Igua…the story that’s going nowhere

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    Ruee Hamster Huey
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 4104

      Hi. I’m just going to tell you about the person who is now driving me insane instead of Jr. (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, look at my forum signature) his name is Ih-goo-uh. And his story needs some motivation to get up and get going.

      Igua: Backstory

      Igua was the son of a Realn Cloak in my fantasy world, Wond. At this time, the Cloaks were battling the Fallen Elves, two elves who had fallen to dark magic. His father angered the fire elf and as a result, eventually it led to the Fire elf destroying their house with a ball of fire, killing Igua’s mother and father, and permanently scarring the left side of Igua’s face.

      Since then, as a really young man (aged about sixteen) he travels and wanders alone, with the Cloak Circle his father was apart of disliking his rash ways. They don’t even bother talking behind his back, cuz Igua is well aware they don’t like him, and he thinks they have good reason.

      Only the leader of the Cloak Circle, Joshua, doesn’t hate Igua. Joshua was good friends with his father, and tries to be somewhat of a father figure, but Igua refuses anyone to be like his father.

      Igua: His one friend

      So, the genre of the Book-in-planning for Igua is sci-fi fantasy, and the sci-fi part is Igua’s only friend. A metamorph he is named by Igua, and from him Wond first gets knowledge of space and galaxies.

      A metamorph is a shape-shifting metal alien.

      Anyway, his name is Skullcrusher and he fell from the sky…and Igua trips over his ‘sleeping’ form three days later. They learn each others languages (except no human can learn traditional ‘metamorphian’ cuz our voce boxes aren’t the same, so Skullcrusher made Igua the first Wondian to learn Fettan) and they become best friends, with Skullcrusher disguising himself as a horse for Igua to ride.

      Here begins a story of a boy becoming a man.

      Igua: from here to there

      Rash, foolish, reckless, revengeful. Tis a joke in his Cloak Circle that one day Igua will break his Mithaln daggers (which are actually impossible to break, thankfully for Igua) and it there’s something breakable, Igua shall breaks it. He even broke his normal sword (not made of Mithaln) somehow.

      Skullcrusher shares his tech with Igua, making him a power suit. Igua nevertells any of his Cloak Circle that he is the mysterious hero that flies and goes up against any odds with a strange metal human of 10 feet.

      They settle for a base in Peaceful Valley, a secluded town where war has never come. They live in an old cabin in the woods with an underground bunker they made, and that’s when Skullcrusher designs new suits, teaches Igua how to do it, and they create a AI robot named Lillian (who gets destroyed at the end of the book and replaced with Dyke).

      At the end of the book, he has one last fight with the Fire Elf and his identity and Skullcrushers is accidently revealed (thanks to a crash) and Igua is sent to the Realn Isles where he has never been before (leading to another thing his Cloak Circle despises him for) and Skullcrusher returns to space, never to see Igua again. Igua is now a crippled hero who is thoughtful, calmer (he still has these really odd moments where he seems to go insane), and realizes revenge never fills the hole of loss.


      He has green eyes, and brown hair which he  almost never combs. 5’6″. The afore-mentioned scars on his left side of his face.

      He hates butter knives.

      Talks in a strong accent and slang (unless his Circle BEGS him to talk normally, he had to re-learn how to speak.)

      Oh, and his mother was from the Mainland, not from the Realn Isles and had no Realn blood in her at all,  another thing the Cloaks hold against Igua.

      Secretive with his circle.

      Oh, he loves to get in his suit and skim lakes at the surface, causing like a tidal wave effect behind him…though the first time he crashed into a mountain doing that. 😬🙄.

      Uhh…I guess I’ve said all I can think of tat you would need to know of the top of my head, now it’s your turn,

      Ask me questions.

      Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
      #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1966

        *comes out of the shadows where I have lurked in recent days*


        Intriguing story. It doesn’t sound like anything I’ve read before, although considering that most of my favorite authors are long dead that may not be worth mentioning.

        At any rate, I do not believe I have properly met you either. I am Koshka, a writer of middle-grade animal fantasy and spy novels (apparently).


        Now that we know each other, here’s a list of random questions about your WIP!

