It’s a plane! It’s a bird! It’s a…nother Kapeefer.

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  • #81289
    Selah CJW
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 245

      Yep, that’s me! I’ve been a Kapeefer at heart for at least two years, but they went on hiatus *scowls* and now finally I’m an official Kapeefer! πŸ™‚

      Writing/outlining a lot of books all the time, whether on paper or in my head. Also co-authoring…um, six books I think, with my sister @ashira, being a trilogy and three individual books. And a lot more than that that I’m writing myself. XD

      My current WIP,Β Out of the Ashes,Β is set around 9/11, it’s his-fic, and includes definite humor, heartbreaking death and sadness, and…shall I say reverse romance? XD Not your typical plot. I’m hoping to finish writing + publish it within the next few months, and I’d love to have ya’ll read it if you want to. Nine chapters completed thus far, and I’m adding regularly.

      Um, okay, ask me anything ’cause describing myself would not be one of my greater strengths. And tell me about yourselves. And read my book! πŸ˜›


      Prendre garde ~ I bleed ink

        • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
        • Total Posts: 12

        Curious what you mean by reverse romance – I’ve never heard something like that before haha

        Seeking to love those I do not know/ failing to let that love show

        Selah CJW
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 245


          Lol. Didn’t mean to be confusing, and it’s not a technical term. Just means that it doesn’t follow the typical pattern of the romance progression in a book. XD

          To me it seems pretty much opposite of the usual, thus the reverse term. πŸ˜›

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Selah CJW.

          Prendre garde ~ I bleed ink

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2305

            @selah-chelyahΒ  Welcome to the bestest place in cyberspace!! (hooh boy I haven’t said that in a while πŸ˜‚)

            You WIP sounds super interesting!!

            You can pronounce it however you want.

            Selah CJW
              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 245


              No matter how long it’s been, it doesn’t lose it’s power. I agree and thanks!! πŸ˜€

              Thanks! I agree, lol. Wanna beta read it? πŸ˜›

              Prendre garde ~ I bleed ink

              Selah CJW
                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 245


                And I love your pic…a pic of you! You look awesome in pink. ::)

                Prendre garde ~ I bleed ink

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2305

                  @selah-chelyahΒ  I’ll think about it. Your story sounds interesting, but I have a history of not devoting my time to beta-reads as much as I should, and I probably won’t be able to give any sound critiques. I’ll contact you if I decide to do it. πŸ™‚

                  Thanks! Yeah, I kind of changed my brand a little bit, hahah.

                  You can pronounce it however you want.

                  Selah CJW
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 245


                    XD I get it, totally. Sounds awesome.


                    Prendre garde ~ I bleed ink

                    Linyang Zhang
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1700

                      @selah-chelyah Hello! Your book sounds like something I would read. Unfortunately I am extremely busy right now so I’m afraid I can’t beta-read, but you have my full support! Uh let’s see… What’s your favorite ice cream flavour? If you like ice cream, which I’m going to assume you do.

                      Lately, it's been on my brain
                      Would you mind letting me know
                      If hours don't turn into days

                      Alien and Sojourner in a Foreign Land
                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 634

                        @selah-chelyah Haha. Hahahah. Haha…hahahahah? Not bad; I’ll try it again sometime. Well, yeah, I’m really busy right now, and to me beta-reading is THE WORST, soooo, yeah. I won’t be doing that ANY time soon.



                        Okay, just kidding! XD

                        Does your sister (@ashira) happen to make art of some sort?

                        Alien and Sojourner in a Foreign Land
                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 634

                          @selah-chelyah You MAY have meant [@ariel-ashira], but that could just be me.

                          Selah CJW
                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 245


                            Ice cream? Was that really a question? Yeah! XD And the more levels of chocolate, the better. (Like, chocolate, chocolate chip, chocolate brownie, etc, all in one…you get the idea.) And mint is good (with the chocolate, of course). And I love pecans in about anything, including ice cream. πŸ˜›


                            Lol- too late for you. You already said you’d read it! And there’s two chapters I don’t think you’ve read yet, you know… XDXD

                            That’s the sister who’s currently working on your two pics. Lol. She’s pushing the timeline back a little more, though…more like asap but sorta vague-ish, when she gets around to it. If she actually feels like doing it it’ll turn out AMAZING, but she’s gotta feel it, I think/guess. (Sorry when you read this, @ariel-ashira). And yeah, I got her tag wrong. XD

                            Prendre garde ~ I bleed ink

                            Alien and Sojourner in a Foreign Land
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 634

                              @selah-chelyah Hello, fellow Charismatic Rebel!

                              Selah CJW
                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 245


                                Hello, Rebel! *shakes hands* Wait, have I seen you before?…

                                Prendre garde ~ I bleed ink

                                Alien and Sojourner in a Foreign Land
                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 634

                                  Yeah, I’ll get around to reading those. I’ve got a lotta work these coming weeks. A lot of digging. I can’t wait. No seriously. I’m actually really enthusiastic!

                                  Oh, yeah, THAT sister. XD Hey, whenever she (@ariel-ashira) gets around to it, that’ll be fine. Yeah, whenever @ariel-ashira does them I’m sure they’ll turn out great. @ariel-ashira must be a REALLY GREAT artist, right? I’m sure @ariel-ashira would love to know that putting chocolate syrup into a cold coke is actually a great mix, right?

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