their smallest base,” Wanda pointed out.

                                  “Explains why it was so easy,”

                                  Before another word could be said, a loud bang went off, and Wanda let out a cry of pain. A man who had been lying on the ground assumed to be dead, had shot her in the stomach.

                                  “Wanda!” Pietro didn’t waste any time, he got rid of the man who had shot her, and then grabbed an SD card that had been plugged into the computer, and then grabbed his sister.

                                  He ran to the plane, he didn’t have time to waste, he had to get his sister back to the base. Immediately.

                                  “Are you still with me sis?” Pietro asked from the pilot seat.

                                  “Yeah,” Wanda put a cloth against the wound. Letting out a moan, her brother wasn’t a doctor, and neither was she, so this was the best she could do. “We’ll have to tell them what happened when we get back,”

                                  “I know,” Pietro sighed. “Believe me, I know,”





                                  I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                                  ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

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