        1. Does Igua like fish?

        2. With such an aversion to butter knives, is eating butter a problem?

        3. About how old is Igua at the beginning of your story?

        4. What do you think inspired his character the most?

        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
        Fork the Gork

        Elishavet Elroi
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1285


          Hi! (I’m Elishavet [obviously] and I don’t remember if I’ve met or otherwise greeted you because my brain just will not let me, so welcome to the Kingdom of Pen! It’s an honor to meet you, hopefully for the first time.)

          I adore how unique your world is, even as you employ tropes and tools used elsewhere. It’s obviously your creation, and I applaud that.

          So you requested for questions. Here are questions, although I do not know how helpful they will be. Answer at your own will.

          • How much is he scarred? How quickly did the burns heal, and how impressive was the pain on him? Do these scars  play a role in his interaction with others or himself? Is he proud, ashamed, or neutral about them.
          • A power suit. What does this look like? What does it run on? How does it fit in (or stand out from) the normal clothing culture. Does he view the time he wears it as an alter ego (who he wishes he was) or as who he really is on the inside?
          • You say his mother is from the Mainland, and this causes scorn. What are his memories of her? What does he think about those who looked down on her? Does he think they were right, or wrong?
          • His father sounds like the potential-rich  heroic type. Were there any ambitions that were unfulfilled? Did he have any regrets that his son knew of? Why did he marry a lass from the Mainland? What did he think of the scorn others seem to have held her in?
          • What does Skullcrusher think about what happened to Wond? Is his influence completely good for Igua or is it tainted? How does he shape shift?
          • You have magic, which you seem to be using as a word for power with there being good and bad powers. Is good more powerful than evil like in the Bible? Or do you have another point to make?
          • Lastly (whew, this is quite the list), if I read right, your theme is ‘revenge cannot heal grief’ (or something like that). What other themes do you see that could support that? Bitterness, pride, friendship, or legacy?

          Ok, that was a lot of questions, and you definitely don’t have to answer them all. Hopefully some few of them are helpful.

          (I love your profile picture!)

          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

          Ruee Hamster Huey
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4104



            Now that we know each other, here’s a list of random questions about your WIP!

            1. Does Igua like fish?

            2. With such an aversion to butter knives, is eating butter a problem?

            3. About how old is Igua at the beginning of your story?

            4. What do you think inspired his character the most?

            Hello, I’m called Ru or Ruee.

            1. No, he doesn’t like the…how do you describe it?…fishy taste. (I burst out laughing at how uncreative that is)

            2. No, though, as a traveling Cloak on the road, he rarely eats it anyways. He doesn’t like butter knives cuz he sees them as useless. He also never really ate with ‘proper’ utensils and usually uses his hands or his knife, making a little more socially odd more than he is.

            3. Still very young, about seventeen.

            4. Uhh…The recklessness is a little exaggerated, but that came from my childhood. Skullcrusher came from my older brother, and Igua just suddenly showed up as my characters do, said hello, and tripped.

            Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
            #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

            Ruee Hamster Huey
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4104


              Sorry, I typed up a reply and it didn’t post, it might be tomorrow before I can reply again, Sorry.

              Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
              #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

              Ruee Hamster Huey
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4104

                How much is he scarred? The entire left side of his face and into his hairline was scarred, as well as parts of his body, but he can hide those.

                How quickly did the burns heal, and how impressive was the pain on him? They most likely didn’t heal that quickly since the little town Igua grew up in (not a Realn town) most likely didn’t have the healing knowledge of the Realn, elves and so forth. Though, I’ve never actually asked myself that question, so that answer may very well change. The pain was impressive, but not as much as losing both his parents. He does have a sister, but she was taken away as a toddler to a place where she would be safe by their father, and Igua wouldn’t go.

                Do these scars play a role in his interaction with others or himself? They do in a way. He doesn’t like being noticed or asked questions, and both of those things usually happen to him around other people. Skullcrusher never asked, and that made Igua like him more.

                Is he proud, ashamed, or neutral about them? Ashamed usually. Except around Skullcrusher, he usually goes neutral.



                A power suit. What does this look like? The first version was a little crude, but after that, you have a sleek design that follows the contour of the body, with no stylizing, like normal Realn armor often does.

                That’s another thing that makes Igua different in his Circle, he’s never actually seen a true suit of Realn armor, which is like “Where have you been, that you haven’t seen one?”

                What does it run on? “The glowy stuff” An energy-filled liquid that is actually what Skullcrusher runs on.

                How does it fit in (or stand out from) the normal clothing culture? He only wears his suit when he’s on his own missions, but he travels like a normal cloak on his “horse” (whom he still calls Skullcrusher) wearing the typical travelers clothing and a cloak (hence the last name. Igua’s real full name is Igua Dyke Cloak, and his ancestors before him had a different name, but when you become a Cloak, you are just called a Cloak. Though, it is rumored the Cloaks have a different heritage, or sir name, that they don’t share with outsiders.) He keeps two daggers from his father hidden, and sometimes will openly carry a crossbow, but that gest more rare as he hangs out with Skullcrusher. As a normal Claok, on the Mainland, almost every traveler dresses like that, in his suit, he’s the live coal on top of the cold coals.

                Does he view the time he wears it as an alter ego (who he wishes he was) or as who he really is on the inside? Who he really is. It almost gives him a sense of identity and purpose. And especially later on, he is nothing without his suit.



                You say his mother is from the Mainland, and this causes scorn. What are his memories of her? A kind mother raising her child and telling him stories of his father, who was almost always away. Very sweet memories.

                What does he think about those who looked down on her? He thinks they are ignorant.

                Does he think they were right, or wrong? Wrong.



                His father sounds like the potential-rich heroic type. Were there any ambitions that were unfulfilled? Heroic, yes. Rich in money, no. Igua’s father felt his purpose was to save as many lives as he could. So in a way, yes, and in a way no, depending on how you look at it.

                Did he have any regrets that his son knew of? That he couldn’t save more. This was the type of person who would do anything to save every innocent life in the world.

                Why did he marry a lass from the Mainland? He loved her. He didn’t care what others thought, she was a wonderful woman.

                What did he think of the scorn others seem to have held her in? Same as Igua. Only Joshua understood.



                What does Skullcrusher think about what happened to Wond? I don’t understand this question, but I’ll try to answer it. He thinks Wond is interesting but primitive. Does that answer your question?

                Is his influence completely good for Igua or is it tainted? Good. Igua doesn’t allow him to be a father figure, but he does allow him to be a friend, and that’s really what Igua needs.

                How does he shape shift? You’d have to ask my big brother that question. I’m not technical at all.

                In our house, I’m the writer. My dad’s the mechanic. My mom’s the goat person, My little brothers the sometimes annoying one. And my big brother’s the reptile-loving amphibian-keeping technical one. I have no idea where I got the writing, since I know no one else in my family who writes.



                You have magic, which you seem to be using as a word for power with there being good and bad powers. Is good more powerful than evil like in the Bible? No, though good is not always used to its full extent, making black magic seem more powerful sometimes.

                Or do you have another point to make? I try to make the point that good is good and bad is bad. They are as different as night and day. I have no ‘good guys’ who use black magic, and no ‘bad guys’ who use good magic.

                Lastly (whew, this is quite the list), if I read right, your theme is ‘revenge cannot heal grief’ (or something like that). What other themes do you see that could support that? Bitterness, pride, friendship, or legacy? So, the mind of Ru looks like this…

                Random thoughts that make no sense to other people

                Random things that interest her

                Over a hundred characters

                About ten books/stories

                Tons of scenes

                And main themes

                I never know the little themes that I might pop in there, until I write the book. I’m odd that way, I usually title a book before I even write the first chapter, and when I write, I am the character. I never know what lies around the next corner, I have a basic idea, but until I get there, I have only a basic idea.

                Does that make sense?

                (I love your profile picture!)

                Thanks, do you horseback ride to? If so, what’s your favorite gait? I personally like a good canter.

                Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                Ruee Hamster Huey
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4104


                  Sorry, forgot to tag you, the reply to your post is above.

                  Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                  #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                  Ruee Hamster Huey
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4104

                    Oh, one more thing I didn’t mention, Igua is partially blind in his left eye, though he never admits to it.

                    Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                    #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                    Elishavet Elroi
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1285


                      Oh, he’s really fascinating! I enjoy how his backstory is intertwined with his present.

                      Does his scarring play a half symbolic role? For instance, I also have a character who bears intense burn scars from an incident when he was a child. (Although they’re on his hands, feet, and neck [the burns on his face were light and did not scar]) These almost become a manifestation of his past and the dangers his family faces. Thus his view toward them changes from embarrassed shame (the usual response from people, especially children, who bear serious burn scars) to confidence in the testimony they tell.

                      And that was a long rant, sorry. I have a weakness for symbolism (as well as fried chicken tenders, soft blankets, ancient history, and squirrels). I like to see it in random places and then wonder if the author intended it.

                      So, another few questions. I’ll try to tailor these to plotting..? If that’s helpful…?

                      • Does this partial blindness affect his depth perception? In turn, the way he fights/does heroic acts?
                      • What does he admire most in others?
                      • What irritates him most in others?
                      • Does fire have an emotional effect on him? Good or bad?
                      • What does he think of fire elves?
                      • Does his relationship with Joshua change? For good or worse?
                      • What happens to his sister?!

                      I am very interested in this sister. XD

                      We’re a bookish family, although only two of my siblings call themselves writers. My brother is my go to for weapon information, and my twin sister is my plot bouncer-off-er. My eldest sister is a great, though often busy, editor.

                      Your method of creating – I mean learning about – characters and stories does make sense. Personally, I usually get an idea like,” Hey, what if there was someone like this? What would they act like?” Many scatterbrained ideas and vague speculations later, I realize I have another character. (Although not usually very fleshed out)

                      Plotting is pretty similar for me, which means I have little idea how the story will go from point A to point B. So, when someone asks about my books they get a momentary look of panic before a wild and unconnected deluge of story stuff inundates the conversation.

                      Thanks, do you horseback ride to?

                      Unfortunately, no. I do have friends who own horses though, and have always liked them.

                      If so, what’s your favorite gait? I personally like a good canter.

                      I don’t remember them all, but I’m partial to a trot or a gallop.

                      Do you ride? Are you a good source for horse information? Can I ask random questions about tack and riding styles? 😉

                      Also, It doesn’t bug me when replies aren’t super prompt. We’re most of us busy and have lives outside of this little corner of the internet.

                      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                      Ruee Hamster Huey
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4104


                        I typed this reply up twice, and twice it wouldn’t post so hopefully it will post this time…

                        So, another few questions. I’ll try to tailor these to plotting..? If that’s helpful…?

                        1Does this partial blindness affect his depth perception? In turn, the way he fights/does heroic acts?

                        2 What does he admire most in others?
                        3 What irritates him most in others?
                        4 Does fire have an emotional effect on him? Good or bad?
                        5 What does he think of fire elves?
                        6 Does his relationship with Joshua change? For good or worse?
                        7 What happens to his sister?!
                        I am very interested in this sister. XD

                        I like questions, (it just gets frustrating when you have to retype stuff for the third time)

                        1 Not much it at all. It does affect fighting though, since there’s that extra blind spot where everything is fuzzy. Sometimes he doesn’t even realize something’s there.

                        2 When people don’t judge on first impressions, and are calculative.

                        3 People who judge on first impressions

                        4 It just brings up memories, and reminds him of the Fire Elf

                        5 He’s fine with most, as long as they aren’t like the Fire Elf (I have his name somewhere but I don’t remember it and the Cloaks only call him the Fire Elf anyway.)

                        6 He in the beginning, doesn’t give eye contact, and avoids questioning, but near the end, he slowly opens up.

                        7 So, she was taken to this place called Peaceful Valley, surrounded mountains and little-known. Igua and Skullcrusher (after killing a bunch of the Fire Elf’s griffins [he likes his griffins] and doing other antics) decide to go undetectable for a while. They decide to make home base at Peaceful Valley and buy an old cabin. The rule of Peaceful Valley: keep the peace and you can live here. (They don’t know who he is, it’s just a rule, one that Igua does keep) So the mayor has a daughter with blue eyes and brown hair. She often reminds Igua of his father with her little ways and eyes.

                        One day, Igua catches a fever, and she comes over to take care of him, and finds a Book of Wondian history on the table (Igua’s prized possession, it was his father’s and written all in Realm, which if you aren’t Realm, you aren’t going to be able to read) When Igua finds out she can read it, after a few questions, he puts two and two together and gets four! I’m still wondering whether or not she joins him in his revenge, or if he even tells her about it. (Whew, that was a long rant)

                        Do you ride? Are you a good source for horse information? Can I ask random questions about tack and riding styles? 😉

                        Yes, I ride. Ummm, the last two…just ask, if I don’t know I’ll tell you and then get an answer for the knowledge of both of us!


                        Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                        #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                        Ruee Hamster Huey
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4104

                          It posted!

                          Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                          #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

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